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Mission Complete

By Kimberly Anne

By Kimberly AnnePublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Mission Complete
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The approval from his loyal followers was what fueled his motivation. A thrill shot through the fibers of his muscles and nerve endings every time that green light lit up on his webcam. The sensation was his drug. He loved being the center of attention and as an up-and-coming U-Vid influencer, Braden Foster was right where he belonged.

He looked directly into the lens, “I hope everyone enjoyed my play through of Black Spirits. It was definitely a tough game, and there were times I wanted to throw my PC across the yard, but with the encouragement and support from every one of you, I endured the hardships. Follow me on all of my social media platforms at RaidinBraden for the announcement of the game I’ll be playing next. Raidin’ Braden out!” He saluted to his invisible crowd before turning off his camera.

With the rise of “let’s play” type shows on the internet, at the age of 23, Braden decided to toss his hat into the ring. Gaining followers was tough at first, but he didn’t let the low numbers discourage him. He was determined to become a household name in the gaming industry. He swept his shaggy brown bangs out of his eyes then leaned back in his chair and stretched. “Well, guess it’s time to go purchase a new game.”

The familiar ding of the bell chimed as Braden entered GameCave, his one stop shop for any and all media. “Hey Shaun.” He waved toward the back of the store where an employee was bent over. A dishwater blonde, dreadlocked head poked out from behind the computer. “What’s up my dude?” A wide smile spread across Shaun’s angular face as Braden walked toward him. “Need something new already?” He straightened; his height nearly a full foot taller than Braden's.

“Yeah, I finished Black Spirits faster than I thought I would.”

“Wow, impressive.” Shaun folded his arms across his chest. “I have several friends who couldn’t even clear the tutorial. But I guess we can't all be professional gamers.”

“Yeah." Braden chuckled. “That's unfortunate. So what have you got for me? Gotta give the people what they want and all that.” He leaned on the counter and rested his chin in his hand as Shaun searched the database on the computer.

After a few seconds of scanning, Shaun said, “oh, there is a new VR game that just came out. It’s called Phantomphilia.”

“What the hell kind of game is that?” Braden’s eyes widened as he took a step back from the counter. “My channel is rated mature, but I’m not sure I would go as far as subjecting my fans to some kind of ghost kink game.”

Shaun let out a bright laugh. “No, no, bro. It’s nothing like that I promise! I don’t think the original Japanese translated well. It’s a ghost hunting game.”

“Oh.” Braden breathed a relieved sigh. “You had me worried for a second. That could be interesting. I’ve never played a VR on my channel before. Sure I’ll take it. A little horror could help boost my ratings. I’m sure my fans would love to see me scream like a maiden in distress.”

“I would pay good money to see that.” Shaun chuckled. “Alright, that’ll be fifty dollars.”

“Fifty dollars!” Braden raised his eyebrow. “That’s a bit pricey.”

“Dude, trust me. It is fully immersive, this is a steal for such a game, plus it comes with a special VR headset.”

“Why can’t I use the one I already have?”

Shaun shrugged in response. “Like I said, it’s originally Japanese.”

“Whatever, I think I have rewards points on my card anyway, that should save me some money right?”

“Sure thing buddy. Just a sec I’ll get that taken care of for you.” Shaun typed in Braden’s membership information into the computer. “Yep saved you ten dollars.”

“Sounds good. Thanks Shaun. See ya next time.” Braden waved over his shoulder as he headed for the exit. A smirk played on Shaun’s lips as he watched the boy leave the store.

Braden turned the game over in his hand as he studied the writing on the back of the case. “Phantomphilia is a cooperative ghost hunting game that is best when played online. Hmm, well guess I better log a few hours before I play this on my channel. Don’t want to look like a noob in front of everyone.” He plucked the CD from its case and loaded it into his PC, then popped on the VR headset.

The load screen cracked and jumped, lines running up it, the same way an old television set from the 80s would look as it played a video cassette. “Pretty good effects so far. Already setting the creep vibe for sure.” A list of options flashed before Braden’s eyes. “Better play single player for now.” He clicked the corresponding choice then a new list appeared. “Which level to play first?” He studied the titles. “Abandoned Asylum. That’s every horror game’s go-to. Nope, too cliché. Next, Deserted School. Eh not bad, but I saw the Video Grouches play a game similar to that. I need something that will set me apart. Oh this one looks interesting. Forsaken Barn.”

Braden clicked the title and was immediately transported to a deteriorating barn in the middle of nowhere; the once fire engine red painted wood now weather-worn and stained from decades of neglect. The landscape looked to belong in a state such as Kansas or Nebraska. All around him was nothing but flattened earth, littered with a few sparse patches of wheat that swayed in the breeze. The dark clouds overhead threatened rain, adding a sense of foreboding to the overall bleak scene.

“Well I have to say, Shaun wasn’t wrong. This is definitely immersive. Alright, where is this ghost?” Braden walked his character over to a van set off to the side of the barn and chose some ghost hunting equipment. “Guess I need an EMF reader and maybe a spirit box. Oh, I probably need a temperature reader too.” He gathered his materials and started the first mission: gather visual evidence of the ‘Wailing Woman’.

Braden explored the barn for a few minutes taking a few temperature readings. A rotting pile of hay in the corner emitted the coldest temperature. He walked cautiously over to the spot then equipped the EMF and held his breath as he waited for a spike in spiritual energy. His pulse quickened as anxiety unconsciously welled up inside him. He exhaled with a sigh when the EMF didn’t yield any results. “Okay switching to the spirit box.” The deafening sound of static flooded the otherwise silent space around him. Again he stood completely still, daring not to breathe, his body tense with potential energy.

The wind whipped through the cracks in the barn's façade, the effect making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. An involuntary shiver ran down his spine. Then another sound came through his speakers. “Braden.” It whispered with a raspy voice.

“Oh shit!” He jumped back, pulling the headphone cord from the jack on the computer. He hastily removed the VR headset and peered around his studio, but no one was there. “Oh wow.” He chuckled, attempting to calm his nerves. “It felt like someone was really right here with me.” He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans then put his headset and headphones back on, transporting him once more into the game.

The spirit box laid battered on the dusty floor. “No white noise? Crap...did I break it?” Anxiety tightened Braden’s chest again as he reached for the box. A cold sweat broke out on his back, but he steeled himself and slowly rose to his full height. He inhaled deeply. “It’s just a game. Calm down Braden.” He timidly peeked over his shoulder.

An emaciated woman in an ivory dressing gown stood silent, waiting only a few feet away. A rope burn, purple against the sallow skin of her neck, told the story of what had transpired in this place. She cocked her head slightly as she studied him. Dark hollow eyes peered from behind stringy black hair that crowned a gaunt face.

“Uh...okay…I’m going to assume you’re the Wailing Woman. S-stay right there, yeah? Don’t do anything crazy, like run at me.” He chuckled, a vain attempt at trying to calm his frantic heartbeat. His fingers trembled as he clicked on the item screen to choose the camera so he could equip it, capture visual evidence, and clear the mission.

The viewfinder captured the blank wall of the old barn. “Huh? Where did she go?” He spun in an erratic circle then pulled out the EVP recorder. “She’s still here somewh-” A sudden burning sensation stopped him and he grasped his right shoulder, wincing at the pain. He immediately removed his headphones and headset then pulled his shirt open to check that he hadn’t injured himself. "What the hell?” Three raised scratches marked his shoulder. “What did I run into?” His heart hammered against his ribcage as he whipped his head around, but he didn’t see anything that could have touched him. A violent banging sound made him jump. “What the- Okay what was that?” He ran toward the door and turned on the light, only to reveal an empty room. “Who’s there?” He clenched his fists at his sides as he shouted into the vacant space.

“Why...did you...abandon me?” A high pitched voice emanated from the headphones. Braden trembled as he picked them up from the floor, placing them over his ears. He listened for a moment before affixing the headset again. Another rasping voice came through the speakers, a death rattle punctuated each word, “stay...with...me...” The woman was right in front of him now. Her face contorted to inhuman proportions, jaw and eyes widened and stretched into a mask of pure agony and malice. Then she released a banshee-like wail as she sprinted toward him, her mutilated hand grasping and clutching.

“Son of a bitch!” Braden stumbled, tripping over his computer chair. “Nope, nope. That’s enough, I'm done.” He yanked the headphones and headset off in one swift motion and threw them to the floor as fast as one would release a hot frying pan.

After taking a moment to calm down he exhaled and picked his chair up from the ground then flopped into it releasing a relieved laugh. “Yep, my fans will love this. I almost pissed myself. This should definitely boost my ratings.” The fear and panic Braden had felt just moments before melted away as he announced the name of the next game he would be playing on his channel. “We’re going on a ghost hunt! Join me Friday for an exclusive look at Phantomphilia. This game is seriously scary and I predict you’re going to love watching every terrifying moment.”

“Never heard of it, but can’t wait to see Braden play it!” -Videogamelife896

“Play with the lights on Braden!” -Gamergurl742

“Horror, nice! Also I’m your biggest fan. Keep up the great content!” -Otakuboy231

A satisfied smile pulled at the corners of his lips as he read over his post. The likes and comments flooded the screen, increasing his confidence. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at the clock, the hands marked 2:00am. “Time to call it.” He yawned and stretched as he stood up from his chair, ready to settle into bed. He examined his shoulder again, but couldn’t see any scratches. “My imagination got away from me. But...maybe I should watch a few funny videos on Click Clack before I go to sleep.”

Braden grinned and laughed loudly, never once bothering to look up from the screen in his hand to notice the dark shadow that had appeared in the corner of his room; bony, twisted fingers stealthily extending to snatch their prey.


About the Creator

Kimberly Anne

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    Kimberly AnneWritten by Kimberly Anne

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