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Mansion Mystery

An Old Abandoned Mnasion

By Abdul wasayPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The abandoned mansion stood alone on a hilltop, surrounded by dense forest. Its tall walls and broken windows seemed to whisper secrets to the wind. Rumors had circulated in the nearby town about the mansion for years. Some said it was cursed, while others claimed it was haunted by the ghosts of the previous owners. But nobody dared to enter the mansion and find out for them selves.

One day, a group of teen agers decided to investigate the abandoned mansion. They had heard the rumors and wanted to see if they were true. As they approached the mansion, they actually could feel the cold, eerie and a little bit horror atmosphere. The wind howled through the trees, and the sound of creaking doors echoed in the silence which was a little scary.

Although, the group entered the mansion, and the first thing they noticed was the strong smell of decay. The floors were covered in dust and cobwebs, and the walls were peeling with age. As they explored the mansion, they found a locked door at the end of a hallway. Curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to break the lock and enter the room which really was not a good idea.

Inside, they found a large room filled with old furniture covered in sheets. The room was dark, and the only light came from a broken window. Suddenly, they heard a sound that made their blood run cold. It was the sound of footsteps, coming from somewhere within the mansion.

The group panicked and tried to find a way out, but the doors had locked behind them. They were trapped inside the mansion, and they knew they had to find a way to escape before it was too late. As they wandered through the mansion, they noticed strange symbols etched into the walls, and they realized that the mansion was more than just abandoned - it was cursed.

They continued to explore the mansion, but it was as if the rooms were shifting and changing around them. They found themselves in the same room over and over again, unable to find a way out. The sound of footsteps grew louder, louder and louder and the group was sure that something was following them.

Suddenly, they heard a loud scream coming from one of the rooms. It was a scream of pure terror, and they knew that they had to find the source. As they approached the room, they saw a figure standing in the shadows. It was a woman, dressed in an old-fashioned gown, and she was staring at them with empty eyes.

The woman began to approach the group, and they could feel an icy breath on their necks. They tried to run, but the woman was too fast. As she reached out to touch them, the group screamed in terror and closed their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they found them selves back outside the mansion, safe but traumatized. They knew that they had experienced something truly terrifying, and they would never forget their encounter with the abandoned mansion.

From that day on, the group warned others never to enter the abandoned mansion. They knew that it was cursed and haunted and a lot creepy than ever heard, and that nobody should ever dare to disturb the restless spirits within its walls. And so the mansion remained, a dark and eerie reminder of the past, and a warning to those who dared to venture too far into the unknown.



About the Creator

Abdul wasay

Just a normal guy living in the city of lights...

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