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Mr.Violence Gets Hellraised Part Two

Mr. Violence Vs PinHead

By Victor Robinson IIPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Mr.Violence Gets Hellraised Part Two
Photo by Felix Weinitschke on Unsplash

The Next Morning Jimmy wakes up and kisses Joey and leaves her apartment but leaves behind the puzzle box. Jimmy meets up with Sean at a diner called Angelo's place. Jimmy shows up. Sean is eating an apple pie and drinking a cup of coffee.

Sean says Did you ever link up with the reporter. Jimmy says Yeah We Linked up just fine and Sean laughs All right Mr. Jimmy What next. Jimmy says That the main leader of the cenobites is hiding in the nightclub which is run by a member of a satanic army called The Lements which the leader is a young millionaire named Roland Voight who is now in London. The owner of The Boiler Room is named J.P Monroe.

Jimmy tells Sean that these murders are all connected to the Lements who have been sacrificing victims to the cenobites in order to be rewarded but they don't know is there is no reward only pain and suffering and he believes that tonight at the club they are going reclaim their reward. Sean says How do we stop them.

Jimmy tells Sean that this is not his fight and That he knows he is a badass cop but warns him that he has already been exposed to the cenobites him and his wife so he needs to protect her because if they want to collect more souls they know who to come to.

Jimmy promised to finish this job. Sean gets his wife Susan and decides to take her away from the city.

Shame on the Night being playing by Dio

Jimmy is pulling up to the nightclub and gets out of the car and opens his trunk and pulls open his old army bag and pulls a semi-automatic uzi and loads it up with explosive rounds and puts hollow points in his Desert Eagle and puts on body armor. Joey shows up at the nightclub with her cameraman Doc and they sneak into the club.

J.P. Monroe and the Laments are having their meeting and The Engineer shows up hooked chains come out of nowhere and hook up all the Laments ripping them to pieces with the chains. Joey is shocked by the gore and her cameraman is hooked in the face and his face is pulled apart. the Engineer can feel that Joey has the puzzle box on her and he asks for it.

Joey denies him and he brings the Laments back to life as Cenobites. They surround Joey and The Engineer says They will tear your soul apart. Jimmy drives his car through the nightclub and Jimmy gets out of the car and opens fire on the cenobites blowing them into pieces. Jimmy sees the Engineer and Jimmy tells Joey to run. Jimmy goes to confront The Engineer.

The Engineer says Raphael The angel without a home. You shouldn't be here You know the rules about Angels and Demons. Jimmy says Well I really don't give a fuck and he opens fire on The Engineer. The Engineer sends the hook chains at Jimmy and he dodges them. The Engineer sends more cenobites after Joey.

Jimmy grabs a chain and swings toward The Engineer and spins a kick toward his head. The Engineer grabs his leg and tosses him to a wall. The Engineer leaves the nightclub. Cenobites come out of the darkness and attack Jimmy. He pulls out his combat knives start slicing and fighting his way out of the nightclub and grabs his uzi off the floor and mows down the cenobites.

Jimmy sees Joey being chased down the street by Cenobites and The Engineer. Police cars show up and The Cops are trying to stop Cenobites but they are brutally murdered in the process. Jimmy is running down the streets with his gun.

Jimmy sees a trap forming and Jimmy runs down a different path to catch up with Joey. Cenobites surround the construction site where Joey has no place to go. Jimmy shows up behind The chatter cenobites and tears off its head with his knife. Jimmy pulls out his Desert Eagle and shoots at the remaining Cenobites blowing pieces off of their bodies. Jimmy says Open the box and send these fuckers to Hell.

Joey attempts to open the box and The Engineer appears to her as her dead father who died in Vietnam and tells don't do it, baby, if you open that box you will lose me forever and he walks over to Joey. Jimmy sneaks up on puts his knife through the Engineer's heart. Joey realized that The Engineer has tried to trick her and Joey opens the box and sends The Engineer to Hell.

Joey throws the box into a hole in the ground and pours cement on top of it and Jimmy tells her there are many boxes around the world. Joey says They won't get this one.

Six Years Later Jimmy has been keeping tabs on Murders caused by the Laments and he notices a picture of a demon who goes by the name Angelique who had met years ago and fell in love with during 1960s and married her he knew she was a demon and she was on the good path until a tragic event trigger her to go back to her evil ways.

Jimmy tracks down Angelique who is using the descendent of the original Lament Configuration box, John Merchant to create a new box to destroy Hell and the cenobites.

Jimmy shows up and busts down the door to find The Engineer with Merchant suspended in the air by hooked chains in front of his wife and child. Angelique turns around and recognized Jimmy. The Engineer is surprised and Jimmy opens fire with his Desert Eagle and shoots the hook chains off of Merchant. Jimmy shoots at The Engineer. The Engineer tells Angelique to kill the wife and child and she hesitates. The Engineer is angered and The Engineer attempts to shoot the hook chains at Merchant's family and Merchant screams out No !!!!!!!! Jimmy jumps in front of the family and takes the hooks for them.

The Engineer walks up to a hookup Jimmy and tells him I guess I hook up a bigger fish. Angelique says You know you can't take an Angel to Hell. The Engineer says Fuck the Rules Raphael your suffering will be legendary in Hell. The Merchant's wife opens up Angelique's box and it sends Angelique and The Engineer who at the last minute drags Jimmy to Hell with them.

Jimmy wakes up in Hell surrounded by Cenobites who are slowly ripping the skin off of his body. The Engineer shows up full of rage about to take pleasure about to rip the rest of the skin off his body is stopped by the Leviathan telling the Engineer that bringing Raphael to Hell was a grave mistake due to not only being an Angel but also Samiel's aka the devil little brother. Leviathan says We only take humans. If you kill Raphael you will bring an army of angels to Hell.

The Engineer lets Jimmy and as he walks away He looks in the eyes of Angelique. He flashbacks to 1975 when he came home after Vietnam to be reunited with her. They made love for days. They went on a road trip around Texas. Jimmy is pulled from his flashback as Mazikeen calls from the darkness and tells Raphael that his brother wants to meet him on Earth.

Jimmy walks through a portal into a restaurant in Hell Kitchen, New York ,and a man dressed in a dark suit and with black hair is surrounded by demons who appear as bodyguards in suits and Jimmy sits down at the table. Lucifer says Hello Little Brother.

The End. Heaven and Hell playing by Dio

fictionhalloweenmonsterpop culturepsychologicalslashersupernaturaltravelurban legendvintage

About the Creator

Victor Robinson II

I am Victor Robinson II I am self publisher writer with Amazon. I enjoy writing books its relaxs my mind. I also work at wal mart been there 15 years hoping to survive as an author. I want to entertain the world with my awesome stories

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Comments (1)

  • Daniel Butogwa Kahindi2 years ago

    well this is cool

Victor Robinson IIWritten by Victor Robinson II

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