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Lilja Chapter 1: Escape

This is a short chapter, based three years before the main story. Lilja is the daughter of the grandwarlock of a coven council combined of vampires, witches and warlocks alike. Lilja discovers a secret plan her father has in place for her which leads to her fleeing the coven to then live in hiding.

By Alixzandra WisemanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Lilja Chapter 1: Escape
Photo by niklas schoenberger on Unsplash

Chapter One: Three Years Before.

The sea breeze seemed to whip and whirl round Lilja leaving her pale skin cold from its icy touch, yet as the wind hollowed over the cliff top it tugged at the white lace dress that covered her slim, slender figure. All the while swirling her long red hair behind her as the sea breeze left a salty texture to her cheeks.

Lilja could hear the waves below her feet firmly planted on the cliff top, as she stood gazing out upon the horizon. Waves that seemed to be crashing with a raging force against the sharp, jagged rocks below. It was oddly relaxing and yet terrifying all the same.

Lilja's gaze cast down to the cliff below her feet, watching the waves ripple back then rush forward with a thunderous rage break against the obstetrical within their path. She was lost in her centre of calm and peace, this place of crashing waves and whirling wind was her tranquillity, somewhere she could feel calm everything that she knew was going on. Although the calming silence that was only broken by the waves raging force beneath the cliff top and whirling wind, Lilja remained stood calming herself from all that she no knew. But her peace was soon shattered by a man's voice bellowing behind her over all the waves force and all the winds that rushed through her hair.

Lilja turned slowly watching the black haired man storming towards her from the large mansion house that was her home. His right eye was a ghostly white yet his left eye was darkest black, his icy white skin seeming to fluster in rage as he towered over Lilja's slight figure, his voice a never ending bellowing booming anger using all his lung capacity spitting each word from his mouth, which seemed to echo over the sound of the crashing waves as if they were nothing but a calm summer ocean, the words from this mans voice seeming to cast Lilja as a failure within the household.

Her nerves seemed to fill the pit of her stomach bubbling up into a lump within her throat, she could not fully hear his words as they seemed to cast more darkness into her heart, the man seemed to loom up ever closure to Lilja with ever step he took all the while his voice seemed not just commanding but as if it was spitting a venom. He continued his bellowing rage, making the winter sea breeze seem ever more icy as it whipped across Lilja's face, her eyes now fixated all the while on the tall man who now began pacing back and forth before her, never once stopping from his bitter backing words.

Panic rushed over Lilja, it was all too much for her to take, she needed to escape she needed to be free, she could not remain within the coven that she called home. With out a second thought she turned back to face the sea and without thinking of what may actually happen should she fail her mind, only focused on the fact she wanted to be free, and with that one thought hard pressed into her mind, she leapt into the air falling down from the cliff top to her only escape of the waves below.

Lilja went beneath the waves, this had not been the first time she had jumped from the cliff top, but usually she would only jump in summer when the waters were far more calm. But today was an emergency she could not risk an argument with the grand warlock of the coven. She managed to swim using the current to her advantage, washing up on the near by beach of a the small town finding herself a job and somewhere to hide from the coven's insanity.

It was at this moment her eyes shot open and she was reminded it was just a bad dream of the past.


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