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There's more to a first date than choosing an outfit.

By Luke HowePublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Michael was nervous.

He had been looking forward to this evening for just over a week ever since he had put the date in his diary. He had also put the date onto the multi coloured wall planner given to him by his sister. He wasn’t known for being an organized man, preferring to go with the flow and see where the events would take him rather than planning meticulously.

This lackadaisical approach however had got him into trouble on more than one occasion. He still lamented the time that he had managed to secure Rolling Stones tickets. He had spent a small fortune on the tickets and awaited the day with anticipation.

Only to be reminded of the concert when it was mentioned on the radio.

While at a friend’s barbecue.

On the day of the concert.

After that fateful moment his sister had decided to take action. The wall planner had been a gift from Lauren that Christmas to ensure he never missed an appointment again. He had found the gift so useful it had now become an annual tradition.

He stared at the planner now as it hung from the back of his kitchen door. The information was there in stark red letters with a florescent yellow circle around it for good measure.

Melanie 7.30

Thanks sis.

He had never really believed people when they described the feeling of butterflies in their stomach. The sensation of being so nervous and overjoyed at the same time that your stomach did little flips.

But he had to be honest he was now very much a paid up member of the Butterfly Club.

When he had plucked up the courage to ask Melanie if she would like to go for a drink with him he had expected a polite refusal. She would undoubtedly smile at him with those beautiful plump lips and then explain that she was busy, had a boyfriend, had to shampoo her dog. The usual gentle let downs.

But she hadn’t.

He had walked on wobbly legs across the office kitchen and made a very lame joke about the quality of instant coffee. Then he had blurted it out.

She had indeed smiled. She had touched him on the arm playfully and to his amazement she had said yes.

She had even agreed to have dinner at his home. He told himself this was a good thing as it would allow him to make all of the preparations himself and to his own exacting standards.

He had then backed out of the kitchen grinning, his legs still very unstable and very nearly knocked into Tim on the way out.

It wasn’t until he had sat back at his desk that he realised his stomach had become butterfly central.

He also had not managed to get himself a mug of bad coffee.

Now that the evening was here he had everything planned to the most minuscule of details. He had again consulted Lauren who had been kind enough to provide him with some tips.

He had planned to buy a new suit but she had discouraged this as she was of the opinion that it would be akin to overkill and make him seem a bit too keen.

So a new shirt and pair of casual but stylish jeans had been purchased instead.

He had taken a long and luxurious shower and made sure every inch of his body was clean.

He shampooed his hair with a very pleasant product that made him smell of coconuts.

This part of his date preparation he had rather enjoyed. He had stood and savoured the heat as the water had cascaded all over him. He laughed to himself that it always took a long time to actually get into the shower while the temperature settled but once he was in he could quite happily set up home and live there.

Once out of the shower he dried himself with a soft cotton towel. He then stood naked in front of the dresser and laid out his various tools that he would need for the evening.

He had shaved and trimmed in all the appropriate places. He applied a small amount of body moisturiser to avoid his skin drying out.

He sprayed a small amount of deodorant under his arms. He flexed a little in the mirror as he did this, laughing at himself as he did so.

He had bought a very expensive aftershave. He applied a small amount to his hands and dabbed it conservatively onto the contours of his skin. This made him wince as the alcohol made its way into the raw and exposed areas that had recently had a sharp blade dragged across them.

A little bit more perhaps? No, he decided against this.

He wanted to smell alluring.

Not like a high street perfume counter.

The new shirt hung crisply on a hanger looped through the handle of his wardrobe. The freshly purchased jeans dangled by their side neatly. They looked rather nice there he thought. Perhaps he would hang them back there when the evening had come to a conclusion.

He was getting ahead of himself.

He remembered the advice his father had given him as a young boy. Always brush your teeth before you put your tie on. Michael had opted not to wear a tie this evening, instead thinking that an open collar shirt would be more appropriate.

In all honesty he hadn’t opted for that at all. More sage wisdom from Lauren.

He thought that his father’s tip still held water though. Tie or not he certainly didn’t want to sit across from the delectable Melanie with little white specks of toothpaste on his shirt.

He pulled on a brand new pair of boxer shorts and proceeded to brush his teeth.


Then he used a strong minty mouthwash and flossed.


Michael then slipped the shirt over his head and buttoned it up. The shirt had that lovely feeling that only happens once that first time it is worn. It was cool, smooth and settled comfortably in and around the shape of his chest.

The jeans also fit nicely and accentuated all the right areas. He was pleased that he had gone for a button up fly rather than a zip. He couldn’t explain why but buttons across the crotch seemed far more appropriate for a date.

After applying a subtle amount of wax to his hair he gave himself one last inspection in the mirror.

He was surprised to find that he actually rather liked what he saw. His nerves were still there but they were slipping away slowly.

He looked at the bedside clock.


He grinned.

Tonight could actually be a success.


As it was a pleasant evening Michael had opted to serve dinner outside.

Earlier in the day he had taken two rump steaks from the fridge and gone about preparing them. This time he had used a method taught to him by his mother.

Heat the pan but don’t add any oil just yet.

Season the meat and rub olive oil into the flesh on both sides.

Lay the freshly rubbed steak into the hot pan and allow the heat to immediately catch the tissue and begin to sear to the taste that you prefer.

Michael was pleased to discover that Melanie was not a vegetarian. It allowed him to show off his steak cooking skill plus he had to admit he rather enjoyed the feel of the slick cold meat against his hands and fingertips.

The preparation had obviously been carried out earlier but the actual cooking had to be done at the last minute. Dutifully he had donned his apron and cooked them to perfection.

Now he sat and waited.

Salad nestled in a bowl.

The steaks lay on their plates getting colder by the second. The sautéed potatoes accompanied them rather sadly by their sides.

Two glasses of Merlot had been poured but so far only one had been touched.

Michael glanced at his watch again anxiously.


He sighed as it became clear that Melanie was not coming.

To be fair to her it wasn’t actually her fault that she was not going to turn up.

After all it is very difficult to arrive somewhere when you are already there.

Michael sipped his wine and remembered wistfully the first date that he had shared with Melanie.

The way she had smiled.

The way she had laughed.

How they had danced.

How she had kissed him gently before leading him upstairs.

They had made love all night.

He remembered every tiny detail.

The look of confusion on her face when she saw the knife.

The shock in her eyes as he had plunged the sharpened blade into her stomach.

He remembered with particular fondness the way the light in her eyes had gradually petered out like a dying filament.

She was here now and she would be forever. He wasn’t angry really. It was hard to eat a steak when you are buried under a patio.

Michael lifted his glass of Merlot to his lips and drained the last few drops onto his tongue. He took Melanie’s untouched glass and poured it back into the bottle.

With a smile and a chuckle he poured himself one last taste and raised his glass in the air.

“Here’s to you and me Melanie. Same time next year”


About the Creator

Luke Howe

I teach English in a British secondary school, I am often told that I am the dramatic member of the department!

Expect horror and intrigue.

I am a vinyl junkie so don't be surprised if musical references pop up from time to time!

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    Luke HoweWritten by Luke Howe

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