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Murder mystery

By Cameron webber Published 12 months ago 3 min read

The sun had set on the small town of Millville, and the streets were deserted. The only sound was the soft hum of the streetlights. Detective John Michaels was sitting in his car, parked outside the house of the town's wealthiest resident, Mr. Charles. The detective had been called to investigate a murder, and he had a hunch that Mr. Charles was somehow involved.

John had been a detective for over 20 years, and he had seen his fair share of murders. But this one was different. The victim was a young woman, only 22 years old. Her name was Emily, and she had been working as a maid for Mr. Charles for the past year. She was found dead in his study, with a single bullet wound to the head.

John had a feeling that Mr. Charles was hiding something. He had been acting strangely since the murder, and he refused to answer any questions. John knew that he had to get to the bottom of this.

As he sat in his car, John noticed a figure walking down the street. It was a young man, wearing a hoodie and carrying a backpack. John recognized him as one of the town's troublemakers, but he didn't think much of it. He watched as the young man disappeared into the darkness.

John decided to take a closer look at the crime scene. He got out of his car and walked up to the front door of Mr. Charles' house. The door was unlocked, and John stepped inside.

The house was dark, and John had to use his flashlight to see. He made his way to the study, where Emily's body still lay. He examined the room carefully, looking for any clues that might help him solve the case.

Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the hallway. He turned off his flashlight and crouched down behind a nearby chair. He waited, listening intently.

Footsteps echoed through the hallway, slowly getting closer. John held his breath as he waited for whoever was coming to reveal themselves. Finally, a figure appeared in the doorway.

It was Mr. Charles.

John stood up and pointed his flashlight at him. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

Mr. Charles looked surprised to see John. "I was just checking on things," he said.

John didn't believe him. "You're hiding something," he said. "I can tell."

Mr. Charles looked nervous. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

John wasn't convinced. He decided to search the house more thoroughly. He made his way to the basement, where he found a locked door. He kicked it open and found a room filled with guns, ammunition, and drugs.

John knew he had found the evidence he needed. He arrested Mr. Charles and charged him with Emily's murder. It turned out that Mr. Charles had been involved in a drug ring, and Emily had found out about it. He had killed her to keep her quiet.

The town was shocked by the news. Mr. Charles had been a respected member of the community, and no one had suspected him of any wrongdoing. But John had seen through his lies and had brought him to justice.

As for John, he continued to work as a detective, solving case after case. He never forgot about Emily, and he made sure that her killer was brought to justice. And as for the town of Millville, it slowly began to heal from the shock of the murder. Life went on, but everyone knew that they had a hero in John Michaels, the detective who had solved the mystery of Emily's murder.


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  • Starlight Tucker12 months ago

    Definitely feels like a great detective story from the start!

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