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The Dark Mist

Nightmare Fuel

By Michael RobinsonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Dark Mist

This was a night unlike any I have ever experienced. First, it is hard to say I have lived a normal life or had a decent upbringing, because deep down inside I already know that is not at all true. I have continued to notice even stranger down falls in the month of October. It really gets freaky around Halloween. I really do not understand it, all I can do is sit up and fathom and assume in my mind, “Everything will be all right, it will be ok”. Unfortunately, I am always in the wrong. I have been noticing strange things in my house around the times when normal people are usually in the bed sleeping comfortable.

Doors opening and closing, footsteps noises on the backyard porch, cup glasses clacking together on the tables and counter tops in the kitchen downstairs. Then there are always those faints but noticeable knocks on my bedroom door. I am in my bed with sheets pulled half-way up my body with my arms free to hold my phone and watch TikTok videos, trying my very best to ignore them. It is around this time when I am still awake and moving around, there is not very much to do around 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning. I find it ironic how motivational speakers say that these are the times winners and world changers wake up.

They always fail to mention, the kinds of spiritual beings that wake up along next to us as well. Now who would of thought that a ghost had a sleep schedule? Yes, these things are very worrisome for me. Some nights I will wake up to go to the bathroom, easier said than done. The bathroom is directly down the hall from my room. This a very dark hallway at night. This is the type of hallway where you turn your head to look down it and wonder to yourself where does it even end? What if something were to just reach out and grab my face? That is why I always keep the bathroom light on, always. You would think that this would solve the problem-- It does not, in fact it amplifies my fear.

People say the best way to defeat darkness is to drive it out with the light. Truthfully, I believe the light just gives the creatures of the darkness an advantage of seeing you better. I talked about having to pee before; working up the courage to walk down the hall is the next step believe or not. This is where the problems lie because as soon as I open my door to do so you can see in the video how I was confronted by a dark figure with a black and white face. It walks out from the depths of the well-lit bathroom and turns to stare at me. It then begins to walk toward me in a calm but vigorous manner. I would be stupid to wait in my door frame for this thing to come up and do the unthinkable to me! So, I did not. Without thinking, I turned back into my room to shut and lock the door behind me.

In survival mode now, I grabbed my baseball bat and got back in bed. There I was haunted by the mental premonition someone was going to die tonight. It is almost funny, I never thought I would die in my own pissed out draws holding a wooden tea ball bat …. I guess some dreams really do come true. I began to hear faint knocks on my door. I had my bat ready to go and nerves on edge. I really did not know how I was going to get out of this. The faint knocks grew into hard knocks before I could even react. It felt like this creature had the power to reduce my door to splinters. The knocks just got more and more powerful, and I just grew more and more ready to kick ass. I gripped my bat ever so tightly I must have punctured my palms with my sharp-edged fingernails. It is weird, usually they say in the process of a person’s death the victim is overwhelmed by images and flashbacks that date back to his birth. I did not see any of my memories or flash backs. All I could see was the now, all I could think about was the now, and all I felt…. was fear. My door breaks down. Wood damaged, nails and hedges exploded, the knob shoot off into the corner somewhere. My door falls to the floor like a boxer to the canvas of a fighting ring who cannot sustain any more physical discipline to his abdomen.

I see nothing but darkness in the frame, then next thing I know, the creature appears on the left side of my bed with its black body and black and white face staring at me with a raging vengeance. With no time to react the creature leaps on me and we begin to tussle on my bed and through my sheets. There is nothing I can do but struggle and fill the whole house with the sounds of my death screaming. Everything goes bright and silent, It is morning time. My eyes clear up to the point where I can make out a clear and visual picture of my bedroom. The alarm on my phone woke me up with a calm repetitive rhythm. However, I was still tired, still exhausted. Just completely overwhelmed with confusion. The question in my head just like the alarm repeating itself; “What just happened “? It should have been obvious, I was in a dream, No-- a nightmare sounds more like it. My subconscious was clouded by a Dark Mist of negative imagery. But it all felt so real! I guess it is all good for now. I just wish I put up more of a fight. I am not a punching bag or anything like that. But still, it is all good, There’s always the next night of course.

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    MRWritten by Michael Robinson

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