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The Family Tree

She's My Oxygen

By Steven PetrellaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

A carcass of metal and scrap lay silent. Green nature snuffs out the structure covering its lifeless walls with life. A tree stands powerfully in the middle of the ruins. Its branches and roots hug the structure like a mother embracing her child. The tree’s leaves sing a lullaby in the wind as its branches sway back and forth, lovingly caressing the surrounding wilds. Patches of flowers create figures from mounds of earth. The flowers of every color imaginable surround the tree with admiration as she opens up her leaves to let beams of light softly kiss their petals. Dark clouds slowly crawl across the sky blocking the rays nutrients. Rain begins to quietly fall first hitting the tree and then rolling off the leaves and branches like tears. The tears land atop the flowers and the rest of the surrounding wilds, quenching their thirst. Faint whispers come from the tree’s trunk emitting ghostly memories. Rain continues to drip and run down the tree as if it softly weeps for the past and nurtures the present.

Audio Log 43. I think it’s working. The air here is crisp. (Breathes in.) Fresh. I feel better. I’m going to need a lot more water and a way to generate more powerful artificial sunlight. Maybe I can convince him to get a window in here. Not sure how we could do that without contamination, but it would be extremely helpful. I should get that done now. I have to keep things moving forward. I can’t believe it’s working (There are faint screams of pain in the background. Something drops and footsteps can be heard.).

Audio Log 4: It looks like it’s starting to grow. It hasn’t been very long, but I’m pretty optimistic. This is something I have been researching for so long. I can’t believe they… I’m just blown aw…. I’m so happy. A lot of people are dying they really didn’t have much of a choice. With some more backing I think I’ll be able to get a never ending amount of oxygen throughout this place. (Slight pause). She was so close to coming in here though. I have to secure this place better. If she sees I… I don’t want to lose her too. I can’t. She’s my motivation. My breath of life. She can't learn my lie. She can’t find out what was sacrificed.

Audio Log 102: (Breathing, growing, and strange noises can be heard. The noises sound like wood creaking and sticks breaking.) I am part of it now. I can feel her power. Her power is taking over the walls. Consuming this hell. She has pushed through the walls. Running her roots through the excrement. Curing anyone and anything in her path.

Audio Log: 24: I’m running out of sedatives. (Breaths heavily) I just don’t know…. I can’t…. I have to move forward. Think of all the people I can save. Fuck…. I’m sorry.

Audio Log 68: The room is full of her now. She’s taking over. Consuming everything. She’s created an ecosystem. She’s going to save the world. Even though the air is so clean… so fresh… I just can’t bear spending more time than I have to in here. No more sedatives. No more morphine. It’s torture. She’s tortured. I can’t witness the pain I’ve created.

Audio Log 116: (Screams of pain devour everything. Wood creaks, and branches break. There is loud crashing and breaking and then only the wind can be heard.)

(The wind continues to blow as the next audio log plays.)

Audio Log 1: She’s sedated and won’t feel a thing. I’m going to start the splice soon. This is it. I think she’ll save the world. She’s so beautiful and brave. She’s nature. She’s everything. She’s love. Thank you my light… My sunshine… My daughter…

(Wind continues to blow)


About the Creator

Steven Petrella

I'm in love with the strange.

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