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The Entity

"It'll come for you."

By Bash JrPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Mirrors! I cower in fear at the very sight of them. Why you ask! Why would a teenage girl be scared of mirrors? It's funny because I wasn't always like that. It all started one night, it was very late at night and I had to get up for school in the morning but I couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning I tried my best to fall asleep but to not avail. It's weird because I've had nights were I couldn't sleep but not like this. After a couple failed attempts, I grabbed my phone and start browsing through my Instagram. I start to get an unusual feeling and as I look up at my wall mirror, I see a figure standing in my doorway. I thought it was my mom so I called out to her... but no answer. I look back into my doorway but there was nothing. I turned my head back to my mirror and the figure was still standing in my doorway. I glance back and forth, seeing the figure in the mirror but watching it disappear as I look at my doorway again. I sink back into my covers still watching the figure through the mirror. After that, the worst thing happened to me. The figure starts slowly creeping towards my bed. The terror I felt was unbearable, my whole body was trembling uncontrollably. The figure crossed paths with the moonlight shining through my window and I caught a glimpse of its features. But I wish I hadn't. This figure looked like me but it wasn't me. Its skin was a pale and grey, its body looked all mangled. Its eyes were pitch black and tiny. What really freaked me was that disturbing, menacing smile on its face. It looked painful as it was smiling from cheek to cheek. In its mouth were a ton of razor sharp teeth! Almost too many to fit in its mouth! I pulled the covers over my head in total fear. Am I going to die? I kept asking myself. I just closed my eyes and hope this thing would go away.

I woke up that morning to my mom calling out to me. I frantically stare at my mirror... the figure was gone. "It was a bad dream," I said to myself with a thankful sigh under my breath. So I hopped out of my bed and got ready for school. I enjoyed an amazing breakfast, courtesy of my mom. After I walked to the bus. I couldn't help but thinking about last night like it was imprinted in my mind. While walking past this glass building, I could have scorn I seen that same figure walking behind me out of my peripheral. Maybe I'm just over thinking it from the lack of sleep last night. My best friend met me at the bus stop and we rode to school together like we always do. When we get to into class I tell my friend about what happened last night. She just thinks it was a nightmare too so I shrug it off. Gosh I hate chemistry class, it's so boring. All my teacher do is lecture, lecture, lecture! Why does chemistry have to be my first class? After a while, I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. She lets me go. While in the bathroom, my friend texts me about how boring class is. I smile and go to wash my hands. Two girls enter the bathroom having a conversation. I continue to wash my hands and look up at the mirror. That thing is back! It's standing in the far corner with its back towards me. As I stare in horror, the creature slowly turns around revealing its horrible face again. I couldn't take it so I bolted out of the bathroom into my classroom. My friend senses something's wrong by the look on my face. When she asks me what's wrong I reply with a quick "it's nothing." I gather my things and rush out of class without saying a word.

I rush to the bus stop and sit there panicking. I'm startled when my phone rings. Its my best friend asking where the hell I am. "I'm sorry but I'll call you later," I said as I hurried off the phone. I call my mom and tell everything that's been happening to me. Now that I think about it, I sounded like a nut case but my mom didn't make me feel that way. She was very understanding, that's why I love her. She said she was on her way home. When I get home I quickly run up to my room. I sit on my bed, resting my head in my hands. I glanced to my mirror to see the creature in my doorway again. It's standing there with that menacing smile and ugly face. "Leave me alone!" I yell at the top of my lungs. The creature walks out the doorway into the hallway and out of sight. I snatched the mirror off my wall and throw it on the ground, shattering it. I curl myself into a ball and cry my eyes out. Why is this happening to me? What does that thing want? How can I escape this? I heard my mom called my name and I was relieved to hear her voice. I sprinted down the stairs and when I saw her in the living room, I hugged her tighter than ever. Again I told her everything that happened once she said everything thing was going to be okay. She hugged me again and I felt as if I didn't have to worry about anything else. I received a text and when I looked at it my heart dropped. The text was from my mom saying she was almost home. I felt as if my life ended right then and there. Is this real or am I losing my mind? Is this all just one big crazy dream? I look at the blank tv screen and saw a reflection of me hugging that thing.


About the Creator

Bash Jr

Hi my name is bash, I've been writing for 6 years and developed a passion for it. I also enjoy creating and playing sports.

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    Bash  JrWritten by Bash Jr

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