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Sathis and Priya Haunting

Ghost Story

By Renuga kannanPublished about a year ago 3 min read


Sathis and Priya were adolescence sweethearts who had developed up in the aforementioned neighborhood. They had been inseparable back they were adolescent and as they grew up, their adulation for anniversary added alone grew stronger. However, their adulation was about to be put to the analysis back a abnormal force threatened to breach them apart.

Sathis and Priya had absitively to absorb the night at an alone cottage abysmal in the woods. They had heard the rumors about the abode actuality apparitional but they were agnostic and capital to acquaintance it for themselves. They accustomed at the cottage at black and as they acclimatized in, they noticed aberrant noises advancing from the woods. They shrugged it off and connected their conversations, cerebration it was aloof the sounds of the night.

But as the night went on, the noises got louder and added persistent. They started to feel afraid and absitively to investigate. As they stepped outside, they were faced with an abrupt sight. A amount stood in the shadows, its face blocked by the darkness. Priya screamed and Sathis approved to assure her, but the amount abolished as aback as it appeared.

Sathis and Priya were annoyed by the appointment and absitively to leave the cottage immediately. However, as they approved to alpha their car, it wouldn't budge. They were ashore there, trapped in the dupe with the abnormal force. The addictive began in ardent that night and it seemed that the spirit was targeting Priya. Every time she bankrupt her eyes, she would see visions of the amount and feel its presence. Sathis approved his best to assure her but he too was alpha to feel the furnishings of the haunting.

Days anesthetized and the addictive alone got worse. Sathis and Priya were at their wit's end and had no best but to seek help. They went to a bounded priest who had a acceptability for ambidextrous with abnormal occurrences. The priest told them the accuracy about the cottage and the spirit that apparitional it.

Years ago, the cottage had been home to a family. The ancestor of the ancestors had been calumniating appear his wife and children. One day, the wife had abundant and dead her bedmate in self-defense. However, she was clumsy to escape the answerability and took her own life. The accouchement were taken in by ancestors and the cottage was abandoned. The priest explained that the spirit was that of the wife, gluttonous animus on those who entered her home.

With the accuracy revealed, Sathis and Priya were bent to put the spirit to rest. They alternate to the cottage, armed with the ability of what they had to do. They performed a ritual to absolve the spirit and as they did, the spirit appeared already more. This time, it was not to abode but to apologize for what it had done. The spirit was assuredly at accord and the addictive was over.

Sathis and Priya larboard the cottage, duke in hand. They had faced their fears and appear out stronger because of it. They never batten of their acquaintance afresh but it remained with them, a admonition of the ability of adulation and the abhorrence that comes with the unknown.


Years anesthetized and Sathis and Priya got affiliated and had accouchement of their own. They never forgot the acquaintance they had at the alone cottage and every already in a while, they would allotment a alive look, silently acknowledging what they had been through together. The cottage remained abandoned, a attestation to the ability of adulation and the abhorrence of the unknown.


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