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It Comes at Night

By Theresa M HochstinePublished 2 years ago 21 min read

Angelica sat, in silence at her oak wood kitchen table. As she slowly lifted her cup of coffee to her lips, Angelica peered out the window. Rested on top of the archway thirty feet from her porch was an owl. Angelica sat and admired the owl's fluffy white chest and the brown and tan swirls that colorized it’s feathers. The owls beady black eyes glancing back at her. “What a beauty.” Angelica said under her breath before taking another swig of her coffee. She sighed. As the sun began to rise her dim kitchen began to glow brighter revealing her creamy sand colored skin. There were no creases, no cuts, no red spots. Angelica’s skin was like porcelain. Her emerald eyes glistened in the morning sun and her long blacks curls complimented her gentle facial structure exquisitely. A single tear slithers down her left cheek like a serpant. Her eyes still enviously glaring at the magnificent creature perched upon her arch. The arch was structured like a lattice and was made from the Red Oak Tree. An elegant red-rose bush climbed from bottom to top on both sides.

“Why do you taunt me so you beautiful beast?” She said with a sigh. Angelica’s melancholy creations that once poisoned only her mind now began to fill her brilliant home with a dark, ominous shadow. Though Angelica had been gifted with beauty, life had not been kind to her. She had seen much of the worst life had to offer before she had even reached grade school.

As the sun continued to rise above the tree line, Angelica knew her winged friend would soon be turning towards home and her eyes were once again fixated on the Barn Owl which rested so elegantly at the top of the arch. The bird let out a hoot and raised it’s left wing to its beak then began to pick at its feathers. Angelica lifted herself from her chair using the table and walked to the window to get a closer look at her morning visitor. The owl looks up and meets her gaze. The two share a moment of silence and the owl tilts its head sideways, keeping its eyes on Angelica. She smiles. “Are you lonely too?” she asks the owl. It nodded it’s head and let out another hoot. Angelica replied saying, “Well, you’re always welcome here.”

‘What’s wrong with me?’ Angelica thought to herself. ‘I’m having a conversation with an owl. As if it knows what I’m actually saying.’ She shook her head and smacked her forehead. “I have really gotta get a life.” she said aloud. “I think I’m losing it. I doubt anyone else talks to wild animals like this.” The owl lifted and shook its head, as if to say she wasn’t as crazy as she thought.

The morning grew brighter and the owl looked as though it might take flight soon. “Are you going home then?” Angelica said to the owl, who shrugged it’s shoulders in response. “Ha! You do understand the words I’m saying, don’t you?” the owl nodded and let out, yet another hoot. Angelica’s grin grew wider and her eyes twinkled in the sunlight. “You must be tired?” she asked. The owl shook his entire body and nodded. She giggled. “Well, you’re still beautiful!” The owl turned its face sheepishly, almost like it was blushing. “Go get some rest and you can come back to visit tomorrow.” she offered. The owl gave a final, single nod, spread its wings and flew off just before the sun had reached full sail. Angelica peered into the horizon for a moment longer and then made her to the bathroom, twisted the knob on the shower faucet then began to undress.

As the shower ran and her bathroom began to fill up with steam, Angelica stood before the vanity mirror and unbuttoned her navy blue silk pajama top. Her breasts were perfectly rounded with delicate pink areolas, their shape a flawless circle. She dropped her matching pajama shorts to her ankles and stepped out of them. Angelica studied her delicate body in the mirror and smiled. She was beautiful, with an hourglass figure but as her eyes sank lower, she caught a glimpse of the scars that stained her wrists and thighs. Her smile melted into a melancholy frown and her eyes started to fill well with tears. She quivered and ran both hands through her soft, ebony curls. She bent over the sink, her elbows resting on the sides and her hands cradled her face. Angelica stood silently in that position for about ten minutes before she sniffled, lifted her head, pulled back the shower curtain and then stepped into the tub leaving the curtain pulled back just enough so she could keep her eye on the door.

After her shower, Angelica sat in her vanity meticulously applying her makeup. Each brush stroke was done with absolute precision. She rolled her nude tights up her legs and pulled her black spaghetti strapped dress up then wrapped a sheer white cardigan around her upper body. Angelica made her way back through her small ranch style home and grabbed her keys from the hanger in the hallway. She set her alarm and took another look around her house before stepping outside and locking the door behind her. With a sigh, Angelica placed her black frame sunglasses on her face, turned the car over and pulled out of her driveway.

As she made her way through downtown Salem she decided to stop at Bentley’s Coffee for a snack. To her surprise and her delight, the cafe was empty of customers. Angelica approached the register and was greeted by the Barista.

“Hello, there! Welcome to Bentley’s, what can I get for you.?” she said. A chubby young girl with a heartwarming smile and hazel eyes. Angelica glanced down at her name tag. Amber.

“Hi.” Angelica gave a quiet response. “Can I get a large dark roast coffee with two cream, one sugar, and a shot of the snickerdoodle flavor?”

“Absolutely!” Amber said enthusiastically. “Will there be anything else on your order, love?”

“Actually, yes. Would you be able to add an onion bagel toasted with garden vegetable cream cheese.? Angelica responded. “That will be all.”

“Sure thing! It’s going to come to $7.48.” Amber shot back. Angelica offered a gentle smile and handed her a twenty dollar bill.

“The rest of that is for you.” Angelica said. She grabbed her coffee and bagel from the pick up area, and walked out the door. She climbed back into her car and continued to make her way to the ‘Reader’s Guide’ bookstore. Angelica was a well-known author and today she was giving a lecture on her new book. Though it was not her first lecture, the thought of presenting for a new audience made her feel like vomiting. She pulled into a parking spot that had been reserved for her, and checked her armpits for sweat with her hands. They were drenched. She pulled a rag and some deodorant from her glove compartment and dabbed them dry and applied the deodorant. Then she pulled down her sunglasses to check on eye-makeup. It was still a vision of perfection. The cat-eye-eyeliner had sharp edges and the brown shadow complimented the green in her eyes. Satisfied with appearance she stepped out of her Subaru Crosstrek and made her way inside of the bookstore where she was greeted by the event host and her manager, Brandon Lach.

“Hey Brandon.” Angelica greeted him with a hug.

“There’s my literary genius.” he said back with a grin. “Are you ready to wow these guys too?” he continued.

“Honestly, as far as emotions go, I’m not feeling the best today.” Angelica responded. “I don’t quite feel up to this today. Any advice?” she questioned.

Brandon tilted his head and gave her a puzzled look. She gave him a half-smile and shrugged her shoulders. Then he grabbed her by the chin and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Just be yourself and do your best. ” he said. “If things feel too heavy for you today, we can always reschedule. I don’t mind.”

Angelica placed her head on his shoulder and glanced up at his sapphire-blue eyes. “Mmm. You’re my best friend Brand.” she said.

“And you are mine!” he replied. The two looked into each other’s eyes, they’re arms still wrapped around each other's bodies. “So, you want to do this or what?” he asked.

“Let’s do it!” she replied and flashed him a smile. Brandon unlocked the doors of the bookstore and Angelica’s fans flooded in. The crowd formed a circle around a podium and Angelica made her way to the other side of it and welcomed her guests.

“Hello, everyone and thank you for joining me today. I appreciate all the support you have given me and I would like to start off by reading a few pages from my newest book which will be released by Halloween this year. How does that sound?”

The gaggle of reader’s roared with excitement and Angelica opened the book titled “Which Way Home!” and began to read aloud to her fans. Her voice is melodic and low. As if she were reading to a lover in bed before the lights turned out. She found her smile, her passion. Angelica used writing and reading to cope with negative emotions since she was a child and that warm feeling it gave her then, continues in her today.

“...She blew out her candle and she was asleep before her head hit the pillow.” Angelica had finished reading the first chapter of her book and her fans hooted, hollered, and appluaded. She walked around to the front of the podium and gave her slight bow and thanked the audience once more for coming out and asked those who wished to purchase a signed copy of her book to form an orderly, single-file line in front of the signing table near the check-out lane. She sat at the table and back her book signing. After about three hours of signing books and chatting with her fans, Angelica had finally signed the last book and was packing up her laptop and extra book copies when Brandon approached her again.

“What are your plans tonight?” he asked. His palms were sweaty and his legs shook. Brandon looked down at the ground and scratched his head while he waited for her reply.

“I have some shopping to do in town and then I was planning on staying in for the evening. I don’t feel like doing much.” Angelica said. “I’m hoping the owl I saw early this morning comes back to visit me.” Brandon paused and raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

“Is that a code word for your man-friend?” he questioned. He avoided eye contact and picked at his fingernails.

“No, silly boy.” she laughed. “I’m referring to an actual owl. You know, it has wings, kind of fluffy, nocturnal.” her witty banter made him giggle.

“Alright, you want me to give you a call later?” he replied.

“Sure thing! I’ll talk to you later!” Angelica shot back, bouncing up and down. Her pale cheeks became flushed with a rosey pink. They gave each other eskimo kisses and then each left a friendly peck on the other one's cheek. After goodbyes were given, Angelica got back into her store and drove to the nearest Walmart. She gathered her items quickly and was back to her car and on her way home within fifteen minutes. She had no interest in being out in public any longer than she needed to be.

Angelica arrived home shortly after six O’clock, the sky had an orange and purple glow, and thin wind an eerie whistle. As she pulled into her driveway the Cherry Blossom tree which stood as the centerpiece in her flower garden caught her attention. The flowers had all fallen and wilted but Angelica admired the turning of the leaves. She stepped out of her SUV and made her way down her marble pathway, and passed beneath her rose-dressed archway. She had a small house, made of brick, and the front door was glossed in a chestnut-brown. The light flickered on when she stepped onto her porch. Angelica fiddled with her keys for a moment before locating the one for her house, she stepped inside and shut off her alarm. She slammed the door behind her, pressing each of her palms to the door. Angelica let out an exasperated sigh, locked the door, and armed her alarm once more. She kicked off her Louis Vuitton heels and walked straight to her bedroom. Her little black dress plummeted to the floor and Angelica sunk her legs into a pair of thick, black sweat pants and pulled a teal sweatshirt over her head. She wrapped her feet in a pair of teal fuzzy socks and staggered into her home office.

As the hours ticked by and the sun began to sink into the horizon, Angelica stared at the words whizzing by her computer screen. Was this story any good? Where should I go from here? What about an ending? She had her elbows planted firmly on her desk and her hands grasping her hair. “Fuck!” she shouted at herself. “What’s wrong with me?” She threw herself back in her leather office chair and raised her hands in the air. “Ugh! I’m going to make some coffee.” speaking to herself once more. She rubbed her eyes and struggled out of her chair, nearly falling on her face as she stood and walked to her Nespresso machine which sat in the back left corner of her office.

Coffee in hand, Angelica shuffled to the kitchen and peered out the window. Once more, the same Barn Owl had come to visit. She smiled and greeted her avian friend. “Hello there gorgeous.” she spoke to the owl. “I’m pleased to see you decided to visit again.” she said with a soft chuckle. The owl darted its beady eyes toward her and let out a gentle hoot. “Want to tell me about your day?” she asked. The owl tilted its head inquisitively then gave a single nod. “Well, go on then.” she laughed. Then to her surprise the owl lifted its wings and began to flutter and dance around as if to tell a story. But then- three hard knocks at her front door spooked her and she dropped her favorite Scooby-doo coffee mug which shattered on impact. She cocked her head to the right, checking the time on her digital oven clock. Who would be coming here at two in the morning? Three more knocks were laid against her door-slightly louder than before.

“Police.” said a gruff-smokey voice. “We’re looking for Angelica Winston. We understand it’s late but it is urgent.” Angelica’s mouth was flooding with saliva, she swallowed the lot with a strenuous gulp and made her way towards the front door.

“I’m coming.” Her upper lip quivered and knees buckled. Angelica stood on her tip-toes and peeked out of the window. When she saw the officers standing outside her door, she left out a deep breath and her shoulders dropped. She opened the door and squinted when the first officer lifted his flashlight to get a glimpse of her face. “How can I help you gentlemen this evening?” she questioned.

“We’re sorry to bother you at this hour. I’m officer Ryan Findley and this is Officer Janet Lovelace. We understand Brandon Lach was working for you as your publicist and that he was also a close friend of yours?” the first officer asked.

“Well yes, we moved here to- Wait what do you mean?” Angelica replied switfly.

“May we come in?” Officer Lovelace asked in a sullen voice.

“Yes, Of course. She pushed the door open wide, took a step back and guided the officers in with her left hand, her right still firmly grasping the handle of the front door. “Come in.” she exclaimed. Angelica’s palms began to sweat, she locked the door once the two were inside and took a quick look out of the side window. “Can I offer either of you a cup of coffee or a glass of water?” she asked as she spun around to face the two officers standing inside.

“No thank you.” Officer Findley spiked back. “We don’t want to keep you long.” Angelica nodded and led the two into her living room and offered them a seat on the black cotton-wrapped loveseat that was placed parallel to a lit fireplace. Above which hung an elegant painting of a Barn Owl gliding through a twilight.

“So what’s this all about is Brandon alright?” her voice was dry and her speech cracked.

“Unfortunately, we found Brandon’s body lying in an alleyway not far from the bookstore that the two of you hosted your book signing at.” Officer Lovelace spoke smoothly-quietly. There was no sympathy-but emapthy. “Do you know if he was seeing anyone new? Was he meeting someone after your event?” She moved her hands back and forth as she was talking. “Is there anyone in his life or from his past that may want to harm him?” Angelica’s eyes grew wide and her lips began to pucker.

“I’m sorry, what?” Angelica gave a slow response and slid her hands down her pant legs.

“We’re deeply sorry for your loss but we do need you to answer our questions.” Officer Findley was direct. “Can you tell us if there is anyone who may want to harm either him or yourself, maybe?” He raised his eyebrow and slanted his upper lip. “You are quite popular. Could this have been done by a delusional fan?”

“No.” Angelica said, almost in a shout.

“You seem awfully certain of that.” Officer Findley responded. He crossed his legs and leaned back in the loveseat. “Is there something you want to tell us?” He asked as he turned out his palms.

Angelica dropped her head and sank into the armchair that sat at a forty-five degree angle from the loveseat. The fire's orange glow dancing across her cheek. “You may want that coffee after all, Officer.” Angelica’s voice fell an octave and she raised herself from her chair and started towards the kitchen. She flipped the switch of her Mr.Coffee brewer, placed the filter in the hood, scooped in the coffee grounds, and pressed brew. As she watched the coffee trickle down into the pot, a chill rushed down her spine and made a quick one hundred and eighty turn. Standing in the center of her archway, there was a man. He had long, chocolate-brown hair with voluminous curls. His light-brown pants were torn just above the ankle, and his white button-down dress shirt was agape revealing his smooth, bare chest. An ominous, gray fog blanketed upon the ground on which he stood. Angelica blinked twice and grazed her eyes with her balled up fist. When she looked back to the window he was gone and the fog lifted. She turned her front to the brewer, poured two cups of coffee, took them in her hand and made her way back to the living room where she handed each officer the coffee.

“You’re looking for Timothy Benton.” Angelica said sternly as she reclaimed her armchair.

“You seem pretty confident about that. Can we ask why?” said Officer Findley before taking a quick sip of his coffee. “Who is he?” He quickly followed up.

“He’s my brother.” Angelica darted back with no hesitation. “And he is probably looking for me.” she continued. Angelica shuttered. A single line of tears trailed down her face and she repeatedly lifted her arm to wipe them before they fell.

“Why would he be looking for you?” asked Officer Lovelace, leaning over the coffee table that sat in front between the loveseat and fireplace. Her elbows resting on her knees.

Angelica’s upper lip curled beneath her bottom one, she tilted her head and with a weak chuckle; she responded. “Because he’s spent the last fifteen years in Prison because of me.” Both officers lifted their heads, sank further into the loveseat, and focused their eyes on Angelica.

“Do you want to tell us about that?” Officer Findley questioned. His dark-brown eyes fixated on her.

Angelica shrugged her shoulders, took another deep breath and wiped the tears from her waterline. “There’s nothing to tell. When we were children he raped and beat me. I filed a report and had him arrested. Our parents chose to believe him and disowned me so I changed my name and moved here with Brandon after I turned eighteen.”

“And you are twenty-seven now?” asked Officer Lovelace.

Angelica nodded her head. “Mhmn.”

“So, you were twelve years old when you testified against him then?” Officer Findley jumped back into the conversation.

“That’s correct.” Angelica responded.

“That must have been difficult for you.” He stated.

“My mother’s sister Amber believed me, and the rape kit provided enough evidence to put him. After I made the report, my aunt took me in and I lived with her until I was old enough to move away. She was great and everything but I didn’t feel safe so Brandon and I started saving money. We both worked at a Tim Hortons and managed to gather up enough money so I could legally “disappear” and none of them would be able to find me.”

“So, why didn’t Brandon change his name?” said Lovelace.

“He didn’t feel it was necessary.” Angelica replied swiftly.

“Alright then. Do you feel like you’re safe here?” asked Findley.

“For now, yes.” Angelica stated.

Angelica took the cups from the Officer’s and walked with them to the door. Officer Findley turned to face Angelica once more and handed her a card.

“If anything seems off to you, give me a call!” He said. Angelica glanced down at the card, it had his contact information as well as the Police Departments. They both gave each other a nod before saying their farewells and once the Officer’s stepped outside Angelica locked the door and armed the alarm once more. She took the dirty cups to the kitchen and placed them in the sink, then turned to look out her window. Her owl was back again. Angelica’s face was stained by her still falling tears, her face had sunken, and her body was slouched over. She crept to the window with her hand pressed firmly to her back then did a quick turn back towards the clock, it was six in the morning.

“I’m sorry gorgeous, I’m going to have to call it a night. It has been an awfully troubling evening.” Angelica’s voice was raspy and her tears had overtaken the flood-wall. The owl nodded and then motioned it’s head forward. She nodded back, kissed her hand, and blew it towards the owl. “Goodnight,” she exclaimed before leaving the kitchen. Once she made it to her bedroom, she locked that door behind her and crawled into bed before removing her slippers. She nestled under her blankets and fell asleep; her tears still dripping onto her pillows.

At eight, Angelica’s alarm clock began blaring and she was startled awake. She flung her arms out from under the covers and chucked the clock at her bedroom wall shattering the object. “Piss off!” she exclaimed with rage before pulling the covers back over her head and going back to sleep. She twitched and groaned as she slept. Then she cringed and wept. Finally she jolted forward and screamed. Her breathing was heavy and her bed sheets were bathing in sweat. She wiped her forehead and wiped the mucus from her eyes then looked down at the broken clock pieces scattered in front of her door. “Well, I suck.” she said aloud to herself as she shrugged her shoulders. “What the hell? Might as well get up.” She continued.

Angelica laid back and arched her body, cracking her back then sat up. She opened the drawer of the nightstand that stood beside her bed and grabbed a bottle of Ibuprofen. She popped off the lid and rattled the bottle until three pills fell into her hands, then placed the lid back on. She snatched the bottle of water on top of the nightstand, removed the lid, tossed the pills in her mouth, and took a big gulp of water. As she lifted the covers, she turned and stepped out of bed. Angelica raised her arms above her head and stood on her tip-toes to stretch. Once her feet were planted firmly on the ground, she stumbled over to her closet, grumbling on with each step she took. She dressed herself in a pair of light-pink sweatpants, a plain white sweatshirt, and a pair of high-top white Nikes and tangled her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head with just a few loose strands of her dangling on the sides.

After checking herself out in the mirror, Angelica opened her bedroom and her lower jaw dropped. Her eyes wide and focused as she looked around at her damaged home. Windows were busted, pictures were shattered, and the walls were painted with fresh blood. She backed up into her bedroom and opened the nightstand drawer once more, this time retrieving a nine millimeter pistol then ventured into the hallway once more. Angelica crept into the living room where the loveseat and arm-chair had been shredded to pieces. The only item in her house left unharmed was the painting on the owl dangling above the fireplace. As she continued her tour of the house, Angelica got out her phone and called the police.

Five minutes later, Officers Findley and Lovelace arrived at Angelica’s house.

“Did you miss us already?” Officer Findley chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh you know it!.” Angelica spit back, rolling her eyes. Findley frowned and scratched his head.

“Sorry.” He said with his eyes locked on the ground. They searched the house but no one was there.

“How did you sleep through that?” asked Officer Lovelace.

“Honestly, I smoke a lot of weed.” Angelica replied with a subtle shrug. The officer just smiled and shook her head.

“Well, you may want to reconsider doing that for the time being.” Findley added. “Is there anywhere you can go.”

“Yes, I have a private room-slash-office at Hotel Salem and I have the money to hire extra security. I think I’ll be safe.” Angelica responded confidently.

The officer’s jotted down their notes, and Angelica made all the arrangements she needed to keep herself free of harm. Findley and Lovelace hung out until Angelica’s hired security detail showed up, but left shortly after their arrival. Angelica spent the day isolated in her room, getting lost in the words filling up her laptop screen. The darker the night grew, the more she paused at every strange sound. Her eyes raced back and forth at every creek, every scratch of the tree branches outside, and at every heavy gust of wind. Her legs began to shake and she started to pick at her fingernails. Finally, Angelica slammed her laptop shut and hopped out of the bed, then began to pace the floor. “He’s not going to find you. You’re good, you’re safe. Stop freaking out.” Angelica whispered to herself repeatedley. She rotated between pulling at her hair and grazing her hands against her pant legs.

Angelica stopped abruptly in the center of the room and turned her head to the left to take a glance at the time. Just as the clock was within her sight, the clock struck midnight. She turned around and walked up to the window and a familiar face struck her by surprise. Clinging to the frail branch of an old oak tree was her feathered friend. “Did you follow me?” Angelica asked teasingly. Both hands were on her hips and her head was tilted slightly. The owl replied with a muffled hoot. Angelica opened the window, peered up at the full moon and then down at the ground. Standing at the foot of the tree was a man dressed in black. He was tall with a muscular build and his face was wrapped by a black ski mask. His eyes fixated on Angelica. She ran to the door and looked out of the peep-hole. Her massive hired guards stood valiantly outside guarding her. She turned and placed her back against the door, melting onto the floor. She sat in a feeble position, panting heavily for close to five minutes before she regained the confidence to shuffle back to a standing position then checked the peep-hole once more. The guards were still there and she let out a gentle sigh.

Angelica tip-toed back to the window in slow motion, glancing over her shoulder with each step forward. The man in black was gone but the owl remained. The wind grew louder, and the temperature began to drop. “There’s a storm coming, huh?” She asked the owl. He replied with a graceful nod. “Are you going to be leaving then?” Her eyes began to swell and her face grew puffy and red. The owl looked down and then back up at Angelica. Then nodded a second time. “Take me with you!” she cried. The owl batted it’s wings and its black eyes changed to a bright yellow glow. Angelica began to shrink, her body started to morph into a foreign shape, her nose and mouth hardened into a beak, and her arms extended into wings. Angelica took a final look at her lowly hotel room and then flew out the window.


About the Creator

Theresa M Hochstine

I am a stay at home mom who writes for the love of it. I am passionate about writing as it is a constructive way for me to process negative emotions and work through my PTSD. Many of the stories are pulled from nightmares I have had. Enjoy!

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    Theresa M HochstineWritten by Theresa M Hochstine

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