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The Trap

By Isis Lyons Published 2 years ago 4 min read
This picture is from LOVE, DEATH AND ROBOTS

The Trap.

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window. Justin looked around the cabin for a vehicle and there wasn’t one in sight. His suspicion got the best of him so he began to walk towards the porch. He’s been going on nightly walks on this specific trail for two years now and he’s never seen any activity in that cabin until this particular night. He puts one foot onto the porch, the porch begins to creak. If someone were to stomp hard enough they’d probably fall through. “I should be careful.” He mumbles to himself, he continues to walk gently on the porch. He peeks through a window, he glances at a beautiful caramel woman. Her thick, curly, dark brown hair almost covers her whole face; Justin smiles from ear to ear. “Maybe now I can have some fun.” He thinks to himself; Justin tip-toes off of the front porch and goes to the back of the cabin. He continues to tip-toe through the backyard, he crouches as he approaches the back porch. He peeks out the window, only this time he’s looking at the back of her. Justin starts to think about all the ways he could approach her; “I can either be friendly and sneak attack her when she least expects it or I can threaten her with this knife I have in my pocket.” He wonders, he begins to hear something creeping towards the back of him. Justin turned his head so quickly that he jolted his whole back into the cabin. With his back and butt to the cabin, Justin trembles. It’s so dark that he could barely see what was laying in the grass so he moved closer to it, “Oh, it’s just a rabbit.” He chuckled, relief filled his body. “I hope she didn’t hear me.” He mumbles, he gently walks back to the cabin window. He looks through it only to see the girl's crystals laying on the floor. “Where did she go?” He asked himself; Justin turns the doorknob gently to the right, he opens the door as quietly as he possibly could. He walks into the rusty cabin, he glances at the scratched up walls. He looks up at the shallow, beat up ceiling; Justin continues to tip-toe through the halls. All of a sudden Justin begins to hear footsteps in the room on the left of the hall, he decides to go towards the door. He stands beside the door and lays his back against the wall, he waits for the beautiful woman to leave.

After fifteen minutes of waiting, Justin begins to hear her walking to the door; she opens the door and skips out of the room. She glances at Justin with her wide, beautiful brown eyes; He couldn’t wait for them to roll around in the palm of his hand. “Oh, hey.” She utters; Just hey? I didn’t scare her?

“You’re not scared?” He questions; she rolls her eyes, “Why would you scare me?” A smirk rises from her face. “I don’t know.” He giggled, his pale face turned scarlet and he started to sweat bullets. “You’re cute.” She cheers; “I’m cute?” Justin asks himself. Why is she being so nice to an old man like me? “Thank.. you..” He stammers; he scratches his head in confusion. “Come sit with me.” She takes his hand and drags him to what must be the living room. She lets go of his hand and sits on one of the pillows she brought; “Go ahead and sit down.” She smiles, “Who’s this pillow for?” Justin grew curious as to why a beautiful girl like her was in an abandoned cabin all alone. “You, silly!” She beams, she’s overjoyed. “How did you know I was going to be here?” He investigates, “I manifested you.” Her grin grew wider and wider, it made his skin crawl. “What’s your name, darling?” He questions; she looked from side to side as if she was trying to make sure no one else could hear her. “My name is Lilanni… SHHHH.” She leaned forward, now in Justin’s wrinkled face. Maybe she’s just some kind of freak, “Okay, then. Maybe we should go to the back and get this party started.” He persisted, her smile became menacing. Justin started to feel creeped out, but he went with it. Being scared began to turn Justin on. Lilanni grabs him and drags him into the back room. They get to the bedroom and she throws him onto the floor, her perfect hourglass body hovering over him. Justin mouth waters, his chin and clothes become drenched with drool. Lilanni takes off her bralette, then her bottoms; she walks towards Justin. She kneels and she stares into his green eyes, “Close your eyes.” She whispers, Justin obeys but he realizes he has no control. “What are you doing to me?” He asks, unable to open his eyes. “Shut up!” Lilanni shouts, only now she doesn’t sound like herself. Her voice became deeper, scarier; “YOU WILL NOW SERVE ME!” She rages, “Open your eyes.” She chastises. Justin opens his eyes, but he’s not looking at Lilanni anymore he’s staring at a red eyed monster, almost as tall as the cabin ceiling. Now she has dark, blue, scaly skin and a sharp oval head; her chin looks like it could slice someone open. Her ears are long and pointy, and her finger nails are long and sharp. Her body is shaped like a huge coyote. Justin’s body is drenched in his own sweat and he can’t do anything but stare at her. “Do you know why you’re here, Justin?”

“How does she know my name?” He asks himself, “Oh, yeah. You may now speak.” Justin trembles, “No, I don’t know why.” Lilanni begins to rage out, “LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!” Justin's heart bangs in his chest like a drum. “Please, don’t hurt me.” He whines, “You’re here because you torture beautiful young woman. Just for your own pleasure, so now I’m here to do the same to you. Are you ready?” Lilanni begins to grin once again only this time her mouth is huge and filled with sharp, blood stained fangs. “No, I'm not ready!” Justin cries, “Give me one more chance to be better.” She laughs hard and loud, “It’s too late for that.”


About the Creator

Isis Lyons

I am extremely passionate about all things writing. If you enjoy any of my stories please stay tuned and subscribe. I would really appreciate it.

Instagram; @isisthepoeticgod


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