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Scary Eyes in Haunted House

Haunted House

By Md Babul HossainPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Scary Eyes in Haunted House
Photo by MontyLov on Unsplash

The old house on Maple Street had always been a subject of fascination and fear in the small town of Willowbrook. Its dilapidated appearance, overgrown garden, and eerie silence had earned it a reputation as the haunted house. Many stories had circulated about the place, each more chilling than the last, but one detail that always stood out in these tales was the scary eyes that were said to haunt the place.

The house had been abandoned for as long as anyone could remember. Its windows, once polished and welcoming, were now boarded up, giving the impression of dark, hollow sockets. The paint on the exterior had long peeled away, leaving the wood to rot and decay. Despite the state of the house, it had become a sort of local legend, a place that dared teenagers to prove their bravery. None who entered had ever stayed long, though, and that's where the stories of the scary eyes began.

One moonless night, a group of friends decided to challenge their fears and venture into the haunted house. Among them were Mike, a tall and fearless young man who had a reputation for being the toughest in town, and Emma, a bright and adventurous girl known for her inquisitive nature.

They gathered outside the house, clutching flashlights, and nervously exchanged glances. "Are we really doing this?" Emma asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Mike chuckled, trying to sound confident. "Of course, we are. We'll prove there's nothing to be afraid of in that old place."

As they pushed open the creaky front door, the stale smell of dust and decay wafted out, making them cough. Their flashlights cut through the inky darkness, revealing a hallway that led deeper into the house.

The group proceeded cautiously, their footsteps echoing through the silence, which only heightened the eerie atmosphere. Emma felt a shiver run down her spine, but she continued to push forward. They passed through rooms filled with forgotten furniture, covered in dusty sheets. The windows were still boarded up, letting in only slivers of pale moonlight.

As they explored, their flashlights illuminated the various rooms, revealing old photographs on the walls, portraits of a family that once lived there. The house must have been beautiful in its prime, with its Victorian-era decor, but now it was a crumbling relic of the past.

They reached the kitchen, and Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the place. "This used to be a home," she whispered to Mike. "Now, it's just...empty."

Mike nodded, his tough exterior softening. "Yeah, it's a shame how things can fall apart."

Suddenly, a noise from the basement interrupted their conversation. A low, guttural growl echoed from below, and their flashlights flickered. It was as if the house itself was warning them to leave.

Emma's heart raced as they exchanged terrified glances. Mike was the first to gather his wits. "Let's check it out," he said, his voice quivering.

Reluctantly, they descended the creaking stairs into the darkness. As they reached the bottom, their flashlights revealed a vast, dimly lit chamber. In the center of the room, they saw a pair of eyes, faintly glowing in the darkness. The eyes seemed to be floating, suspended in the air.

Emma's breath caught in her throat. "Do you see that?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Mike nodded, his face pale. "I see it. But what is it?"

The eyes, which had been stationary, suddenly moved closer, causing the two friends to step back in fear. The eyes were like twin orbs of pale, ghostly light, and they seemed to watch their every move. They emitted an otherworldly, eerie glow that sent chills down their spines.

As they stared at the eyes, a soft, melancholic whisper filled the room. It was a voice, distant and sorrowful, but they couldn't discern the words. The sound seemed to emanate from the eyes themselves, and it sent shivers down their spines.

Mike, trying to appear brave, took a step forward. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice quaking.

The eyes didn't respond with words but instead began to move in a circular pattern, swirling and dancing in the air. The whispered voice grew louder, and now they could make out the words. "Help... me... find... peace..."

Emma's heart ached with sympathy. "It's a trapped spirit," she whispered. "It needs our help."

With newfound determination, they decided to investigate the source of the spirit's unrest. The eyes led them to a hidden corner of the basement, where they uncovered an old, dusty chest. Inside, they found a collection of letters and photographs.

The letters revealed a tragic love story, the kind that had been buried beneath the layers of time. The spirit, it seemed, was a woman named Isabella who had lived in the house long ago. She had fallen in love with a man who had promised to return to her, but he never did. Heartbroken and alone, she had died in that very basement, her spirit lingering on in search of her lost love.

Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she read the letters. "We have to help her find peace," she said, her voice resolute.

Mike agreed, and they set out to fulfill the spirit's wish. They scoured the town's archives, piecing together the story of Isabella and her lost love. It turned out he had been drafted into the army during World War II and had never made it home. Isabella had never known what had happened to him.

With the information they gathered, they conducted a small ceremony in the basement, offering their condolences and prayers for Isabella and her lost love. As they finished, the eyes slowly faded away, leaving a sense of peace in their wake.

The house on Maple Street, no longer haunted by Isabella's spirit, began to show signs of life. The boards on the windows fell away, and the woodwork started to repair itself. A family eventually moved in and began to restore the home to its former glory.

The townsfolk were shocked to see the transformation, but Emma and Mike knew that they had helped to put the spirit of Isabella to rest. The house was no longer a place of fear and mystery but a place of history and beauty.

As the years passed, the legend of the haunted house with the scary eyes was replaced by a new story, one of a lost love that had been found and a restless spirit finally at peace. Emma and Mike were forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural, and the small town of Willowbrook had a new story to tell, one that celebrated love, compassion, and the power to bring peace to restless souls.

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