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Me Myself and I, And The Girl In The Mirror.

Me Myself and I, And The Girl in the Mirror? a Fiction Horror short story about O' dido; at first, she was Normal. But then everything started to look and feel all Weird. For something happens, and they end up putting. O' dido; In a Mental institution, she had lost her mind due to an antique Jewelry box she bought; That Changed her Life Completely.

By Vicky 'A' Blevins ReavisPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
See No Evil, Hear no Evil cause Evil can see you, and Hear you read carefully Please

Once upon a time, On the night of Friday 13th, O' dido was your usual regular girl and Smart, intelligent, straight-A student in High School. She was very popular. O' dido was a lead Cheerleader, One of the beautiful people.

Such a good teenage girl. One day she and her friends. They went to this odd little shop it was its Grand Opening.

The shop had weird Wicca, and you know which craft, Black White Magic, Voodoo, and other cool things.

O' dido was like, awe wow, and This is so cool.

Never seen or been in a Shop like this before; they looked around inside this place at the things they had, and O' dido found this beautiful Antique Music Jewelry wooding box. She looked inside this here jewelry Box, and it had a Mirror and a Bailay Dancer.

It was incredible; she asks the Clerk, How much is this, Ma'am? The Elder Lady was selling these here things, Said My Tag says Alia and this I don't thank you want to buy? O' dido asked why it's beautiful; Alia said because the Woman that sold this to me just this morning.

Her name was Isabella, noted that it is cursed.

O' dido said, no way, I don't Believe in curses how much if you will I want it Please.

Alia said I've always wanted one of these; alright, Kid told her the Price, but I will Warn you. However, reamer

Though strange. After you buy this after tonight, things will start happening; you must trust me. Trust me: Be Careful with this, please. O' dido said OK, So she bought it and a couple of earrings, Necklouses, a bracelet's a Wicca book. Her friends bought a few things too.

O' dido put all the stuff on when after she purchased them. They went out went to the Domain club where We went dancing and had a real good time.

It was Friday why not, you know? They all went home for the night. She and her friends called it a night all.

Though, however. But the night was still young, and it was still kind of Earley, so O' dido Open's her antique.

Jewelry box, and she looked into the little mirror with a bit of light in it and a ballerina and a winder so she can wind it up and watch the ballerina dance. O' dido Loved

For some reason, For The Box had such a Pretty song she lay on her tummy and watched it along with looking in the little mirror. She would Stare at it like she was in a trance and couldn't stop staring in and at it.

O' dido did this for several weeks; about the sixth.

Week, things started feeling. Looking all Wierd and stuff, she was Constantly gazing into this little mirror and listening and watching the ballerina dancing to the sweet music as if she had done got obsessed with it.

Now, this was a week before The Night Of Friday the 13th.

She'd close the box because it was her Bath time. O' dido Went and took her a Hot Bubble Bath. She'd put red and Black lite Candles all around her, some incense to Relax her. She would sit there in her Big Antique Bath Tub head on her Blow up a pillow that Stuck to the back of her tub.

Soaking and Relaxing, for bout Eh Twenty minutes, then she washed, shaved.

O' dido got out, letting her water out, and was mumbling the song from the Jewelry box why she was drying her long Black as Raven's hair in the Bathroom.

Mirror Slowly. , A Gray cloud of Vapor Rose and snaked into the Mirror Before O' dido The Shimmering Fog

Formed a Vague Human Shape, the detail emerged A Photo slowly Developing more Details Emerged Through the Deemed candle lights a Figure Of a girl her

Age looks just like her. Accept she was as white as a ghost but with dark black Ravens hair and instead of Bright green cat eye's actual color eyes like O' didos The girls in the mirror were red. She looked like a Zombie, the living dead girl, with a spider. On the right

Side, her face caught up in surprise. O' dido was looking into the mirror; she could not. Believe what she was seeing. O' dido said, who are you? The girl in the mirror said, who else would I be, O' dido? I am you; I am the one in your head.

I am your voice that speaks inside your head, your Dreams, the one that whisper's wicket things, the evilest fyle tearable things, I am the cold chill cascading down your spine tilling you, you are not alone now. Cause you see, O' dido, I created you, I made you.

I gave it to you the way you are now, or perhaps you are just the same and have not ever.

Changed and all this was just an Allusion, and you have never been Poplure, All your Friends are Heathens, and you are nothing look at you which happens to be me;

You are just a freak; why do you ignore me? This way, look at you, you are lost, and We Know that you will never be discovered or found. The will to take it slow, wait for them to ask you who you know, and don't make any sudden. Moves, you can't tell Half of the Abuse.

You see, we don't deal with outsiders very. Well, we can smell your intentions; look at you out. There outside the mirror full of lust; be one of us. where are silents your favorite sounds Visions we Vandalize cold in our kingdom side fail for these Dark Shadow's we

see the crowd, watch them Fall Blood on a wall I like the way They all scream, till me O' dido which one is worse living or ding first, sleeping inside of Herse We don't see but do you? "Tis better to buy a small bokay to give your friends.

This very day is the bokay of Roses Black and Red put on her or his Confean after their death. O'dido said, who are we?

The Girl in The Mirror said We Are The People, the People They Loved one day Stocked. Away, just

Because we are not as popular as they were, Our Brains are like hand grenades; we are the Syco paths. No one wants us next to them, and we are the Mutter's that they don't want to be next to; we are The Freak shows.

We are the Wierd People that they don't want around.

We are The Heatherns; we are the Lost Souls that have no meanings for or of the day, we are the unwanted, the unneeded, we are the nothing just like you are with a devilish grin we want you to stay please don't stay away and here.

Where we are about to bust, we are the ones who have got done wrong Mistreated and abused again come now from where I stand; you may be one of us. O' Dido said, how can I be one of you? I am Poplure.

I have not got done wrong, Mistreated, nor Abused?

The girl in the mirror said, not yet but wait to watch it, I am you, but I did not say when you become me, I am you from the Past, and will soon be you in the future too; I know because I have been through it over and over again just you from different lives.

What makes you think you will be different in this one? Do you know how many times you happen to end up with that same Antique Wooding Jewelry box with the same Bailay dancer and music and mirror within as the girl in the mirror cocked her head up at herself and

Smiled, you see that my Dear is where I came from, arching her eyebrow. O' dido said, how is that so if you are in this mirror? In the mirror, the girl said I am in all mirror's I am a Reflector from one mirror to another.

O' dido said, that is funny; this is the first time I have seen it.

Since I got the Antique Wooding Jewelry box

The girl in the mirror said, are you sure bout that?

O' dido said yes, of course.

The girl in the mirror said I am you; when you look in that mirror, don't you see yourself? O' dido said, well.

Yeah. The girl in the mirror said, there you go.

O' dido said, but I do not look the way you look now.

The girl in the mirror said not yet, Arching her eyebrow and then all of a sudden disappeared.

But through that week, it was like this the girl in the mirror.

She kept Haunting her over and over again.

That Wednesday night, her Father was walking through the hall to his and her Mom's room, passing O' dido's room, and overheard her talking to him to herself, for he could not hear the girl in the mirror.

O' dido's Father has heard this now for the past week every night, and He stood there listening, thanking what the...?

He started worrying about his Daughter when he finally walked away to his and her Mother's room; he asked her.

Mom, have you noticed how strange our Daughter's been acting since she got that wooding jewelry box here lately.

O' dido's Mother said, Huney, yes, actually I have.

I have also noticed she has been talking to herself and answering herself lately.

You don't thank she's on drugs, do you?

O' dido's Father said Donno, I would hope not, but you know them there teens.

But I am starting to worry about her; she has not ever acted this way before?

Her Mom said I know I am too.

Jaccub has noticed it, too, Which happens to be

O' dido's older brother.

Jaccub says her friends from School has also noticed that she has changed a lot.

She has changed everything her looks; all she wears is Black, nails long and black, black eyeliner, black lipstick.

You don't thank she's a satanist or missing with black magic or anything, do you?

O' dido's Father said, oh Lord, I hope not; that would be awful Jaccub told me he thinks it has something to do with that dag on wooding Jewelry box she bought from that odd new store that just opened uptown.

Her Mom said, why Honey? It's just a wooding Jewelry box.

He said Maybe, but something is just not right, sweetheart, about all this, cause she doesn't act right.

Her Mother said Well, Honey, what can we do? she won't come out and tell us anything much anymore, so how can we help her or how if she doesn't tell us anything.

O' dido's Father said, I don't know, but we've got to do something, Honey, to find out.

I'm telling you there is something not right about this, My sweet.

Perhaps we should get her Help, Honey?

O' dido's Mom said, what kind of help are we talking about here, Hun.

O' dido's Father said the best help I can thank for this would be a mental institution; they could talk to her and find out and share the New's with us about what could be a matter with our Daughter.

O' dido's Mom said, a Mental Patient; you thank our Daughter is a Mental Patient that she has done gone Crazy now what has gone and gave you that Idea Hun what have you done gone and Bumped your head somehow this is the baby girl of our's that we are talking of and about.

Putting our Daughter in a mental institution sounds like a dangerous situation, don't you thank Hun.

O' dido's Father or is what's going on about her now, is not more dangerous.

O' dido's Mom said, let us thank approximately about this now.

"Really," do you want to do this?

There has got to be another way for this Behaver she is having; maybe it is just a phase that she is going through, Hun?

O'dido's Father said, baby, I feel that it is something more than just a phase cause this is nothing like her.

And you and I both know this.

O' dido's Mom said, Let us thank approximately about this first OK, Hun, Please before we make a real decision can we do that, please.

O' dido's Father said Alright, but I still feel as we should do This.

But when after they all went to bed and failed asleep.

Things got weirder and stranger this night when

O' dido's Mother, Father, and Brother awakened rudely by strange sounds from O' dido's room.

So they get up and go to her bedroom door in which squeakingly crackling opens slowly before them.

All on its own where they see O' dido

sitting in the corner against the wall of her room wearing a black XXL Long sleeves shirt, ripped up hair all missed up, Black lips, black eyeliner, long sharp black nails as white as a ghost with red eyes, in high heel shoe's with her legs in

Awkward positions hands in front her looking back at them smiling but behind her, you could see dark red bloody claw marks on her wall's then this mouse.

It goes by her but does not make it to the other side, for she grabs it in her hand and takes a huge bite of it.

As blood splashed her face on her hand, holding it in her hand as her red eye's narrowed, looking up at them and Smiled again and said want some, and laughed out at them as the door slammed back shut in their faces

It was nothing like their sweet Daughter and sister.

They couldn't believe their eye's Scared them.

giving it just a little bit, then they opened the door themselves and looked inside, and now O' dido was asleep in her bed, hair all around her head like a hallow

as if what they had just seen didn't happen, but it did.

They all come closer to her,

for she still had the blood around her mouth

and on her hand on her nails

She had engraved deep claw marks on her wall in weird designs, words, and shapes, but you see, the thing was that after her doing that the next morning she could not reamer doing it.

It freaked them out big time.

But Thursday night was up sane for their sweet big loving hearted innocent

Daughter, done something missed up and very much unlike her.

Why helping her Mom cook dinner, or was it her who did it or the girl in the mirror that made her do it?

She was making the Salad cutting up the lettuce and veggie's that went into the Salad on the cutting board, and in the middle of doing so, it was like She blacked out or something, and the sharp Knife why slicing a veggie out the blue the Knife cut her wrist and just right.

Then O'dido came through and looked and dropped the Knife, and she said, Mom! franticly panicking,

what happened?

Her Mother looked to see what was a matter and when she did, she grabbed a towel; oh my God, Daughter of mine, what is wrong with you, Baby?

O' dido told her Mom I don't know?

They rush her to the ER, and they took her in quickly cause she was bleeding badly and the cut across her wrist was deep; she was dying, but they got her at the ER in time for them to fix it up though however, she had already faded.

The ER still said she was suicidal, and the next day Which was Friday the 13th, she was taken from the ER and put straight into a Mental Institution, and you would thank it was bad before?

It got Worse in the Mental Institution.

She was but in the darkroom- quiet room in a stray jacket most of the time.

Continue- Part-2, that is, if you like this one first.

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About the Creator

Vicky 'A' Blevins Reavis

Experienced Creative writer I have published Six books. I've been writing though

however since 2003, I write poetry, Short story's and books I am also

Experienced Type, Writer since “2003.”

Experienced on picture's, writing short story's

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    Vicky 'A' Blevins ReavisWritten by Vicky 'A' Blevins Reavis

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