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Monogatari: The Tale of Castra (Part 4)

Part four of five.

By BoblobV2Published 5 years ago 8 min read

Castra brings her greatsword over her and swings down, destroying the cobble stones underneath. Garrol dodges to the side with a roll and lunges with his sword. Tilting the greatsword on its axis, Garrol's sword collides with the flat area of the greatsword.

Bringing his shield over, he swings down towards the greatsword with the intention of forcing it from Castra’s hand. Castra digs in the end of the sword into the ground and forces the blade up ripping up the ground, and flinging the debris in Garrol’s direction.

Meanwhile, Fenora moves back and composes herself as the three beasts move around her, encircling her, growling, with blood dripping from their maw. The bright blue energy on her forearms is depleting steadily as the cuts on her body heal, letting loose a small amount of steam into the air. The beast on the right leaps forward, followed by the one of the left, and finally head on.

The energy on her left arm depletes half way as her eyes glow a bright blue. Time itself seems to slow down as she moves under the beast to the right, slicing its belly open, spilling contents onto the floor.

Spinning around, the beast on the left had its maw open wide. Threading the energy around the blades, Fenora throws the blade on her left hand targeting the open maw.

Seeing that the final beast is turning its head to look at her, claw pulled back, ready to strike, she throws her remaining blade at it. The speed of time returns to normal.

The first blade slices through the inside of the beast, embedding itself inside of it. The second blade lodges itself in the neck of the beast, shifting its momentum to the point that the claw scratched her forearms.

Castra swings her great sword across and completely destroys Garrol's shield, breaking his arm in the process. The caved in part of the shield lodged into his arm. He lets out a scream in pain on the floor. Castra runs towards him ready to deal the final blow.

Garrol becomes more feral, his eyes bright yellow, his hands turning claw like as he grabs the destroyed shield and rips it off. Flesh is torn off as blood splashes onto the floor, his shield arm also transforming.

Castra brings the greatsword down on Garrol, it slices into his right shoulder, however is stopped from cutting right through, because of the thick bone. Using his free arm, now completely a claw, he swings at Castra. She lets go of the sword and jumps back, landing on her feet a few feet away. Castra, whose eyes are also turning yellow, starts to shift. Her hands resembling claws.

Meanwhile, Fenora is running over to Castra. She sees her hunched over slightly, as Garrol, now more beast than man, rips the sword from his body, and lets it drop. The weight of which makes the ground shake slightly.

Garrol gets on all fours as his limbs transform into something far more canine. Castra runs towards Garrol at a full sprint, both arms down, ready to swing her claws.

Garrol roars at Castra. She ignores her sword, and swings her claw at Garrol. He dodges again and again, however he is unable to complete his transformation as Castra charges him with a constant barrage.

Garrol’s arms gets shredded from blocking Castra’s attack as fur, skin, flesh, blood, and bone are thrown onto the street with every slice. Unable to hold them up anymore, his arms drop to the side and she slices his throat, destroying his windpipe.

Blood spurts onto her as he covers his throat as best he can. Whimpering, he crawls away from Castra.

Fenora is standing still, stunned, unable to move.

Castra walks up to Garrol, and steps on his back preventing him from going any further.

She leans in and grabs a tight hold of Garrol's head. He is breathing heavy and fast, whimpering throughout. She starts to pull on his head. The whimpering grows to shrieks of pain, that seemed to be amplified by the echoes on the street. Muscle, tendons, veins, they all rip as a pool of blood forms on the ground, the ripped veins and arteries causing blood to be sprayed onto Castra.

The neck snaps, and using the rest of her strength, she rips his head clean off of his body. Bone and flesh hang from the head as what blood is left drips. She lifts the severed head over her and tilts her head up, opening her mouth as she drinks the blood that drips onto her.

Her eyes return to their normal colour, and her face contorts in horror at the recognition of what she is doing. She drops the head on the floor. Distraught.

She stumbles a few steps back and falls on her knees, and bites on her hand till it draws blood running down her forearm.

Fenora comes to her, facing her, she kneels looking at Castra, the bottom half of Castra’s face covered in Garrol's blood.



Castra looks to Fenora, tears running down her cheeks. Fenora pulls her close and holds her.


It's ok.

Castra holds her back.


I don't want to fight anymore.


There's no way of knowing that running away from the ward would turn out well.


It's worth a try.

Fenora holds the back of Castra's head, and lets her rest on her shoulder, as the sun descends.

The sky turns to various shades of red near the setting sun, and various shades of blue and purple elsewhere. Black clouds hang overhead. The cobble stones reflect a bright orange, as the black of the buildings are accentuated that much more.

Smoke rises from the direction of the ward.


Is that?

Fenora stands and sprints hard in the direction of the smoke. Castra struggles to her feet and runs after Fenora.


Be careful.

A moment passes and the two arrive at the gate to see that the entire structure is on fire. No one in sight.



Fenora runs into the fire. The various points sticking up to the sky are collapsing in on the building. Taking in a deep breath, Castra runs in after her.



The ceiling is coated in flame as the corridors and rooms are filled with smoke. Castra covered her nose with her arm. She turns corner after corner till she reaches the courtyard.

Coming out and taking in a deep breath of fresh air, Castra sees Fenora standing in front of the gate to the cemetery. The gate is open and the greenery all around is on fire.

Looking out to the center they see the younglings, the Maiden, and the High Deacon, on their knees, praying to the tree. Among them is Jaden. Fenora smiles, feeling relieved.


Thank goodness.


Everyone is safe.

They walk to the group. Sensing them, the High Deacon stands up and turns to face them. He smiles as he approaches them.


High Deacon.


Children. I am glad you two are safe.


What happened?

The High Deacon lets out a sigh and walks past Fenora and Castra to look at the burning building.


It was the reaper.


I thought the barrier protected us from it.


As did I, I had hoped our faith was strong enough.


What do we do?


The only thing we can, we must leave the ward and find refuge elsewhere in Kalagaya, but first our faith must be strong, else we will be punished. That is why we pray to the higher beings.

Both Castra and Fenora turn to look at the shriveled tree.



The Maiden stands up and bows to the Deacon.


Wonderful, it is time.

The two look at each other confused as the High Deacon walks towards her.


High Deacon?


You will witness the power of the higher beings with your own eyes, young ones.

They follow him, however they are stopped by a barrier that reveals itself when touched.


High Deacon!

He stands in front of the Maiden smiling. Facing the tree she raises her head, eyes closed in prayer. The Deacon grabs her hair, holding her in place, and pulls out a knife. Both Castra and Fenora are hitting the barrier, trying to break through. The Deacon places the knife on her throat.


Jaden! Jaden come to me.

Their words do not reach those inside the barrier. The Deacon slices her throat, spraying the blood into the air, before landing on the roots of the tree. He lets her body drop as the blood is absorbed by the roots, bringing life to the tree.


Return to us, o eldritch one. Our unborn lord.

The bark gets thicker, the branches move on their own. The wood pulses, turning to something resembling flesh. The branches descend and burst forward, stabbing each youngling in the chest save for Jaden. Fenora is screaming, crying.


Once nourished, take my body as the vessel that binds you to this realm.

Blood from the bodies drain, absorbed by the branches. The tree turns to Jaden as branches coil over themselves to create limbs. Jaden is fixed into his position in fear.


Don't touch him! Jaden! Please!

The corpses of the younglings are dropped to the floor as the being stands on four legs, growing larger. Upon its back a mass of tentacles. The head is completely skeletal. Hollow eyes colored in everlasting black. It opens its mouth and lets out a screech. The High Deacon stands arms open.


Yes o lord, thank you for heading my call.

It stretched its back as a coating of red energy radiated from it, now half as tall as the ward itself standing at three floors tall. Looking at the High Deacon it leaned in. Raising its front claw, it brings it closer to the High Deacon.


Yes lord. Give me–

It steps on the High Deacon crushing him with ease. It turns to Jaden. His mind gone.



Placing the tip of its claw on his forehead, it channels its energy into Jaden. Blood runs down Jaden's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.



The lifeless bodies rolled over to Jaden, melding with him one by one. A growing mass of children's bodies acting as one. The being lets out another screech while releasing a pulse of red energy that destroys the barrier.

The force of which throws Castra and Fenora back several feet. The mass of bodies compresses till they form a bright red orb, which the being picks up and lodges onto its forehead.

The tentacles at its back release spores into the air covering the entirety of the cemetery. Breathing them in Castra chokes, sending her into convulsions. Her eyes turn yellow and her body starts to transform.


Not you too.

Fenora grabs hold of Castra's head and funnels her own blue energy into her, slowing down the transformation, this drains Fenora's energy fast.


Not you too.

The being walks to them, and raising its claw, brings it down on them. Vulnerable Fenora closes her eyes.

Tentatively opening her eyes, Fenora sees a woman standing, facing away from them, wearing black battle robes, and a Scythe in one hand, while the other hand is holding back the claw of the being.


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Writing about anime, and anything else I find interesting.

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    BoblobV2Written by BoblobV2

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