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Revenge Of The Toys

Twenty years after I did the crime, I paid with what was mine

By Colleen Millsteed Published 2 years ago 6 min read
Image courtesy of Pixabay

I remember being a horrid kid when I was young. I often cringe at my memories and now I have a little boy of my own, I remember those times more often.

Was it normal childhood behaviour — I think not!

What could I have done so terrible, I hear you ask? Well let me explain.

From my earliest memories, right up to my teenage years, I never appreciated the things people did for me or for the things they gave me. A great example of this was when people gave me things, I never looked after them, in fact, I vandalised and deliberately destroyed them all.

I remember the toys I was given for Christmas and birthdays. They never lasted long once I got my destructive hands on them.

My Thomas the Tank Engine was perfect until I ripped the wheels off it. My Buzz Lightyear wasn’t the same after I ripped his wings off — whose ever heard of a Buzz Lightyear that couldn’t fly to the infinity and beyond?

I tore all the stuffing out of Simba, the lion, and my Bananas in Pyjamas B1, I drowned in the toilet bowl.

I truly was a horrid and destructive kid. I do hope I can teach my own son to be different.

Why did I destroy my toys? I truly have no idea as I loved those toys, so much so that I have hunted high and low, until I found those exact same toys to give to Tyniki Joe, my son.

The smile on Tyniki Joe’s face when I gave him these toys were priceless and I’ve since seen him spend hours amusing himself, while he made up games to play with his toys.

Tyniki Joe did not seem to harbour my destructive streak, which pleases me immensely.

Then things began to change and I struggled to make heads or tails with what was happening. A child does not change personality overnight but what other explanation can be found?


It all began on a dreary day in March, when I woke up on Monday morning and began to get ready for work — until that was, I heard police sirens and they stopped at my neighbours house next door.

I went out to see what was happening and there were police, fire engines and ambulances everywhere and I arrived just in time to see my neighbour, Claude, wheeled out and placed into an ambulance. He was covered by a sheet, so it was a horrid realisation that he was dead.

What could have happened? He was only thirty years old and in good health so it must be a mishap of some kind.

A police officer come over to me and asked if we could go back inside my house, as he had some questions for me.

I led him inside and we sat down in the lounge room. My wife joined us. The police officer asked me if Claude had any children or did he ever have children visit him? I answered no to these questions.

I was then asked if I knew why Claude would have a Thomas the Tank Engine in his house and I could not think of a reasonable explanation. I did inform the officer that my son owned such a toy and the officer asked me to produce it.

As Tyniki Joe was still sleeping, I crept into his room but couldn’t find Thomas. That’s strange as Tyniki Joe didn’t usually let this toy get out of his sight. He loved it that much.

The police officer was treating me very suspiciously when I had to tell him I couldn’t find my son’s toy train. I was baffled why, until the officer explained that my neighbour had train tracks forcibly engraved into his neck and he was found with Thomas the Tank Engine sitting on top of these tracks. In fact, it looks like Thomas had crushed his throat and that’s how he died.

As I couldn’t help the officer any further, he left and I tried to carry on with my day. As baffled at this turn of events as I was, I needed to head to work.

The next morning when I woke up, I walked into the kitchen to see our family dog, Betsy, laying dead on the floor. Her throat had been entirely ripped out and laying next to her, in a pool of blood, was Simba the lion.

I was devastated as we’d had Betsy for many years. I was also confused as to what Simba was doing there in the kitchen.

I became suspicious of Tyniki Joe and couldn’t help but start wondering if my son had anything to do with these deaths. When I questioned Tyniki Joe though, he was upset that Thomas had disappeared and Simba was covered in blood. He was also heartbroken over losing Betsy.

Tyniki Joe’s pain was genuine so I was left more baffled than ever. It was obvious he had nothing to do with what was happening.

Unbeknownst to me, I was to find out exactly what was happening that night and I was not going to like the facts that I was shown, in the worst possible way imaginable.

After work that day, we buried Betsy in the backyard and then we had a very solemn few hours before we all turned in for the night.

It was approximately 3am in the morning when my sleep was disturbed. Luckily I was sleeping in the spare room because I had trouble getting to sleep and didn’t want to keep my wife awake with my tossing and turning.

I was not sure what disturbed my sleep, but it was an unusual noise that I was unable to place. As I was laying there listening hard for further noises, I noticed the bedroom door slowly swinging inwards. I watched with bated breath to see who would walk through the door.

But there was no one there. Well no person anyway, instead I saw Buzz Lightyear and Bananas in Pyjamas B1, standing in the doorway looking at me.

I gave a chuckle at that because seriously toys cannot see. I softly called Tyniki Joe’s name, believing he must have put the toys there and then hidden out of sight. He should be in bed and not playing games.

I received no answer from Tyniki Joe but instead watched in horror as both toys began moving towards me, with no help from anyone. To be honest they looked evil and creepy.

Am I dreaming?

I began to sit up when all of a sudden I heard Buzz Lightyear yell, into infinity and beyond, as he took flight and landed next to me on my bed. B1, the Bananas in Pyjamas stuffed toy began giggling.

I’m either dreaming or going insane, I thought to myself.

B1 raced up to the bed leg and began climbing it, still giggling in glee and before I knew it he was standing next to Buzz.

Both toys began climbing my legs, while I was trying to rise from the bed in confusion, except my legs were tangled in the blankets and all I succeeded in doing was falling back onto my pillow.

Both toys clambered up my chest until they where both standing on my neck. It was at this time I began to feel real terror. This can’t be a dream but how can it be real?

Before I could give that anymore thought, Buzz picked up B1 and shoved him into my mouth and down my throat. I began choking immediately and I could not draw in a breath. I was starting to suffocate.

I thrashed around using my hands to try and dislodge B1 but Buzz had somehow found some super human strength.

As much as I struggled, I began to realise I was going to die.

My last thought was that my toys, that I had destructively vandalised when I was a child, had come back to extract their revenge. I was finally paying for my crime against my toys, twenty years after committing my crime.

Buzz Lightyear successfully killed me with the help of his pal, Bananas in Pyjamas B1 and their revenge was finally fulfilled!


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Originally posted on Medium


About the Creator

Colleen Millsteed

My first love is poetry — it’s like a desperate need to write, to free up space in my mind, to escape the constant noise in my head. Most of the time the poems write themselves — I’m just the conduit holding the metaphorical pen.

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  • Kat Thorne2 years ago

    Love this, really creative!

  • Cathy holmes2 years ago

    Ooih this was fun. Well done.

  • Whoaaa I loved this! You write excellent horror stories

  • Ooooohhhhhhhhhh

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    That was horrific!👏💖😊💕

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