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"Michael and his Friends: Two Ghost Story"

Here is two Thrilling and Mind blowing Ghost Story

By Thirumalai .GPublished about a year ago 4 min read

First story:

Michael and his friends, Sarah, Jake, and Amanda, were always on the lookout for a new adventure. They loved to explore abandoned places and search for hidden secrets. So, when they heard about the abandoned old mansion on the outskirts of town, they were eager to check it out.

Despite the rumors of the place being haunted, the group decided to pay a visit. They arrived at the mansion, which was overgrown with weeds and surrounded by a tall fence. The windows were boarded up, and the front door was locked. The place looked like it had been abandoned for decades.

Undeterred, the group climbed over the fence and made their way inside. The air inside was musty, and it was clear that no one had lived there for a long time. They split up, each taking a different part of the mansion to explore.

Michael made his way to the second floor, where he stumbled upon a room that was locked. He managed to pick the lock, and what he found inside was beyond his wildest dreams. The room was filled with old books, maps, and paintings. Michael was in heaven. He spent hours pouring over the books, marveling at their age and beauty.

Suddenly, the door to the room slammed shut. Michael was trapped inside. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He was about to call for help when he heard a faint whisper. He looked around the room, but there was no one there. The whisper grew louder, and he realized that it was coming from one of the paintings on the wall.

Michael approached the painting, and the eyes of the subject followed him as he moved. He could hear the subject of the painting, a young woman, begging for his help. She told him that she and her family had been trapped in the mansion for years, unable to escape. They were cursed by a powerful witch, who had put a spell on the house that kept them trapped forever.

Michael realized that the only way to break the curse was to find the witch's spellbook and destroy it. He set off on a mission to find the spellbook, with the ghostly young woman as his guide. He encountered all sorts of dangers along the way, from traps set by the witch to ghostly apparitions that haunted the halls.

Finally, Michael found the spellbook and destroyed it, breaking the curse and freeing the spirits that were trapped in the mansion. The young woman appeared to Michael one last time, thanking him for his help and telling him that he would never forget his experience at the mansion.

Michael and his friends left the mansion, shaken by the experience they had just gone through. They knew that they would never forget the haunting memories of the mansion, or the ghostly young woman who had helped them break the curse.

As they walked away from the mansion, they couldn't help but feel that they were being watched by something, or someone, from beyond the grave. They quickly walked back to their car, eager to get as far away from the mansion as possible. But the memory of their adventure would stay with them forever, and they knew that they would never be able to shake the feeling that they were being followed by something that was not of this world.

Second Story:

Michael had always been fascinated by ghost stories. As a child, he would often sneak into the attic to read his grandfather's old books on the paranormal. Now, as an adult, he was determined to put his fascination to the test and prove to himself once and for all that ghosts were nothing more than tales to scare children.

Along with three of his closest friends, Maria, David, and Sarah, he set out on a journey to the abandoned Blackwood Manor on the outskirts of town. The Manor was notorious for its ghostly inhabitants and was said to be haunted by the ghost of a former owner who had died there under mysterious circumstances.

As they approached the Manor, the group felt a chill run down their spines. The building was old and dilapidated, with broken windows and overgrown weeds choking the entrance. Despite their apprehension, they pushed on and entered the Manor.

At first, everything seemed normal. They explored the dusty halls and empty rooms, finding nothing out of the ordinary. But as the night wore on, strange things began to happen. Doors would open and close by themselves, whispers echoed through the halls, and objects would move on their own. The group grew increasingly uneasy, but Michael was determined to see his mission through.

It was then that they stumbled upon a locked door in the basement. Michael was certain that this was where the ghost of the former owner was said to reside. Excited, he and his friends worked to pry the door open. As it creaked open, a rush of cold air and the smell of decay hit them. Inside, they found a room filled with eerie green light and the ghostly apparition of a woman.

The group was frozen in terror as the ghostly figure floated towards them. Suddenly, the room was filled with the sounds of tortured screams and the ghostly apparition transformed into a monster, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Panicked, the group tried to escape the basement, but found that the door was now sealed shut. Trapped, they were at the mercy of the ghostly monster. Michael and his friends huddled together, unsure of what to do. Just when they thought all was lost, Michael remembered a book he had read on banishing spirits. He began to recite the incantation, his voice quivering with fear.

To their surprise, the monster recoiled at the sound of the incantation. It let out an ear-piercing screech and disappeared, leaving behind only a trail of smoke. The door to the basement suddenly opened and the group fled the Manor, never to return again.


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    T.Written by Thirumalai .G

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