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Obsidian Sarcophagus

A Dark Fantasy Story

By Lianne PowellPublished 4 years ago 62 min read

The Obsidian Sarcophagus

One mistake can lead to the end of the world. That is where Karant steps in to make sure it doesn’t happen.

When Xaisha accidently discovered what the realms had purposely hidden for years, she was intrigued. However, when the evil was released, she found herself in a series of predicaments she wasn’t prepared for… and Karant was one of them.

Perhaps, the most interesting of tales in the veiled dreams of many, is the tale of the obsidian sarcophagus. It is a dark tale, one not told to children, for fear of night terrors that would most surely stay their sleep for days. It is said to be the place of interment for Batyx, Dark God of Death and Overseer of the Hunt.

The Legend of Batyx is a horrible tale of magick, wariness, treachery, volatile emotion and of expiration. The people who inhabited Necramos, as well as the Ethereal Sanctum, feared him more than any of the other Gods. As his magick grew stronger, Talena, the Neutral Goddess of Retribution, sought to stop his tyranny. Before she could stop him, though, he had taken out half of the realm in the wake of his new-found power. Eventually, she made him fall in love with her and in his lust for her, she drugged him. Sealing his body into a tomb of obsidian, she vowed that he would never again see the light of day forevermore.

His entombment lasted for a multitude of generations. That is, until now…


Lyrica woke to the dark sun casting a shadow over the city of Emberwind. She moved to the window and watched as the dark sun came into view and sighed heavily at the omens that had come over the last two days. Being a prophet had both its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, she could see the future and know what is coming in enough time to warn people. On the other, no one believed her till it was too late. Usually, too late involved the person dying before getting the chance to tell anyone else, making her seem foolish in her words. It was a hard life… and yet she wouldn’t trade it. The Gods had granted her a gift, and she made sure to see fit it was used.

The day before she had seen the dark sun rise to its throne above the realms. As she stared, she saw the blood of an innocent dripping down it. Signs of a death yet to come… usually a child. She cried as she begged for the Order of the Crimson Scorpion to listen. They had not. Later that night, they executed a poor girl for stealing… only to find that she was innocent and pregnant. Neither survived. Even through all of this, no one believed her. It was rumored that she knew the girl was already with child and was going to be accused. She cried herself to sleep last eve, her thoughts drifting to the poor unborn babe that never had a chance to breath the air of the thirteen realms of the Ethereal Sanctum.

Today held no different meaning. There was an omen today of mass death in the near future. She couldn’t see when, but it was there among the dark sun’s boding rays. She pulled her wrap closer to her body as the chill in the air set into her home. She grabbed her casting bones and cast them across her table, staring at them as they rolled to their homes amongst the chart made of parchment, charcoal and elderberry ink. She waited for them to settle and shook her head.

“There is to be a war of the masses. Many will perish. But when? Do you fear telling me, my faithful companions?” She picked them up and cast them a second time, allowing them to settle once more. “Hmmm, yes. I see… When the Dark Sun is at its fullest, we shall see blood. That is only nine days away. I must leave before that time and make my way to Cerulean. I must speak with the Sovereign and his advisors. This concerns not one, but four of the thirteen realms!”


Across the city, Xaisha got out of bed and yawned. It was going to be an exciting day. Today, they were excavating the chamber that they had located beneath the mountain. She was beyond excited to see what was in it as they had stumbled upon it while looking for some fresh water.

Originally, the town overseers had sent her and her brother, Aigo, to locate a new stream for the town. Upon digging for an underground stream they had been told was somewhere beneath the mountain, they had come across the chamber. Afraid to enter at the time, they had left it for a couple of days. Yesterday, they went to check on it and found the air had cleared. Today, they would venture in and find the water source, leading it somehow to the town’s river to increase the flow ten-fold.

She changed into her work clothes and grabbed her pack. She got her tools ready and put together her food ration pack of a few harbine fruits, nuts and some bread that came out of the wood stove the night before. She packed a waterskin filled with fresh water and her bag of burtrim nuts. As she finished, the kick came at the door and Aigo hopped through.


She nodded. “Yes. Let’s get down there and see what we have!”

They headed up to the top of the mountain, talking about what they thought they would find in the cavern; however, nothing had prepared them for this…


Glaenexius. The realm of eternal damnation. Everlasting darkness and ash. It was the realm of constant volcanic eruptions. The ground was black and hardened. Anything you ate either walked on four legs or grew on small trees inside your home. On occasion, there were travelers that came through bearing unusual fruits, berries and nuts that couldn’t be grown here. The communities took advantage and bought as much as they could afford, making sure they passed them out so that every home had some. It was hard, but they made do.

Karant stood on the peak of The Soul Dominion, the valley in which it is rumored the dead walk eternally. His long, dark hair braided down his back, his sleeveless arms baring the wounds of many wars. A large battle axe and sword was strapped to his back and thigh; he was always prepared for a battle. He was the realms’ warrior. He had seen battle more than any other Ashen Shifter should see in his lifetime. Being part of a race that lived nearly two-thousand years had its perks and its horror. He was only seven-hundred years old and had seen battles more than some three times his age.

Today, however, there was a new threat on the horizon. As he watched the dark sun set on his lands, the valley ached and cried for deliverance. Karant feared that day would never come. He watched as the sky turned bloody with the dark sun’s sleep.

“There is a darkness brewing that even I am cowardice of. This is the beginning of a war far beyond mortal man.” He turned to the rise of the crescent moon veiled in the red drape of the setting sun. “Soon, there will be no hope for the realms. No hope… short of myself.” Glancing down at his wrist, he saw the crescent shaped scar, red in color, that he had worn since birth. Placing the leather bracer that had the insignia of the Ashen Shifter Clans on it over the scar, he looked up and mentally started to prepare himself for what was to come.


Xaisha and Aigo climbed unnoticed to the top of the mountain. Anchoring a rope around a large, unwavering boulder, they lowered themselves inside of the enormous, menacing chamber. It was dirty and sandy, which Xaisha found a little odd. How, if it had been sealed off from the world, could it be this dirty?

Aigo waved her over to a makeshift doorway and placed his torch out it into a long, descending hallway. “Wonder where the hell this leads? How far does this chamber go?”

“I have no idea, but I aim to find out!” she laughed as she looked back in the chamber they were in. Markings unlike anything she had ever seen encased the upper edges of the walls, and runes came down like pillars all around the room. As she studied them, she shivered. “Aigo, I believe this is a burial chamber!”

“How do you figure?”

She pointed out several runes and spoke them in an ancient language, “Hysis grenfre theodril nexius exidius. That is ancient Hydronian. It means ‘to those who enter beware the buried evil here’. It has to be a burial chamber. For who is the question.”

He laughed and nervously glanced around him, “I don’t know, but for once can you stop being the creepy girl, please?”

“I resent that statement… I am not creepy. I am overly intelligent and sometimes incredibly stupid because of it, but never creepy. Let’s go further in!”

He looked at her and shook his head. “You are insane, you know this? What f we find a body? What if we catch some ancient, evil curse and it kills us, or mutates us or WORSE… the entire damn town exiles us to live here for the rest of our unforeseen years?”

She smiled and laughed, “WOW. So, being exiled is worse than death?”

“Exiled to this creepy place with you is, yes.”

She picked up a rock and threw it at him as he laughed. “Let’s go.”

They wondered down into the descending darkness and watched as the runes and ancient writings got larger, and sloppier as if they had been written in a big hurry. Eventually, she started noticing that it had switched from charcoal and blue dye to red… dried blood. Even she shivered at that. It meant that blood magick had been preformed here to seal these halls. She glanced back as a cruilon web spider landed on Aigo, sending him into a screaming fit.

“Trying to wake the dead?”

He attempted to catch his breath as he backed against the wall panting in fright, “Did you see the size of that thing? It covered my entire shoulder!”

She chuckled and walked over, picking up the hardened shell of the spider. “It is dead, well preserved. You just screamed like a little girl over a dead spider.”

He looked at it and wiped down the front of his vest, attempting to be calm. “I knew that. Was wondering if you would catch that. Continue?”

She nodded. “As soon as you get that one off the wall behind you.”

He reached around and grabbed it, laughing, “Stupid dead spiders!”

She started to walk as she yelled back, hearing the gentle hissing. “That one isn’t dead.” Hearing him screaming and stomping, eventually hitting the ground from a fainting spell as she turned the corner, she chuckled, “Such a girl…”


Lyrica hastened to get her belongings ready. She must make it to the Sovereign Court and fast.

As she rushed through town, the inhabitants stared. They had come to depend on her and her wise words, even if they didn’t admit they did. She was a rock of future prediction for them. On more than one occasion she had save their small town from starvation by predicting the year’s crops. They had far learned that when Lyrica spoke of something, to heed the warnings. Those years they had planted extra crops and got extra workers to work them. They had barely enough to survive the six frigid months. Through the other eight of sun months, they had to work a bit harder to till out the fields, but they hadn’t complained. They were alive because of her and they knew it.

So the fact that the town’s people were wearyingly watching her leave town wasn’t a surprise. They were afraid of what they would do without her… or worse. What was coming that even SHE was fleeing from. A few of the town’s people came running after her, screaming. She didn’t dare slow to explain.

“You think you are going alone?”

She growled. “Nexus, they need you here!”

He grabbed her arm and spun her around. “No. I am your protector for a damn reason! I was fated to you and I will be damned if you go anywhere without me! Now, where are we going, Lyrica?”

She sighed, “I have to see the Sovereign. There is war coming… and not a profitable one.”

“What kind of war?”

“A war of hate and jealousy… and complete annihilation.”

He paled as he stuttered… “Batyx?”

As soon as he said the name, the thunder above them raged with a vengeance worse than death. The rain that came down was red and thick like the blood of his enemies. She looked back toward the town and yelled a warning.

“I go to Sovereign! Protect yourselves! This is only the beginning of a long period of uncertainty!”


Karant stood and watched the blood fall from the sky. Wiping it from his arm and shivering in fear. “So Batyx, we are destined to meet again. Good. Our last battle wasn’t finished. Nothing will stand in my way of defeating you this time. Not even Talena can save you this time.”

He jumped down off the rocks and walked through the valley. The walking dead that scoured the earth beneath his feet scattered to make way for him. He had ruled this land for too long that even the dead respected him. Some even feared him. He picked up a handful of the red clay and wiped a handprint down his right cheek; warpaint of the gods, he called it. He was ready to take care of this problem once and for all.

Heading toward the Sovereign Counsel, he growled into the winds the call of the Ashen Shifters. He was calling them to war. To be prepared for his return. He was unsure how many of them still lived, however, the call was needed. If nothing but to warn everyone that he was aware of the fate to come.


“You left me,” he said in a tone that reeked of exhaustion and annoyance as he addressed her.

Xaisha laughed and glanced back at him. “You were laying on the floor. What was I supposed to do, Aigo? Drag you through the chambers and halls?”

“Uh, stay with your older brother and protect him while he was out cold might have been an option.”

“No, because then we will have lost valuable time. I started a map. I found three treasure rooms. A preparation chamber and a vaulted ceiling basilica type chamber? This place was devoted to only one person… which leads us to this door.”

Aigo stared at the wall. “Xaisha, there is no door there.”

She searched the writing on the wall and found the two bladed bar, running her finger across it. The blood dripped from the tiny cut on her finger into the groove and a small, faint click was heard.

“Damn, that hurt. Didn’t realize it was a real blade.”

Another click was heard as she stepped back, pushing Aigo down as she fell. They watched as the writings glowed a faint red hue and started to move across the wall. She sat up and put one hand over her mouth as she heard her brother start to panic.

“What the hell did you do, Xaisha?”

She shook her head and sighed softly as a loud thud was heard; the wall opened to reveal the hidden chamber. “Huh, I’ll be damned.”

He turned and stared at her, fumbling for words. “You…wait, you didn’t know… seriously? YOU DID THAT WITH NO KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IT WOULD DO?”

“Not the slightest. Come on, let’s go!” She dragged him to his feet and walked into the chamber.

Darkness… the depths of the unknown. The chamber was frigid. Feeling around on the wall, she found a torch. She reached for her flint and steel and lit it. There were others around the room that at the strike of the first, all took turns flaring into life. As Xaisha and Aigo turned, the black shrouded mass in the middle of the room met them dead on. Xaisha walked toward it, as if being called by the mound to uncover it. She slowly reached up and yanked the shroud off, revealing the sarcophagus made of solid black stone.

“Xaisha, don’t…”

Before he could finish, she placed her hand on the cold stone and vision flashed within her eyes. “Yes, Master. I have come. What is it you need of your servant?”

Aigo watched as she crawled on top of the sarcophagus and began tracing the lines on it, muttering incomprehensible words. The lid unlatched and slid open. Xaisha sat on top of it as the wind blew through the chamber. Aigo, scared beyond reason, fled as she peered over into the burial shrouds within.

“I am not there, my beauty.”

She glanced up and shook her head. “Who and what are you?”

He smiled. His devilish charm warming her in places it shouldn’t. “I am the God of Death and of the Hunt… and it seems I have found my prey.”

Xaisha ran from the chamber, the sound of the vile, ominous laughter following her out. What had she done?


Lyrica walked in to the meeting hall. Everyone who was present stared. Some whispered and talked in hush tones about why she was there. But they knew. She approached the thrones and bowed kindly to the men and women sitting in them.

“Lord Sovereign, members of the ruling council. I come with grave news. Will you give me motion to speak and guidance?”

The man in the center chair nodded to her. “Lyrica. You have come far. Please, speak.”

She nodded and smiled to him. “Thank you, your grace. I have foreseen something in my bones that is of upmost importance. It involves the death of many, and the realms to be destroyed!”

The entire room went into a frenzy as she said it. The hushed tones from before were now not so hushed. She could hear them objecting to her voice, must less taking heed to her words. The Sovereign stared at her and waved her forward.

“Please, continue. What have you seen?”

“I have seen a war! A war of hate and jealousy… and complete annihilation of the people of more than one realm of the Ethereal Sanctum! We must talk about preventive measures and soon, my lord.” Lyrica screamed in angst.

“I believe we are too late for that.”

Everyone turned to see Karant standing proudly at the doors. The Sovereign rose to his feet and stared at Karant as he walked toward the thrones. “What is it that you are meaning, Karant?”

“The Obsidian Sarcophagus of one Batyx has been opened. He has risen, has a thirst for vengeance, and has a hatred in his soul that will destroy the entirety of Ethereal Sanctum if he has his way.”

Once again, the room erupted into loud voices and a bit of panicked chaos. Screaming people, asking about war and death, filled the ears of the council as they all looked to the Sovereign for what to do. “Lyrica, Karant… please, let’s take this matter behind closed doors.”

The room booed and echoed their displeased comments as they walked out the back into the private chambers. The Sovereign walked to the table and chairs, taking off his robes and throwing them across the chair. “Okay, someone mind telling me what the HELL is going on? It isn’t a mere coincidence that BOTH of you show up in my courts on the same day, much less share the damn floor!”

Karant looked to Lyrica and waved her to speak first. “My Lord, I was doing a simple reading of the bones as I saw the warning of the dark sun. It is in my nature to feel and accept signs from the gods and nature as to what it needs to warnings of bad things to come. I acted out of concern. Death of masses, blood filling the lands, THREE of the realms under fire and total decimation! We have to act now. By my calculations… we have eight days.”

He gasped and covered his mouth, dropping into the chair. “You must be wrong. Karant?”

He walked forward slowly, head hung. “What she speaks is what is to come. I can only offer this piece of hope. That this time I am prepared to take on Batyx and win. And save the realms.”

The Sovereign licked his lips feverishly and rubbed his head. “How did this happen? How was that damned thing even found?”

“Not sure, Lord, but it has been opened. The connection I have to Batyx rekindled itself the moment he was released.”

A commotion outside caused them to turn to the door. A guard came in and bowed fast, turning his attention outside the door. “Lord, sorry to interrupt, but there is man here to see you with two younger people. He says it is urgent.”

The Sovereign waved them in as the man burst through in tears. “Sovereign, my name is Jashova. I beg for guidance.”

“You may have it. What is so urgent?”

“I beg for you to sacrifice these two to appease the darkness that comes! For it is they who are at fault!”

He threw the two onto their knees, their hands bound, and mouths gagged. The Sovereign looked at them and back to Jashova. We will take care of this. You are free to go.”

The Sovereign watched as the man looked down at them and leaned in to kiss their foreheads before running out. He found it odd and strangely out of place. “Untie them so we can talk to them. I have no intention of sacrificing anyone.”

Karant walked over and pulled his dagger, cutting their bonds and removing the dirty cloths that were shoved into their mouths. He took a cloth out of his bag that was clean and wet it with water, rubbing their faces to cool their skin. After offering them a bit of water, the Sovereign nodded to them. “Names?

“My name is Aigo and this is my sister, Xaisha.”

“Who was that man that brought you here?”

Aigo stared at him for a moment before lowering his head. “Our father.”


“I think that we are far beyond titles, Lyrica.”

She nodded and started again, “Merion, I believe that these might be the two that unearthed our nightmare.”

“Is that true, Aigo?”

Aigo looked at Merion and nodded. “Yes. My sister and I were trying to find water up on the mountain. We found the chamber and entered, not knowing what we had found. Xaisha was the one who found and opened the coffin of the dark brutal beast within.”

Karant chuckled and nodded. “Best description I have heard for the man in years.”

Merion shot a death stare at him and sighed, turning back to Xaisha. “Please, tell us what happened?”

She walked forward and bowed slightly. “I am not sure. Something seemed to pull me. It spoke to me. I couldn’t resist going in. Next thing I knew I was on top of it, tracing the sigils and speaking words I have never spoken before… and the HE came out!”

“Did he speak to you?” Karant stared heavily at her now, a worried expression visible across his brow.

“Yes. He said something about being god of thee hunt and finding his prey?”

“Who was he referring to when he said that?”

Xaisha looked at Karant in the eyes as she said his worst fear aloud, “Me.”


“This is insanity. We can’t be expected to watch out for a child while stalking the most dangerous GOD in the history of the Ethereal Sanctum!”

Merion sighed as he addressed Karant’s complaint. “You have no choice! If you leave her here, he will come and start destroying the realm! If she is constantly moving, and he can’t locate her, it will at least keep him busy until you can find a way to KILL the bastard!”

“NO. Absolutely not. Send her elsewhere! This KID will die as she gets us killed in the process!”

Merion stared him down with a look not to be reckoned with. “I don’t recall asking you, Karant. I believe I still govern this realm, so my word goes. If you don’t like it, too damn bad!”

Lyrica sat at the table, and cast her bones, looking for insight. She was puzzled when they kept coming to a blade. A blade that didn’t come with a name, as least from the cards. She sighed, quite frustrated. Her bones had always worked for her; today, however, was another story. “I am not getting anything but a blade. This is useless! There is something there that is hidden from me and they won’t answer my call! It is as if the ancestors themselves have abandoned me!”

Karant looked at Lyrica and shrugged. “I have a sword with his name on it. We don’t need another.”

“This is a special blade. I am not sure how it is special, but I know in my soul this blade is tied to the fate of the realms.” Lyrica rubbed her temples. “The closer we get to this war, the more my head aches. It is a warning sign!”

Merion nodded and chuckled. “Then for your sake, I hope you all can solve this before the war starts or your head may explode.” He turned to Karant and pointed to a map case. “That case holds maps for every region of the Ethereal Sanctum. If there is any of them you need, take them. Do you know where you are headed?”

“No, we don’t. At least not yet. I need to see the sarcophagus. I suppose that will be the first place we go.”

“Then get a move on it. You have eight days to destroy Batyx before he has the knowledge, power or means to destroy us.”


Aigo and Xaisha paced the floors in the small hut they were placed in. The meeting hadn’t ended, and this worried them both. At least they knew for a fact they weren’t going to be executed. At least the they hoped not, anyway.

Aigo stopped and looked out the hut’s window toward the meeting hall. “What do you suppose is going on in there?”

“I don’t know. I am scared though. I don’t like the way they stared at me when I told them what happened. Something bad is going on.”

Aigo glanced back to Xaisha and nodded. “I can’t believe that our own father turned us in!”

Xaisha glared at him as she spoke, “Well, if someone hadn’t TOLD him what happened, he wouldn’t have!”

“What would you have done? Tell me you would have done something different!”

“I would have! I would have taken it to the council! They would have been more reasonable! Case point… they are in there right now discussing things and we still draw breath!”

Aigo sighed in defeat. “You got a point. If it were up to father, we would have been hung and set to the torch by now.” Sitting down in a stool near the window, he rubbed his head. “I am sorry.”

Xaisha raised a suspicious eyebrow. “For?”

“Leaving you in there, telling Papa… everything. I haven’t been very supportive of you of late.”

She laughed as she retaliated, “No. You haven’t. I mean you are supposed to protect me and watch over me and you ran with your tail between your legs like a girl!”

“HEY! WATCH IT!” He shot an annoyed grin back at her. “I said I was sorry, damn it. Don’t give me hell!”

She walked over to him and hugged him, laughing. She looked out the window and sighed heavily. “Here they come. Get prepared for the worst.”

A few minutes went by, feeling like hours, before Lyrica and Karant entered the hut. Karant glared at them as he laid down the maps and the scroll. Lyrica sighed and leaned against the wall, nodding to them. They all stood in silence as they waited for the end of the line conversation to begin. Xaisha, looking back and forth between them and Aigo, was the first to get frustrated and ask questions.

“So? What is happening?”

Lyrica glanced to Karant who never even raised his eyes. “We leave in the morning for the realm of Danzuna. We seek an artifact that might kill Batyx.”

“That is good then, right? With you all going after it, you can kill him and save everything?”

Karant laughed deeply; it was a disturbingly evil laughter that sent chills down Xaisha’s spine. “I don’t think you quite understood. WE meant you are coming with us. Believe me, it is not my choice, but I have no say so in the matter. So get prepared.”

Xaisha blinked and looked toward Aigo for help. “I am sorry, did you just say we were going with you to wherever you are going?” Aigo stepped in front of her defensively.

Lyrica nodded and smiled. “Yes he did. By order of the Sovereign so it can’t be denied or changed. It is law.”

They spent the rest of the evening bantering back and forth about the whole ordeal. Karant and Lyrica went back to their huts that the Sovereign had graciously provided. Aigo seemed to fall asleep rather fast and snored loud enough to keep Xaisha up. She sat by the window and stared at the green moon that shone above them. The stars around it glittered and shone down on the city as if they were individual nightlights.

She sighed as she heard the city still bustling and crying out over the meeting today. It disappointed her. She honestly felt that she had stumbled on something great, something magickal and wonderous… what she stumbled on instead was evil and dark. And now she was stuck in the middle of something she might not be able to escape.

She was a target- a target of a dark god’s obsession for destruction and benevolent.


The next morning, they readied themselves to leave for Danzuna. Xaisha was nervous. She had never left home for any reason. Her father had always begged them to stay close, so he could help keep them safe. Now here she was departing for a distant realm.

She took a deep breath as she packed her belongings. The Sovereign had arranged for them to go home and get some of their things to take along. Karant and Lyrica went up to where the chamber was and searched it while they packed their belongings. She made sure to glance around the hut several times. It was sad, but she knew that she would see it again after today.

Her father wasn’t very thrilled they were still living. As a matter of fact, he made sure they knew his lack of patience and happiness in the circumstance by standing outside their huts; he screamed for justice, for they had caused the realms to go to war and Batyx to arise. Xaisha was hurt… she had never heard her father speak that way before. Aigo came out of his hut thee same time she did. She watched as he approached their father and stood before him, glare beaming across his brow as his father yelled at him. Just as Xaisha was about to say something pleasant about him being able to control himself, he ruined the thought. Raising his fist and decking their father, he sent him flying backward about 3 feet, landing on his ass in a fence and mud pond.

Xaisha started to object, but she stopped. Her father turned them in and begged for their death. No, he deserved it. And Aigo deserved to be the one to do it. She waited until he met her eyes and smiled, nodding her approval. He shrugged his shoulders and heaved the bag on his back as he walked closer.

“I feel much better now! Let’s do this.”

Karant shook his head and chuckled at him as he begin to walk toward the path out of town. “This is going to be a two-day journey to Danzuna. Once we are there, we head to the deepest depths of the Deaguay Chasm. That is where this weapon resides.”

“How did it get there, if you don’t mind me asking?” Aigo caught up with him and eyed the path. “I am sure there is one hell of a story there.”

Xaisha had to chuckle. Aigo’s thirst for adventure and knowledge knew no bounds… unless it was in an underground burial chamber. He had a fear of them. Anywhere else, he was raring to go. Lyrica walked in the rear. Xaisha glanced back several times to see her watching the land carefully, fiddling with one of her bone necklaces. It was odd, but she presumed that it was because she knew something she was afraid to say aloud.

The land was rocky and became dryer the further they walked. It was if the only place it had rained was inside the cities. The clay under them was red, the stones had pulled the color of the clay after years of being pounded into it by horses and carts. The mountain range in thee distance looked black. The dark snows of the upcoming season looming over them. Xaisha shivered. They were going to have to pass through the Soulless Divide to get to Danzuna. She sighed and shook the thought, trying to keep focused and not panic.

“The legend behind the weapon is really hearsay. No one really knows what it is or how it got there. Some say it is a hammer, some say a staff, and others say a sword. It is described differently in every story told. As is how it got there. However…” he paused for a moment before slowing and looking back at all of them, “none of them know the story as well as I.”

They all stopped, Lyrica glaring at him. “What aren’t you telling us? And why didn’t you say you knew more about this in front of the council!”

He focused his eyes on Xaisha and grunted. “Do you really think they would have believed me if I told them I knew of the sword and where it was because I put it there?”

Xaisha gasped and shook her head. “But that would mean…”

He nodded. “That I am much older than I look? Yes. Let’s leave it at that.”

Xaisha nodded and walked forward; she trailed behind him, looking him over at every glance. Karant smiled and chuckled under his breath. He knew that she was admiring. He might have taken the chance… if she wasn’t a kid and he figured he wouldn’t be around much after this was said and done.


It was a few hours before they reached the next city. It was an exhausting walk; over hills and through part of a forest, which was dark and boding. Xaisha was not liking the journey so far. She didn’t quite under stand why she was here anyway. Couldn’t they have put her in a house with people that would hide her? She sighed, realizing that it was hopeless to ask that now. They were too far away for them to take her back and consider the possibility.

The city they entered was small. About half the size of the one her and Aigo were from. Very few of the buildings were larger than four-person huts. A few were so small, they looked as if they would only hold one. There was a larger mess hall and town square hall. She was mesmerized they had a center well for the community. Given the fact that searching for water was what got her into this mess, she took notes. People watched as they walked through as if there were something wrong with them. Then she noticed… they weren’t watching THEM. They were watching Karant. She was curious to know why.

Karant stalked past the people watching and stomped up to a door, knocking hard on it. After a moment, a man answered and looked out at them, nodding. He opened the door and Karant waved them inside. Xaisha noticed that a few curious passers-by had slowed to watch them walk in before the man closed the door behind them.

“What are you doing here and who are they?” he asked as he offered his hand.

Karant shook it and laughed. “Long damn story. Headed for the Deaguay Chasm.”

The man stopped and paled. “You are headed where…?”

Karant nodded slowly and hung his head. “It is time, my old friend.”

He looked toward the rest of them and gestured to them with his head. “And them?”

“Lyrica, wise mystic from the east. And Xaisha, the one who unearthed and OPENED the black box. Aigo is her brother.”

He glanced back to Karant and grunted. “Wait, did you just say SHE OPENED the black box? What the hell would anyone in their right mind do that!?”

“Calm yourself, Shadius. It wasn’t on purpose. She didn’t know what it was… and he called to her.”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me! He chose her as his sacrifice?”

Xaisha looked to them and panicked. “WHAT!? Sacrifice? When were you going to tell me that?”

Karant rubbed his head as he bit his lip. “That was supposed to be on a need to know basis. Thanks, Shadius. Anyway, yeah. She didn’t know, and he compelled her to open it for him. So we are headed to get this finished once and for all. I plan to kill him this time.”

Shadius shook his head and sat in a chair, staring at the floor. “Do you think you can do it?”

“I know I can. As long as I have the Soul Stealer.”

Shadius rubbed his temples and growled as he spoke, “You know I am the only one who knows its exact location because I killed the last one to hold it. Let me guess…”

Karant nodded. “You have to go with us to get it. I have no choice. It is the only way.”

Xaisha and Aigo stood by the door, watching the conversation unfold. Aigo had wrapped his arms around her, and he was trying to assure her that she was safe with his hold. She wasn’t sure of that. Not anymore.

Aigo cleared his throat to get their attention and waved a hand. “Yeah, so this piece of crap is after my sister. How are you going to stop that if he comes after her before you get the, what was it? Soul Stealer?”

Karant and Shadius both looked toward him, a fury across their brows. “We are the two best fighters this realm has ever seen. You are safe, I assure you kid,” Shadius laughed.

They rest of the evening, they went through maps and made plans. Lyrica consulted her bones on several issues. Aigo was asleep quickly on the floor. Xaisha was so disturbed that she went out and sat on the porch and teared up. Anger, fear, pain and sadness filled her thoughts till her chest was hurting. She watched people as they made their way by her. They had baskets of goods, food and such. It looked as if they were preparing for the snowy months early. It was then she noticed that she was cold. The air had dropped and the black snows across the mountains ahead looked as if the snow was getting deeper.

She had always told her father that she dreamed of seeing the snows for herself. She really didn’t want to see them this way. Sighing and wiping the tears, she knew she had no choice now.

“You know the reason we brought you with us is to keep Batyx from finding you, don’t you?”

She looked back at Karant, who was standing in the doorway. “Could have told me that BEFORE we left.”

He moved slowly around in front of her and at down, looking her in the eyes. “I could have. But would you have come? Or would you have ran?”

Xaisha stared at him and began to object but stopped. “I would have begged for you to leave me in the care of someone else. He would have found me there though, wouldn’t he?”

He nodded a bit and looked up at the mountains. “The snow is beautiful this time of year. Cold, but amazing.”

She followed his gaze. “You have been up there?”

“Many times. I have survived many of years up there.”

She looked back over him. His taught muscles showing through his tight shirt. The veins in his neck moved as he talked, and dimples appeared in his cheeks as he smiled at her. She stopped and blushed, realizing she had missed what he said, and he had caught her eyeing him. “I am so sorry, what was that?”

He laughed with a deep, happy laughter that make her skin chill. “I said, dress warmly. I will take you to one of the most beautiful views the mountains have to offer while we are up there so you can see it for yourself. That is if you can stops taring at me long enough to see the snow.”

She chuckled. “I am sorry. You are quite handsome. I don’t get how you can be as old as you are and still look that good.”

He laughed and moved to pull his hair out of the braid. She watched in awe as he swung it around, flashing a smile that could melt hearts. Hers included. “Being the last surviving Ashen Shifter has its advantages. Looking young and feeling it are two very different things though! I feel my age, trust me.”

“How old are you?”

He raised an eyebrow and threw his hair back over his shoulder. “I am 729 years old. Old enough to be your great, to the fifteenth decade or so, grandfather.” Her jaw dropped. He laughed at her reaction and nodded. “Yes, I have robbed a few cradles in my time. Hard not to. Since I am the last of my kind.”

“I would say so, Grampy.”

“Hey now!”

They both laughed as she looked around the town. “We leave tonight to go up the mountain. We will be in Danzuna by morning. Might want to think about getting some rest.”

“I can’t rest here. I don’t feel very safe.”

“I will make sure that you are, trust me in that. Come.”

He offered his hand and led her inside to a small corner near the fire. He waited till she laid down and shut her eyes before he moved in to curl beside her. She jumped at his presence, but soon felt his energy taking her over and drifted off.


They slept for about three hours and was on the road. The travel was quiet; it seemed that everyone was a little on the worried side.

Lyrica kept her mind busy saying prayers. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen now; her visions were cloudy at best and her bones had stopped talking. She was sure that it was because of the changing events. They had already changed enough that the future wasn’t showing itself. This was either a very good sign. Or a horribly bad one. She prayed for the good side of the argument.

Karant kept his eyes open and on Xaisha at all times. He had explained to her along the way of the curse that Batyx had placed on her. She wasn’t any less concerned after that. He needed to know she was safe. At all costs. If she died, he lost the chance to kill him as it would make him even impervious to the Soul Stealer. Keeping her safe was the only chance he had. The more he watched her and spoke with her, however, was making the outcome of this journey a lot more difficult to envision; he found himself enamored with her. He shook his head and tried to convince himself that he couldn’t get involved with her. His heart kept interrupting his train of thought and pushing his mind aside. He smiled as she made eye contact with him. She was beautiful and didn’t know his feelings. And wouldn’t if he could help the matter.

Aigo was thrilled with the travelling. He was made for this. He had told Xaisha when they were smaller that his dream was to see the realms and that before he died, he wanted to see what was over the mountains. He was getting his wish. He secretly found himself praying that didn’t mean his death was imminent. The thought was never far from his mind as they travelled though.

Shadius stuck to the head of the group at all times. He didn’t take part in the conversations. He didn’t have the need. Those were distracting in his eyes. His goal was to get them to Deaguay Chasm. Once there, he would take Karant to the blasted sword and be done with this. Secretly, he hoped that Karant succeeded and killed the bastard once and for all. On the other hand, he feared losing the best friend he had ever had. They had been friends for over a hundred years. He couldn’t imagine what would have happened to him if Karant hadn’t been around. He had saved Shadius more than once. Shadius owed his entire existence to him

Xaisha’s mind was in chaos. The closer they came to the mountains, the more frantic she became. She hadn’t thought of anything like this happening when she opened that sarcophagus. Not that she had a choice in the matter. Along the way, Karant and Lyrica had taken turns explaining why she opened it. Being as innocent and pure as she was, it had allowed Batyx to control her mind and compel her into opening it. Even though it was supposed to be a relief to her, it wasn’t. It made her uncomfortable to know he had that power over her.

The journey continued until they reached the mountains. It slowed as they started to get into the deeper of the black snow. She made sure to experience it though, running her hands through it and feeling the cold powder as hit melted in her palms. The ice forms that hung from the trees were sleek and sharp. She was amazed at the beauty of it. The walking in it wasn’t so pleasant, but the wonderous views were worth it. When they reached about halfway, Karant found a small cave that they could rest in. He started a fire and they fixed food, getting warm for a bit before they had to continue.

Xaisha stood at the cave entrance and watched as the black clouds formed and brought a bit heavier snow. Karant took her by the hand and pulled her behind him. “Follow me.”

She nodded and followed in his steps to the next peak, and through some trees. Stepping to the edge, she gasped in awe. “Is that the entire realm?”

“Actually, it is five of them. It is the only view like this on the mountains. Most of them are covered in dense trees and you can’t get to close to the edge because the soil under you will crumble, causing you to plummet. This is my favorite spot here. Told you it was amazing.”

She leaned against a tree and smiled at him. Standing over six feet tall, and flexing jawline to match his taunt muscles, he was beautiful and very at home here in the snow. She wondered for a moment how many times he had come up here just to admire this view. Looking out on the realms, she wondered how they could be in so much danger yet look so peaceful. The threat was huge, she knew, however she couldn’t see how bad it was from here. It was almost a comfort for a moment.

She walked back through the trees and looked at them carefully. Each one had its own unique characteristics: some were smaller, some were larger. Some had many branches, others had few. The taller ones had more snow on them, where as the smaller ones were more sheltered and didn’t have as much. It was a beautiful sight. She wondered why, if trees could grow together like this with their differences, why couldn’t people? There was so much fighting and stupidity between the races now a days.

She settled on a rock and pulled one knee up to rest her arms on. Drifting off into a dream like state, she watched as a rabbit slowly made his way into the clearing. Hopping around her like she was nothing to worry about, she had to chuckle.

“Hasn’t anyone told you that you are being hunted and it probably isn’t good to be wandering off by yourself?” Karant asked from behind her.

“I didn’t. I can feel you staring at me. Therefore, I know I am not alone.” She glanced back to see him standing against a tree, arms and feet crossed. His eyes were intimidating. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

“What way?”

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “Like I am going to suddenly burst into flames and you are eager to see it?”

He laughed and looked down to the ground. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…”

She stood and nodded, walking back toward the cave. Hanging his head, he suddenly felt as if he was making her mad at him. He followed her, making sure to stay back a bit. He wanted to give her space, but not enough for her to get out of eye range. Batyx could be anywhere.

The more he was around Xaisha, the more he liked her. He didn’t like anyone, but she was spunky and fun. She was easy going and make him laugh. It had been a long time since anyone had made him smile. He found her quite charming and elegant, in a tomboyish sort of way. She had the charm of a lady, but the adventurous side of a man twice her age. He watched as she climbed over rocks and through trees better than most humans. He shook his head when she chose to go OVER a huge boulder, rather than around it.

After they ate, they got back on the road rather quickly. They were determined to reach Deaguay Chasm by nightfall.


Deaguay Chasm was dark and boding. They stood on the edge and stared. Karant stopped them and looked back, sighing. “I go alone from here. Lyrica, watch Xaisha. Carefully.”

“You are not going in there alone. You know that.”

He glanced to Shadius and laughed. “Can’t get rid of you, can I?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “YOU KNOW BETTER! You are not getting out of it that easy. I know where you are going, you don’t. Remember?”

Karant sighed in defeat. “Yeah, you are right. Okay, let’s go. Aigo, I am putting you in charge. Don’t let her out of your sight, got me?”

Aigo smiled sheepishly as he replied, “Yeah, got ya. I won’t let anything happen to her. She is my sister after all.”

Xaisha watched them walk off and something stirred in her. “You had better come back.”

Karant stopped in his tracks and glanced back over his shoulder at her with a smile that made her cheeks flush. “Why? Would you miss me?”

She laughed, “Not really. But I need you to stay alive so…”

He laughed as he waved a finger in the air and started walking into the darkness. Her heart sank. What if he didn’t return?


Karant and Shadius had been walking down thee path into the chasm for about ten minutes before Shadius broke the tension. “Did you tell her?”

Karant chuckled sarcastically. “No. Why? It isn’t like we are a couple or anything. I have realms to save and a bastard to kill.”

“Duty before companionship. Yeah, sounds about right.”

Karant stopped and glared at him. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Shadius slowed and turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “The last four women that showed their interest in you? The one that you turned down because your “duty” was to the realms, not to your heart? Any of that sound familiar? She likes you. And you know it. You should have told her.”

Anger welled up inside of Karant till he couldn’t see straight. “It isn’t any of your business.”

Shadius nodded and laughed, heartily. “Your right, old man. It isn’t. My bad. When you hurt her, and I have to pick up the pieces… I will tell her what a cold-hearted bastard you were to help dismiss her pain.”

“That was uncalled for!”

“Was it?” he asked as he cocked his head to the side. “Was it uncalled for because it was said against your wishes or because it was true?”

Karant started to argue… then stopped. He felt a pain in his heart and cleared his throat from the fear that welled up in him. “It is true. I should have told her before we came down here. Once I take the sword, it will be too late. I need to stay away from her after this. I can’t get attached.”

Shadius perked a grin. “Too late. You are smitten with her and she knows it.”

He raised his eyebrows in pride as he walked toward their goal, leaving Karant standing there wondering what the hell just happened.


Xaisha stood and watched the entrance to the way leading down to the chasm. Her heart hurt and her fear became more and more intense as the moments went by. She pondered thee meaning of it for several minutes before turning to look back at Lyrica and Aigo.

“I am going after him.”

“Oh, the hell you are! He will KILL me!”

She stared at Aigo and shrugged. “So be it. I have to go after him. I have a bad feeling.”

Lyrica shook her head and laughed. “You are brave. Not too many would venture into that chasm if it wasn’t a life or death situation.”

Aigo glared at Lyrica and snarled, “Don’t encourage her! She is careless and reckless and crazy… amongst other things!”

Lyrica pulled her bones from her pouch, said some words and threw them across the ground. “I see… she goes.”

“Wait, what?” he yelled at her. “What do you mean ‘she goes’?”

Lyrica stared at him and nodded to the bones, “They do not lie. She goes. She is needed.”

While they stood arguing, Xaisha looked toward the entrance and ran, not looking back or waiting on them. She maneuvered through the chasm like she had been there a thousand times. Within minutes, she could hear Karant and Shadius speaking.

“So admit it, you love her.”

“I am taken by her. I wouldn’t say it was love. We haven’t known each other long enough for that.”

She stopped and gasped, covering her mouth so she wasn’t heard.

“Did you hear that? Sounded like someone gasped behind us.”

Shadius laughed and nodded. “It did but who in their right mind would follow us?”

She closed her eyes and sank behind the boulder she was near, hoping they wouldn’t investigate. Karant groaned. “True. Let’s continue.”

Xaisha waited a moment to let them get a bit ahead before she continued her pursuit with the though in her head about Karant being taken with her. She climbed up the rock wall to a small ledge about five feet above the chasms floor. She carefully maneuvered around on the ledge, making sure she was silent before she caught up with them.

The rocks here were jagged. She couldn’t see it well, but she could feel the sharp edges. The path was really dark. The only light inside the chasm was from cracks in the stones that let only a minute amount of light from the moon in. She was glad that she had good eyesight; if she hadn’t, this wouldn’t have been close to possible.

Thirty minutes later, she watched as they came into a lit opening. There was a cave entrance in front of her. Karant and Shadius stood staring at it. “Shadius, do you need to come in with me? Can you just point me in the right direction?”

“Pretty much self-descriptive, man. Go in and keep going. It is at the back of the cave in the treasure room. But touch nothing but it. If you do, the cavern will collapse. ONLY the blade.”

Karant nodded and groaned a fearful sigh. “See ya on the other side.”

She watched as Karant ran in and Shadius nodded. “It is done. When he comes out, his fate will be sealed to the sword.”


Shadius spun around saying choice words that shouldn’t have been heard. “What are you doing here, you stupid kid! Go back NOW!”

Xaisha jumped off the ledge in front of the cave and glanced back at Shadius. “Tell me what you meant by ‘his fate is sealed to the sword’?”

Shadius wiped his face as he shook his head. “The blade… as soon as it is used on its marked target. The wielder, the one that touches the blade and tells it its mark, dies alongside the marked.”

“You mean that as soon as he claims the blade and kills Batyx, he dies too? So basically he is trading his life for mine? How is that right?”

“It is his destiny child! He was born for this. Once Batyx is dead, there is no need for his kind any longer!”

“Not if I have anything to do with it!”

Before Shadius could stop her, she turned and ran into the cave hearing his screaming her name. Once she was deep enough that she thought Shadius wouldn’t follow, because she quite frankly thought the look on his face said extreme fear of this place, she continued more slowly. She removed a torch and lit it, travelling downward. She shook as the cold underground breeze caressed her warm skin. Chills ran up her spine.

“No. I am not backing out.”

She moved forward, watching across the width of the pathway. She had no idea what was down here, or if she could even defend herself against said things, but she had to make it to Karant. She turned the corner and saw a light ahead. Slowing down she peered around it to see a huge treasure room. There was a small walkway around the side of the side as the chasm had. She saw Karant approaching the sword being held by a knights hand. She looked at the path and discarding her torch as to not alert him of her presence, hurried about the walkway above the stone hand.

Karant took a deep breath and reached forward, saying a goodbye to the world as he put his hand above the hilt of the black blade. It had red and gold etching down the sides, and a red tip on the end. The hilt was enough for two hands and was wrapped in golden colored cotton. He moved into position slowly; reaching forward, he heard a foot slip and blinked as he saw both his hand and another hit the blade together causing a brilliant bright green light to appear around the whole blade. She glanced up as he did, and a huge burst of light sent them flying in different directions. Her back hit a wall and slid down the pile of treasure below her as he did the same. As they both sat up, a rumble around them cause them to panic.

“What the hell did you do, Xaisha?”

“I was attempting to save your ass! What the hell were you thinking giving your life for mine? Are you insane?”

He glared at her and grit his teeth as he yelled back, “It is my JOB! Getting rid of this asshole is my damn fate, not yours!” He then paused as his eyes looked to her hand.

Her eyes followed his as she saw a small, identical blade in her hand that was in his. “What the…?”

He reached over and grabbed her hand, yanking her toward the entrance. “RUN! NOW!”

As he ran behind her, the walls started to shake, causing the tunnel to become an obstacle course. Rocks began falling down and hitting the ground as she stumbled, hitting the dirt and coughing at the pain she felt emanating from her chest. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

“Put me down!”

“We don’t have time for you clumsiness, Xaisha!”

He ran for the entrance as the ground beneath them crack and shake. Growling, he got to the archway and jumped, sliding across the ground and landing with her at Shadius’ feet.

“Well, I see that went well.”

Karant growled and rolled onto his back, letting a howl out into the air. “She had one job! STAY PUT! How the hell did she get past you?”

“SHE is right here! And I got past him quite easily because I am faster than the old lug!” she screamed at Karant loudly enough that the walls around the seem to echo it.

“HEY!” Shadius stared at her and grunted, “Be nice! I am not old!”

“Yes, you are!” Xaisha and Karant said in unison.

Shadius threw his arms up and turned to head back. Karant stood and dusted himself off, helping her to her feet. Without a word, he walked after Shadius, Xaisha trailing behind them.


Xaisha sat by the fire the next night and pouted. The temporary frog they had made her held the matching sword to Karant’s. She had tried to talk to him about it and he refused, giving her stupid excuses. He was avoiding the questions. Most of all, she just wanted to know if she had screwed up. That… and if she was now tied to the sword as well and would die when he did.

Karant ate and moved to the cliffside, over looking the realm. Xaisha glanced over to him and shook her head, walking off into the tree line. Stomping and showing her anger against the world by killing the grass beneath her, she growled. Tiring herself out, she finally slowed down and ran her hand through her hair. Leaning against a tree, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“I wish he would talk to me and just tell me how bad I screwed up.”

“Bad. And you shouldn’t wander away from camp. You are still be hunted, you know.”

She looked over her shoulder and shrugged at Karant, “Maybe if he finds me and kills me, it will give you the shot you need to kill him and then this world will be rid of us both.”

“The world didn’t need to be rid of you. Him, without a doubt, but not you. Why did you have to follow me?”

She watched as he slowly circled her, staring at her. It made her nervous. “I thought that if I could stop you from taking the sword, I might be able to help think of another way. One that didn’t involve you dying.”

He laughed and covered his mouth for a brief second before crossing his arms. Coming to stand directly before her, he stared down at her, “It is my destiny to die killing him. I am the last of my kind. It is an honor to give my life for the realms.”

“It isn’t an honor to DIE for others, it is complete insanity,” she scoffed before se threw her arms up in her rant. “Insanity, I might add, that I am SURE could be avoided if I had been given the common courtesy of being TOLD the plan and included in it!”

“Why are you mad at me?”

“How can I not be mad?” she raised her voice as she questioned him. “I mean, this supposedly as to do with something I did! And you have continuously kept information from me!”

He stopped and uncrossed his arms, letting them hang to his side, “I was trying to keep you from knowing how bad this is to protect you, Xaisha.”

She moved closer to him and glared into his eyes, “If you wanted to protect me, you should have told me what I was up against and what you were doing and the fact that I would be losing someone I…”

He looked at her and swallowed hard. “Someone what?”

She dropped her gaze and shook her head. “Doesn’t matter now does it, hero?”

She turned to walk away, angry at him for all of this. Feeling his hand go around her wrist, he spun her around and pinned her against a tree, taking his lips to hers in a demanding, yet passionate kiss. Catching her off guard, she wrapped her arms around him and embraced the affection. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, walking over to a near by slanted stone and laid her down, pinning her beneath his hard frame.

He had dreamed of finding the one person that would drive his mind and heart to a common place and now that he had, he knew it was only temporary. Come tomorrow, they would be at the Obsidian Palace and he would be fighting to save both her and the realms. Even though he knew he shouldn’t indulge himself or lead her on to something that couldn’t be, he couldn’t help how he felt when he was near her.

She felt her insides stir and something deep within her soul called out, wanting him and needing him this way. If this were to be his last night alive, she wanted it to be with her. Even though she knew that watching him die would end her emotionally, she had to know how it felt to be by his side. She had felt it from moment one; that connection and that calling as if they were fated to be with one another. And now that they had shared a kiss and embrace, she craved more.


The next morning brought a quake within the soil beneath them. Xaisha woke up embraced in Karant’s arms. He groggily met her eyes and stared at the tent over them shook violently.

“Damn it! The Palace is being erected from the soil! We have to go.” She looked at him as he shook his head, “Don’t Xaisha. Don’t say goodbye as it will only make this worse. We need to go.”

She nodded as he got up and threw on his clothes, walking out of the tent to give her a moment. As tears rolled down her cheeks, she got dressed and packed her stuff. Laying across her bag was a beautiful Obsidian pendant in the shape of a dragon claw. She sighed as she knew it was his. He was leaving something for her to keep with her. She placed it around her neck and walked out to meet the others. Looking across the canyon, was the erected tall black towers of the Obsidian Palace. She saw him ready his sword and bag and glance back to her. Walking toward the path, they all watched as he slowed and took her hand, kissing it gently as he walked past. Looking up she met Aigo’s eyes and let a tear roll.

“Are we following?”

Lyrica glided across the space and hugged her, “It is up to you. We can stop here while he does what he has to… or we can follow and support him from the side line. I would say it is up to you what is best given your current feelings.”

Shadius readied himself and walked toward the canyon, “I am going. That man has saved me more than my fair share. I owe it to follow him into battle against this evil.”

Xaisha nodded and started out after them. Aigo looked at her and smiled, “You okay with this?”

“No. But it isn’t my choice. And by having this,” she said as she pointed to the small sword on her side, “I think I have no choice but to fight with him. I think I tied my fate to his. Aigo, if I die, please know that I love you and this is not your fault.”

Aigo embraced her tightly and kissed her head, “Then I am going with you and fighting with you. I refuse to let you do this by yourself.”

Xaisha looked over the edge and started walking toward the path through the canyon. They all were silent as they walked. It was like they were walking to their deaths and they knew it. At one point, Karant slowed enough to take Xaisha’s and hold it lovingly for a bit. She could feel the blood pulsing through his veins at her touch. Which made the heartbreak even worse she was feeling.

By a quarter after midday, they were standing at the gates to the Obsidian Palace. Silence had overcome them, and the canyon around them seemed to sense the doom that was coming. Xaisha stood behind Karant and Shadius as they dropped their bags and drew their swords. Karant glanced back to look Xaisha in the eyes and a tear ran down his face. Walking toward her, he embraced her.

“I know I am getting ready to die, but I can’t without telling you that I love you. I have searched for you for way too long and it isn’t fair I found you on the eve of my impending death. If I go in there without telling you though, I would regret it from the afterlife I am heading to. In which I will wait patiently for you to meet me in.”

She dropped her tear stained face and cleared her throat, “If I don’t die with you when you make the killing blow… I will see you in about 50-70?”

He laughed and nodded, “You make it sound as if it is a jail sentence, Xaisha.”

She looked up to him and shrugged, “It will be a jail sentence… one without you. One that I will serve faithfully until I am freed from it.”

Without thinking, he kissed her hard and passionately. As he backed off, he reached down and took of his bracer, revealing the scar, and placed it securely on her wrist. As he turned to walk toward the gate, she sobbed.

“For what it is worth, Karant…” He turned back to look at her. “I love you, too.”

He smiled and nodded, “Then what I do is worth it. I am saving the woman I love. Can’t ask for more noble deed than that.”

She watched as Shadius took his place and Karant’s side as they walked into the courtyard. A loud rumble of thunder above them and a few lightning crashes behind the castle lit the walls up, casting evil shadows across the land that surrounded the palace. Xaisha looked around and a bad feeling overcame her.

“Something isn’t right. Something is off.”

She turned and saw Aigo and Lyrica laying on the ground behind her. Before she had time to react, she looked into the eyes of Batyx. She took a step back and drew the sword as he chuckled.

“My beauty, you looked scared to see me? Why is that, do you suppose? Did the heartless wonder that is Karant tell you of my need for your death?”

“Back off! Or I will kill you myself!”

“With what, that pitiful…” he stopped and glanced over it. “Well now, isn’t this a unique turn of events? Is that the Soul Stealer you hold?”

She glanced down at it and laughed, “Yeah, that is a funny story. I am sorry you won’t be able to stick around to hear it!”

The low rumble in his throat as he laughed shook the canyon, almost knocking her off her feet, “Are you threatening me, little girl? I am not afraid of you, or the sword I can see in your eyes you can’t use. And now that I have you where I want you, alone, I can sacrifice you before Karant even knows you are dead.”

She swung the sword as he moved and avoided it laughing. She swung again, and it tapped her arm, making a small slice and she wailed loudly.

Karant stopped and felt his arm burn, hearing her wail in his head. He screamed to Shadius, “HE HAS HER! WE HAVE TO GO BACK NOW!”

He took off running back to the gate, jumping stones as Shadius ran after him. Something in him told him she was hurt. He couldn’t not listen to the warning.

Before she knew what was happening, Batyx swung the sword and cut her abdomen. She fell, blood pouring from her midsection onto the ground. As she fell to the side, she blinked seeing Karant fly over top of her and slice Batyx’s head from his shoulders. Xaisha felt the life start to leave her as she made eye contact with Karant…


275 years later…

“Years went by. The obsidian palace crumbed, never to return. Batyx’s body was dismembered and incinerated, the ashes resealed into the Obsidian Sarcophagus and buried deep within the mountains to never be seen again. No one really knows if this story is true to the word, but I like to believe it is.”

The little boy looked at the older man and smiled, not being able to sit still in his seat, “Is that who I am named after, Grandfather?”

He smiled and nodded, “Yes child. Your name is Karant. After your great, great, grandfather Karant. And your great, great, grandmother, Xaisha, was a wonderful woman as well. No one knows why they lived that day. However, they went on to live a beautiful life filled with love and adventure. And so will you because of that.”

The boy smiled and kissed her as he ran out. Aigo Adiemus looked at the swords on the wall and sighed, taking one of them down and rubbing his hands over the blade. “No one really understands why Karant and Xaisha were spared that fateful day, but one thing is for certain. These will be yours and your sisters one day, just like my sister Abeille and I inherited them from my parents and them from Karant and Xaisha themselves. However, there is a worry; as long as an Ashen Shifter exists, then so can Batyx. It is our curse.”


Across the mountains, a rumble was heard, and an evil laughter rose upon the wind…


About the Creator

Lianne Powell

I am a USA Today Best Selling Author. I have 2 pen names, Lianne Willowmoon and Elena Blake. A stay at home Mom of 2 kids, I have a daughter and a son. I enjoy reading, writing and creating works of art in any format I can.

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