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Royal Blood Part 3

A New Era

By Monique RowanPublished 3 years ago 83 min read
Andrea goes out into the night with a whole new perspective; through the lens of an undead beauty.

Royal Blood

Part 3:

“Well aren't we lucky that the servants were so kind as to replace the curtains I tore down the night before last, is it time to take them down again?” Izabella says as she throws open the curtains, rudely waking Raven and Andrea. The pair fell asleep sideways on the bed, their legs hanging as they lay on top of the covers. It is clear to see they were extremely tired when they went to bed the night before.

Raven sits up and looks at Iza with an irritated expression, one eye open only, clearly not appreciating the bright sun light.

“Now King Raven, just because you blocked the Elles Pass with a bunch of big rocks it doesn't mean you can sleep in all day and ignore your duties. You have a lot of battle planning to do with Duke Cameron, you know.”

Iza's voice has a weird lilt to it. Her new tactic appears to be to act as if nothing is wrong.

“And Andrea, don't you think you have some eggs to cook in the kitchen and some bread perhaps? Now doesn't that sound lovely?”

Andrea sits up and stretches lazily, appearing to take in the interruption in stride.

“What a splendid idea, your majesty.” She says almost sarcastically.

Raven looks at Andrea's eyes and they are bloodshot. Well, no one is perfect.

Iza definitely appears peeved by Andrea's nonchalant tone.

Iza flutters her hands, gesturing toward the door, “Off you go you, then, you little harlot, you.”

Andrea laughs. And laughs. And laughs.

Raven gives Andrea a sideways look. He is not sure what to think of this.

She drapes an arm over his shoulder and says, “Sweetheart, I have a novel idea. Why don't you join me in the kitchens in say, a half an hour. Until then why don't you and Iza get caught up. I'm sure you have much to discuss, you know politics and such. Afterward why don't you come downstairs and tell me how you would like your eggs, shall we?”

Before leaving Andrea takes out a dress which clearly belongs to Sybil and disappears in the bathing room to change. She reappears wearing the beautiful pastel pink and yellow corseted dress and walks out of Raven's chambers.

Iza's jaw drops.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Now that's the Izabella I've come to know and enjoy so much. Raven rolls his eyes and sighs.

Now it's Raven's turn to appear nonchalant. He dangles an arm over Izabella, thinking to himself as he laughs inwardly, aren't we all now the best of friends?

“You see, Iza, honey, I've raised Andrea's station.”

Her eyes widen in shock and she pushes him away from her, “You did what?”

Raven lets go of her and looks at her coolly over his shoulder, “You see, I've chosen Andrea as my mistress. And there's nothing you can do about it.”

He starts to run down the stairs to get away from her.

Iza screams at the top of her lungs but Raven pays her no mind, bolting out the doors of the castle and into the courtyard. Andrea is waiting outside, sitting atop of Naza with a big, mischevious grin. It becomes clear to Izabella that their plans earlier were a ruse.

Raven jumps on Naza's back and they turn and run away together in time to watch Izabella taking off after them through the cobblestone streets. She slips on the icy road and curses at them as they leave.

The two laugh and Andrea lays her head against Raven's back.

Past stores and houses they go until they reach the gates of the fortress. Passersby including nobles, traders, and wandering peasants alike watch them as travel through the citadel and finally exit the city. Then they're off toward Raven's tent, which was left where it was as the war with Zenia is ongoing.

“Do you think it is a good idea to come out here? It was such a dangerous place yesterday.”

The snow storm has let up, and though it is still snowing, it is a light fluffy snow and the sun is shining.

Finally they reach Raven's tent and they get down from the horse. The animal paws at the snow a bit and then wanders off looking to forage for soggy grasses peeking through the powder to nibble on.

Raven sits down in front of the tent at one of the many tables provided to feed the masses of men that are apart of his legions.

He watches Andrea in the distance, walking toward a nearby farmhouse that has been supplying food for the soldiers during the war. Owners of the farmhouse had been ordered to allow the kitchen staff in charge of feeding the soldiers to make use of it during the war. She has eggs in a basket, which she brings in the tent. She runs back out and disappears for a while. Then she returns with a jug and puts it on the table.

“What's that?” He asks.


He smiles, and thinks to himself, She still likes food. Curious. That's good she drank that potion, or otherwise she would likely change her mind.

Raven walks inside the tent and watches her cook. Andrea has lit firewood which is heating a stove. She stirs the eggs in a bowl and she pours it into a skillet. She stirs it with a wooden spoon, flipping the ingredients around every so often. Andrea is humming to herself, an song from the “Old World” as they call it, he used to hear it sung by mothers and children as a youth.

He slips his arms around her waist and she leans her head back and kisses him on the neck.

She plates the eggs and together they carry them outside and he returns to his seat. She returns to the tent to grab mugs, a cutting board and knife, and a loaf of bread.

He grabs the knife and stabs the cutting board with it suddenly.

Andrea grins at his small attempt to make an inside joke about her and knives.

She cuts the bread into thick slices.

Then she says, “Oh no, can't forget the butter.”

She jumps up and rushes off to get some.

Raven closes his eyes and sighs with happiness.

He opens his eyes and sitting in what was an empty seat in front of him is Catia, looking extremely displeased.

Raven frowns, “I've won the battle. Can't I have some breakfast with a friend all to myself? What do you want now?”

“Have you completely lost your mind?” Catia says, looking like she is on the brink herself.

Andrea returns and Catia turns to look at her and her eyes widen. She is staring at Andrea's eyes, they are a bright brilliant shade of gold, with a red halo surrounding the irises.

She knows, he thinks to himself, not looking forward to what she will say next.

“Good god, you've done it. You've done it now, haven't you?”

Catia starts to yank at her hair, “Raven, my god, how could you?”

Andrea sits next to him and starts spreading the butter on their bread. She has another plate and mug. Andrea puts some of her own eggs on the plate and a piece of bread with butter on it. She hands it to Catia. Then she fills their mugs with milk.

Raven and Catia exchange glances. He knows that no matter how angry Catia is she is too smart to turn down a meal. She comes from a household that struggled greatly when she was growing up and food was scarce.

They eat for a while in silence.

Once Catia has finished half of her meal she says, “Well, Andrea, I have to hand it to you.”

“At least you make sure the king eats.”

Andrea shrugs, “People are afraid of what might happen if they don't eat my food.”

Raven laughs.

Catia doesn't think it's funny. “What with what you are now, Andrea, and you Raven, having made the decision to transform Andrea into a vampire, well you two have got a lot of explaining to do. All this in the midst of your first war, Raven, you sure know how to make things complicated. Too complicated.”

Andrea looks at Raven but says nothing.

“She was going to die, Catia. I had to do something.”

Catia nods, “Would be a shame to let a great cook die. Yes of course.”

She's half kidding.

“But seriously, Izabella is not pleased, Raven. She is ready to call for both your heads, I fear. The thing is, she does not realize that she cannot kill either one of you, or at least not without a great deal of effort. It's only a matter of time. She will find out what the both of you are. You will be marked infidels and she will do everything in her power to destroy you both. Are you ready?”

Andrea stops eating and pushes her plate away. She appears to have lost her appetite.

Andrea stands and begins to clear the dishes.

Raven wipes his face on the sleeve of his tunic and drinks some milk. “I don't really think we have a choice, now. She knows about us, as far as being lovers. I said that Andrea is my mistress.”

Catia is fuming, “Dammit, well now I know why she was so raving mad! You cannot just flat out announce a woman is your mistress to a queen, that truly is insanity. And the court, well, they are going to hate you.”

Raven shrugs, “Oh I doubt that. Duke Cameron, I'm sure he is very popular on the Privy Council, is he not? Vast holdings which secure his influence across the realm?”

Catia frowns.

“And I fought side by side with the Duke. I think that I stand a chance of avoiding any issues due to complications with the queen.”

Catia shakes her head, “Do not underestimate her, Raven, I'm warning you.”

Raven waves his hand at her, “Go away. I've heard your advice. I have meetings to attend to in the Throne Room. I want to relax and enjoy my breakfast before I have to face Iza and discuss the fates of so many good men. Half of them will die mind you. Please, if I can have some peace of mind, will you?”

Catia sits back, regarding him a moment.

“Well I suppose I have underestimated you then. It truly was you then who coordinated blockade over the pass. You know it's been done before. But it's all a matter of timing you know, when the King or a general decides to make such a bold move. I'm actually proud of you for that Raven. And you have the soldiers' respect. I'll give you that.”

Andrea has returned, she is wiping her hands on an apron. She wipes sweat off her brow and is about to run off again. But Raven snatches her hand. He bites it. Andrea gasps. But then she smiles and looks at Raven longingly.

Catia puts her face in her hands, “This is so weird.”

She stands up and says, “I hope you know what you're doing. I admit, you have made a lot of good moves but also a lot of bad ones too here at court. Try to strike a balance at least. Do whatever damage control you can. You cannot recover from having declared Andrea openly as your mistress, but at least make up for the issues between you and Izabella's relationship by continuing to inspire the armies on the battlefield. If you bring them victory, win their trust and loyalty, then you truly need nothing else. The Privy Council will ensure that everything else falls into place politically, as long as you play your part. You can worry about what to do about Izabella later. Just navigate the shallows around her carefully, she is venemous and vindictive.”

Raven looks Catia in the eyes, trying to be respectful of his guardian. He realizes she is just trying to keep him alive.



“Good.” Catia says, “Good luck. You are going to need it.”

“And Catia?”


“We're going to need a hell of a lot more of that potion.”

She sighs, “Right away your majesty.”


Duke Cameron slaps Raven on the back as he walks into the Throne Room amid cheers from Privy Council Members present there. Aaron, Adrian, and Alexa stand nearby the head of the table smiling as he approaches. Izabella's expression is cold and calculating. He goes to stand beside her as she glares at him.

“Nice to see you again, my queen.” Raven says and holds out his hand to her. She takes it. Together they survey the room, looking at their most valued subjects and nodding in acknowledgment of their very significant role in their advising the crown.

They sit and everyone else at the table joins them.

Duke Cameron speaks, “And let the first Privy Council meeting since the Andula War has started begin.”

Raven tilts his head toward Aaron and whispers, “Since when has it been named the Andula War? Couldn't we name it something else?”

“Like what?” Aaron whispers back.

The duke begins to go through a list of the damages and number of deaths following the first battle.

Raven shrugs, “Well I just think I should be consulted on all matters. I don't see why the war should be named after the ocean.”

“I suppose it is named that because it is the subject over which the war has started.”

“Ah, good point.”

Izabella kicks Raven under the table.

Raven looks ahead at Duke Cameron once again, in an attempt to at least get along with Izabella during the meeting.

“So now let's talk about our next battle with Zenia and how and when we are going to make that happen.” He says, concluding the list of damages.

“It's only a matter of time before they get through the rockwall, King Raven. Though I do think that was an excellent time to create a blockade. This is a battle strategy that has helped us in the past, but it has been decades since we've done it.”

Raven nods. He adds, “Why don't we negotiate with them, before that happens? We can tell them that we will remove the wall at some point in the future and end the war.”

Izabella gives him a dirty look, “We would lose all our leverage. I think what King Raven meant to say is--”

The Duke cuts her off, “Let him finish, Izabella.”

Her jaw slackens in surprise and she stares at him. “Excuse me--?”

“My king,” The Duke adds, “The one that fought by my side and lead the charge which ended with our blocking the pass would like to speak, your majesty.”

Adrian, Aaron and Alexa look at one another in shock and look at Izabella.

“By all means,” Izabella says, clearly disturbed. She bites her lip and gives Raven a burning look.

Raven looks down at his hands a moment before he speaks, then looks back up again with dark eyes and the red halo around his irises. Izabella looks closer at his eyes and actually appears fearful. Then she looks at him as if she's had some kind of realization.

He looks at her, noticing her change in disposition. It's as if by looking at her that she thinks he's admitted to some sort of guilt, of being something not of this world. He smiles and curses himself inwardly for it, knowing he must be showing his canines as well.

“Excuse me, I will be in my chambers, I suddenly feel ill. Please keep me posted on all matters discussed during this meeting.”

“Of course we will, Queen Izabella. I hope you get plenty of rest and recover soon.” He watches her leave with a stern look on his face as she leaves.

Raven's heart sinks but he keeps his composure and continues anyway, “Let us send a messenger over the Elles. We tell the King of Zenia—um,”

Aaron whispers, “King Zion,”

Raven adds, “Yes, we tell King Zion that if he wants his people back, the soldiers we have taken hostage, then they need to retreat or surrender. If they agree to these terms then we will tell them we will lower the wall.”

The duke scratches his chin, “Ah yes, but how will we get them to follow those terms? They could just attack us again and we'll be back to where we were before.”

“We will make them listen. We have two of their generals and some of their nobles among the captured warriors. We will tell them to bring their most skilled diplomat to negotiate in favor of their country and peoples' own interests or we will simply kill the hostages.”

“Well, how will they know we aren't bluffing?” The duke questions.

“Simple, for every time the diplomat questions our request we will execute a hostage, one by one.”

Duke Cameron blinks quickly, clearly taken aback, “Your majesty, that is a very harsh way to negotiate, are you sure you want to do this? You could plant a seed of hatred in them for us that no diplomacy or acts of peace could ever heal. At the very least, these men are very important to their people. They will retaliate and strike back harder and with more ferocity than ever before if we follow through with this plan.”

The duke runs his hands through his hair and takes a deep breath.

Raven appears to continue to strongly support his plan of action, with the darkness in his eyes deep and intimidating. “If they don't cooraperate we will slaughter them all one by one. I refuse to tolerate these fools, who are attempting to corner us and take all they can from us. And as for the war having begun simply because we won't lower the prices of our trade goods, well that is a bunch of horse shit if you ask me.”

Some members of the council holler their support of Raven's bold words. Others fall into concerned whispers, throwing harsh glances toward Raven here and there as they converse.

The duke allows everyone to debate for a few minutes and Raven observes him listening to the different perspectives individual council members have to say.

Raven begins fidgeting with his knife in his pocket, carving small bits of wood out of the side of the table.

“Do you know how expensive this table is?” Aaron asks.

Raven puts the knife away, “My apologies.”

He smiles, “I'm just kidding. But you're nervous, aren't you? That's why you were playing with the knife.”

“Well, I don't think they like what I said.”

“You're scaring them, Raven. I know you on the battlefield, you aren't stupid and you don't take risks you shouldn't take. By threatening to kill these high ranking hostages in one fell swoop because they don't agree to your war terms really sets the stage to escalate the war. That's a risk you don't want to take. If we fight we fight. That's one thing. But if you are going to end this war eventually you have to make decisions that are humane, or else the fighting will never truly end. So the move you have suggested is a great risk. Do you understand now? We need solutions more than we need acts of intimidation right now.”

Raven nods, “Thank you for your wise council Aaron. I see what you mean. You're right.”

Raven stands and addresses the council, “My apologies, I may have spoken out of frustration earlier. I would like to get this war over with as it is of great expense to the crown and it severely lowers the moral of our citizens when it goes on for too long. Mothers and fathers have lost sons in battle, and they fear they will lose much more if the tide does not remain in our favor. Our losses today is a painful reminder of the losses we will be pay for tomorrow, and the consequences we shall face if we do not ultimately find a peaceful solution. With this in mind, let's show some mercy shall we? Though it is still a hard decision to make, I say we release a clutch of hostages, just a few at a time. We can make a list of demands. The greater the demand the more valuable the hostages released. It's that simple.”

The king adds, slamming his fist on the table for effect, “If they do not comply then they are our prisoners forever and they can rot in the North Tower for as long as they want. What do you say? We hold the lock and key, but we do not need to hold the executioner's axe that will deliver our enemy to the grave as a martyr. Because as you all know, that will only complicate things further for us. I would like to lay the groundwork for being able to work together with Zenia in the future, should they begin to cooraperate, and we could find a way to keep the peace.”

Everyone has turned to look at Raven, considering his words. The facial expressions he receives from some of them betray their distrust. Not everyone is convinced nor impressed by Raven's display of confidence and sudden change in his plan of action regarding the hostages, even if it is to appease the council members.

“Shall we take a vote?” The duke looks at everyone across the table.

Everyone votes in favor of Raven's new proposition.

“Well your majesty, you are a man full of fascinating ideas.” Duke Cameron says with relief when the meeting is adjourned.

The duke reaches out and shakes Raven's hand, “Excellent recovery from your originally very dramatic resolution. I understand your desire to act swiftly and effectively, but please always talk to me before you voice these resolutions, will you milord?”

Raven nods, shakes his hand and says, “Duke, I would enjoy nothing more than getting together and talking about politics over a pint the night before we meet in the Throne Room. What do you say about making that a new tradition?”

“Milord, it's the best tradition I've ever heard of.”

He appears to be beaming at Raven as if the new king is his prize pony.

Andrea appears wearing her apron and says to Raven, “I've prepared a great feast in the kitchen for everyone one once the meeting has ended. Do you think this will please your contingency?”

The Duke overhears and then sees Andrea dressed like a lady, and it catches his attention to see someone who appears to be lifted above their station. Raven is also openly treating her like an equal and his intimate for the whole council to see. The duke admires Raven's generosity as well as what he perceives as Andrea's resourcefulness. He may be a royal but he knows a rising success story when he sees one, and enjoys admiring and rewarding those who are ambitious.

The duke beams at her, “Andrea, my dear, why don't you be our guest of honor at today's feast? A woman who throws a grand luncheon such as yourself is always a friend of mine.” He takes her arm in his and bows to Raven, winking at him and walks into the Dinner Hall.

Raven has never been so pleased with himself.


Izabella is at it again, tearing apart Raven's chambers. The servants have only just cleaned the blood off the floor. She wonders what the priest would have thought of that if she had the chance to show him. To the servants it is not a bad thing to help save a life of their own, and she knows from gossip she's heard from servants that they know Raven somehow saved Andrea's life. She makes a mental note however to talk to Raven's servants later, they could have some things to say about Raven that she could find useful.

Yes, this time as she raids Raven's chambers again, she is on a mission. This time it's not just about throwing a fit and making a big mess without any rhyme or reason. She searches under his bed, but finds nothing but a pair of boots, including women's riding boots, to her surprise. She makes a note of this, thinking to herself that means they have been riding together, maybe even often. Not just today. What woman rides a horse for entertainment? She wonders to herself.

Alexa rides, but she is a trained archer. What business does a stupid little kitchen girl have riding around on horses with Raven? The possibilities anger her so she moves on.

Dumping out the chest of clothing at the foot of Raven's bed, she finds some more clothes, some of Sybil's clothing, clearly set aside for Andrea.

Next, Iza begins to look through items in Raven's study, going through paperwork on his desk, hoping to find love notes, a journal, something. It's one thing for Raven to say to her that he is having an affair with Andrea, but it is another for him to document any type of escapades or plans he may have with her. She is disappointed to find nothing of the sort.

In truth Iza is looking for all forms of documented corruption. The bastard shall burn one way or another, Iza thinks to herself.

One thing that Iza notes with interest though in the study is a pile of paperwork that has yet to be gone through. There is a treaty that has been proposed that he clearly has not looked at, as it is in the same spot where she left it when she dropped it off the day before the Andula War started.

Iza is surprised that they did not mention this during the Privy Council meeting, or at least not while she was there. She will see to it that the treaty is not overlooked, either. Though fortunately, it is normal for legislation to fall to the wayside during wartime. It simply difficult to make informed legislative decisions during a war, when all priorities fall to rallying the troops, counting casaulties, calculating damages, and devising future plans for success on the battlefield.

Iza thinks back on the meeting again, and the duke's casual and very rude treatment of her. Not to mention Raven's continued demonstration of disrespect for her and her station. Even though she clearly will not be a queen ruling beside Raven, she at least is a highborn lady and former queen and should be treated as such. She tries not to think about the meeting any longer, as it angers her greatly.

Instead Iza reassures herself. I shall not be cast aside just because the late king has passed. I am supposed to be Raven's wife now, and if not then he at least should be looking out for me and doing what he can to secure a beneficial marriage alliance with someone else. I'm sure he will make arrangements for me soon enough, when this war is over.

But how could Iza possibly be with anyone below a king? She never thought things would have gone so horribly wrong for her. She had her share of high-ranking suitors asking for her hand before Riveth officially began courting her. Things were so good for so long, until Raven showed up and ruined everything. There is something wrong with that man.

She thinks about the strange look in his eyes during the meeting. Those were not the eyes of a real man.

He must be posessed by some kind of devil, but how do I prove something like that?

Iza decides she will consult the priest next, and tell him of her suspicions of the king. But she cannot dare challenge the king, or gain the priest's support without some kind of proof.

The search continues, and she reminds herself she must be quick. It is only a matter of time before Raven or his servants return to his chambers.

Just as she stands up and begins to leave Raven's study and return to his bedroom she kicks something underneath his desk. The contents inside the crate sounds like glass clinking. This is strange, she thinks to herself. She smiles. Does our king have a drinking problem? Maybe that's the matter with his eyes, at least? His strange behavior?

Iza opens the crate and hopes for the best.

Her smile is very broad and she covers her mouth to keep herself from shouting with glee.

Inside the crate are several compartments, twelve in total, with ten containing empty bottles inside. There are two left which are full. The liquid inside is a pale green color.

Oh, this does not look like liquor, Iza thinks.

But is it poison perhaps?

The possibilities of what the substance could be sends her mind freewheeling.

Oh young king, what have we here?


The duke is coaching Andrea on how to use the formal place settings at the table, while also mixing in some knowledge about attending the king and the Duke's men during a hunt. He's also cracking jokes about how she will have to swap out her skirts for leggings if she really wants a piece of the action. She laughs at all the right moments in the conversation and assures him, “I'm not afraid to wear leggings and race through the forest with the men, chasing after a great boar. Let's show that beast a thing or two, I say.” Together they laugh.

Andrea catches Raven's eye and there's a sparkle in her eyes.

Raven smiles, and tries not to smile too much, though it is hard. He has a hard time admitting that he is smitten with anyone. It would take an idiot for all the court and Privy Council Members not to know it though. Unfortunately, that includes Izabella's ladies who are looking on with their own respective death glares from behind waving fans; the fans hardly conceal their displeasure or mouths as they spew poisonous gossip.

Raven looks around the room, surveying the scene, and is happy to see that it is a successful luncheon. Though not all of Raven and Duke Cameron's men can be there as there is not enough room to entertain them all, he is happy to see that the highest ranking soldiers are present. Among those present there are ones from each legion, including a few of the archers, cavalry, and even a some of the foot soldiers.

Raven makes a point of helping them to feel welcome and asks Andrea to give them extra mugs of ale, even if they are are already drinking some. They lift their mugs in salute, “To King Raven and his leading a successful charge and first victory in the war against Zenia! You showed those southern bastards milord!” The words are spoken by a very enthusiastic and likely inebriated foot soldier. Raven cannot blame him, he would likely pursue a similar state of being were he a foot soldier.

“We showed them! Because of men like you we live to see another day, laugh another day, and protect our women and children!”

Raven slaps the man on his back in approval and raises a mug himself.

Everyone cheers, including Galeth, who has been occupying himself perusing the appetizer table.

This throws up a red flag for Raven.

He smiles, takes a swig and says, “Must be off to do kingly business, and to prepare for negotiations.”

The soldiers and some members of his Privy Council give him looks of approval and he heads for the doors, grabbing Galeth on his way out.

Galeth drops a tart and frowns, “Milord, I was only just about to eat my second helping of--”

The darkness in Raven's eyes pierces Galeth's and sends chills down his spine.

“Um, my apologies milord, what do you need?” Raven stuffs the rest of the tarts on Galeth's plate into the man's pockets.

“'Tis a clever solution your majesty.”

“Shut up, Galeth.”

Galeth looks at him dumbly, “What did I do wrong?”

Raven whips Galeth around the corner, out of earshot of the Dining Hall.

“You are not guarding my chambers, you idiot! Now follow me there, I may need your assistance getting Izabella out of there if present, and you know how difficult the crazed woman can be!”

Galeth looks solemn at hearing this, “'Tis the truth of it milord, she is not a happy woman, I can guarantee you,”

Raven races up the stairs with Galeth chasing after him.

“How on Earth does the king move so fast?” He grabs a tart from his pocket and shoves it in his mouth before they make it to the landing.

Standing before his chambers is one of Iza's guards.

“What are you doing here? And you better have a good explanation.” Raven says to the guard.

“The queen, your future wife ask that I keep her protected while she goes into your chambers to assist you with your legal paperwork.”

Galeth looks fearful, because he clearly knows Raven's temperment better than this other guard.

“Wrong answer!” Raven growls.

He grabs the guard by his collar and pins him against the wall, above his head.

“My king, I am so sorry!”

“You should be, you fool!”

Iza walks out of his chambers and she is grinning from ear to ear.

He drops the guard who lands in a heap. The poor man hobbles slowly down the stairs.

Iza shoots Raven a disapproving expression, “My king, it truly is bad form to torment your inferiors just because you are displeased with me.”

Raven spins on her, enraged, “What the hell are you doing in my chambers? You know you are not welcome here!”

“Ooh, well, there is much to be done, treaties to approve or disapprove, and accords to review and such, have you really been so distracted with the war to not have looked at them?”

He has all but cornered her, but she tippy-toes around him in her dainty fashion.

“Yes, actually I have been distracted by war. Something you would know little about.”

Raven watches her suspiciously and notices that she is holding something behind her back.

Upon his seeing her hiding the item she makes a run for it, attempting to bolt down the stairs.

She is no match for Raven and he has already grabbed her wrist and squeezed it.

She drops the bottle and he catches it.

He casts her away, sending her stumbling a few steps down the stairs.

“Be gone, you succubus!”

“You are the one that will be gone, you devil! Wait until the priest hears about this!” She yells up at him. Then she runs off.

Raven sighs and plants his head against the wall, trying to collect his thoughts.

“Would you like a tart, milord?”

Raven grumbles, “Just do your job and stand there in front of my chambers and don't ever leave again or I shall chop off your head.”

Galeth gulps and takes his place beside the chamber doors.


Raven and Duke Cameron stand at the top of the hill of Axelgard, snow flying about in flurries around them, the two of them both donned in thick fur coats. It is so cold that Raven's crown even has a frozen look to it, appearing both frosty and as if the gems have dimmed a bit.

The duke notices how Raven seems to be in a much darker, quieter mood than earlier. He wonders if it has something to do with the queen. As he ponders this he looks at Raven's skin. It appears to be like marble, and there is an icy snowflake-type design forming on his skin. He stares without meaning to.

His eyes raise to see Raven staring straight back at him levelly.

Raven looks back over the snowscape toward the blockade at the Elles Pass. It's down a ways into the pass, but there is a clear and distinct division in Axelgard's portion of the pass and the boulders that obscure the rest of it.

Raven's chest tightens uncomfortably. He suddenly feels trapped knowing that he cannot leave through the Elles, though he has never traveled all the way through it before. His journeys always took him farther north, across the Andula Sea.

“You're majesty, it's pertinent that I point out that it is time to confront the Zenian troops on the other side of the rockwall. It's clear to me that you're stalling. What is it that you need so that we can speed this along?”

He continues to stare ahead. “First of all, duke, what I want is entirely inappropriate for a responsible King.”

“What's that milord? Yet another mistress?” He jokes.

Raven laughs, “You're hilarious, duke.”

“Call me Cameron.”

“Then call me Raven.”

“A good game, Cameron. That's what I need. Something to amuse me, help me to pass the time.”

“Is it that boring, Raven, being here among us human beings? Watching us suffer while you look on, wondering if we shall live or die?”

Raven gives the duke a crooked smile.

“Yes, that's accurate enough I suppose. And likely a fascinating game, you're right I should be satisfied. But then at the same time there are those I am strangely attached to, and I cannot even track where I began to care so deeply when I am so used to caring so little. I am so used to being detached. Heartless. I wonder, is there something wrong with me?”

Cameron shrugs, “Not at all. I do believe Raven you have described what it's like to be a true and pure warrior, one of the most valiant breed. Such a warrior cares deeply about those they defend. But they must be strong and sacrifice themselves to protect the ones they love, and not everyone is willing or strong enough to do that.”

The king nods as he thinks on this.

“I appreciate that, those are kind words.”

They are quiet a moment.

“Think you can handle this hostage situation properly without losing your temper, my friend?” Cameron asks sincerely.

“Yes, but after this I will have to leave a while. There's lots of diplomacy to work out with our neighbors, though I'm sure. We will see where that will take me. I plan to bring Andrea with me. She needs some proper training out on the field.”

Cameron shakes his head and internalizes all this for a moment.

“Too much?”

The duke sighs, “I'd say so. But thank you for communicating. Let's focus on the hostages right now, okay? You sent the messenger shortly after the Privy Council Meeting earlier?”

Raven nods.

Cameron curses under his breath. “If the man was alive he should be back by now.”

“He's coming.” Raven says calmly.

“You can see him climbing in the mountains from here? You're eyesight must be extraordinary. I would say that is on account of you being a superntural being.”

Raven shimmies his horse about, a nervous habit of some riders.

“Just because you're different than the rest of us it doesn't mean I don't consider you our equal. We are all different in our own way. You're just incredibly powerful. I consider you a weapon which can be used to protect our realm, but Raven, first I consider you my friend.”

Raven looks at Cameron and nods, capturing his gaze.

Cameron feels as if he might burn up and blow away, like ashes in the wind if he looks to long.

He is relieved when the king looks away, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling.

“Thank you.” Raven says.

He adds, “I can hear his thoughts, Cameron.”

“Wait, what?”

“A person's thoughts, feelings, emotions, I can detect them all. It's so overwhelming I tend to ignore it. But at a time like this I listen. You understand?”

“It sounds very complex being you.”

“Indeed,” Raven agrees.

“But what is your weakness, Raven?”

Raven actually appears shocked to hear him ask.

“Remember, milord, we all have weaknesses. The sooner you learn yours the sooner you'll learn to be around for the longhaul. I hope you stay awhile, or years to come more like. So far you may be a bit reckless and unorthodox, but you definitely show potential as a promising leader who will deliver us victory during times of war and tranquility during times of peace.”

Raven is speechless. “I do believe that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me.”

Cameron smiles, “Of course you'll need me to keep you on your throne, as I'm sure you know. You're lucky to have me on your side, you bloody bastard. I may be one of many royals, but let it be known, I am surely the most valuable man in this kingdom to have line up to die in your name.”

Raven places a hand on Cameron's shoulder and says, “Thank you for your loyalty. I would readily die on the battlefield to protect you.”

Cameron stares at Raven, shocked to hear such a thing from a king.

“Is this true, Raven?”

“Of course. It's almost impossible to kill me anyways.”

He gives him a mischevious grin before he beings trotting toward the wall of rock in the pass. “Come now, our messenger has made a new friend.”


At this distance, having reached the bottom of the hill, Cameron can see the crevices between boulders, a wall which towers at least two stories above their heads. Also, like Raven predicted, the messenger appears at the top of the blockade on the mountain, with a Zenian diplomat following close behind.

Cameron exchanges glances with Raven.

Raven nods as if to say, “I told you so,” as they approach.

The messenger nods, “Your majesty, the Zenian diplomat, Syven is here.”

Syven is a man of small stature. He pulls back his hood to reveal his bald head, frocks, and a sort of tribal religious symbol molded into bronze hanging on a leather necklace around his neck. He has a single eyebrow which rests unattractively on his brow, and this seems to be his most distinctive and captivating feature. Not that anyone finds him captivating in general.

Raven frowns, not sure what to make of this man, “Ah, so you're a priest.”

Syven steps forward and regards Raven and Cameron icily.

The messenger informs them, “Yes milord, one of the highest degree, and all political decisions are made through Syven, who is King Zion's advisor.”

“I see,” Raven says.

“Welcome, high priest Syven, we have much to discuss.” Cameron says.

Syven bows, but afterwardds he regards them a while. It is an awkward gesture at best.

Cameron's expression reflects his distaste for Syven and his demeanor, and Raven suspects he thinks Syven's hesitation is purposeful.

They could perhaps blame their two country's differences for Syven being ignorant of their customs, as opposed to hesitant to show his respects. For the moment they give him the benefit of the doubt.

Raven shifts irritatedly in his saddle.

“Yes, welcome to my realm. Let us take the long journey back to the Throne Room, shall we?”

The four of them travel in silence a while until Raven can no longer stand to hold his tongue.

“Does the man not speak? Is that part of his customs or spiritual beliefs?” Raven whispers after they travel a while. Raven and Cameron are in the lead and the messenger and the priest are out of earshot.

Cameron shakes his head, “No, he likes to talk, or gossip and spread destructive rumors more like. I think he just does not like us, Raven. They say he is very sensitive to detecting the presence of spirits and beings from other worlds. Apparently his people consider him a guardian, one that protects his people from the Underworld.”

Raven double takes, “Where did you hear this?”

Cameron shrugs, “I'm educated your majesty. I can read and have my own library. Every time I travel for war the first thing I do is confiscate all my opponent's reading materials and important documents. You learn a lot about other people if you read their writings.”

“But Zenia's works must be so primitive.”

“Most of their stories are told in the form of poetry and theater, where people use their hands or playacting to tell stories of their country. Musicians also spread stories through song, most often in the streets and during their travels. Some of this material is recorded by scribes, and priests who record and copy those words. It is part of the duty of an apprentice who is in training to become a priest duty to makes copies of books. This is how it is in Zenia and other countries of the Old World.”

Raven nods, listening.

“You must remember Raven, though it's been hundreds of years, our people are the invaders from Scadonya. We come from the Cold North where we lived in caves and hunted. At one time we were the primitive ones.”

“And look how far we've come,” Raven says, smirking.

Cameron nods and smiles.

“How did your people discover Baltizar?”

“The story of the Baltizar house is a simple, yet unique one. My people were some of the first to venture away from Scadonya, but became shipwrecked on a small group of islands. Soon they found the islands' forests to be filled with mushrooms, fruit and nut trees, hare, and deer. Fishing on the islands was good as well. The high elevation cliffs on the islands make it easy to defend, and at least has many small nooks and crannies, like ravines and caves where you can retreat when under attack. So it turned out to be a great place for my family to live.”

Cameron continues, getting a faraway look in his eyes. “There's just enough space for them to have built a stone fortress on the largest of the islands in the center. There is a trading outlet, farm, and inn on one of the islands nearby the central one.”

“My home is the island on the other side of the fortress, opposite where the farm, inn, and trading outlet are located. I live in the lighthouse, high up on the cliffs. Halfway up is the stable, where all my best horses live. I breed them and when there is too many of them around we ship them here to Axelgard and I sell them to the nobles, or to anyone who will buy them.”

“And do you have a wife living in the lighthouse, waiting for you? I do not hear of one.”

“There was one once, but she passed in childbirth. She and the babe.”

Raven looks Cameron in the eyes, “I'm sorry, brother. It is unfair and wrong to see one's love die before their very eyes. Not to mention one's child at the same time. It must have been unbearable.”

Cameron straightens his back and pushes his chest out, “Oh it's alright. I'm sure you've had your fair share of despair in your life.”

Raven gets a faraway look in his eyes as well, as they reach the entrance to the Axelgard Citadel, “I try not to think about it.”

Cameron nods, “All we can do is look to the future, forever seeking our next and best conquest. Building the realm. Then, all there is left to do is defend it against everyone else. I think we've got a fighting chance of it.”

“That's the truth of it,” Raven agrees with a nod.


When they return to the castle Raven opens the doors and walks into the foyer, calling out Andrea's name. Raven is relieved to see that Izabella has decided to stay away from him for now, and at least attempt to torment him from the shadows as opposed to in broad daylight. To this he thinks, You want to play games with me woman? Then bring it, show me what you got you succubus.

Andrea emerges at the top of the stairs, clearly having just exited his chambers. He likes the idea of her in his chambers much more than Izabella, that's for certain. Her dark brown hair is almost black now, and it has a deep burgundy sheen to it, and her olive skin has a sun-kissed golden glow to it. He wonders how it is that Andrea looks more radiant as a creature from beyond the living, whereas he suspects he looks more pale and drab in contrast. He hopes that he looks better than that to her.

Wearing the same yellow and pink pastel corseted dress she glides ever so elegantly down the staircase. Raven actually feels protective as he notices the duke admiring her. He lets it slide, knowing that it is not under Cameron's control, as humans are easily put under a spell by his kind.

Catia appears and though Raven typically does not enjoy her company these days, he is relieved to see her. As Andrea is nearing them Catia rushes to their side.

Raven makes a quick introduction and says for a lack of anything better to say, “This is Catia, she is my spirital advisor. Catia, this is Syven, the high priest of Zenia.”

Catia nods to Syven and says, “Welcome to Axelgard, Syven.”

Cameron blinks a moment as he is considering Raven's tactics. Cameron actually finds it amusing that on a whim he has officially removed Izabella from her position as Axelgard's spiritual advisor, with Catia filling her boots even if likely only as a figurehead. The duke smiles broadly as a means to look past the suddeness of it all, “As King Raven's transition to power has been swift so has the Crown's spiritual evolution.”

The duke feels nervous, unsure that his words were in fact even remotely helpful.

Syven igores Catia's existence. He appears skeptical, unimpressed.

“Is that so?” He says in response to the duke.

Everyone standing in the foyer stares at him.

Syven spins to stare at Andrea suddenly. “This woman here reeks of evil.”

He turns to look at Raven, “But you would know something of it, don't you King Raven?”

Raven draws his sword and holds it to Syven's throat, “Hold your tongue you prick bastard, if you know what's good for you. Andrea is a respectable woman of high regard and I will not have an pathetic arse like you shame her.”

It's as if everyone present is frozen in motion. When a royal, especially a king, draws his sword and points it at someone out of anger any half wit knows they better not move a muscle.

Syven sputters, “Milord, is this really how you want to begin negotiations? Rest assured, once his majesty King Zion hears of this--”

“I don't give a damn what his majesty has to say or do about anything,” Raven growls.

He presses the sword into the gap of Syven's neck in between his adam's apple and jugular, “Cameron here convinced me not to slay every hostage following every rejection of yours in response to my proposed terms, but it seems I was mistaken in my decision. Should I rethink that decision? I would gladly slay you right here and now.”

A bead of sweat runs down Syven's forehead and past his hideous unibrow, “I am so so sorry for upsetting you your grace, let it be known I shall never challenge you again.”

He turns to Cameron, “And I thank you, that was a courteous gesture of mercy milord. I will be sure to mention your benevolence to my king.”

Raven smiles crookedly, “Pay a traveling bard to write a song so they will sing songs to many realms of our mercy, despite our very strong desire to slaughter the most high ranking of your filth for nobility. Then Cameron will satisfied with your crediting his benevolence.”

Raven simply puts away his sword and walks off toward the Throne Room.

Syven rubs his neck, the spot has become raw after the blade pressed against the skin there. The man appears fragile, after having been placed so close to death in his enemy's castle, and after just only walking through the front doors.

Cameron stretches out his arm, gesturing toward the Throne Room.

The women fall in step behind the king, the duke, and the priest.

Both Andrea and Catia sigh in relief.

“Well that was awful,” Catia says.

Andrea says, “No, that was brilliant.”

Catia raises an eyebrow at her.

“Raven has managed to tame their diplomat, their high priest and spiritual leader even before they began negotiations. I have a feeling that this will work to our benefit.”

“I'd say Raven was too careless with his words. He should not have told him what his tactics were before, it makes him sound impulsive, indecisive and rash.”

Andrea grins evilly, “He is impulsive, indecisive, and rash. What else could be more frightening and intimidating qualities than those in a king?”

Catia nods, “I see your point.”


Izabella is holding a rosary in her hand as she opens the slatted doors of the booth and takes a seat inside. She locks and closes the door behind her. She closes her eyes as she folds her hands in prayer.

“In today's confession I have much to be anxious about.”

“Please speak your majesty, you are a child of the lord above and he will hear you now.”

“Thank you, father. Well first I would like to begin with the troops, the foot soldiers in particular. There are a few among them that I sent to the frontline of the war thinking that the two men were thieves. I was told they stole relics from the art gallery in the castle, only to find out that the men accused were not thieves at all. They were falsely accused. They died in battle yesterday. I mourn their loss and prayed for them last night, but I have been so scattered I have neglected to even contact their families to notify them of their loss.”

Iza adds as she tosses her golden locks, “I just don't have the patience or the time for dealing with sobbing widows at the moment, I am quite busy and frustrated with my personal life. I must find a suitor soon and if I do not I fear I will be driven from court with nowhere to go. It is looking that bleak, father.”

She pauses. “My goodness I do not know if that counts for one or two sins, father. At any rate, shall I continue?”

He clears his throat, “Continue by all means, your majesty.”

“The other sin, or perhaps two yet again, as sometimes we must hit two birds with one stone, father, is well quite disgraceful. I am afraid to speak, but I shall. It just pains my heart to keep this to myself.”

The priest coughs politely, relieved he is hidden from sight in his booth so she cannot she his disapproving expression. It is not wise to cross a queen nor look at her the wrong way, even if someone is a priest.

“Our King Raven, he is having an affair with a servant girl from the kitchens, and I knew it all along even before he admitted it to me. Only today he openly admitted it, and you can imagine my response.”

She takes a deep breath, “Well that harlot she almost got what she deserved, and it is something the lord above would smile upon, as any queen should be allowed to enact justice upon rebellious servants. I sent my guard after her to take her life, not just for me, but also for Raven. He need not be distracted by a servant girl, he has already fallen behind on his legislative duties, mind you. I'm sure she's a witch or atleast a dirty gypsy anyways, as I heard a rumor she attempted to hurt another servant in the kitchen, in a fit of unforseen rage. So I sent my guard to slay her but he did a fine job of messing it up.”

Iza continues at a rapid pace, “The worst part of it is that there was another servant there, she was innocent, and he killed her too. She would have been a witness, and that is something that a queen being edged out of her own court cannot tolerate. I am already on the periphery and am so close to slipping into despair or off the cliffs into the Andula Sea, but I say this figuratively not literally, father. Please don't mistake me. And now I'm sure you get my meaning.”

In summary Iza says, “I have taken the lord's name in vain many times recently for all this and for that I am not proud. Alright. Let's get on with it shall we? I think that should make just one additional sin, then, because she did not die. That is mercy if you've ever heard of it, King Raven brought her back to the world of the living himself.”

There's a fury in her voice, “The fool has been doing such awful things, demonstrating horrible abuses of power in such a short span of time, yet saves the life of a soul-sucking succubus. It's only a matter of time before he strikes out to those nearest him, like all mad kings do, consumed with paranoia. And it was just today after searching his chambers that I found poisons in his study, hidden in a crate underneath his desk. Ten of the twelve compartments were empty, there are only two left. People go missing during plague and war, aren't you interested to see who will turn up gone once the war is over?”

There is a deep silence after she is done speaking.

“Thank you for listening, father. I am ready for my penance.”

He sighs.

“What is it, father?”

“How much time do you have?” He asks, exasperated.


King Raven and Duke Cameron are growing impatient during negotiations, which despite Syven's promise to be able to cooraperate, is failing miserably and have endured a half hour standstill. Cameron is afraid the proceedings are about to be taken to the next level.

King Raven stands in front of the ten most valuable hostages from Zenia, all royalty, in the North Tower. Some of them are even Tribal Council members. Syven is seated nearby looking positively frightened, yet he is wearing a most defiant frown, which he has been wearing during the entire negotiation process. If that won't drive Raven to madness then nothing will, and Cameron knows better than to expect much better from the king.

Cameron is flanking Raven on the opposite side of Syven. A torturer is standing beside Cameron, donned in all black, wearing a pointed hood, eerily concealing his identity. He doesn't look human, even. Likely after all he's done, he's no longer really human anyway.

Behind Cameron and the mysterious man in black is the rack.

Raven shouts at the top of his lungs, “If your high priest Syven here does not agree to my terms of surrender, I will take the one most valuable among you to your king, and tear you apart limb by limb upon the rack myself!”

Syven cries, “Don't speak to him, don't say a word! I will handle this, men!”

Ragged, bloodied, and with deep circles under their eyes, the men look at him despondently.

Raven walks up to one of them and kicks the back of his knees.

The man falls on his knees and cries out, “Go to hell, you devil king!”

Syven's eyes threaten to pop out of his head. “I can smell the evil on you! We'd be damned if we surrender and don't flood the pass once again and fight until every last one of you falls! How is it fair that we all starve and are forced to hide from wolves while you all prosper and reap the benefits of our region's only sea? You selfish devils!”

Raven drags the man by his hair and throws him at the torturer's feet. “Prince Aldaron, their greatest general and King Zion's nephew. Put him on the rack and keep turning the wheel until all his sockets pop.”

Cameron looks at Raven wide-eyed but says nothing.

The torturer appears to be relieved to have something to do.

Prince Aldaron is crying like a baby, whimpering and yelling out to Syven, “Father, do as he asks, do as the king asks! Beg for his forgiveness, please. Don't let him hurt me!”

“You can't do that, you can't do that he is a prince! The war between our two nations will never end if you do this. Are you that fool? The fool that will cross the line that cannot be uncrossed?”

“Does Zenia plan to continue to cross the line that cannot be uncrossed into our territory? You've crossed me and that cannot be undone either, oh no, Syven. And I think Prince Aldaron shall make an excellent example, don't you think? Agree to my terms, and my terms only that I have put on the table and we shall simply dislocate only a couple limbs tonight. Unless you would remove him from this world? The choice is yours.”

The man in black robes straps the whimpering prince down onto the rack, fastening leather straps to his feet and hands, which are attached to long chains. The chains in turn are attached to mechanisms controlled by a great wheel, which is turned by whoever wishes to deliver pain to their victim. As the wheel turns the chains are pulled tighter and tighter, pulling limbs farther and farther away from a victim's body.

Raven waves his hand at the torturer and he begins to turn the wheel. The prince cries out in pain.


“King Raven, you fool! You devil! STOP IT! STOP IT!”

Syven is running around hysterically and Raven's guards have to pounce on him and hold him back to keep him from rushing the king.


There are a couple loud socket-churning pops and the prince goes silent.


Syven drops to his knees, his head in his hands, weeping.

“The king will have my head for this!”

Cameron looks glumly down at the prince, “Milord, he has dislocated an arm and a hip. He must have passed out from pain and stress. Both can be set in the infirmary and the prince can leave injured but alive upon his horse if the priest wills it.”

Raven kneels down and whispers in Syven's ear laughing, “What think you of those terms now, you pathetic little man?”

Syven just weeps and holds the brass symbol around his neck.


Catia is tearing away at her hair and Andrea is surprised to find herself attempting to comfort her.

“It's going to be okay, Raven knows what he is doing. He is doing what he has to in order to save Axelgard. Don't worry. You have to trust him.”

Catia curses and stabs a piece of chicken on her plate. She shoves it in her mouth and chews viciously.

Andrea feel strangely disinterested in her own cooking tonight.

She has not touched her food.

It is dark out and she is thirsty. Very thirsty. She attempts to push down the feeling, deep down, but it is very difficult to control.

Catia grumbles, “You young vampires. All so lofty and optimistic, thinking the darkness of our world you have discovered is much brighter than it actually is. You must understand, Raven has been navigating the dark, dingy halls of his life that is an insane asylum for nearly four centuries. You have been undead for a day and have not even truly hunted yet. You just wait to see where your newly found madness shall take you.”

Andrea eyes begin to turn black, like Raven's does when aggravated.

She sighs, “Look, with that aside, I need to warn you. Raven can very well jeopardize the lives of us all in Axelgard, frankly, with his temper. There in the North Tower now something very terrible indeed is happening, you know that right?”

Andrea's brow furrows, “Well yes, I do. But isn't it all a part of being king?”

Catia pushes the remainder of her food away, disappointed that stress appears to be regularly affecting her appetite these days.

“When a king visits his hostages in the North Tower he is going to the dungeons. A lot of unforgivable acts happen in dungeons and though it may seem that everything is tucked away from the rest of the world, whatever terrible deeds are done there will be found out sooner or later. Andrea, this is not good. Not good at all. It is a far worse place to be than the battlefield. Especially when it comes to exacting justice. And unlike the battlefield it is a place without honor.”

Andrea gulps, “What kind of justice will he be exacting?”

“That's the point precisely, young Andrea. There is no justice in a dungeon. Just pain and death.”

Andrea understands now.

She jumps up from the table and runs.

Catia pushes her seat out from the table and jumps to her feet.

Yelling to Andrea she says, “What are you doing?”

“I'm going to exact justice!” She says and takes off around the corner.

Catia runs after her.


She hits the bottom steps of where a turret meets a castle wall at breakneck speed, quite literally flying through the first three flights of stairs. But the next two are awful, as it is a torture to be forced to wait, even if she is headed for Raven as fast as she can travel. That's when she notices Catia trying to catch up to her below. Andrea just thinks, If this is agonizing for me, I cannot imagine what those hostages are going through right now.

Finally Andrea has made it to the landing, where from the turret she just climbed up connects to the landing, effectively serving as a bridge that spans the West Wing of the castle diagonally, bringing her to the North Tower, which stands tall facing the Andula Sea to the North.

Andrea explodes into the dungeon chamber of the North Tower, after a lot of work and time spent tracking down Raven, Cameron and the rest of the sorry lot.

“My King, a messenger brings news of the latest development in the war. He must speak with you at once, in the Throne Room.”

He looks up at her with black eyes with red halos, “How dare you interrupt my negotiations, Andrea!”

She is shocked by everything, his tone, the situation, the fact that this is the first time she has angered him and also that it has happened this way so publicly and in such dire circumstances. It is overwhelming. Her lip quivers but she keeps her composure. “Your majesty, it is an urgent matter. I beg of you, please follow me so that you may speak to the messenger right away.”

Andrea stutters before she can get the next words out, “Duke Cameron, perhaps you can oversee negotiations in the king's stead, while he addresses this urgent matter?”

Raven spins to look at Cameron with a wild look on his face.

Cameron puts his hand on Raven's shoulder and smiles as if he finds something funny, an awkward attempt to keep things light with the king and his delicate temperment, “Milord, I am happy to do it. I won't let this snake Syven get away with anything, I promise you. You can trust your highest ranking general and senior Privy Council member, can you not?”

Raven's eyes begin to return to normal. He takes a deep breath.

“Yes, duke, I can trust you.”

The duke nods and watches Raven as he leaves. He turns to reveal a grim look on his face as the doors close behind him.

There's a loud, shocking sound of the bolts of the doors being locked in place.

Raven suddenly grabs Andrea and kisses her. She can feel him shaking with adrenaline.

She is shocked that this is their first kiss. It isn't exactly romantic.

Then he runs, dragging her toward the Throne Room.

Eventually they have reached the West Wing on the second story of the Castle. Just a staircase and around the corner is the Throne Room.

Raven begins to walk down the stairs and Andrea stops him.

Catia spies the two of them from the ground floor nearby the Throne Room. She picked up on the two's conversations by listening in on their thoughts earlier, and was relieved to not have to walk all the way to the North Tower after all. She returned to the bottom floor to catch her breath and wait for their return.

Catia wonders what Andrea will do now. She retreats into the shadows of an archway, afraid of Raven's temper were he to notice her.

“What is it Andrea?” Raven asks, suddenly irritated.

“There is no messenger,” Andrea says flatly.

“Are you serious?” Raven stares at her in disbelief.

He grabs at his hair and paces back and forth on the landing.

He throws his crown at such speeds that it when it lands it gets lodged in the doors of Sybil's chamber doors.

Andrea shakes her head and thinks, We truly are so disrespectful of Sybil in so many ways.

Raven grabs her wrist and races toward his chambers, dragging her with him again, traveling like the wind, the sight of him so fast it actually seems to her like slow motion. Then she remembers, she is one of his kind now, and it seems she can see his paranormal movements more easily than before. They turn a couple corners and now are walking through the chamber doors, Galeth greeting them and the two of them all but ignoring him.

Raven locks the bolt behind him. He spins to face her and cries out at the top of his lungs.

“Milord?” A muffled voice says through the door and he barks, “Shut up Galeth!”

“Yes milord,” He says only.

Raven points at the corner of his chambers, nearby the fireplace where she has slept many nights. “You can go over there until I decide what your punishment is for lying to me.”

“No.” She says evenly.

He steps toward her drawing his hand back as if he will strike her.

She shrugs and turns away, walking toward the window. She pulls the curtains back and opens the windows.

She turns and faces him putting out her hand, “You must be thirsty, Raven. Why don't we hunt together?”

He laughs at the sudden role reversal, “You think you're funny now, do you?”

Andrea looks at him with pleading eyes, “It's my first night as a vampire. Food doesn't satisfy. I am incredibly thirsty. I saved you from doing the unforgivable tonight. The duke will handle things the right way, the way people in Axelgard would want it done. You can trust him. Now hunt with me and forget about human troubles for just this night.”

Raven closes his eyes and sighs.

He opens his eyes and takes her hand.

Together they jump out the window into the night.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nighttime has never looked so beautiful. Snow which once appeared white now has a pearlescent sheen to it and glows; it is as if there is an aura surrounding the snow floating up into the starry night. The stars are like lanterns drifting in a deep black sea, lighting the way, making the darkness feel strangely comfortable and inviting. Living things are outlined in a blur of red up to many miles way, and the mystery of the night has suddenly faded away. There is nothing to hide from and nothing is in fact hidden from her, and she gets the elated feeling that the night is calling her.

Just when Andrea seems as if she will fly away to a far off place Raven clings on to her wrist and says, “As tempting as it is sweetheart, now is not the time to drift away, wild and free. The dangers of the night still surround us, only they are easier to see and detect, and hopefully outsmart as well. But there is nothing that can be assumed about our environment or our enemies. And it is important to remember that though we have some human friends, humans as a general rule are not our friends. Especially at night. Everything changes during this time.”

Andrea spins, they are merely drifting in the air, the wind whipping around them with snow flying all about. There is a moment where Andrea is practically veiled in sheets of snow, but then it is as if the curtains are pulled and her face emerges not unlike a ghost emerging from the nothingness. The striking curves of her form follows along with it. Her arms are outstretched as if freefalling. Raven admires her beauty as revealed in her newfound freedom.

Suddenly her face looks strained.

“Are you feeling weak?”

“Yes, I am so thirsty.”

“Alright, then. Worry not my love. I have new hunting grounds for us to visit, and I promise it will go much more smoothly this time.”

He takes her in his arms and she dips back into his grasp, looking at his handsome face, framed by the dark night. He looks as if he is the night himself, his hair disappearing into it depths, his eyes like windows into distant galaxies.

Together they travel past the rooftops of the castle and over the trees, away from the sea, out toward the direction of the Serius Mountains fronting the passages which lead to Thadon. In truth Andrea thought there was only one passage.

“I thought there is only one way in and out of Thadon?”

“Supposedly. But there are many other passages that connect with it, old mining routes I hear, many of which they probably still use, wherever mineral deposits are still active. Some are just dead ends. But apparently there are many valuable deposits of rare stones in the Serius here that only nobles, traders, blacksmiths and of course miners know about. The common folk do not know as much.”


The two of them continue to travel by air toward the base of the Serius Mountains, until it seems that Raven has spotted the section of forest he was headed for.

“Why do you think so?”

“Well is that not how their kingdom built their wealth so that they may be independent from the nations surrounding them? Their wealth from the mines is what has kept them afloat all these years, right?”

Raven shrugs, as Thadon has been a mystery to Axelgard for a while. He is not sure why they do not interact with their neighbors. “It's an interesting and likely theory to be sure. Perhaps we should ask Cameron, he seems quite knowledgeable of the history of our neighboring nations.”

Raven smiles as they glide down from their altitude in the sky to the forest floor. He admires Andrea's grace as her feet land softly on a blanket of fallen pine needles and snow. Her arms drift down to land at her sides.

He notices that she does have dark circles under her eyes, probably due to her transformation. All of it is beautiful to him, though, both the dark and light that is Andrea. Since when did he ever grow to admire a person so? In the past he would have been disappointed in himself for being overly sentimental. I truly am becoming a weakling in my older years as a vampire.

Raven drops to a crouch and listens with his ear close to the ground. He lifts his head in the direction of the base of the mountains. He sprints into the wood in the direction of the sound and Andrea takes off after him.

Suddenly he comes to a stop and raises his hand, motioning to be quiet and still, looking over his shoulder at her.

An elk is standing in a clearing, just before the entrance to a passageway into the mountains. The passageway peaks Andrea's interest just as much as the elk.

But the thirst inside her is singing with joy at the sight of the elk and she must satisfy that urge. She will investigate the passageway later.

In a low voice Andrea says, “How shall we conquer this beast tonight, my love?”

He smiles, “She is all yours, on your first night of hunting you will need all the strength you can get. You will only grow stronger, smarter, more cunning.”

She kisses him on the neck and he shudders. “I will come up with my own strategy then, if it is to be mine, then.”

In the short time it takes to merely blink an eye Andrea leaps into the air and descends upon the back of the beast and sinks her teeth into its neck.

It falls in what Raven would call record time.

Andrea stumbles as if drunk, swooning from her first kill, her small and quite young vampire body overwhelmed by being so suddenly full of blood.

Raven understands the feeling and remembers what it was like. He finds himself feeling concerned, at seeing and having to deal with the responsbility now to care for the young vampire. He does not mind it, but it worries him.

He catches her and he notices how now her cheeks are quite flushed. He cannot help but kiss her.

“You have much more important things to worry about than me, King Raven.” Andrea says with a mischevious smile, still riding on the feeling of elation from the kill.

Raven gets a distant look, “Yes, you're right.”

“It is fortunate that the Duke knows what you are, and he is willing to fill in for you and make important decisions for you as business crawls into the night.”

“I do believe it is a major part of his job.”

“Shall we talk about what you will do next, over a drink of blood?” She laughs.

He laughs at this too.

“Well, if that is not the best invitation I have had since my return to the citadel. Well, with exception to this lovely hunting expedition tonight, that is.”

Andrea merely shakes her head, thinking what a strange pair they have become.


She is waiting for him beside a stream, the black waters cascading softly over the bed of rounded river rocks, musical in their own natural way. The crickets play in the backdrop, a cacophony of sound all through the forest. It is as if she has never heard it before. An owl calls out as it hunts, faraway from their location in the woods, as it descends to capture its prey by the raging seas.

Andrea closes her eyes and experiments, listening.

The young vampiress can feel his presence.

Raven touches the skin on her hand with his and traces her arm lightly, all way to her breast and then up her neck. He opens his mouth, letting his teeth scratch her neck but does not bite.

“It is agony to wait, Raven. What are you waiting for?”

She can feel his body shudder against her and she knows what he wants.

“I cannot do that to you, you are alive now and I've no reason to,”

“But you're still thirsty,” She says.

“You're not making any sense, your drunk on blood wine,” Raven jests, trying to make light of her suggestion.

She stares at her feet, “I'm sorry, I was not trying to make you uncomfortable. I just felt bad, that you have to hold back.”

“It is what the thirst is all about, it is insatiable and will characterize the struggle that you shall know to be immortality. Suddenly, when you have everything life has to offer forever, you realize that despite the infinite possibilities of this, nothing will never truly be enough. And so, for this reason I have learned to adapt. Just barely, though, as you know.”

She turns to face him. Raven is mesmerized by the sight of Andrea in her bloodied corseted dress, so classic in those pastel colors with a backdrop of the creek's deep blues, purples, and the shock of the brilliant white snow. Her golden eyes remind him of a great cat's and they capture him and hold him captive with their intelligence.

It is in her eyes now, just as it always was, the secret message of a great predator. There is a secret message in the eyes of every great predator which convinces you to linger awhile and bask in their glory, though at any point in time they are bound to kill you where you stand. It's a fierce reminder of how all living things are truly quite temporary, and anything that stands in the way of the natural world order is offensive to the world itself.

Raven all but falls upon Andrea, practically crushing her against the boulder she is resting on. He kisses her roughly and she digs her nails into his neck, pulling him toward her.

They stop and look at one another.

Then they laugh.

“How did you learn to adapt? You never told me.” Andrea straightens out his hair, which had become tangled and haphazard during their embrace.

“I learn to adapt by being grateful for what I have. Living day by day. Not thinking too much about the past or the future. One must look to the future, but be present, or you may miss something important along the way. For a long time I was in search of something I could never truly find. I was looking for a part of myself. As it turns out, sometimes certain parts of yourself seem invisible, and yet you still will feel an urge to fulfill these holes in your soul. One day you realize it is all a matter of self-understanding and discovery.”

Raven continues, “It is an endless cycle and over time you realize that we cannot keep our minds from changing and facing new challenges, even when our own bodies do not change. It makes a vampire feel caged, yet this nearly indestructible vessel does not have to be a cage that constrains us, it can be the vessel that propels us forward to better and greater things.”

Andrea puts her hand on Raven's cheek, “You are so powerful and so wise. How can you put up with a young soul like me, just hanging about in your shadow?”

“I think you do not know how much power you truly possess.” Over me, he thinks to himself, selfishly trying to shield his thoughts.

She smiles but it soon fades, “I would love to talk about philosophy all night my love, but what are you going to do about Zenia? It does not seem like the negotiations are going well.”

Raven runs his hands through his hair.

“Sweetheart, this man I am negotiating with, he is like a king himself or at least he acts like he is. The problem is he does not have the mind of a warrior, he is purely religious. These tribal nations like Zenia they are very divided on how they encounter war, and to be honest, and I do believe it is why we have become so good at keeping them from invading Axelgard for so long. I am sure Axelgard itself at one time was a tribal state that was sacked by Scadonyans.”

Andrea thinks on this, looking up at the stars in the sky.

“Maybe he is their true king.”

“Well then this is not good. He rules based of his morals and prayers, not what is happening between generals or in relation to resources to be bartered nor traded. He is unpredictable.”

“Maybe he does not need to be predictable. You don't have to come to an agreement, do you? Could you just send him back and keep all the hostages, then, if it doesn't go your way?”

“Yes, but that would be viewed as a failure. It would make me appear weak.”

She looks at him skeptically, “But Raven, you promised the Privy Council that is what you would do, and that is what they want. So I do not think it would make you appear weak. It would make you appear merciful to your enemy yet firm, that when your enemy does not do as you tell them to you cast them out and refuse to be bullied. So what's the problem?”

He gives her a sideways smile, “How do you know that? About the Privy Council?”

Andrea shrugs, “Alexa has been communicating to me. She gave me a note after the meeting today, telling me of the decisions made during the meeting. I suppose she is trying to help me.”

“She feels sorry for you, she knows her aunt is pure evil and is after you.”

Andrea throws her head back laughing dryly, “Raven, it is we that are evil creatures,”

Raven shakes his head, “No no, you cannot believe that. Once you do it is over. Then you will commit horrible deeds, because you think there is no saving your soul. But that could not be farther from the truth. You and I, we are a more advanced part of the human race. We are protectors, and we as individuals are not perfect, but together I think we can perfect, or almost anyway. Alexa must understand this, too. That's must be the other reason she is helping you.”

Andrea's eyes have softened.

“Thank you, Raven, I needed to hear that. I've never really had a true purpose in life before. Now I have a way to help others, to be important, make something of myself.”

Raven nods and thinks on this.

“I have made up my mind about you, Andrea.”

Andrea looks puzzled.

“In time you will know the meaning of my words. But for now, sweetheart, just do as I tell you to do.”

“So what is your next plan of action then, Raven?”

“We're going to let the duke continue to do what he does best. Keep people calm, and restore order. As long as we have those hostages in our dungeons our people and Zenia will always be on edge, and with the war going on, the tension is explosive. The good thing is though, is that Zenia is occupied. They cannot continue to fight with their best generals in the dungeons. They have the men but no one to lead them. This is a good opportunity to rally more troops.”

Andrea looks into the wood, toward the passages into the Serius Mountains.

“You're going to ask Thadon for more troops. But how can you afford that?”

Raven smiles broadly, “I'm going to make Zenia pay the crown to release their most valuable hostages, of course.”

“You haven't convinced them to agree with you on anything yet. Why do you think it will work this time?”

He stands up and holds his hand out to Andrea and says confidently, “It's worked in the past. It will work again. We will make them think they are getting a deal. Yes, we will sweeten the deal somehow.”

She cocks an eyebrow at him.

“Besides, I already dislocated all the prince's joints, I think they'll know I'm not bluffing by now,”

Her jaw drops in shock, “You did what?”

Raven shrugs and they drift into a swirl of clouds, stars, and snow.

“It wasn't me, it was the torturer. And the sick bastard was happy to do it, so let him if it works in our favor. The Prince is okay, anyways. Though I'll say we'll never see him on the battlefield again.”

He's laughing to himself when they return to his chambers.

Andrea draws a bath for him and helps him wash, helps him get dressed.

He kisses her and spins to leave and says, “Stay here, Andrea, I'm going to talk to Cameron and together we are going to come up with a proper price for our royal bargaining chips. And don't worry. Galeth won't let anyone in the door this time. He knows he'll face dire punishment if he fails.”

Andrea shakes her head and sighs. By royal bargaining chips she realizes he means the members of the royal family held hostage in the dungeon and this gives her goosebumps.

When it comes to the queen she is no longer truly afraid of Izabella, but she is pretty sure that were the axe to fall upon either hers or Raven's neck it would cut it clean off. Then they would be dead just as any human would facing the same fate.

With this in mind Andrea sits beside the fire sharpening her kitchen knife.

Just in case.


Together King Raven and Duke Cameron walk down the hall toward the staircase leading to his room, cutting across the West Wing after having left the dungeons. Syven meanwhile is in the infirmary, looking after the beat up Prince Aldaron.

Raven and Cameron look around to see who is watching before they walk up the stairs. No one has seen them except Galeth. They approach Raven's chambers and Galeth opens the doors for them.

They walk in on Andea, sitting by the fire sharpening her knife.

Cameron stares at her a moment.

Andrea jumps when she realizes they have entered the room.

Raven laughs, “My love, you are in good company, it's all right.”

Andrea puts the knife down and kicks it away, straightening out her skirts.

The duke clears his throat. “It's good to see you too, Lady Andrea.”

“Likewise, Duke Cameron,” she says, nodding.

“Shall I get some tea milords?” Andrea begins to sneak off but Raven takes off after her, fading in and out of human visibility, like a phantom.

Andrea hisses, startled by Raven. Usually he lets her slip away when he has intimate conversations with other political leaders. “Apologies, Raven, milord.”

Andrea bares her sharpened teeth as she smiles and then hangs her head, embarassed and thinking she is not disguising herself very well in front of the duke.

Cameron is still staring at Andrea. Raven knows that he sees the change in her, and is also caught under the vampire's spell, the one that attracts the admiration of others, however unintentionally. Raven shakes his head, “Sweetheart, I think it's best you tarry a while. Besides, I have something to discuss with our duke regarding your station.” Raven locks the door and turns to face the both of them who are now looking at him expectantly.

“Cameron I'm sure is willing and able to speak to you as I do. Please my friend, speak to our Andrea as an equal, let us talk cordially with her, like she is one of the men. She has a tough hide on her and a silver tongue, and did I ever tell you how talented she is with knives?”

Cameron's eyes narrow and he looks Andrea up and down and this makes her uncomfortable.

“Is that so, lovely Andrea? Shall I call you Andrea and you call me Cameron, then?”

He runs his hands through his hair, laughing in disbelief.

“I must admit, Raven, you never fail to surprise me. You have me entertaining you, a vampire king, tying up your lose ends and leading your men into battle, wherever shall we head next? Ah yes, treating women as one of the men.”

He pauses, thinking afterwards how his words might offend Andrea. And so he adds, “But Andrea, you are too lovely to be treated the same, so why should you not be treated better?”

Andrea flashes him a quick, polite smile.

Raven gives Cameron a warning look. Cameron clears his throat, “I don't know what has come over me, Raven, I truly am sorry.”

Andrea puts a comforting hand on Cameron's shoulder. “It's okay, Cameron.”

Inwardly he is amused by all this despite the awkwardness of the situation. He seems to be apologizing for two different reasons to the both of them. He sighs at them both.

She turns to face him, and Cameron notices how they both are looking at him with dark circles under their eyes. Then he notices the red halos glowing around their irises and long sharp canines sticking out from their lips.

Cameron's eyes widen, “You girl, you're like him now, then? I suppose I know how it must have felt before, to be Raven. To be surrounded by those not of your kind, those from a different world. Because that is how I feel now. Surrounded by you monsters. Don't mistake me. You are quite beautiful monsters, but also cunning, and cruel. Not to me of course, but to your victims I'm sure.”

Cameron smiles and for the first time Raven witnesses that crazy, fiery look in his eyes.

You wouldn't want to cross me, you monster. The duke thinks to himself, looks at Raven darkly.

Raven wonders if he hopes that he hears what he's thinking. He smiles.

Raven thinks to himself how the duke must think of them. How interesting it is that they have come to an understanding. He thinks to himself, Those are the fiery eyes of a man that aligns himself with those who raise his station, all the while he is one of those or rare breed who delivers the power of the people to the king and more. Together, from human to paranormal being, both the duke and I are deadly power players not just in our realm but the region at large. There is always a price to pay, even for those closest to us. It is only fair, as there is a price to pay for having a king as one's close ally. Especially myself, and it's a risk that no one can just step away from once they've aligned themselves with a powerful creature like myself.

Raven raises an eyebrow at Cameron.

Cameron continues on his thoughts from earlier,“And I'll admit that you instill fear in those who stand in your way, but surely not in myself. I'm rather inspired by your tactics, however rash and illogical you may be at times.”

Cameron sits heavily in Raven's chair by the fire. It's been a long night.

Raven sits down in a chair opposite him and Andrea sits languidly in Raven's lap. She drapes her arm over his shoulders. The two of them lean back and regard him like predators hiding in the tall grasses, watching all those below them on the food chain walk by, knowing they are rulers of all they survey. Any could become theirs to feed on at any time. He shudders and hopes they don't notice his reaction.

Cameron straightens out the lapels of his jacket and decides, Ah the hell with it. Let's continue to level the playing field here among us, then, shall we?

He notices them smiling at him. That'll do it, he thinks to himself.

The duke can't stand being idle infront of the immortals any longer and decides to break the silence, “So when did the two of you decide to become . . . this?”

He says, waving his hand around at them.

Andrea smiles and looks at Raven seductively. The Duke envies her attentions and wishes he still had someone around who looked at him that way.

“Well, naturally, I pursued her because I found her moody, dark, and fierce. And of coure her curves, golden skin, black hair—those almond eyes, I could go on—but I have good taste in women and Andrea is very much a rare flower.”

Raven says this, looking at Andrea mischeviously.

Andrea looks at Cameron and adds, “We met just before Riveth passed. One day we met again in the kitchens and have been fond of each other ever since.”

The duke nods smirking a bit, “I see.” I wonder what happened that first night in the kitchens. He thinks to himself. Raven, you sly dog you.

The king winks at Cameron, much to his amusement.

Andrea turns to look at Raven, smiling and oblivious of their silent exchange. She gets up from his lap and walks over to the window, and looks outside.

Raven looks over his shoulder at her a moment. He looks back at Cameron with a worried face. Raven scoots his chair closer.

“Raven, she is a vampire now, yes?”

Raven nods, “She was to die that night you saw me holding her in the forest, bleeding to death, but I saved her.”

Cameron shakes his head, “An amazing feat, and whatever shall you do now?”

He furrows his brow, “That is the problem, Cameron. I think you know the answer.”

Cameron laughs and sits back in his seat, “You really are a piece of work, Raven.”

“You come to me in the middle of the night after having battled with that shit Syven for hours, going back and forth about what his country shall do for ours if we do this and that for his, all with Prince Aldaron dangling on the edge of conciousness, broken and battered in the background mind you. It has been quite a show put on by you, our mad king, and I would not say I feel as if I have benefitted much for it. So if there is something you want be plain with me. You always want something, and I normally I am quite happy to provide, but let it be known I am exhausted.”

Raven is receptive, even if a bit surprised about the complaints. He waits, sensing that Cameron may have something else to say.

“Pardon me milord if I sound like a prick bastard to you, but it is quite late. Get to the damn point, my king, I shall like to find out what mess I am to clean up for you next.”

Raven looks at Cameron a moment, thinking on the man's words. He strokes his chin. Then he calls out to Andrea, “My love have we forgotten our manners? Let us get something for Cameron, shall we? Two glasses of my best wine, please.”

Andrea gets up from her seat by the window and opens a cabinet and pours some wine for the both of them and returns to the window afterward.

Raven swirls the wine glass a bit and then looks up at Cameron with fire in his eyes.

“Cameron, Cameron. I am so sorry to have upset you. You see there's no mess to clean up, okay well nothing new to worry about anyway. But you see it's Andrea.”

The duke nods, “Go on. Yes, a good woman, though much lower in station than yourself.”

Raven nods, “But something can be arranged,” he begins.

“Again milord, you need to be more direct.”

Raven shifts in his seat and takes a big gulp of wine, wrinkles his nose as if he hates it, and swallows anyway.

“Raven, my king, you may have an official mistress but you must choose a queen to rule by your side. You must make ammends with Izabella,”

“I already have a queen in mind, but it is not Izabella. And only one person can turn my servant girl into a queen.”

Raven smiles broadly at Cameron.

Cameron drinks his entire glass of wine in one swig. He puts his glass down on the floor.

“You're insane, Raven. But fine. I will help you. But you must expand my holdings and make them even more vast.” He says, smiling as he points a finger at Raven.

Raven slaps him on the back, “Don't worry, you will be rewarded, Cameron. You will be rewarded.”

He looks down at him standing over him now, with a mischevious look in his eye.

Andrea knows from their thoughts what they are talking about, but she still can't believe it.

Raven catches her eye and they hold each other's gaze a moment.

He sends a scintellating look in her direction that threatens to drive her mad with desire for him. It is then that she truly knows that as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she will be whatever he tells her to be. She simply cannot refuse him in any way. He nods at her and looks away, as if he already knows. She shudders. Andrea may be a vampire now, but as far as understanding Raven and the full extent of his abilities she is in deep water. When Andrea looks in his eyes she is swimming in the black waters of his dark soul.

Andrea thinks on this imagry, and feels pangs of excitement and anticipation at the full extent of it. She wonders, if from the stories she heard as a child about Hades and the river of souls, if there is some truth in it however metaphorical it may be. Are vampires like the descendent of Hades, watching the souls of those who have passed flow in and out of existence, an amusement that helps them to bide time during a life that lasts for all eternity? She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. So many questions, and so much time to answer them all. What a beautiful idea.

Andreas shakes off the philosophical thoughts and returns to thinking on her current circumstances. She thinks on her future with the vampire king.

It seems that Raven thinks that she is less interested in him after her becoming a vampire.

But he couldn't be more wrong. And she could not be more loyal.

And, as an afterthought, Andrea admits she would like to be a queen, because a queen in fact can do anything she wants.


And that includes making people pay.

For what, well they would have to find out.

She laughs to herself, wondering what kind of trouble she was going to get herself in. She would be a good queen. But that doesn't mean that she couldn't have some fun first.


She wakes at dawn, and she can still feel the cool air on her skin, and though the windows were left open it does not bother either one of them. Andrea moves a strand of hair off of Raven's face so that she can see his face better. He actually looks more regal, more serious perhaps, while sleeping. When awake he reminds her of a giant lumbering child. Yet he also happens to have that attractive face and the personality of a very demanding, stubborn, and powerful man.

Andrea quickly bathes and puts on a new, blue dress. As she is about to go out the front doors, and looks up from moving the bolt lock Raven is standing there beside her. He returns it to where it was on the door.

She looks up at him, “What is it?”

“Where are you going?”

“I was going to go out and take Naza for a ride. Get some fresh air, let you rest.”

“You shouldn't go around by yourself outside on the castle grounds. Or anywhere in Axelgard for that matter.”

“I do not fear Iza that much.”

“I've had more time to think about it. We should be more careful. You may be a vampiress that will live forever on your own accord, but it does not mean you cannot be killed.”

She sighs, “So then what?”

He looks up toward the ceiling and he lays out his plan, returning his eyes to hers. “It is time that you take charge of your own future. And I cannot do it for you, but I will tell you how.”

Andrea is pleasantly surprised, “What do you want me to do?”

“I know you want to exact revenge on a certain someone, that lives in this castle.”

“Raven, what exactly are you suggesting?”

“If you want to be my queen, Andrea, then you must collect evidence, collect rumors, hell start one yourself with the help of other servants who are your friends against her. Do what you must, but it this is your opportunity with my support to take down Izabella.”

“Raven, I dislike the woman as much as you. I have worked for her for years and despise working under her, but in truth she has never done me wrong. What do you have against her?”

He hangs his head a moment, considering this.

“Sweetheart, she truly is and will always be my worst enemy. She represents an old era and is refusing to move forward with the new, and so she will always stand in my way. She will never let us rule together without a fight, and so if we are to be rulers together you must depose her. This is the way of royals. When one's opponent or rival politician refuses to stand down you will force them to submit.”

Andrea gulps, despite her previous thoughts against the woman.

Then she straightens her posture and flips her hair behind her. A defiant look is in her eyes suddenly.

“Then so be it.”

She turns and walks out and Raven says as she leaves, “Good luck. You're going to need it.”

Andrea looks over her shoulder at him and the red halo forms around her eyes.

She asks herself What have I gotten myself into?

Andrea says, “Don't worry, Raven, together we are unstoppable.”


There is a knock at the door. “Duke Cameron, milord.”

“Thank you Galeth.”

“Shall we get started then Cameron?”

“Let's.” Cameron walks in with a wooden crate full of scrolls to go through.

Raven looks at it with disdain and sighs.

He and the Duke sit down at Raven's study and they begin going over the current treaties that he is to look over and present to the Privy Council.

“My how the paperwork piles up when at war.”

Raven nods. “Tell me about it, I have never been good at it.”

“Yes, well it is time also, once an agreement has been made between you and Syven, to allow the peasants to present their grievances.”

“Oh god how I hate that.”

“Another perk to your kingly job to be sure.”

“And as for anything that can smear Izabella's reputation?”

“Not at the moment, but there should be some interesting things in this crate for us to look through. Maybe some evidence can be found there?”

“Here, these are easier to read, they are recordings of Izabella's confessions, as written by a priest who is employed by our high priest, who she sees regularly to confess to and ask for penance. This crate is full of these accounts.”

“By God, is this even legal, Cameron?”

“I don't think so, but anything that is said in confession, well, technically does not exist. So it doesn't matter.”

“But how can we use any of this against her?”

Cameron looks at Raven with a crooked smile, “Milord. This is all very valuable intel. Also, it is easy and very amusing to read I am sure. Now you take a look at it and hand me that.”

He points at a pile of papers on his desk.

“Yes, the treaties, amendments, and complaints, thank you. I will go through this for you all the while. What do you think of that?”

Raven pours Cameron a glass of wine and hands it to him.

“None for yourself, Raven?”

He shakes his head, “I prefer blood wine, if you know what I mean. But I will have neither as I need to keep my head straight.”

He opens up a scroll and starts reading.

“Oh this is going to be good.”

“What does it say?” Cameron says with curiosity.

“It's horrendous, but wait, I must get through all of it so I can give it to you in summary.”

Cameron smiles. They bow their heads over their reading.

“Alright then, I'm looking forward to it. Here's to reaping the benefits of paying off the priest with a hefty bribe each month.”

Raven eyes widen, “Are you serious?”

Cameron nods, “Oh yes, how else could I ever keep that wretch in check?”

Raven laughs and Cameron takes a sip.

“You sly dog you,” Raven says.


Andrea neglected to tell Raven that she was never very popular among the other servants, but she did not want to disappoint him. It also was never that she was unpopular, so to speak. It's just that she is the type of person that typically disappears into the wallpaper, which she supposes is typical of a servant. This realization emboldens her. I will show them I can be more useful than a simple kitchen maid. Raven believes in me. I can do this.

She navigates carefully starting where she is expected to be, and where she is most familiar, which of course is the kitchens. Andrea is comforted by the familiar routine task of putting on her apron. She puts the white apron on over today's corseted dress, a deep bergundy with black lace on the edges, purple silk covering her bosoms where her bodice laces in the front. Raven spoke to the tailor that works in the castle and creates all custom clothing for the nobility. Andrea was able to have some outfits made for her by the tailor. Andrea admires her reflection in a mirror, and then she feels someone's presence.

It is Sybil. She lingers a moment, watching Andrea.

Andrea bows to Sybil, she is still her superior, at least for now.

Sybil nods, “Well at least you have begun wearing some dresses of your own.”

Andrea smiles weakly, doing her best not to reveal her teeth.

“I was just here to request some pastries, cheese and apples. Can you arrange that for me, now, as Head of Housekeeping or whatever step up in title Raven has given you?”

Andrea sends a girl to get fresh milk for her.

Andrea asks another to fetch apples from the cellar.

Then she grabs some croissants from a basket in the pantry.

“I wonder what you have done to catch his attention, young Andrea.”

Andrea looks over her shoulder at Sybil, wondering what the point of this conversation is.

“I am not sure I know what you mean, Lady Sybil.”

Sybil leans in toward Andrea, but then she stops. She begins to take Raven's crown from out of a drawstring velvet bag tied to her belt. Sybil speaks in a whisper, as they stand in the corner of the pantry. “I have something important to tell you. But first I must give you this. Since you are the king's closest friend I suggest you remind him to never, ever give up his crown, even if it is not in the act but of physically removing it from his head.”

She continues “It truly is not a good thing to do, because were he to lose it anyone could question his legitimacy. Well, really, they would just question the fool that would leave it lying around or, I don't know, somehow lodged in my door.”

She pauses and looks at Andrea, waiting for a reaction. Andrea shakes her head in apology. Sybil puts the crown back in the bag and hands it to the silent Andrea.

Sybil adds “It's a mystery, don't you think, how such a heavy thing could be stuck in there? It surely is no mystery that our peculiar king does need some guidance. If you are that person who will guide him, god bless you and this country. I sure hope you can tame that beast of a man.”

Sybil shrugs. “And on the topic of the former queen. I wouldn't say that Izabella poses much competition. She makes awful company to be sure. Also, she is the most likely of royals to stab you in back while you're in conversation at the dinner table. Even more likely is that she may have poisoned your food without you realizing it. I should know, she is my aunt.”

Andrea must have sent given her a shocked look, but she truly does not know what her facial expression was. “Don't worry, Andrea. Izabella is afraid of Raven and his wrath. She will not lash out at you. At least not openly, for now. Not before she has a party of assassins assembled that is. But be warned, though vipers lurk in the dark they do not always appear in the form you expect them to.”

Sybil withdraws to the entrance of the kitchens.

Andrea puts her hand on Sybil's shoulder, “What do you mean--”

“That is all, Andrea. Have the milk, cheese, and pastries delivered to my room.”

“Yes milady,” she answers.

Sybil walks off casually, as if she has said nothing of great significance.

Andrea stands there, waiting for the other servants to deliver the rest of Sybil's order.

She wonders what to do with this information, and how exactly to interpret it.

It truly is a mystery how at times when one works so hard at something, putting so much effort toward something and there is no result. Then, when you least expect it, sometimes the fruits of one's labors do show themselves.

Then Andrea asks herself, What assasins? And what of these vipers that do not appear to be vipers?

She sighs. Why must royals play such complex mind games?


All throughout the castle screams of a man in agony echo against the walls, and it is followed by the howl of storming winter winds whipping their way throughout the castle. Raven swears he can see the doors of his chambers shake from the force of the winds. He and Cameron look up from their scrolls and papers as the sound of the wailing disrupts their concentration.

Galeth pounds on the doors, “Milords, there's a commotion downstairs in the entry way!”

Raven and Cameron race to the doors, unlock it and open them.

The two sigh in unison and then look at each other. Raven laughs.

Cameron looks worried.

The king, the duke, and the guard look down to see what the noise is all about.

Prince Aldaron has returned from the infirmary, limping, and making quite a scene.

He yells for all to hear, a dull roar not unlike thunder, “Where is the bastard they call KING RAVEN?! COME OUT YOU COWARD!!”

Raven shows himself to the prince on the landing, at the stop of the stairway, arms upraised.

“The coward is here, Prince Aldaron! What do you want? More mercy?!” Raven laughs.

Cameron leans into his ear, “Raven, please, keep in mind the prince is also the nephew of King Zion, currently our greatest enemy.”

Raven straigtens himself out, “Ah well, Prince Aldaron. You are our guest here in Axelgard Castle. What do you need?”

Syven is helping to hold the prince erect, but just barely. The short, slight man is struggling to hold the weight of the tall, lanky prince.

“Come down here and talk to me like a man!” The prince demands.

“All right, Aldaron, all right.”

Raven takes his time walking down the staircase.

Andrea is lurking in the shadows of the hall in the direction of the kitchen.

Raven spots her but says only to Cameron, quietly, “It looks like Andrea has made a discovery. Go to her, I'll fetch an attractive female healer to look after Aldaron.”

A servant is sent to grab a chair from the dining hall and bring it to the prince. The prince complains endlessly to Raven who is suprisingly cordial and lets him has his say.

Cameron retreats into the shadows with Andrea. She leads him into the kitchen, where she lights a candle and shuts the doors behind her, locking it.

Cameron ignores his initial reaction to being with a woman in the dark behind closed doors and reminds himself that he'll be rewarded with the company of his own woman in due time. Raven at least better see me amused by a beautiful woman soon or I shall strangle him for forcing me to work these long hours with little respite.

“What is it dearest Andrea?”

She pulls out a seat for him by the oven, where she has bread baking.

She grabs a seat for herself as well.

“I used to do this, make a loaf of bread or a batch of pastries or anything that will do to warm the kitchen while I prep food for the next day.”

Cameron smiles, his expression casting deep shadows upon his face in the dim light.

Andrea can feel the adrenaline pumping through her body. There is something exciting about her new assignment given to her by Raven.

The duke detects her excitement and puts a hand on hers.

“It is not easy to play the games that royals play, dearest Andrea. Tread lightly. Think before you act, before you speak. But also know when to act quickly. Remember anyone can pull a dagger on you at any time.”

She nods. She tells Cameron about what Sybil said.

He laughs.

“It is a strange message to decode, that is for certain. I will ponder this and see what I can make of it. Anything else?”

Andrea nods.

She takes something from her pocket and hands it to Cameron.

It's small and rectangular, amber in color and made of leather.

“What is this?” the Duke asks.

“It's a book, found in High Priest Syven's chambers. He has been away for hours from his chambers looking after the Prince in the infirmary. So I had a servant slip in and collect it while retrieving his clothing to wash.”

“What a discovery, indeed! Have you read any of it yet?”

She sighs.

He nods.

“You cannot read?”

She shakes her head.

He stands and leads her to the door.

“Don't worry, Andrea. We will take care of that soon enough.”

He smiles before walking through the kitchen doors.

“As for this small treasure, I have a feeling negotiations will go much better now that we have this. Well done, looks like you'll be joining our ranks as a royal soon enough. All in good time, sweetheart, all in good time.”


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