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Suryast Bhoomi

The coming of the herald of death

By Syed Arabi KhaliquePublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window, and it revealed a dark secret that had been hidden for about 2,300 years.

It was in the heart of modern day Kolkata, in the midst of the swarming crowd of people and sweet shops, that a cult lay hidden.

A very mysterious and silent cult that had been killing 77 adults every lunar year, which was strange considering each of their members wore a heart shaped locket on their neck.

The public was unaware of them until the winter of 2022, when 3 police officers were killed. The investigation that followed that death revealed the existence of a cult, a murderous cult in the heart of the Bengal city. The entire police force of West Bengal joined hands on the investigation.

It was a very extensive investigation, and a very bloody one too, for the cult folks were not letting the police take them without a fight. It took about 7 months to capture or kill every single one of them but at the end the Good prevailed.

Or so we thought.

It turned out that the cult was not an ordinary one, and if one was to go back enough, they could trace its origins to a very horrifying legend.

According to the legend, there was a village, southwest of India, where crimes of all manners were being commited. Rape, murder, theft, robbery, adultery and everything that God had forbidden men to do. It kept on going this way until a little girl was raped in front of her mother. That mother’s cries of anguish at her daughter’s treatment was heard by a goddess, the most feared Goddess of all, Maa Kaali.

Ma Kaali came down to earth, in her utmost terrifying form, for she was filled with rage. The mother died of pain, she couldn’t bear the sight of her daughter in that condition. Her death made the goddess even madder, so mad that even her own companion, the Lion, scampered away up the sky.

The horrors that Maa Kaali had unleashed on that day, even heaven trembled upon seeing it. She would have kept on going if Mother Earth didn’t beg her to stop. Many say that even the denizens of hell were shook to their core when they saw the sheer madness Maa Kaali had unleashed on the people of Earth, for a few moments they were glad that they were in hell and not on Earth.

It was after that the Cult of Kaali was created, to keep the balance between good and evil, for if evil triumphed over good again, then the nightmares that our ancestors endured could become a reality.

Unfortunately for us, the Cult of Kaali was destroyed, and by our own hands. It was only a matter of time before people started losing their morals. Sins were becoming the norm and being virtuous was a crime. The number of evil men had increased too, and with the cult of Kaali gone, there was no stopping them.

This time, however, it was slightly different. A boy was beaten to death in front of his mother, to send a message to the community, that if anybody was to testify against the criminals, that’s what was going to happen to them.

The mother’s cries of anguish were heard by both heaven and hell, and came Maa Kaali, riding on a cobra king.

Language of men doesn’t have the words to describe the horrors that were unleashed by Maa Kaali. Fire coming out of her eyes and out her red tongue dripped poison, the evil of this world was shaking to its core when it met the true terror.

So terrifying was her anger, that the sun went out, for even he couldn’t bear to look at it, leaving the moon to be lightless and lonely. The trees withered away, asking their lord for forgiveness and mercy, which their lord granted them. The animals started killing themselves, for who would want to witness Maa Kaali on her rampage..

It has been 27 years since that onslaught but the horrors can still be felt. The Sun hasn’t shone since that day and the moon can’t be found either. No sign of any green can be seen, no matter how hard the farmers and gardeners try. No animals, no other life forms on earth, just us humans. Not even ghosts are seen or felt on this dreaded planet. It is silent and dark but we have no sleep, no sleep in 27 years, for the nightmares are a little too much for the human soul to bear when they are sleeping


About the Creator

Syed Arabi Khalique

I am a guy from Jersey who is trying to put down in words what nightmares afflict him, hoping that will somewhat sweeten the deadly ordeal.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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  1. Eye opening

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  • Adam Raynes2 years ago

    27 years is a long time to experience the hell unleashed by Maa Kaali. Is there ever going to be a reprieve for humanity, or is all hope lost?

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