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- What is the scariest thing in this world? Khanh absentmindedly asked Phi as they both looked up at the sky that was starting to darken, dark clouds were about to cover the sky, there was probably about to be a heavy rain. Unseasonal rain. - I can't run any rides today, my child will be hungry. Phi was shy, he couldn't stand the habit of daydreaming and thinking that should not exist in a woman like Khanh. Khanh scratched his undyed half-blond, half-black hair and mumbled: - And I'm afraid of dreaming, last night I dreamed about it again.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 10 days ago 62 min read

- Phi cursed. Aren't you worried that it's going to rain today and you won't be able to eat any money you put in your mouth or why do you keep dreaming?

Khanh didn't bother to look at Phi's frowning face, she was used to it, this guy's temperament was still the same, gruff and nagging, ever since his wife left for someone richer than him, leaving behind their only-old child. When he was two years old, the rooster raised his children, Phi spoke less and less, he just put his head down to work, live, and raise his children. Feeling sorry for his childhood friend, Khanh often calls him to take him to work and pays him a little more than others.

The sky and earth were filled with water, the wind blew water onto the porch where the two of them were squatting and looking out at the street. Phi pulled the car closer inside then looked at Khanh and said:

- You get in the car and sit down. Just sit there for a moment and your clothes will get wet. You'll be sick.

Khanh grabbed her bag and climbed into the car to sit. She looked at Phi with a bit of emotion, he was truly a "snake with a Buddha's heart".

- You are so gallant with women.

Khanh teased, Phi said nothing, sat back, took out a cigarette and lit it. The pungent smell of cheap cigarette smoke mixed with the damp smell of the soil, combined with the sound of pouring rain, gave the dark space of the afternoon a sad look. In that blinding white rain, Khanh suddenly heard the sound of a piano, somewhere in the middle of the torrential rain, among the ramshackle roofs of the poor working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Or is it the sound of the piano that haunts her in her nightmares that appear every night, always making her wake up in the early morning and unable to go back to sleep. Khanh always saw her, or rather a looming figure, wearing a white dress, her thick hair casually falling to her shoulders, passing by her face in a fog of smoke. Then the sound of the piano appeared, it was her, her face hidden in the black of her hair, bending over the keys. The sounds became more and more intense. Khanh was horrified when he saw the keys of the piano stained with blood from the girl's fingers. Khanh felt a sharp pain in his hand. When she raised her hand... the tips of her ten fingers were also slimy. blood. At this moment, Khanh is the girl sitting and playing the piano. It hurts... it hurts!... Khanh wanted to stop but her fingers kept pressing down without stopping. Every time a sound came out, she felt the pain piercing her heart.

- Hey... there, did you fall asleep? Wake up... wake up... the guests are calling...

Khanh opened his eyes in bewilderment and saw Linh with her hands on her hips looking at her.

- Did I fall asleep? Khanh looked around, the pub was still noisy.

- Are you drunk? Con Linh frowned. Don't pretend, hide here and sleep, I'm so happy, when there are many guests... Tuan is calling you. Don't worry, just go to work. Are you lazy because of Tuan's father's love?

Khanh got angry:

- You devil, I've been serving drinks to the guys in the Vip room all this time, just resting for a bit, how dare you, a brat like you, dare to speak harshly to me?

Linh's eyes widened. She was about to attack, but a man's voice stopped her:

- What are you two doing now?

Without waiting for an answer, Tuan continued:

- Even when it's crowded, you're still standing here looking for trouble. Con Linh entered the Vip room. And Khanh went to the bar with him. Quick, what are you still standing around for? Do you want your salary deducted?

Linh did not dare to argue, obediently turned away, even though she was still angry, so she muttered curses as she walked.

- This girl needs to be taught a lesson. Tuan said:

- Stop it, he's still small. Khanh sighed. When I was his age, I was also that wild. Let me go in and put on my makeup and then come up.

Khanh staggered into the room. Her face was pale with makeup in the mirror. Khanh put on lipstick and taped off a little makeup. She realized that signs of age had appeared on the beautiful face that was her pride, a few crow's feet, wrinkles. fatigue on the forehead. It's most obvious when she stands next to young girls like Linh, the spark of her youth has gradually disappeared. Lighting a cigarette, Khanh sighed, her life was lost in drunkenness, in cigarette smoke, in fun... not knowing tomorrow. Absentmindedly, she blew cigarette smoke into the mirror, the smoke gradually spread, revealing her face, she smiled, but...the face in the mirror had no emotions, it looked at her blankly with its eyes. pitch black and full of ghosts. Khanh was startled and fell to the floor. Terrified, he quickly ran out of the room and slammed the door. Panting for breath, she leaned against the door, raised her hand to her chest, trying to stay calm.


Pho Kieu Bar was filled with cigarette smoke, the music drowned out the howls and laughter. Tu Hai Restaurant is the most luxurious dining place in Thanh Da area. In addition to the spacious garden dining area, there is also a bar with full entertainment for guests to entertain. The bar has an impressive name, Pho Kieu, every night it is full of customers. As the name suggests, this place is full of beautiful long-legged girls, ready to wholeheartedly serve the Gods. Amid the blaring music, bodies writhed in short dresses, wrapped around the pillars. DJ mixes music like a trance. Everything behind the bar door makes any man want to forget everything in life.

Was sent by Tuan to the VIP guest table. Khanh gulped down wine like a crazy person, laughing and drinking as she drank. She played a game of rock and paper with the guests. The rules of the game were that if she lost, she would drink two glasses in a row. I don't know how much she drank, how much she laughed, how much she danced. Khanh just wanted to get drunk, really drunk, hoping the drunkenness would make her forget all the worries and sadness of her human life. And she didn't know why she was sad, why she couldn't see her body as simple as Phi said when she got angry every time she bothered him:

- D..m...a whore like you, why are you so talkative? If so, why don't you worry and live a decent life!

Khanh smirked:

- You bastard, if you don't open your mouth, that's it, if you open it, you'll curse. Well... what he said is right, why don't you just settle down and be a prostitute?

The music increasingly swirled Khanh around, filled with alcohol, screams echoing in his mind. Khanh let go of the wine glass and raised his hand to hold his head. Suddenly she felt her body go weak, her head dizzy, Khanh knelt down, before falling into the dark abyss she could only see Tuan rushing towards her in fear.

That melody rang out again, the gentle sound of the piano, Khanh leaned against the door and looked out at the luxurious room, the girl was sitting at the piano immersing herself in the music, Khanh rubbed her eyes, today there was another person next to her, A man stood next to him, passionately looking at the girl who was smiling happily. Khanh could not see the man's face clearly. Suddenly the sound of the piano stopped, the girl slowly turned to look at her, Khanh was startled, she was crying, her face was wet with tears. Suddenly Khanh felt choked, her throat felt like someone was squeezing her, Khanh tried to gasp for air, she put her hand on her neck and scratched, trying to escape an invisible hand that was squeezing her...

Khanh jumped up, panting, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his hand. She looked over, winced, the IV needle had been torn off, a long trail of blood flowed onto the pure white mattress. Khanh looked around and was startled when she saw a wrinkled, sunburnt face staring at her intently. Before she could regain her composure, she said:

- Are you awake? Why are you screaming so loudly? Drinking too much and then causing trouble and not letting anyone sleep, I couldn't sleep all night because of you.

- I,...where am I...?

- Hospital. Shy old lady

- Why am I here?

- I don't even remember, seriously, kids these days are so bad, what kind of girls get so drunk that they don't know anything. Doctor, she's awake!

Khanh sat still for the doctor to examine her. She felt her mouth was bitter and her head ached. At that moment, Phi walked in, carrying a large basket in his hand.

- You have alcohol poisoning. Tuan brought you here, then he called me and said if he was free, he should come and see you. I brought you porridge, so eat it until it's hot.

Looking at Phi's rough hands scooping each spoonful of steaming porridge, Khanh suddenly felt hungry. Phi sat and watched her eat.

- Why are you like that, kid? Why drink so much? Do you want to die?

- Don't talk anymore, I have a headache! Khanh grimaced.

Phi sighed looking at her stubborn, stubborn child. Since childhood, all three children, Phi, Khanh and Tuan, have played together. Because they are about the same age and their houses are close by, the three of them are very close. At that time, the Khanh family was very rich.

- Do you remember, before, Ms. Lan often cooked porridge for us for breakfast. Phi repeated, her voice sad.

Khanh stopped eating, his eyes still looking down at the bowl of porridge, but his eyes suddenly seemed to stop at a distant past.

- Well, at that time my mother knew that you often had to starve to go to school, so she asked me to invite you over to eat together.

The memory made both of them suddenly silent...

The sound of warblers chirping in wooden cages on the porch. Mrs. Chau looked tiredly around the vast garden filled with colorful flower pots. But she had no desire to admire the beautiful scenery of the early morning. Eye bags are sunken, tired, ears ringing with the gloomy sounds of last night's dreams. The nightmare scared her every night and made her unable to sleep. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she still had fear in her dream.

It was her, that dead woman, her unjust soul had been lurking here and there for so many years, trying to grab her, tearing her apart in anger, that look had haunted her for so many years, All the hatred filled in that look, the bloodthirsty look of a demon. Ms. Chau groaned, unconsciously raised her hand to her neck. She still clearly remembered that bloody hand pressing tightly against her throat, the sharp nails as if they wanted to puncture the skin. She writhed and tried to escape, but that face, those wide eyes looking at her, made her numb. She let out a terrible scream. When she woke up, she was sweating like a shower. Tonight's dream was so real, unlike the previous ones, this time Mrs. Chau felt real pain. Putting her hand to her neck, she suddenly grimaced. This morning, when she looked in the mirror, she thought she was about to faint when she saw the bruises on her neck. She was stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes anymore, but it was true, the finger marks were long, painful lines. Maybe not yet? Unbelievable? She mumbled...

- Miss! Miss...

Lost in her thoughts, Mrs. Chau did not notice the little maid standing in front of her calling her. She had to call several times before she was startled to look up.

- When are you coming to visit me today? Let me prepare things for you.

- YES! Mrs. Chau thought. Just pack her things, she'll leave right away. Oh, call Hien and tell him to come pick you up soon, tell him to hurry up.

The girl obediently went in. Mrs. Chau also stood up. Suddenly she looked towards the end of the garden and shivered, as if a cold wind was blowing.

Khanh wandered around the trees surrounding the hospital campus. She curiously looked at the hospital rooms and the patients lying on beds. Tired of walking, she sat down on a stone bench at the end of the yard. She frowned, the chair was still wet with night dew and cold. At this hour, no one came out to sit, the surroundings were deserted, the airy, cool air of the morning made Khanh completely awake. She leaned back leisurely and looked up at the blue sky. Khanh sighed, bored, sometimes she wished she didn't exist in the middle of that bitchy life that she often cursed in her drunken rages, suddenly she felt pale, For the past three days, Khanh has not drunk a drop of alcohol, nor a cigarette. Having a clear mind makes Khanh uncomfortable and restless. When she's not drunk, she often thinks absent-mindedly, or remembers old things that she swore to herself never to recall. Like right now she misses her mother, when she is sick or has lost her appetite, her mother often sits next to her and carefully comforts her with each spoonful of rice and porridge. During the nights when she cried out in her sleep because of her dreams, she hugged her tightly. Yet...I wonder how she will feel when she sees her once obedient daughter become like this.

Suddenly, a trembling hand was gently placed on Khanh's shoulder, accompanied by a man's trembling voice:

- Hey lady!

Khanh was startled and turned around. She saw the stunned face of an old man. When Khanh turned around, his eyes widened as if he couldn't believe his eyes. His lips trembled as if he wanted to say something. but because he was so surprised he couldn't speak, then he staggered and fell to his knees.


The shiny, luxurious black BMW car rolled out of the gate of Ngoc Lien villa. It leisurely cruised through the quiet, shady green streets in the Thao Dien area before joining the crowded stream of people in the city.

- You went to visit your uncle so early this morning?

The driver spoke happily.

- Yes, I didn't have anything to do this morning, so I came in early so he wouldn't be sad.

- Watching you take care of me makes me admire you so much. It's very rare that you've lived for so many years and still maintain such affection.

- Because we've lived together for a long time, our love has become stronger, uncle! The couple is old, how much longer...

Mrs. Chau missed her sentence as she looked through the car window, put her hand on her neck and suddenly said:

- Uncle Hien, when you get to the alley in front, turn in for me. I'll go in and see Ms. Sau for a bit.

The driver seemed too familiar with the alleyway, the car stopped in front of a small alley that the car could not get through. Mrs. Chau walked down.

- I'll be right out, please wait a moment!

Her steps were hurried on the uneven, sticky road of the half-dark, half-lit alley. Wincing slightly, avoiding the pile of trash on the street, a few people in the house looked at her strangely, her luxurious appearance completely separate from the poor and dirty scene here. Stopping at the small house at the end of the alley, Mrs. Chau raised her hand to knock on the door when...she backed away in panic, the door suddenly opened, two women appeared from behind, they glanced at her. Chau then walked quickly, in just a moment they disappeared around the corner, Mrs. Chau also quickly walked into the dark door frame. The sound of the door closing was squeaky.

Even though she had come here many times, Ms. Chau still could not get used to the smell of incense mixed with the musty smell that kept rushing straight into her nose, making her eyes sting. In the dim light, the silhouette of a woman sitting hunched over on a mat in the middle of the house looked strange. On her back there was a large hump, making her posture even more hunched. The old woman spoke:

- Are you there again?

- Yes, I came to ask you again.

Ms. Chau quickly responded, then sat down. The old woman looked and examined.

- Did you dream about it again?

- Yes! Lately I've seen it very clearly, especially last night, look.

Mrs. Chau pulled down her scarf. The red lines have bruised.

The hunchbacked old woman didn't say a word, she quickly took out the incense and burned it, the smoke emitted was so cloudy that Mrs. Chau burst out coughing. Then she took the deck of cards and spread them out on the mat, mumbling something inaudible...

Khanh quickly helped the man sit on the chair, his hands were still shaking.

- Are you okay?

- No... no... are you okay?

- You look so weak, where are your family members?

The man waved his hand and shook his head to signal that there was no need. Khanh looked at him, the man was about sixty years old or a little older. Looking at his demeanor, one could guess that he was a respectable person, with power and wealth, although his face was lined with many wrinkles and his hair was streaked with spots. dew flowers, but his decisive, strong gesture gives him a noble temperament. In particular, his eyes were very bright and kind, making Khanh suddenly remember her father, the unfortunate man who had passed away long ago. Suddenly Khanh felt sad, she quickly stood up:

- So please sit down and rest.

The man's hand raised up, Khanh was startled, his hand held her hand tightly.

- Can I sit down and talk to you?

His voice was urgent, almost pleading. Khanh looked at his large hand wearing the diamond ring and then looked at him with searching eyes.

Mrs. Chau walked out of the alley as if running, a few splashes of mud soiled the hem of her dress, but she ignored it, her heart was burning like fire, filled with fear. She seemed to rush into the car to the surprise of the driver. Her breathing was so labored that she had to use her hand to stop her chest, her heart was beating rapidly.

- No, impossible...

Did the hunchbacked old woman say something wrong?

In the twilight scene, incense smoke was suffocating. She looked at the cards and then looked at Mrs. Chau with wide-open eyes.

- She's back, she wants revenge. Her voice trembled.

- She, she's dead, she's been dead for a long time... Ms. Chau groaned.

- She still keeps on clinging, that resentful soul will never let her go, never... never...

- Are not! Impossible!

Mrs. Chau held her head.

- Are you unwell? Go to the hospital, ma'am! The driver's voice called.

- Yes, I have a bit of a headache, okay, let me get off here, please find a parking space.

She tiredly carried the basket and walked down, squeezing into the crowded crowd in front of the hospital gate.

- Are you living alone?

- Since my parents passed away, I have lived alone.

- What are you doing?

- I... Khanh suddenly paused for a moment and then hesitated... I work as a waiter in a restaurant. I don't understand why Khanh is hesitant to openly talk about her work. Unlike the many times she had smiled contemptuously at other men's rude and insolent questions.

- Is your job good, enough to cover your living expenses?

- Well... for now... Khanh hesitated even more. Her usual boldness seemed to disappear. Her eyes kept looking down as if she wanted to hide, like a child lying afraid of being discovered.

Suddenly there was a scream from behind. Mrs. Chau had been standing behind at some point, she looked pale as if she was about to faint, the basket in her hand fell down, she frantically bent down to pick it up, her mouth kept muttering like a crazy person: "No way... no how..."

- Look, you came in so early, last night you said you would only come in this afternoon?

Mrs. Chau didn't seem to hear anything, just stared at Khanh, she also looked back, strangely, she saw a strange fear in her eyes, Khanh stood up and left to go back to her room. As she passed the woman, she felt her body shrink and tremble.

As soon as she arrived at the door, Khanh saw that Tuan had arrived, her eyes lit up, she quickly pulled Tuan into the corner at the end of the hallway.

- Did you bring it with you? Khanh opened his hand, Tuan reached into his pocket and took out a small bag. Khanh quickly sat down and opened the bag to take a cigarette. Tuan also sat down, the zippo lighter clicked, Khanh took a breath and playfully blew the smoke into Tuan's face. He frowned and turned away.

- Stop it!

Tuan stood up and grimaced.

- I'll take you home later, it's so boring here! Khanh looked at Tuan

- Are you okay when you want to go home, or do you want to go home and then collapse again?

- I'm here and I'll die early. I'll just go in and change my clothes and then come home with you. I'll have to go to work tonight. She took a breath and felt like dancing and getting drunk again. Khanh squinted her eyes and blew a puff of smoke into the sky.


Tuan had just taken Khanh out of her alley when suddenly...a motorbike revved straight into the two of them.


The two motorbikes braked suddenly, their tires scraped a long line like smoke, leaving black marks on the road. Tuan staggered and crashed his car into the curb. Khanh was startled and screamed at the sky. Her face hit Tuan's back and his face darkened. Before he could calm down, he heard Tuan scream:

- D..M..What do you want, you dog?

Khanh was startled to see the angry face of the man who had just crashed his car, Phi.

- I want to stab your mother to death, why is something like you alive...

Phi's face turned red, he rushed to grab Tuan's neck, a powerful punch made Tuan stagger and fall to the grass. Phi was so fast that he couldn't avoid it, Tuan saw his eyes darken, blood flowing from his nose, The pain made Tuan dizzy, but also made him crazy. He jumped up and rushed to return the attack, but only for Phi to hit him a few more times. Compared to Phi, he is just a scholar. Khanh rushed in to stop Phi.

- Are you crazy, that guy? Are you suddenly looking for trouble again?

The two men, drunk with blood, glared at each other. Phi pushed Khanh's hand away.

- If you continue to follow him, one day you will die, Khanh!

His voice was somewhat earnest, Tuan put his hand on the car's handrail to try to stand still.

- Phi, you're a son of a bitch, you're an uneducated bastard, that guy...

- I'm a bastard, I'm a bitch, I'm not a miserable bastard like you, selling out my friends, my lover, you're a dog, I use my strength to support myself, and you, make a living on a woman's body, dog guy...

- Phi, shut up... Khanh shouted.

- Didn't you recognize his dog face and still follow him? Phi pointed at Tuan's face. How many times did he trick you? I sold you to so many people, haven't you opened your eyes yet?

Phi's eyes flashed with anger. Khanh looked at it, she let out every word!

- How many times have I told you, it's my own business, leave me alone!

- You... Phi's face turned red.

- You're here to pick up little girl Xiu, you're here looking for nonsense, Khanh turned towards Tuan. Suddenly Phi rushed forward and grabbed her arm tightly.

- Where are you going?

- I'm going to work, I'm late.

- You can't go with that dog anymore.

Khanh pushed his hand away, coldly.

- You are nothing to me.

She climbed into Tuan's car. He knew he couldn't fight Phi, staying would only cause him to suffer a few more fatal blows, so he quickly accelerated and drove away after threatening:

- Then I'll kill you, you dog!

Phi angrily looked after Khanh. He felt helpless, seeing himself as a useless man. Ignore the surrounding people and passersby who are standing and looking curiously. Phi screamed like a madman, kicking the car down on the road in anger.

At Ngoc Lien villa. Mrs. Chau lazily walked down the stairs. The house was empty. Since Thien Kim, their only daughter, got married and followed her husband to America, this huge house became more and more empty. She looked around and sighed, all because Mr. Manh, her husband, did not want to leave this house, so she had to stay. Otherwise, she would have followed her daughter a long time ago, instead of staying in this place where bad things happened. Mrs. Chau is a sharp scheming woman. She grew up in an orphanage and was adopted. Her miserable life as a child trained her to be a cunning and defiant person. But for the first time she felt extremely scared, when she saw her in the hospital yard that morning. That face, so similar, as if she was seeing her touching her in front of her eyes, walking, talking and laughing. Why are there people so similar? While thinking, Mrs. Chau wandered around the house, her feet led her to a door, she woke up, she was standing in front of the door of the large room at the end of the hallway, the door was closed, she stared at the door. The glossy brown layer of aged wood, she raised her hand to touch it, suddenly the door opened gently, Mrs. Chau was startled and wondered, this room was always locked tightly, or the cleaning lady forgot to close it. door? She was about to turn away then suddenly walked back, pushed the door open and walked inside.

The room is three times larger than other rooms in the house, beautifully decorated with paintings and statues. At Mr. Manh's request, the furniture in the room remains the same as when the owner of the room was alive. She looked at the vase of bright pink lotus flowers on the table and sighed bitterly, it turned out that after so many years had passed, he had never forgotten. To him, that woman, even though she was dead, was still more important than her. She walked to the beautiful piano in the corner of the room and sat down, the keys were clean without a speck of dust, she could tell he had been sitting here for hours, waiting for something that would never happen. Her hand nonchalantly touched the keys, sounds rang out...

- Let me play for you!

The girl has dark eyes, long hair, and glides her fingers on the keys.

- You play so well! If only you knew how to play like me.

- It's easy, I'll teach you, come here!

Mrs. Chau slid her fingers across the keys and a familiar melody rang out. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata...

- I can play it! The girl looked at Mrs. Chau and smiled gently. She was startled, the sound of the piano stopped, there was no sound around, and there was no one next to her. She put her hand on her chest, her heart was beating very strongly. When she regained consciousness, the girl's face appeared again, bright with a gentle smile right in the photo frame in front of her. She reached out and took it, looking at that face.

- You are still like that, beautiful, arrogant, rich and intelligent. She is always the most beautiful and the best. The precious flower of his parents, whom he worships.

She raised her hand to touch the face of the person in the picture and then put it back. A cold wind suddenly rushed into the large open window. Mrs. Chau shivered and turned back. The white curtains fluttered and fluttered, the wind blew stronger and stronger. The keys suddenly made slow sounds. Then there was a cracking sound, she cried out in horror, the face of the person in the picture was covered in blood, the broken pieces of glass made that face even more terrifying. Dark eyes stared at her. Mrs. Chau helplessly ran out of the room, calling Hai's name as she ran.

- Miss, what's wrong with you?

Little Hai hurriedly ran up from the kitchen. She panicked and looked at Mrs. Chau. Her face was pale and gray. She ran and clutched her chest.

- You... I... just saw... Mrs. Chau stopped, unable to speak, could it be that she told her that she was scared... but Hai is very timid, if she didn't hear well she left. lost, she tried to calmly cover it up.

- I saw a big black cat in the room...

The child laughed:

- You make me scared, what do you think, there are a lot of stray cats around here! One day they even went into the kitchen to secretly eat. What a lie!

Ms. Chau sat trying to regulate her breathing and asked:

- Have you seen me anywhere?

- I just left, miss!

- Did you tell me where to go?

- No! I just saw my uncle calling Hien and telling me to take him to work.

She looked out into the yard. From the moment he returned home from the hospital, Mr. Manh seemed like he had lost his soul, locking himself in his room all day. Because of that child? Mrs. Chau shook her head. No, at first glance it looks similar, but that girl seems to be a prostitute, with blonde hair, and that brazen face, it can't have anything to do with her. Mr. Manh also does not like that type of woman. People are just like people. Thinking like that, she temporarily felt at ease. She turned to Hai.

- When you finished cleaning, didn't you close Ms. Lien's room door? Just then I saw the door open.

- Huh? I remember it was closed.

- Not yet, if you don't believe me, come and see.

Second child hurriedly ran up, Mrs. Chau also followed, the purpose was to look at the photo frame again. But she was afraid of going in alone...

The door was still open, Hai scratched his head and ears.

- Damn, I really forgot, don't tell me, I'll scold you to death.

- Don't go in and see if there's a cat in there.

The two walked in, Mrs. Chau looked, strangely, the window was closed, tightly latched, she looked towards the piano, there was nothing strange, and the photo frame was still intact, without a crack.


Saigon at night is truly a magical place, the light of day is not even as bright as the rising lights, but behind those gorgeous sparkles, the dark places have a magical charm. best.

Pho Kieu Bar is crazy with music, like every night. Khanh crossed her legs on the chair, stretching her body in a short dress with a deep neckline that exposed half of her chest. She squinted her eyes and waved to a few regular customers. Tuan walked over.

- Bald old Quan is asking for you again.

Khanh pouted.

- Is that the candy guy? Say the price is double, otherwise it's fine. Mom...playing with girls is afraid of wasting money.

- Huh, she's old but still so arrogant!

Con Linh appeared from nowhere, letting out a sour voice like vinegar. Khanh turned away without paying attention.

- Handsome! Poor Linh, I'll let you take over that table.

- But he only accepts Khanh. Tuan grimaced.

Khanh burst out laughing and blew the medicine into Linh's face triumphantly, Linh pouted and turned away.

- Please reduce the price for me. That's a regular customer.

Khanh continued to calmly smoke his cigarette, Tuan let out an oath before leaving. She sat motionless in the flashing colored lights. Since returning from the hospital, she felt her health had weakened. What's scarier is that the dreams become more and more frequent, more real, and also make her more painful, especially when she hears that music playing, her heart is engulfed in despair, her throat feels like it's swollen. She strangled her and fell to the bottom of a dark abyss, with only her screams echoing in her ears. Then Khanh saw a blood-covered face looking down from above the abyss, the face of a girl, similar to hers. casting. Every time the nightmare woke her up, she looked around in panic, there was no one, the fear was still there, Khanh longed to have someone by her side at times like this, but... a tear rolled down, Her life now only has constant nightmares every night...

Khanh drank all the wine, Tuan appeared again, he came next to her, pointing towards the end of the room. In the light, Khanh was suddenly startled when he saw the face of that man, Mr. Manh.


The doorbell rang loudly, little Hai quickly ran to open the door, her face fell when she saw Lam. The muscular, handsome man sat on the PS and sped into the yard. Lam is known as Mrs. Chau's cousin, everyone knows that. Since Mrs. Chau got married, he became a diligent cousin, always there to help his orphaned sister. Thanks to that, he also enjoyed her wealth, from Lam joining her company. family did, to the point that he naturally considered this villa as his home. Although he's in his fifties, thanks to his tall appearance and a full and happy life, he looks much younger than his real age, his face is always cheerful, and he often laughs out loud, showing off his generosity. His cunningness is well hidden in his sharp eyes. The truth about him, only Mrs. Chau knows. Cousin, is a perfect guise for Lam. Actually, he was just a lover of Mrs. Chau, since she had not yet become the female owner of this villa.

- Where is Miss Ba? Lam raised his head and asked the girl.

- Yes, in the room. Let me call you. The second child mumbled, he was afraid of Lam, his bossy thug blood still appeared when he yelled at the people people he considers inferior.

- No, let me up. Having finished speaking, he went up, ignoring Hai who was muttering something.

Mrs. Chau had just finished showering and was sitting in front of the dressing table, absentmindedly. Lately she had been worried and restless. She had a premonition that something bad was about to happen. She looked in the mirror, the bruises on her neck were still there. Haven't dived yet. Lately, Mr. Manh is often away from home, only coming home late at night. He looked happy and healthy. Strangely, when he was at home, he often went into that room. She was so lost in thought that she didn't know when Lam was behind her. He walked over and put his arms around Mrs. Chau. She was startled and screamed loudly, realizing that Lam scolded her:

- What are you doing? You startled me. Hey, watch out for Hai.

- That girl is downstairs, so what are you worried about? I closed the door.

- You should be careful too, it'll be troublesome if something happens.

Lam chuckled.

- I'm not afraid, we're about to be free, everything's about to be ours, right, honey?

Mrs. Chau frowned.

- You speak carefully, Mr. Manh even touched...

- What? Why did you call him and say he wasn't home? Lam was startled.

- I mean he's still alive...

- Oh well, it hasn't been long, his health is very bad.

- Well, we'll discuss that later, now I'm calling you to talk about something.

- What?

- It seems... Mrs. Chau hesitated... I saw a ghost.

- Ghost? Where?

- In this house, exactly in that room.

- Which room?

- Room... sister... Lien... Mrs. Chau whispered.

Lam burst out laughing.

- Are you going to tell me about your stupid dreams again?

- No, this morning I went to that room and saw...

Lam listened absent-mindedly, he didn't believe in any ghost stories, only some women with broken spirits believed in those things, he listened to the rules, the only thing that interested him was money, if you have money you have it. everything, with money he fears nothing in this world. Lam looked at Mrs. Chau, she was only wearing a thin nightgown, her body exposed under the light. After so many years, she was still beautiful, the graceful beauty of women now is no less than the beauty of spring. once upon a time. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, ignoring Mrs. Chau as she finished the story. He pulled her onto the bed.


In her dream, Mrs. Chau suddenly heard laughter ringing out in the night, a familiar laugh. She drowsily opened her eyes and sat up. Lam was still sleeping next to her, snoring steadily. Like a sleepwalker, Mrs. Chau walked towards the door, that laugh seemed to urge her to follow, as if inviting, as if reminding her of something. The hallway was dark, only dimly lit by dim night lights. Her feet walked along the stairs to the upper floor, slowly walking to the room at the end of the hallway. It seemed like she was following a looming shadow in front of her. When the white shadow in the room disappeared, the laughter also stopped. She woke up, looked around bewildered, there was no one around, only she stood alone in the wide dark hallway and the silent door in front of her. Her heart pounded, she quickly turned and walked away.

Going downstairs, suddenly, she heard a noise from behind her, slowly turned around, a figure was walking gently towards the room, she opened her eyes wide to see, it was a girl, not a child. baby two. The figure stood in front of the door for a moment and then stepped inside. The door opened gently and then closed. Silence covered her, she was stunned, maybe she saw wrongly. Who was that figure, or... was it... Using all her strength to calm herself down, she was about to go back down to wake up Lam to go in and see what it was, but...She couldn't believe her ears, her legs felt weak as if they were about to collapse, it was that music, it was echoing in the room, was someone playing the piano in there? Is it her? A hand grabbed her shoulder, she was startled and almost screamed, then that hand reached out to cover her mouth, she widened her eyes, it turned out to be Lam. He woke up at some point and was standing next to her. His face was also tense, his eyes looked towards the room, it was clear that he also heard that ghostly music. Mrs. Chau whispered:

- Did you hear...

Lam signaled silence, his hand was holding a golf club he found in her room. When Mrs. Chau left, he woke up and followed, and he also saw that shadow. With Lam, Mrs. Chau was less afraid, the two crept towards the room, the music was still playing, it was almost the end, the door was ajar, Mrs. Chau trembled as she looked from behind Lam, the room was full of wind, the The door opened, the curtains fluttered, her eyes seemed to roll back when she saw the piano at the end of the room, a girl in a white dress with her hair down was sitting at the piano, the darkness only casting a bit of dim moonlight onto the piano. The figure disappeared in the darkness. Her face was completely hidden in her messy hair. Then slowly, that face looked up at her. Ms. Chau screamed a terrible scream and fainted...

Tonight, Mr. Manh drank a lot. Khanh watched that strange man drink one glass after another. This was the fifth night, Mr. Manh came here, he came alone, called her and drank wine. That was it, for five nights in a row, he didn't say much, and didn't ask for anything from her other than that she just needed to sit next to him and pour wine. He was willing to pay a lot of money just to have her sit next to him all evening. He didn't say much. Khanh didn't ask. For some reason, she felt a very strange feeling next to her grandfather. Had she seen him somewhere before? His face, Khanh found very familiar. When she stood up to get more wine, Tuan came and said:

- This old man is in love with you, try to serve him, big guy!

- Do you know him?

- I checked, he is the general director of the second largest handicraft company in Saigon, specializing in exporting abroad. Oh, do you have any requests today?

- What request? Have. Sit down and pour some wine. Khanh held up the bottle of wine.

- Paying that much money just for a girl to sit and pour wine?

Khanh shrugged, took the bottle of wine and returned to the table.

For the first time in many years, since Lien passed away, Mr. Manh wanted to get drunk, especially when he didn't want to go home. Because he knew, no one was waiting for him in that house. Loneliness is like age, piling up over the years. Looking at Khanh, that face made him panic as soon as he saw it. He thought that his Lien was still there. She returned to him, staying next to him. He seemed to be immersed in a dream, then he went looking, and found Khanh. The moment he saw Khanh sitting at the bar, he knew he was wrong, this girl, was not her, not his Ngoc Lien. But why is it so similar? Perhaps fate was teasing him, making him remember and torment him. Or did fate want him to meet this girl for some reason?

The taxi stopped in front of the gate, Khanh staggered to help Mr. Manh out of the car. It was late at night. She looked up at the large, heavy gate in front of her. Khanh hesitated when Mr. Manh asked her to take him home. She suggested taking him somewhere else, but he calmly told the driver to go here.

- But, what if she sees you? She is still awkward every time she addresses her.

- Who?

- My wife.

- No problem. Mr. Manh slightly curled his lips. She didn't say anything.

The villa was large and quiet, Khanh looked around bewilderedly. As soon as he took Mr. Manh to his room, he lay down and slept like the dead. Khanh sat next to him for a while then lit a cigarette. Suddenly, she stopped, listened, there was the sound of a guitar in the night, Khanh suddenly shivered, it was that sound, that melody. She stood up and looked around, where did that sound come from in this large house? Or are you drunk? No, she didn't drink much today, to the point where she couldn't distinguish between real and fake. Khanh stood up, opened the door and walked out. She looked at the long and wide hallway, a bit overwhelmed by the enormity of the villa. – What kind of house is so big that it feels scary! Khanh whispered, trying to see in the night. Suddenly, Khanh saw a girl standing at the foot of the stairs about ten steps away from her. She was about to step up. Khanh spoke:

- Miss what...!

That girl continued calmly, as if she didn't hear anything. Khanh was about to open her mouth to call out again, but she walked very quickly upstairs. Khanh quickly followed and she realized that with each step she took up the stairs, the sound of the piano became clearer. The girl's white shirt flickered before her eyes, hidden in the darkness, very slowly, but somehow Khanh could not keep up. When she reached the end of the hallway, suddenly a door opened and the girl stopped as if waiting. Khanh suddenly felt cold down her spine, so familiar, wasn't this the scene she often saw in her dreams, the girl in white, long hair, the sound of a guitar, where are she? Around her was a long hallway, covered in darkness, and there was only her and that figure. That strange girl suddenly seemed to turn to look at her, her face hidden behind black hair, not clearly visible, but Khanh still saw a melancholy look. Then, she walked in, behind the door. Khanh clenched his fists, realizing his hands were covered in cold sweat. She bit her lip and followed... The room was large, windy, full of piano sounds, moonlight filtered through the wide open door, Khanh trembled as she looked towards the source of the piano sound, the huge piano, her feet slowly moving. slowly approached that place, where the girl was bowing her face to the keys. – I'm dreaming, dreaming... Khanh muttered, like every night, she will wake up. Khanh moved closer, closer, she saw the folds on the girl's shirt. Suddenly, the sound of the piano stopped, the girl slowly raised her face to look at Khanh, Khanh's eyes opened wide, as if they were about to bulge out of her eyes in horror...

The wind blew the curtains frantically, then the music continued to play...

Drowsily intoxicated, Mr. Manh saw Khanh sitting next to him, looking at him with a gentle smile. He raised his hand to hold Khanh's hand and was startled, no, it wasn't Khanh, that long black hair, the gentle white shirt. , that smile, those eyes. Is she. He was startled, held his head and sat up, looking around in bewilderment to find Khanh. There was no one in the room. Suddenly, he was stunned, what was that sound? He thought he heard wrong. That song, which he had not heard for many years, now resounded in this house, who was playing? Mrs. Chau? He wondered. Are not! Since the day that terrible thing happened, she hasn't gone near the room up there, let alone played the piano so late at night. He quickly ran out, hurriedly walking up the stairs. Halfway there, he heard Ms. Chau's terrified scream. Rushing over, Mr. Manh saw Lam frantically helping Ms. Chau out of the room. She was now as limp as a soulless corpse. Mr. Manh saw that Lam's face still had fear that he had never seen before. there. The sound of the piano was still there, he looked at the open door, was there anyone else in there? Stepping in, Mr. Manh's heart tightened as he exclaimed:- Ngoc Lien!

The girl stopped, her head still bowed, her fingers still placed on the keys. Mr. Manh couldn't believe his eyes, was he dreaming or awake, he reached out his trembling hand to touch the girl and muttered: - Is it you... why..., Lien...

The face looked up at him, gentle, exactly those eyes, he had long thought he had lost them. Suddenly, for a moment, those eyes became lifeless. She asked:

- Who are you calling?

Mr. Manh was startled. Before his eyes, looking at him bewilderedly, was Khanh.

Ms. Chau lay unconscious all day, only to regain consciousness in the afternoon. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw little Hai's face.

- You're awake! The baby cried out.

- She raised her bewildered eyes and looked around in panic. She was in her room.

- Where is Mr. Lam? She asked weakly

- Uncle...

Before Son Two finished speaking, Lam burst into the room. Seeing Mrs. Chau talking to Hai, he shouted:

- Go outside so I can talk.

The child wandered out. Lam stood with his hands on his hips looking at Mrs. Chau:

- Are you awake? He lifted his jaw.

- Last night... her voice was shaking... did you see Ms. Lien? Oh my God! This house is truly haunted, Ms. Sau is right, she came back here to take revenge on us...

- Shut up! Lam put his hand over Ms. Chau's mouth. She kept squawking loudly, and Mr. Manh heard it and died. What kind of ghost? Old Manh took the girl home. It's in that old man's room.

- Huh? Mrs. Chau was stunned.

- D...M.. just believe in the words of those witches and one day...

- But... obviously you also saw her...

- There's no sister... there's no sister at all, the ghost you saw is a whore that Mr. Manh brought home, damn... he's making so much progress right now... he's about to go downhill. And then... Lam gritted his teeth... As for you, he shouted, and already he was screaming loudly, but luckily he didn't say anything...

Mrs. Chau is a god.

- Because I saw Lien's face, I...

Lam sat down, frowned:

- Ah, but that's strange. Lam continued. It's no wonder she was so scared. Where did he find a girl who looked like her? It made me panic at night. Why are there people so similar? He's still playing the piano...what is he planning to do? Or...

Mrs. Chau suddenly woke up and remembered her daughter in the hospital.

- It's that girl...

Mr. Manh stood quietly next to the instrument, his hand gently touching the glossy black precious wood. Khanh stood next to her, staring intently at the frame, in which was a girl with a face exactly like hers.

- Do you know how to play that song? Mr. Manh asked Khanh.

Khanh looked at him bewildered. Her head was empty. She couldn't remember what happened last night. She only vaguely remembered that she heard the sound of the instrument, then she went to this room, then, then... she heard Mr. Manh's voice, and she found herself sitting here, next to the instrument. But what does he mean by that? She doesn't know how to play.

- I...I...don't remember... Khanh suddenly had a severe headache.


- Who is that girl?

Mr. Manh did not turn back, he was still busy picking up the dead lotus petals that were falling into the water of the small pond in the corner of the garden.

- Who are you asking?

- The girl you brought home last night. Since when did you bring strangers home without telling me?

He was calm before her words.

- So what have you done before, have you given it to me or not? But I know everything she did, including Lam's story with her.

- Mr. and Mrs. Chau were stunned...

Khanh had just brought the shopping basket to the door when he bumped into Phi. Phi looked at her and then at the basket:

- Where are you going?

- Ah..yeah...I plan to travel for a few days...

- Mom...where are you going? Mrs. Loan told you to check out...where are you going to leave, who will you follow? Or is Tuan unlucky for you again?

- No one blames me, I want to go...

Phi looked into Khanh's eyes, he clutched her hand and desperately begged:

- Khanh, don't go...

Khanh snatched his hand away, turned away... Phi let her hand fall and stood still, dazed...


Mrs. Chau and Lam sat looking at each other in the living room.

- What is he planning to announce? Lam asked Mrs. Chau.

- I don't know either. She said so, but in her heart she was vaguely afraid of something she didn't want to think about.

When Mr. Manh walked in, she was startled to see Khanh behind him.

- She...why is she still here?

Lam also widened his eyes in surprise.

Mr. Manh slowly sat down and said:

- I called everyone out here to announce something, I have adopted Khanh here.

There was a stunned silence, Mrs. Chau stood up angrily.

- I don't agree, never.

Lam said:

- Why did you bring a girl like her into this house? Did you know she's a whore who extorts money from men? I know him, I know where he is working, why did you bring something worthless into the house? What about Thien Kim? What will he think about his father?

Mr. Manh sat quietly listening, then calmly said:

- I know, but I have already decided, the lawyer has also completed the procedures.

- Mr.... Mrs. Chau was startled

- Everyone has a past, you two understand it better than anyone else.

Mr. Manh said gently before turning away. Leaving Mrs. Chau and Lam stunned.

Khanh took Mr. Manh to his room, the room with the piano.

- Previously, this was Ngoc Lien's room.

- Is that the girl? Khanh pointed to the photo frame.

Mr. Manh looked lovingly at the face of the person in the photo. Lower voice:

- Yes... this whole house also belongs to her. She used to live here with her father...

Khanh sat and looked at the lotus flowers spreading their wings. This villa area is so beautiful, she thought to herself. Unexpectedly, she would come to live here, become the daughter of a rich man, from now on her life would be different, no longer anxious and worried. For a long time, she was fed up with her current life. She wanted to escape from it but didn't know how. Isn't this a good opportunity? Isn't it just luck that makes her have a face very similar to Mr. Manh's ex-fiancee, that loyal man... While she was deep in thought, the phone rang, it was Tuan. He came to the door.

- This villa is really beautiful. But is it true that he intends to adopt me?

Tuan looked around and looked everywhere while asking.

- Real! The lawyer is doing that procedure.

- Because you have the same face as his ex-lover, isn't that strange?

- Not only is she an ex-lover, she is also the owner of this area, this place is named after her.

- As far as I know, this place belongs to Mr. Manh's wife.

- Oh, I heard him tell it, Mrs. Chau was taken in by this family, is an adopted child, after Mrs. Lien died, the estate belonged to Mrs. Chau.

- Adopted child, like me? Then in the future, part of his inheritance will also be mine.

Khanh nodded.

- He said from now on I won't work at the bar anymore.

Tuan sighed:

- It's too bad for you, okay, it's okay if you're rich and remember me.

Looking at Tuan's fake gesture, Khanh snapped:

- Awesome, I've been working for you for so many years, you only have profit, what's the loss?

- Why do you say that? I've taken care of you for so many years and loved you!

- Love me? I love myself. Love money yes. Aren't I just a commodity to you that you sell over and over again? Okay, go home, I'll see you later if anything happens.

Khanh lit a cigarette and stood smoking, his anger still there.

- Damn... that hypocritical guy...

She tiredly leaned back on the chair. Tuan and Phi are two people who grew up with her, in the same neighborhood. Tuan's family is a little better off than Phi's. Since childhood, he has been a clever and clever guy, in stark contrast to the honest Phi. Playing with Tuan is always more fun because he is stylish and has a foul mouth. Connoisseur of entertainment, he dragged her into fun parties. At that time, she was just fifteen or sixteen years old, she was impulsive and eager for fun. Then she met a man, also introduced by Tuan, she fell in love, madly in love, but her family prevented her from leaving home with him. The beautiful love at first gradually became painful, the brutal blows he unleashed on her in his drunken rage. She gritted her teeth and endured it, because she loved him. Then came the day when he beat her and brought her to the hospital. The five-month pregnancy in her belly was no longer there. She was stunned and collapsed when the doctor informed her that she could no longer get pregnant. Walking home in shame, she shed tears as she looked at the altar filled with incense smoke. Her father passed away but she couldn't see his face one last time. Her mother was also heartbroken and passed away not long after. In her helpless situation, Tuan was the person she could trust. He spent money to help her worry about the funeral, find a house to live in because the family's house had been sold to take medicine for her mother and pay off her debts. dad. He also said he would find her a job. She sees him as her savior. Who would have thought... Khanh took a strong drag on his cigarette...

- Huh! Seeing how she was able to seduce him, I wondered what method she used.

Ms. Chau has been standing next to me ever since. Khanh turned around with a stiff face, including Lam.

- Go and ask her husband.

- If you're smart, get out of here. Don't even dream of staying in this house, and don't even think about getting anything here. I would never allow...You are nothing more than a whore...

- Really? As far as I know... Khanh smirked. Tomorrow the procedure will be completed, I will officially be his daughter. But...you want to know what method I use? She's old, what's the use? Besides, as far as I know, you and him have been separated for a long time. Why are you jealous of me? Khanh laughed loudly, blowing smoke at Mrs. Chau.

- You... anger made her speechless. You think...she was about to rush at Khanh, she just wanted to grab the hair of the brazen whore in front of her and tear it to release her anger. But Lam stopped her and pulled her away...

- You're on your own...you brat...

Khanh smirked at the threat. She suddenly fell silent when she saw Lam's eyes, those eyes made her feel cold down her spine.

Suddenly Khanh saw Hai peeking out, she waved him back, he walked over, looking at Khanh looking scared.

- I'll sit down here and talk to you for a bit.

- What's going on?

- Let's sit and talk. Actually, Khanh wanted to ask her to understand more about what happened here. She's still young, if you ask carefully, she'll tell you right away.

- Why do you seem so afraid of me? Do you look scary?

The second child was startled and timid:

- You look like Miss Lien...

- Yes, I just resemble your face. Ms. Lien has long black hair. But I heard that Ms. Lien was very beautiful and gentle when she was alive, so why am I scared?

The girl looked up at Khanh with frightened eyes.

- From the day you came to this house until now, every night I see...

- See what?

- The day you came, that night, the wind blew very strongly, the cat meowed loudly, I lay in the room and kept hearing the sound of the door banging and the cat's meowing making my whole body shudder. I ran out to see what the door was like. While standing upstairs and looking down, I saw...a person in a white shirt with long hair walking from the main door, across the living room and then up the stairs upstairs. I was so scared that I ran away. I hid behind the china cabinet and saw her continue to go to Ms. Lien's room, but she didn't go anywhere, her feet kept hovering on the floor, I could still see her chest covered in blood.

- Did you see her face?

Khanh interrupted, suddenly the girl trembled.

- I caught a glimpse of her face...so terrible...full of blood...not a human face...very scary...I suddenly remembered the story of Ms. Lien falling from above the other day. Downstairs, his skull was broken, his body was crushed, and he was covered in blood. I was so scared that I quickly found my way back to my room and closed the door. As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of the piano, then after a while Miss Chau screamed...but I didn't dare to go out again, until Mr. Lam came in and called me that I dared to come out. ...

- Can you hear the sound of the piano too?

- I've heard it every night these past few nights, every night my uncle and aunt have turned on the lights to brighten the whole house, but every night at exactly 12 o'clock the guitar makes music. Last night I ran up but didn't see anything.

- But he didn't tell me this. Khanh muttered.

- I'm so scared, sister! This house is truly haunted. I heard about it before but didn't believe it. Around here, it's often rumored that sometimes there's a girl in a white dress standing alone on the corner of the street over there, overlooking the poplar tree at the end of the garden. Once when someone saw that, stopped to ask, she looked up. , that person was so startled and scared that he could only drive away, people said that the girl's face was flattened, crushed, seen covered in blood, it was very terrible. I heard it was scary but I didn't believe it, but that night I saw it for real. I probably don't dare stay here anymore. I was going to tell you this morning but you were always busy. But if you sleep here tonight, you'll hear it. Okay, I'll go clean up early. It's almost dark!

- Why did Ms. Lien fall down the stairs? Do you know?

- I heard that she committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of her room. At the corner of the garden where she fell, I'm building a lotus pond now!

Darkness gradually falls on the trees, the flowers also blur the bright colors of the day. Khanh looked at the lotus flowers rising high, giving off a gentle fragrance. She raised her head, from this place it was right under the balcony of that strange room. "So tall! No wonder..." Suddenly, an electric current seemed to pass through Khanh's mind, she held her head, a vague image appeared in her memory, it was...she looked at the row of goods. There is a high fence with thick ivy leaves in front, and there is a small gate leading out. She knelt down, vaguely recalling the memories, and the scar on her head suddenly ached. In her mind, a white dress suddenly appeared falling from above with a terrible scream, that dress fell in front of her, who was standing behind a flower bush, that bloody body, the deformed face and two Her eyes widened as she looked at her, her hand reached out to her as if asking for help and then suddenly let go. A puddle of blood splattered, she looked up, on the balcony there was a face looking down, she held her head tightly, that face was...

- I need to see you right away! I have something to say!

- What's going on?

- It's very important! Only when I meet you can I say...

- I can't go home now, I'll try to come back to see you as soon as I'm done, that's it.

Khanh hung up the phone, absentmindedly, her heart confused. What should she do? Suddenly, she picked up the phone and called Phi. Now the only person she could trust was Phi, who had never harmed her and was always worried about her. On the other side of the phone the ringing sound seemed endless, pick up the phone Phi...Khanh silently shouted.

- Hello...the familiar voice made her breathe a sigh of relief.

- Me, Khanh, where are you? It's urgent to come to my place...

- What's going on, are you jealous again? Phi's voice is sarcastic...

- You devil, I'm not joking, I remember, remember everything, do you remember when I was little, my father took me out and had an accident? I remember what happened back then.


Khanh did not expect that outside the door, a shadow was looming, eavesdropping on everything. As Lam, he observed Khanh from the moment she sat and talked with little Hai, then followed her to the garden. Seeing Khanh with a blank face running quickly to her room, he also followed.

Mrs. Chau walked back and forth in the room, feeling restless. She just called Mrs. Sau Hunchback but couldn't get through, no one picked up the phone. It wasn't until a while later that a stranger's voice coldly told her not to call anymore, Mrs. Sau the Hunchback had died last night, Mrs. Chau was stunned, just a few days ago Mrs. Chau was still able to talk to her, and yet ...suddenly she remembered the last words she said:

- Evil is also karma, it's karma, you have to pay...

Mrs. Chau pursed her lips tightly. Are not! She didn't believe it, she couldn't sit still and bear it, no matter who or what it was, she couldn't take away what she had, how much effort and time she spent to get where she is today.

Lam opened the door and rushed in. He hissed:

- Dead, this time everyone died, including you and me, it turned out to be Khanh..

- What's wrong?

- Do you remember that day, there was a little girl standing downstairs, when Lien fell from above, that girl was Khanh.

Mrs. Chau heard a thunderbolt strike in her ears. She had to quickly sit down on the bed to avoid falling. She stammered...

- What? Why do you know that...?

- I just heard him talking on the phone with his friend.

- Oh my God! Why do you say you've taken care of that girl?

- At that time, I chased him to the corner of the street and he was hit by a car, seriously injured, unconscious. When he got to the hospital, I also went to see what the situation was and knew that he was injured. brain injury, can't remember anything. I followed him for a few years and didn't see anything happening, then his family suddenly moved to an unknown location. I thought he didn't remember anything, but unexpectedly...he was Khanh. Lam scratched his head.

- You are a bad person. Mrs. Chau exclaimed.

- It happened too long ago. Even if he says it now, it's unlikely that anyone will believe it. We can say that he wants to slander.

Mrs. Chau held her head in thought, then stood up:

- Where are you going?

She didn't answer. She has many thoughts in her mind. She went to find Khanh.

Khanh was restless in the room, holding the phone in her hand, she waited for Phi to arrive, he said he would come right away. Suddenly, she was startled. Mrs. Chau stood in front of the room door, looking at her with cold eyes. Suddenly she remembered the image of a white dress full of blood, her heart pounded. She spoke up:

- Who are you waiting for?

- I... am not waiting for anyone?

- Mr. Manh hasn't returned yet, so do you feel lonely? Can I come talk to you?

- I'm planning to go to bed early, you should go to bed early too... Khanh pretended to be weak, suddenly a premonition made her feel uneasy, she walked over to close the door. Suddenly, Mrs. Chau grabbed her hand, sharp nails digging into Khanh's skin:

- You better keep your mouth shut, otherwise I'll be able to make you shut up.

Khanh waved her hand and pushed her away:

- What do you want?

Ms. Chau was pushed so hard that she stumbled and fell to the floor. Khanh turned her back to the room and was hit on the head with a blow. She turned around in pain and saw Mrs. Chau's hand holding a bronze statue placed in the hallway. Khanh felt his eyes dilate and then darken.

- What are you doing?

Lam ran to see Khanh lying on the floor with his head covered in blood. Ms. Chau put down the statue and sighed.

- Is it dead?

Lam turned to Khanh:

- No, still breathing... why did you hit him?

Mrs. Chau scowled at Lam:

- But you told me to stand still and watch it rob everything, everything we have, houses, companies, assets. Remember, when we were still street kids, were we any different from dogs? No, I'd rather die than do that anymore. You have to help me, we have the same goal, as long as you help me, you will still be rich and happy like now.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Khanh's cell phone was Phi. Called but couldn't get through. Phi texted:

- I'm at the door.

Ms. Chau held the phone and read the message. Lam said:

- Alright! You stay here and watch over this one. I went down and tricked the other guy up.

Saying this he went down. Mrs. Chau stood looking at Khanh, she was still breathing. A thought flashed, she picked up the statue and held it up, intending to kill Khanh. She approached, step by step, intending to deliver a fatal blow to the head...

Mrs. Chau's eyes widened, a hand reached up to hold her hand, did Khanh wake up? No, that bloody hand, before her eyes was that face, Lien's face with cold, ghostly eyes of pure black irises. Long loose hair, bloody white dress. She slowly stood up, pressed her face close to hers, Mrs. Chau screamed, that face, she had seen and it haunted her for many years, was Lien's face when she died, crushed, looking terrible. So disgusting that she thought she would faint. She screamed, got up, and ran away in panic. That white-clothed shadow, floating, followed her. Mrs. Chau shuffled her feet, tripping over and over again. She wanted to run out of the house, but she saw a piano in front of her. It turned out she was in that room. Every night's nightmare has come true before my eyes. Look behind, where is she? The door leading to the hallway was dark, nothing could be seen. She was still sitting on the floor panting. The room was quiet and cold, just her in the dark, the dim moonlight shining in through the doors. Suddenly, somewhere in the quiet space, the sound of children's laughter rang out.

- So from now on I have a sister, we will live together in this room, do you think our room is beautiful?

The girl had long black hair, smiled brightly, and raised her hand.

- Baby Chau, hold my hand, let's go out together.

- Ms. Lien, you won't leave me or call me ugly, will you?

- No, I will be by your side, play with you, you are my sister.

Mrs. Chau looked at the two little girls happily holding hands and dancing, walking away... Then in her ears she heard music, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata... next to the piano were two young girls playing. sit.

- Here, Chau, this note has to be played like that, like that... you have to put all your soul into the music for it to be good.

- Okay, Ms. Lien! I can't play as well as you. Why is that?

- Probably because I haven't loved anyone yet. So I don't understand. This song was written for people in love.

- No wonder, you often play for Mr. Manh. On your engagement day, when you played this song, I saw him looking at you so passionately, I really admired your love!

- Then you will also meet someone who loves you!

- I'm not as beautiful as you, nor as talented as you...

- There it goes again. Who's say that? I think you're very beautiful and intelligent....

The sound of the piano resonated in her ears and brain, the more intense it became towards the end, the past and present were like a waterfall rushing to wash over Mrs. Chau. She screamed:

- Stop, stop...

The sound of the piano did not stop but became more and more intense, she screamed in pain, blood flowed from her ears and nose to wet the hands holding her head. She fainted...


- So you love Manh?

- Yes, and he loves you too! Just now I saw it too. He came into my room and asked to stay with me. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore, sister! We really love each other.

Lien opened her eyes wide in shock, the world seemed to be spinning under her feet:

- Two people...

- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it wasn't until he came in and hugged me that I realized my true feelings... We were...

Lien covered her ears and screamed

- Stop talking, traitor...

Lien stood up and looked at Chau angrily:

- It's you, you seduced him. I believe that Mr. Manh would never betray me. I will ask him about this...

- Just go ahead and ask. Chau's attitude from fear to calm surprised Lien. Then will he tell her how we love each other, how there are nights we sit and talk until morning, or will he tell her how he likes me to kiss him? That he was sick and tired of her whiny, whiny ways. He told me that I was the one who brought him happiness, he would marry me...

"Pop" Lien stretched out her hand and slapped Chau's face.

- Shut up, traitor, I have never treated you badly, this family treats you like a child. Yet she dared to steal her sister's husband. You are truly a street girl, nothing more or less. If it weren't for my father asking me to bring you home, you would have starved to death.

Chau was suddenly slapped and had no time to avoid it. Chau hugged her face, her eyes flashed with fire, she screamed:

- You dare to hit me, who are you to dare insult me?

Chau rushed forward and grabbed Lien's hair. Suddenly, Lien backed away in panic. Chau now seemed crazy and rushed towards her...

- Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah... Lien fell over the windy railing...


- Chau, I beg you, pull me up, pull me up...I'm so scared!

Lien's face was pale, her hands tried to hold onto the bars of the railing, her body swaying in the air like a fragile leaf about to fall. She looked at her younger sister standing above, pleading pitifully. She knew that if she fell, only terrible and terrible death was waiting. Chau, responded to her with cold eyes like ice. Her face now looked to Lien like an angel of death trying to take her life. But she still begged Chau, hoping she still had some human love left. Chau sat down, slowly, like an animal playing with its prey, enjoying observing the despair and death happening right before her eyes. His face was completely devoid of any emotion.

- I beg you... Chau! Save me!

- You know, I hate you so much! She always pretends to be better than me. Why do I have to pull you up? You look down on me..

- No, I don't look down on you, I'm the one who brought you home...

- But you still see me as a street kid. Lower than you...

- Help me... I'm about to not be able to bear it anymore. Lien's fingers hurt. I don't want to die yet, Chau!

- If you die... Chau said giving Lien her hand to hold on to, Lien quickly grabbed her hand. Then I'll have it all, right?

Lien was startled and looked at Chau. In that moment, looking into her eyes, Lien felt death. Chau bent down and looked closely at Lien's face.

- I want to tell you, you guessed right, I seduced Manh. He was drunk just now so I intentionally took him to my room. We don't have anything going on yet. Because he loves you. But, if you die, he will need someone by his side to comfort him, and you will be that person.

Lien let out a terrible scream. Chau waved her hand, causing Lien to fall into the vast space. Lien's tears flowed out and fell into nothingness. She looked up at the blue sky and before her eyes there was only the color of blood.

Chau, staring down, her hands clenched. Lam burst through the door and ran in, looking terrified...

- Chau...what are you doing? I killed someone...


Ms. Chau opened her eyes and saw herself lying on the balcony. The sound of the piano stopped, only the howling of the wind remained. She felt cold, a cold chill down her spine. Extreme fear made her confused:

- Lien, you come out here, come out here and threaten me... she screamed, then laughed loudly, you're just a dead person, what can you do to me? I have everything. Yes, I am inferior to you, but I have everything, I have the person you love, I have this house, I have everything you have.

A terrifying scream rang out, causing her to stop. Slowly, in the darkness, a white shadow hovered. Ms. Chau shuddered at the smell of blood. Before her eyes, that shadow approached, those eyes were red. hatred even though one eye looked like it was about to pop out, her face was covered in blood and crushed, she could see the white bones, and the blood reddened her white silk dress. It was Lien's face when they brought her in from the garden. At that moment, Lien's eyes opened wide.

Her bloody hand was raised to point at Ms. Chau. She heard a hiss in the wind:

- Die... die... die...

- Don't...don't come closer...

She closed her eyes tightly, because she was so disgusted by that face. She retreated, retreated... suddenly she opened her eyes, screamed, that bony hand was holding her hand tightly, dragging her down, dragging her down. She shouted:

- Lam... help...

That face pressed close to hers, she smelled the disgusting fishy smell, her back was leaning against the railing, she almost fell over, she saw death again, but this time it would be her.

- Ms. Lien, forgive me...I know my crime...forgive me. She groaned.

Those dark eyes, staring at her face, hissed from the torn mouth, sounding like a call to the soul:

- Blood debt...pay...with...blood...

Lam, after tricking Phi into entering the house, tricking Phi into not paying attention, he beat Phi unconscious and tied her up in the living room. Hearing Mrs. Chau's pitiful cry in the room, he quickly ran up. Seeing the door open, he rushed in, then... under the dim moonlight... on the balcony, Mrs. Chau was floating, her feet not touching the ground, next to her was... Lam screamed in horror, watching Mrs. Chau play. He reached out for help...but he was so scared that he collapsed to the floor. I could only open my eyes and look at the terrible scene before me. Helpless, she tried to reach out and grab the railing, but the rotten wooden bar broke under her hand. In that moment, she saw Lien's face as she fell, pain and despair... She looked down. The space was as dark as a grave, the body was limp.

Lam's eyes widened, he wanted to scream but had no strength left. He saw Mrs. Chau looking at him, the look of someone who knew she was about to die, then in the blink of an eye, she fell, as if merging into one with that terrible white shadow. , Lam heard her scream and Lien's scream from the past...

A moment later. He crawled closer, looked down, and saw Ms. Chau's body lying face down in a pool of blood, next to the lotus pond.

The wind howled non-stop all night long...

Khanh was lost in the music, looking at Lien sitting at the piano, her fingers passionately gliding on the keys. Why does today's music sound so mournful? When the music ended, Lien stopped, she left the piano, walked towards the balcony, which was wide open to welcome the moonlight, the blood on her shirt shining in the night. The room is dimly lit.

- Miss Lien...

Khanh exclaimed, Lien stopped, her eyes looking at Khanh were sad. Then, she slowly stepped into the light and faded like smoke. With just a blink of an eye, that figure was just like smoke.

- Miss Lien...

Khanh jumped up, panicked, she saw Phi.

- Where... am I? She was bewildered, then realized she was in her room at the Ngoc Lien villa. There are noises outside...

- Is Mr. Manh home yet? I have to tell him that...

Khanh held her head, her head was in sharp pain, and was wrapped in a white bandage.

- Everything is over, don't worry.

- End, what is it? But what's wrong with your head?

- I was knocked unconscious by Mr. Lam when I entered the house, then he tied me up and asked the maid to untie me so I could escape.

- Oh my God! Why don't I remember anything, I only remember that I was beaten by Mrs. Chau, bleeding a lot, that cruel woman, she wanted to cover my mouth...

- She's dead...

- Star?

- When I escaped, the maid took me to the room and saw Mr. Lam with a pale face and trembling on his knees on the balcony. You have a bloody head lying next to the guitar. Mr. Lam kept screaming for mercy...I saw a corner of the railing had collapsed. When I went to look, I saw that she was already lying in the yard. I told the maid to run and call the police. Just in time for Mr. Manh to return. The police are still working right now...

- Is she dead? Falling from upstairs? Falling next to the lotus pond, right? Khanh asked, she suddenly shivered.

- Right!

- Retribution... Khanh muttered.

- What did you say...

- It's retribution... and where is Mr. Manh?

- He seems to be in his room.

Mr. Manh sat next to the piano. Lam's testimony shocked him. He was so scared that he confessed everything about Lien's death. Until now, he still did not believe that Lien committed suicide, when the wedding was only a few days away. He still thinks it was an accident. Do not know that...

- Lien!...

He called softly, then closed his eyes, as if Lien was sitting next to him, her hand gliding over the keys of the piano for him to listen to the soothing music he liked. A gentle breeze brought a few dry leaves into the room...

- There's a ghost...this house has a ghost...it killed her...

Lam's voice was hoarse, his body cowered, as if fear had made him crazy. The two policemen tried very hard to keep him still. When he saw Ms. Chau's face exposed, he screamed, her face was crushed like Lien's the day before, her eyes were still wide open, scared.

- I saw... with my own eyes I saw it kill her... that ghost, Lien... it wanted revenge...

He still kept screaming as he was handcuffed and taken to the car to be taken away.

Khanh looked at Ms. Chau's body covered in a white towel, blood staining the cloth red. She looked at Mr. Manh holding Lien's photo. Looking at Phi, who was gently helping her sit down on the chair, his rough hands were now so gentle.

Her nightly nightmares would end, she knew. As for the nightmares of her human life, every day... maybe from today on, they won't be so dark anymore.

vintageurban legendsupernaturalslasherpsychologicalhow tohalloweenfootagefictionart

About the Creator

Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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  • HK Decora day ago

    Useful article, thank you for sharing

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