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Shadows of the Unseen: Continuum of the Supernatural

An Ongoing Saga of Mysterious Encounters and Unanswered Mysteries

By Feetish MePublished 12 days ago 3 min read
Shadows of the Unseen: Continuum of the Supernatural
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

I found myself transfixed as I glanced into the mirror, only to find her piercing gaze locked with mine. I was utterly dumbfounded. Why didn't I let out a single scream? The reason eluded me. There she stood, a ghostly apparition, positioned at the foot of my parents' bed. Her hair cascaded down her back, reaching her waist, draped in a flowing white dress reminiscent of the spectral figures in Chinese folklore. This wasn't a figment of my imagination; I witnessed it firsthand, despite my narrow field of vision. All I could muster was a frantic retreat to the safety of my bed, pulling the covers tightly around me. I couldn't bear to glance back, fearing she might trail behind me. My lips moved in silent prayer until sleep mercifully claimed me. It wasn't until the following day that I mustered the courage to confide in my parents. Yet, the question persists: why didn't I awaken them immediately? Why didn't I unleash a scream that would shatter the silence of the night? The answer continues to elude me, leaving me to grapple with the unsettling uncertainty of whether it was mere illusion or chilling reality.

After that incident, it happened again! I glimpsed someone reclining on my upper bunk bed, the reflection of a child clutching its legs upright. This time, I bolted out of my room in a frenzy of screams and tears! My parents, alarmed by my distress, rushed to my side. I recounted the chilling sight, but when they investigated, there was nothing to be found, as expected. It was broad daylight - why did this keep happening? Was it all in my mind? But the frequency of these occurrences weighed heavily on my doubts. And then, the inexplicable: the faucet suddenly surged to life, water gushing forth without human touch. What on earth was happening?

Caught in the grips of a haunting nightmare, I desperately sought refuge in prayer, pleading for liberation from its suffocating hold. As I chanted fervently within the confines of my dream, a persistent effort to awaken, I eventually succeeded in breaking free from its sinister embrace. But upon regaining consciousness, a chilling sight awaited me: the eerie glow of a green laser tracing the outline of a man's face, his grin stretching unnaturally wide, reminiscent of the malevolent smirk of a Joker. His spectral form hovered before me, fixating its gaze upon mine, before gradually dissipating into the ether, leaving behind a trail of wispy vapor.

The shock of this encounter rattled me to the core. Had such inexplicable phenomena truly manifested once more, or was it merely a trick of the mind, a residue of the nightmarish visions that had plagued my sleep? The unanswered question lingered, gnawing at the edges of my sanity.

With each passing instance of the bizarre and the unexplained, a growing sense of unease settled over me like a shroud. What forces conspired to weave such surreal occurrences into the fabric of my reality? Was I the unwitting target of some otherworldly machination, or merely a victim of my own increasingly fragile psyche?

As the unsettling incidents continued to unfold with alarming frequency, I found myself grappling with an overwhelming sense of disquiet. What unseen forces lurked in the shadows, waiting to ensnare me in their web of mystery and dread? The answers remained elusive, veiled behind a veil of uncertainty and fear.

Did i not tell you? It all happened at where I was staying then at Bedok North Road.

Bedok North Road, with its bustling streets and urban landscape, now serves as the backdrop to these eerie encounters. The familiarity of the location only serves to intensify the unsettling nature of the inexplicable events. Each bizarre incident, occurring within the confines of this seemingly ordinary setting, casts a shadow of doubt over the once-familiar surroundings. What peculiar forces reside within the very fabric of this neighborhood, compelling such strange occurrences to unfold? The mystery deepens as the enigma of Bedok North Road becomes intertwined with the perplexing events that continue to unfold.

urban legendfictionsupernatural

About the Creator

Feetish Me

Mystery of any kind will trigger my interest fascination and setting me into deep thinking why and why not..are you like me too? Going wild with thoughts about whats real and whats not??

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    Feetish MeWritten by Feetish Me

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