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Killer Loven: episode 4

by Qwill R. Brennan

By Qwill R. BrennanPublished 3 years ago 49 min read

Rick looked around the open grassy fields surrounding him. He put his finger in the air finding the direction of the wind before rotating his body a bit more. Rick lifted his golf club trying to get the perfect angle to-

'"JUST HIT THE BALL DICK!" Mitch's voice rang through the air interrupting Rick's train of thought. He looked at Mitch annoyed ever since last week Mitch had become more snippy. Rick didn't know why but it seemed like something in Mitch snaped, well, snaped more than he does on a daily basis. His insults evolved from "fatass" to "Dick Fuckerson" a creative wordplay but insulting all the same. of course, it'd be one thing if Mitch was just mean, he was the villain, it was his job to be mean.

No, what scared Rick more was him trying to be nice to him. I mean, he invited him for golfing he made breakfast for him this morning. He didn't know why but it seemed like Mitch was trying to get on his good side. an attempt Rick didn't trust for a second. Rick ignored Mitch's screams of impatience focusing on his swing. He let go allowing the club to hit the ball. the ball soared through the air making its way to the woods by the mountain.

Brock cheered giving Rick a thumbs up as he excitedly watched the ball.

"Dude! nice swing!" Brock said his eyes lighting up Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, if we were playing BASEBALL! This is GOLF Brock!" Brock opened the pages of the golf book Gordon had let him barrow.

"oh, wait, you supposed to hit it into the hole, and, Woah, wait the person with the LEAST points wins? Man, this game really is broken." Jackson looked at Brock confused.

"I'm surprised you've never played golf before." Brock shrugged his eyes wandering towards Chas who was using the grill.

"Golfing's not really my 'thing' it's confusing, it's all backwards. Baseball, football, soccer, I don't know, they just make more sense to me." Rick looked over to Brock wielding his club like a victorian cane.

"I get you, but you had to at least gone golfing with your dad or something."

"my dad doesn't golf" Gordon peered up from his book surprised.

"What type of dad doesn't golf?" He asked snidely

"What type of person owns a landline..." Brock smirked proud of his retort. Chas sat over the grill trying to keep himself from cracking up. Gordon glared at Brock who gave Gordon a regretful look.

"Sorry, just messing with you. Hey, someone should really go get that ball." Mitch yanked the club from Rick swinging the club over and over again forcefully.

"I guess that someone's you, congratulations." Rick rolled his eyes he had just about had it with Mitch's attitude. Chas looked at the group putting down his spatula.

"I'll get it. Brock, could you man the grill for me?" Brock smiled proudly taking the spatula from Chas' hands. Rick rushed after Chas.

"I'm coming too, it's safer that way. There maybe are wolves, or crazy horses running around." Chas chuckled his face turning slightly red before he collected himself.

"It's been three weeks. I'm sure they've figured that out. No lie though, I've kinda started to wonder if this place is cursed... does stuff like that normally happen Rick?" Rick shook his head.

"Not before, the other seasons didn't seem to have any problems, well, other than the contestants getting tired of each other." Chas looked back at Mitch whose swings seemed to get more and more forceful. he looked at Rick knowingly.

"I can't imagine why." Mitch looked towards the two waving his hand demandingly. Chas sighed as the two began their search. The two searched the brush below the mountain, no golf ball. Chas shook Rick's shoulder a scared look on his face. Rick looked up at the mountain's rocks small pools of blood stained the rocks. wait, BLOOD! Rick's eye went to where the bloody trail ended an arm sticking out of the grass. One by one the others joined them. Each coming to ask what's taking so long, only to find themselves frozen in place. Rick was the first to snap back to his senses.

"We need to tell Noa-"

"NO!" Mitch screamed covering Rick's mouth. Mitch took a second to process before removing his hand gaining his composure back.

"no, we have to find out who it is... how old it is." The group looked at mitch slightly disturbed. Jackson nodded in agreement just as worried as everyone else.

"yeah, I think we need to grasp this situation better before we start panicking. Think about it if it WASN'T an accident who are the only other people here other than us?" The group shoved Jackson's question away not wanting to acknowledge what the answer ment for the reast of them. Gordon grasped his book tightly holding it like a teddy bear. grasping for some form of comfort as he tried to find a reasonable explanation.

"Maybe it's fake?" He finally said, Brock pulled the grass back.

"nope it's real it's def-" Brock paused as he absorbed the situation. He covered his mouth backing away terrified. The group looked at the body closer. They recognized him, they recognized this person. it was Marcus laying at the bottom of a moutan his body ripped and shredded from the tumble down. The dahlia's ivy already wrapping around his body already making him their newfound home.

Rick stumbled back terrified, Marcus' lifeless eyes peering at the group. A look of saddened confusion on his face. A similar look making its way to each of the contestant's faces. He was fine, what happened? He was alive last week. He was going home, he was fine, so why? What happened in between then and now?

Mitch looked at the body an oddly blank stare coming across his face. Jackson looked at the body a slightly guilty look on his face. Brock closed Marcus' eyes unable to handle them looking at him. Chas shook tears filling in his eyes as he tried to stay calm. Gordon held back his desire to throw up. Such a nice day, ruined in five seconds.

A figure appeared through the brush a panicked look on his normally smiling face. Noah looked between the body and the contestants. Each one of them began to panic as Noah's own confusion quickly faded into a forced smile.

"oh, OH, I didn't know you were up... good morning, good lord, this probably the last thing you wanted to wake up to." Jackson charged towards Noah his confusion becoming anger in a moment.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!" Noah took deep breathes clearly trying to keep himself calm his eyes whisking around the area. finally, his panic stoped as his eyes settled on the cliff above them.

"I'm sorry, there was an accident last night. The limo driver driving Marcus home was intoxicated according to his statements Marcus had been drinking quite a lot too... he was so drunk he forgot where he was going. He got out to try to gain his bearings when Marcus let himself out of the car. He ended up falling off while the driver wasn't watching him." The group followed Noah's eyes to the cliff. There was no mistaking that was when the trail of blood started. Noah continued trying his best not to look at the body.

"We even got the police here, they've been searching everywhere for him. They gave up a little bit ago. Said to just continue, like nothing happened... I'll call them later too, remove, him." Mitch's blank face turned to horror as his eyes went wide. He opened his mouth ready to respond quickly closing it as Noah's stare landed on him. The reast of the group stood still unable to process Noah's story.

"Well, I know, this is probably, shocking for you all. I suggest taking a reast hopefully the next challenge will make things a bit better." The group went to their rooms one by one slightly brain dead at the sight of a body. No, not just a body, this used to be Marcus who was fine only a night ago. Jackson looked over the body survaying it before reluctantly following the others.

Rick collapsed onto his bed his body shaking as he tried to calm himself down. How did this happen? First the wolves, that dream, then the horses, the hand, and now THIS? Something was wrong, not that this was a mystery as all of the other contestants laid on their beds all in a similar state to Rick. A knock came from Rick's door. Rick panicked as he laid on his bed. What if it was Noah with another challenge? Rick wasn't ready for a challenge, not right now. What if Marcus didn't just fall? what if the driver pushed him and came back to finish the reast of them off? The door cracked open Chas' face appearing through the door's opening. Rick felt a wave of relief as Chas made his way into the room.

"hey," Chas said quietly as he entered the room. Rick did his best to smile showing Chas it was okay for him to be there. Chas looked out the room window his voice becoming slightly horse as he sat himself on the floor next to Rick's bed.

"I'm sorry, I don't do well alone. I thought we could mayb-" Chas stopped as he looked at Rick. He sighed peering at the floor.

"never mind, this is fine," he said looking around at Rick's room. Rick flipped over allowing himself to see Chas better.

"No, I'm fine, I think? it's just, a lot, I forgot death was a thing... I mean I knew it was a thing I just forgot it could happen to people. I hope Beverly's okay." Chas nodded sadly, he looked at his hands an odd look of guilt on his face.

"Rick, can I tell you something." Rick nodded

"it's a secret, I mean it, you can't tell ANYONE, especially Beverly." Rick nodded again, slightly unsure. Chas looked at Rick not quite ready for what he was about to say.

"I don't like Beverly." Rick shrugged, that wasn't much of a secret. he had a feeling Chas didn't like her. the way he would talk about her, seemed artificial, fake even.

"that's okay, Marcus didn't like her either, that's just how it is som-"

"No, I mean, I don't like her, or, girls, in general." Rick's eyes went wide as the words "not like girls" made it's way to his eardrums. No, he misheard, he must have. Chas, Chas was on the show he had to at least like girls, there was no way he was

"Gay, Rick, I'm gay." Chas muttered slightly ashamed. Rick felt a slight brush of excitement in his heart he actually had a chance. Chas continued looking towards Rick for a sign of disapproval.

"The truth is, I'm not a very successful musician. I wrote that one jingle but, after that, I was stuck in the jingle writing business. I don't want that Rick, I wanted to be a musician. An actual one who writes songs they want to. A very, important person, heard me performing. they said they'd hire me if I could garner enough attention. He signed me up for this show and I got accepted. This was just a gig, that's all. I-I know it's probably weird to bring up but, what happened to Marcus got me thinking and I decided I needed to get it off my chest. I decided I needed to tell you because..." Rick looked at Chas hiding his odd mix of happiness and guilt over being happy.

"because why?" Rick said slightly hopeful for Chas' answer. Chas looked at Rick almost scared to say what he was about to. As though he began to regret saying anything.

"I-I like you, Rick. I don't know if I love you, but I like you. you're so confidant, you know how to impress someone, and you know who you are. I like that in someone." Rick peered at Chas his happiness reaching its peak in this moment he LIKED him he really LIKED him! Rick collected himself.

"Chas, I have to confess something to..." Rick said Chas' eyes looked at him hopefully. Rick felt a chill go up his spine almost to warn him to stop talking. Rick took the warning sign reluctantly.

"I'm- not as confident as I seem on the surface. I may seem confident but honestly, I can't go a second without thinking about what others think..." Chas looked back down slightly heartbroken he smiled almost as though he understood.

"well, you should be more confident, you're an amazing person rick." Rick nodded slightly saddened. the exact moment Chas decided to confess his feelings and he couldn't even acknowlege it. Rick didn't know why but something told him he chose a very bad time to confess all of this. Rick leaned over the side of his bed.

"Maybe, we can hang out, when we get off the show. when your famous and stuff." Chas looked at Rick hopeful

"I'd like that." Brock entered Rick's room holding a tray of no-bake cookies. He looked between the two.

"WHO WANTS COO- sorry, who wants cookies. still working on the volume, thing. Think I'm getting better." Chas and Rick took the chocolate treats biting into them. Brock looked out to window at the grill.

"I was gonna bring in the stuff on the grill too but, I don't think anyone's up for meaty goodness right now." Rick nodded in agreement as he ate. Brock placed the tray down sitting in one of the chairs in the room. Rick held back his desire to tell Brock to leave.

"Brock, I didn't know you could bake." Brock shrugged

"Just a little something I picked up growing up." Rick looked out his window. Noah was running around the yard saying something to the cameramen as they scavenged through the bushes. Chas and Brock peered out too.

"Huh, looks like Noah was just trying to play it straight," Brock said Rick looked at the man. He was surprised how well Brock was able to recollect himself. Even Noah was clearly frazzled about the whole situation. An odd thumping noise made its way up the stairs followed by the slamming of a door. The group reluctantly made their way to the door nervously peering out at the stairs, small drops of blood on each step. Rick felt someone tap his shoulder he turned to see Jackson eyeing the bloody trail.

"what's going on?"

"look" Brock whispered pointing at the blood on the steps. Jackson peered over laughing.

"sorry that was my bad I got cut when we were heading back. Not too bad, but it did draw some blood." Jackson showed the group his bandaged hand. Mitch poked his head out of his room an irritated look on his face.

"KEEP IT DOWN YOU ****S!" Noah opened the house's door his normally smiling face returning.

"Have you all calmed down a bit." The group nodded, Noah smiled. Rick felt a chill go down his spine as Noah's smile seemed bigger than it used to be.

"fantastic, because we have a very special challenge for today." The group looked among each other. Chas gave Noah a worried look

"I really don't thi-"

"FANTASTIC! a perfect chance to get out of the house." Noah motioned to the camera crew who rushed past the group. screaming was heard from Mitch's room as he was reluctantly pushed out. Gordon followed suit keeping his eyes on his book. Noah put his hands together excitedly.

"wonderful! now that everyone's here let's talk about today's challenge. A challenge of true chivalry among men. like I said when you first arrived what's on the inside is just as important as the outside. So we're going to put your skills of romance to the test."

Rick felt excited, he knew about this challenge, it was definitely one of the stranger ones. they'd be given a scenario and each of them would be asked how they'd approach it. It was one Rick had been practicing for since he got on the show. Noah looked at the group making sure everyone was there. Once satisfied he lead the group to the carts used to drive them around. this time Rick, Brock, and Jackson shared a cart whale Chas, Mitch and Gordon made their way into the other. Mitch hesitated only getting into the cart when Noah looked at him.

The drive was much longer this time the group keeping an eye on the drivers to make sure none of them were drunk. Jackson turned to rick an oddly serious look on his face.

"Rick, you were the last person to talk to Marcus right?" Rick nodded wondering how Jackson knew that. Jackson pulled Rick closer to him making sure Brock and the driver weren't listening in.

"did he say anything about anyone? anything, not nice?" Rick thought for a moment before responding.

"well, he did say Beverly 'wasn't his type'" Jackson looked up keeping an eye on the driver.

"Did he say why?" Rick shrugged

"Beverly said it was cause she got mad about Scott." Jackson looked at Rick confused.

"Scott? what does Marcus' brother have to do with anything?"

"she didn't like him talking so much about him that's all," Rick responded, Jackson nodded looking at Noah's cart leading them forward.

"he didn't say anything else? Anything at all?" Rick shook his head Jackson

"has anyone else said anything to you, anything important?" Rick thought for a moment about Chas' secret before shaking his head. Jackson sighed letting Rick go. The carts stopped allowing the groups to get off. Mitch shoved Chas off the cart before getting off himself.

Beverly scowled at him. Today she was dressed up in a purple victorian styled dress her blonde hair styled into ringlett curls. her beauty seeming to be excalated by the attire. She made her way forward lifting the dress to walk towards the group. Noah looked at her excitedly before going back to his tv persona.

"you look great Bev." Beverly laughed as she twirled excitedly in her dress. hints of gold lining the dress's ruffles.

"I thought I'd dress up for the occasion." She said proudly. Chas rolled his eyes.

"like she doesn't do that on a regular basis." He muttered under his breath. Rick looked at Beverly in awe of the outfit, it was incredible. Just like the fairytales, he'd read. Gordon seemed particularly interested in the outfit too, choosing to hide his excitement. Mitch looked at Beverly.

"really? if you're going to dress like THAT at least make sure your shoes match." Beverly dropped her dress hiding her sneakers as she tried to keep her smile. Noah looked at Mitch a slightly more aggressive look on his face. Mitch's face went pale as he ran up to Beverly taking her hand and leading her up the stairs. Rick and the others followed suit making their way to a gorgeous balcony overlooking the ocean. Rick looked out at the sight dumbfounded. Noah beamed as he watched the contestants stare out in awe.

"I told you we were doing construction. gentlemen welcome to the violet palace. Here we'll put your natural charm and etiquette to the test." Mitch looked at the railing confused.

"but it's white, not violet." Noah smiled knowingly. Beverly looked out to the sea a desperate longing in her eyes. Rick peered out smiling as Beverly carelessly leaned over the balcony edge

"careful, you could fall off the edge." Noah and Beverly looked at Rick before laughing. The group turned, looking at the building behind them. Dahlias littered the area some even began to grow up the palace's walls snuggling themselves in each crevis and corner. A true sight to behold. Rick looked at the castle in admiration Beverly grab his hand pulling him inside as the other contestants followed. The inside was even more magnificent than the outside. the interior decorated in different shades of violet and lavender. Admittedly a strong choice for the inside of a castle but beautiful all the same.

A large bed sat in the middle of the room along with three of the four cameramen holding clipboards. Rick eyed the three nervously, these men, would be judging their interactions with Beverly. Noah waved to the camera crew who waved back attempting to ease the anxiety each contestant felt. Beverly smiled at the group before laying herself on the lavender bed. she looked lovely, peaceful, like a sleeping beauty cluelessly waiting for her prince to wake her from her nightmares. Noah looked at the group taking one of the clipboards from one of the cameramen.

"here's our first scenario, you decide to make Beverly breakfast, how would you bring it to her?" The group waited for Noah to say which one of them would go first, looking between each other when he didn't respond. Jackson stepped forward taking a tray from a different cameraman as he bravely approached the woman. He gently patted Beverly's head assuring that she was awake only speaking once she opened her eyes.

"good morning darling," Jackson said as he pretended to kiss Beverly's forehead. Noah and the other cameramen scribbled something on their clipboards as Beverly overplayed her role as someone who just woke up.

"is it morning already?" she said dramatically Jackson nodded. Noah gave Jackson a thumbs up signaling he was done. Rick watched Jackson impressed as he made his way back to the group. Of course, Jackson did a good job though, he's the only one here who had actually been married.

Brock went next grabbing the tray from Jackson. He looked around thinking as he made his way into a different room. Noah looked at the other cameramen confused. The smell of pancakes suddenly wafted through the room. Beverly opened her eye slightly before sitting up.

"what's that smell?" That was Brock's cue he bursted into the room with freshly made pancakes on the tray as he looked at Beverly lovingly.

"Uh, I don't know, just the BEST pancakes made by the most BOMBASS husband EVER." Beverly chuckled as Brock put the pancakes on the bed.

"Moring Bev," Brock said, Beverly leaned over to kiss him. Brock barely avoided the kiss ruffling Bev's hair instead. Noah's eyes began to twitch as he looked at his watch.

"Sorry Brock, times up." Brock looked at Noah confused.

"But I still have-" Noah looked at Brock doing his best to hold back his unexplained anger.

"Times. UP!" Brock took the hint moving away from the bed. the reast of the cameramen seemed pleased though. Chas looked at Brock.

"How did you make those so quickly."

"I didn't I made them this morning. I put them in the microwave to reheat them, figured it'd be good enough since this is just pretend. I'd totally make fresh ones if it wasn't." Rick looked at Brock, he really wished Brock hadn't gone second. How the heck were the rest of them supposed to top THAT? He had to go now or he'd have to go after Chas, if anyone could nail this better the Brock it'd be him. Rick stepped forward grabbing the tray from Brock as he thought of how to make his interaction different enough from the others.

He turned to Noah.

"I need to be in the bed for my interaction is that okay?" Beverly gave Noah a death stare as Noah began to respond.

"N, Yes, yes, that's fine." Rick plopped himself on the bed doing his best to respect Beverly's boundaries. He pretended to wake up smiling at Beverly as she pretended to be asleep. he walked to where he put the tray down grabbing it. lightly shaking Beverly careful not to overstep his boundaries with Noah who seemed to be glaring at him.

"Hey, good morning." Beverly looked up at him pretending she just woke up. She smiled happily.

"good morning dear." She muttered softly mimicking Rick's softer tone. Chas looked on longingly as Rick placed the tray on Beverly's lap. He looked up at Noah making sure he had enough time before getting back into character

"I made you breakfast." Beverly smiled her eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked down at the plate. Rick thought about what he was going to say next that's when it hit him.

"the Saturday markets happening later today would you want to go?" the sparkle in Beverly's eyes shifted to a flash of colors as her smile grew big.

"I'd love to." Noah looked at Rick irritated as he pointed to his watch. Beverly looked down sadly not wanting the performance to end. Brock nudged Rick's arm giving him a thumbs up. Mitch scowled disapprovingly as he yanked the tray from his hands. Mitch stopped for a moment taking of his shirt before taking the tray back.

Rick stared at Mitch surprised. It was at this moment it dawned on him that Mitch was hot. As hard as it was for Rick to say. His shirt always seemed to make him look thinner, less out of shape. In reality, he was just as ripped as Chas, hell maybe even more. He felt angry as he looked at the man. He hated saying the words "Mitch is hot." They sent shivers up his spine. He took a deep breath reminding himself that the illusion would be ruined once Mitch opened his mouth. Mitch smiled seductively as he made his way to the bed.

"I made you breakfast baby, and by breakfast, I mean ME." Mitch tossed the tray aside dramatically all most hitting one of the camera crew. Beverly looked Mitch up and down just as irritated by his attractiveness as Rick. Mitch slid himself next to Beverly on the bed. Beverly rolled over pretending to still be asleep. Mitch shook Beverly's shoulder. Noah gave Beverly a pleading look. Beverly sighed finally "waking up." Mitch put his hand on the side of her face.

"you know, I brought you breakfast, but maybe you'd want something else instead." Mitch put his hand on Beverly's thigh. Rick felt the desire to go punch Mitch in his stupid attractive face. Rick wasn’t the only one uncomfortable with the performance. Beverly yanked Mitch's hand off her aggressively before getting off the bed. Mitch's soft seductive look changed as unimaginable anger made its way to his face. This though, this was different from the anger on the plane, or when he lost his phone, or that time he wanted to leave the show, or those random times he swore like a sailor. This was the unfiltered anger of a man who had been pushed to the edge of rage.

"OH, I GET IT!!! SO YOU CAN *** ** **** *** **** ** **** * **** ****, BUT I CAN'T ******* TOUCH YOU ONCE?!? WHAT I'M NOT "CLEAN ENOUGH?" IT'S HIM ISN'T IT?" Mitch pointed at Rick his anger turning to him as he stormed towards Rick.


"what, wait, Mitch, how- what are yo-"

Rick backed away as Mitch's anger increased Mitch Took the tray swinging it at full force towards Rick. Brock grabbed the tray from Mitch before it hit Rick. Mitch turned to Beverly painting like a monster as he turned his anger back to her.


"you're done." Beverly said Mitch paused as the words echoed through the room.

"I’m, done, what do you mean I'm-" Beverly charged towards Mitch as he backed away from the enraged godlike beauty

"you yell at other contestants, you say unbelieveably rude things to me, you constantly poke your nose in places it shouldn't be, you snap at people when things don't work for YOU, and your ASSAULTING OTHER CONTESTANTS NOW?!? YOUR DONE MITCH, DONE!!" Noah opened his mouth shocked. Mitch's previous anger melted away into fear as the words made it through his thick skull.

"I'm done, no, I can't be done! I- I'm sorry, BEVERLY I'M SORRY. I WON'T DO THAT AGIN, NO MORE ANGRY MITCH OKAY! I PROMISE!" Beverly ignored him saying something to the cameramen. Mitch stamped his foot angrily.

"CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? I'M SORRY PLEASE, I-I'LL BE NICE NOW! I WON'T SAY IT AGIN I WON'T **** ****** ***** ****** ** ******! PLEASE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" The cameramen grabbed Mitch's arms as they dragged him away kicking and screaming. Rick watched shocked as the door started to shut on a still screaming Mitch. Mitch's eyes met Rick's. Tears welling up in as the antagonistic man fought his restrainers.

"RICK I WANT THEM TO STOP!! PLEASE! TELL THEM I DIDN'T MEAN TO! I WON'T CALL YOU BAD NAMES! YOU WANTED AN ICE CREAM SHOP, RIGHT? I'LL- I'LL PAY FOR IT! I HAVE THE MONEY! JUST TELL HER TO STOP!" One of the cameramen took out a tranquilizer needle stabbing it into Mitch's neck. Mitch's body went limp, Beverly watched as they dragged Mitch away a look of fear in her violet eyes.

Rick felt himself getting light-headed as the door shut. Chas looked at Rick concerned Rick couldn't hear what he was saying as Chas. The other's faces seemed to distort. Chas helped Rick lay down as the voices around him echoed. His eyes focused on Jackson as Rick tried to stay awake. Jackson looked at the door covering his mouth in surprise, no, guilt? whatever it was he quickly turned his attention back to Rick along with the other contestants and Beverly.

That's when things went dark. Rick opened his eyes, he was back on the balcony. He peered over the edge the Jarvis, Marcus, and Walker's bodies floated in the water below their blood seeping through the water as it brought life to the dehlias around them. Mitch's panicked screams echoed through his head as the door opened behind him. Rick turned to see who it was. no one, Rick turned back to the water a new body sitting in the water below. Chas floated through the red water. His eyes clouded from death. Chas screamed for Rick's help. Rick Leaned over, reaching for Chas as he felt someone push him from behind sending him careening over the edge.

Rick's eyes snapped open as he looked around him. He was at the palace laying on the bed in the center of the room. The other contestants surrounded him. a sigh of relief echoed through the room as the other contestants looked at Rick. Rick Jumped up from the bed rushing to the balcony in search of Javis and Walker. nothing, it was just another bad dream. They weren't dead, they were home. Chas ran up to Rick concerned, Rick relaxed as Chas' face came into view. He was safe, they were safe. why wouldn't they be? Brock joined the group.

"Hey you okay you probably shouldn't be standing up." Rick looked around trying to grasp his surroundings again.


"he's fine, Noah said they were gonna set him up somewhere to calm down. with a good therapist who can get him help." Brock muttered trying to keep his own composure. Rick sighed, so that part WASN'T a dream. Rick looked at Rick, Gordon, and Brock.



and Brock...

"wheres Jackson?" Rick asked franticly as he realized the man was nowhere to be seen.

"He went back to the house, said he needed to grab something." Chas answered leading Rick back to the Palace. Rick put his hand on his forehead as he took deep breaths. Beverly paced the floor happiness in her eyes as Rick appeared through the door. She ran up to the group her violet eyes filled with tears as she ran over to them.

"thank god, I was so worried." Rick felt his face turn red as Beverly hugged him. Rick looked at the group finally snapping out of his anxiety.

"I didn't miss the reast of the scenarios did I?" Beverly shook her head as Noah entered the room.

"of course not, we decided it would be best to skip the scenarios for now. We’ll come back to them later" The group nodded in agreement Noah lead them to the other side of the palace. He opened the door reviling a large courtyard filled to the brim with white tents, each selling different bits and baubles. Rick's eyes went wide, it was just like the Saturday market back home. Beverly looked at Rick excitedly. Noah watched the smile on Beverly's face as it grew. He stared for a moment before continuing.

"Now for this round, we're just going to have our judges well, judge you in a more realistic setting. simply put all of you enjoy yourselves and may the best gentleman win." The group wandered down to the market the chatter of the shopkeepers filled the air. Rick smiled as he laid eyes on a booth with lots of flowers. Rick picked up one of the flowers ready to pay for it. Beverly chuckled as the seller handed Rick back his money.

"You don't have to pay for things here." Rick grabbed a couple more of the flowers making his way back to the group as his face began to flush. He handed a flower to Beverly who smiled at the gesture. Chas looked at the flower enviously. Rick handed Chas a flower followed by Brock and Gordon who he didn't want to feel left out.

the reast of the day was enjoyable. Chas spent hours looking at a jeweler who made things out of forks. Brock bought a bear clock that had been made by a man who could carve things out of rocks. Gordon sat on a nearby bench catching up on his most recent book. Beverly and Rick explored each shop grabbing the coolest of the things among them. Beverly clutching his arm tightly. Rick laughed with Beverly as they shopped. He was having fun, but something wasn't right. As he spent more time with her it began to dawn on him what it was. Beverly was fun to be around. She was a nice person, most of the time, and she was beautiful.

That being said, Rick didn't think he liked her romanticly. No, she was a nice person but every time he tried to picture Beverly he couldn't see a future where they were romantically involved. Rick kept this thought to himself as he browsed through a tent filled with brightly colored rocks. Beverly Laughed at a rock with a smiley face painted on it showing it to Rick excitedly.

Rick was somewhat surprised by how happy Beverly was to be here. he knew she wanted to see the world but she was acting as though she'd never left the island before. The doors to the courtyard opened as Jackson entered the area wearing a different shirt. He wandered over to Beverly and Rick tapping Rick on the shoulder.

"I need to talk to you." Rick nodded confused as he followed Jackson. Beverly looked at the two sadly before joining Brock at the wood carving tent. Once out of sight Jackson looked around the area before addressing Rick.

"Do you know anyone named 'shelly?" Rick looked at Jackson confused. Jackson returned the look searching for signs of Rick lying.

"Shelly Schmitz? People also know her as Michelle... you really don't know who I'm talking about do you?" Rick eyed Jackson as he looked around the area making sure none of the camera crew had followed them. Noah looked at the two his eyes laser focusing on Jackson. Jackson pulled Rick in for a hug shoving something into his pocket.

"We don't have much time. Make sure to read it, all of it. I want you to ask Beverly, about Shelly. I need to know I can trust you with this." Rick nodded still confused what was this? some weird drug exchange? no, what was he talking about? who the HELL was Shelly and why did Jackson have to talk about her HERE?

Jackson let go of Rick patting his arm before bringing him back to the reast of the group. Noah began wandering towards Rick an oddly serious expression on his face. Beverly shot him an ice-cold glare prompting Noah to reluctantly step back.

Rick made his way to Chas his eyes glimmered as he eyed each ford bauble. He looked at Rick awkwardly as he focused on a ring made from a knife. bent by expert jewelers to properly fit someone's finger. Amethysts and rhodochrosite decorated the side that used to be the handle. Rick stared at the ring just as intrigued by its beauty. He knew for a fact there were plenty of people who would kill for a ring like this. Rick looked at Chas his dreamy Brown eyes looking at it longingly.

"if you like it why don't you just buy it?" Chas Looked at Beverly angrily as she watched Brock Down an entire bag of churros in one sitting.

"I can't afford it." Rick looked at Chas confused.

"but Beverly said everything was-" Chas rolled his eyes trying harder to focus on the ring.

"well, I guess she doesn't like me as much." Rick looked at Chas baffled by his uncharacteristically sharp words. Not by his reaction though, there had been hostility between the two of them since yesterday. wait, yesterday, no, she didn't know about Chas' feelings for him. She didn't overhear them, how could she know. her room was all the way on the third floor not only that, it was on the opposite side of the house.

what about yesterday at the fair? no, she and Brock were too busy on the slingshot there was no way she could have overheard them, and there was no way in hell Chas mentioned it. So how, did she know? Rick felt Beverly's eyes burning into the back of his head Chas clearly felt the burning stare from her eyes too as he shuddered from her cold gaze.

Rick took the ring from the stand placing it on Chas' finger as he did his best to avoid looking into Beverly's eyes. Chas looked at Rick gratefully as he finally met Rick's gaze a smile behind his eyes. thank god, Rick thought Chas was mad at him, that look assured him that wasn't the case. the sound of high heels made their way towards the two. Beverly's forced smile on her face.

"it's time, Rick you get to go first." Rick looked around for Noah he was gone. Disappeared from the market Rick didn't know why but he had a bad feeling building in his gut. not because of Beverly or Chas' feud, not because of Jackson's odd behavior, not even because of Mitch's tantrum. no this was an unexplained terror one that had put each one of these mild fears and anxieties to shame. Chas looked at Rick longingly his eyes pleading for Rick to come back.

He and Beverly made their way to the balcony the Dalias seeming to glow in the night sky Beverly looked over the edge before smiling at Rick, this smile was different from the other ones. There was something terrifying about it something unnatural, almost as though Rick wasn't looking at a normal human being.

"How was your day today? it's been pretty rough with well, everything." Rick nodded he was still trying to recover from finding Marcus' body.

"did you hear about Marcus?" Beverly looked down at the water her eyes moving across it as though searching for something.

"Yeah, you poor things, that must have been terrible to see," Beverly said as sympathetically as she could. something seemed off about how she said it, as though she was trying to sympathize with a child throwing a tantrum. Rick ignored it turning back to the water.

"Beverly, you said you don't get out much right? where did you come from?" Beverly looked at the sky the star lights twinkling all around them. she shrugged almost unsure how to respond. Rick took the hint, she didn't want to talk about it. It was understandable considering what she had to go through these past few days. It was her season and there had already been three terrible incidents. Rick considered not even asking her. He had to though, Jackson asked him to and it seemed harmless enough.

"Beverly, do you know anyone named Shelly?" Beverly's eyes grew wide, her smile turning to a look of fear as she stared at Rick. Rick felt the air around them grow cold, as the dahlias sealed up and the lights flickered.

"How, how do you know that name? you shouldn't know that name!" Rick felt his body freeze up, his instincts telling him to run but he couldn't.

"S-s-someone told me-"

"WHO! WHO TOLD YOU THAT NAME! WHO TOLD YOU THAT DAMNED GOD FORBID NAME!!!" Rick took deep breaths what was he supposed to say? He could just say Jackson told him, no, no he couldn't do that. If Beverly got this mad at him for just hearing a name there was no telling the wrath Jackson would have to face.

"I-I overheard it, from one of the cameramen, I have no idea what it means, since you and Noah seem close I just thought maybe you'd know." Beverly sighed as the world around them returned to normal. she looked between Rick and the water a dead look on her face.

"you promise you don't know what it means?" She said brushing the hair from her face. Rick shooking his head furiously.

"Of course not! I don't even know the personed who mentioned it." Beverly's eyes settled on Rick her previously cold expression became warm and sympathetic.

"I'm sorry, it's just, that name, it's painful for me. Hearing that name makes me sick." Rick looked at Beverly.

"did you two know each other?" Beverly hesitated looking at the water.

"We, were close. she was so smart, and kind, she knew things I could never know about in my lifetime. She, helped me a lot when I was younger. I guess you could say, she's like a mother to me. One day though, she, disappeared."

"I'm so sorry," Rick said Beverly looked up at the sky an almost longing look in her eyes.

"it's okay, that's normal for me. people leaving, disappearing. Eventually, I learned something. If I can make them disappear first, then I have control over it. I can choose who stays and goes." Rick looked at the palace thoughtfully.

"Is that why you got on the show?" Beverly nodded reluctantly.

"you're more observant than I thought. Yes, you could say that's why I'm here. It's thrilling, eliminating people, and here, I have complete control of who gets to stay and leave." Beverly looked at Chas who had started up a conversation with Gordon.

"well, mostly complete control." Rick followed Beverly's gaze his own eyes focusing on Chas.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Rick asked sadly. Beverly scowled pretending to squish Chas' head between her delicate fingers.

"He's a lier, I've met people like him. No one's that nice or that well put together. I don't know what but he's hiding something, maybe one secret maybe five thousand of them. Not to mention he reminds me of my dad, it's weird to date your dad. Besides, he doesn't like me anyway." Rick sighed.

He hated to admit it but Beverly had pretty much had Chas pined. He was hiding the fact he was gay to get on the show, but after the past few weeks, Rick began to realize everyone here had a reason for being here. Jarvis was on because of a stupid dare. Marcus was there to live out his brother's dream for him. God knows why Walker was there, but judging by his interactions. It definitely wasn't because he like Beverly. Hell, the same goes for everyone. Their worlds didn't revolve around Beverly. Why would they? They didn't even know Beverly before this. Rick wanted to believe Chas was the nice man he had spent four weeks getting to know. He wasn't actively trying to hurt her. Chas waved to Rick before disappearing back into the building as Beverly's eyes met his.

"I know, but I think he's a genuinely nice person. you should at least get along with him." Rick blurted without thinking. Beverly looked at Rick surprised he'd boost up his fellow competitor.

"Rick, do you really like him?" Rick nodded Beverly's violet eyes peered into the watery depths. she smiled sadly, as Rick smiled back.

"then, I'll pretend to like him. if it makes you happy." Rick stuttered at the odd choice of Beverly's words but, at least she was going to give it a chance. Hopefully, Chas and Beverly could learn to get along. at least then, Chas can get voted off with a good reputation instead of a bad one. If Rick learned anything from watching this show, it's that the reputation you have here could affect your entire life if you weren't careful.

Jackson walked up to the two, tapping Rick on the shoulder. Beverly Looked at Rick saddened as the two switched places. Rick found his way back inside where he found the group eating the now cold pancakes Brock had made before. Rick had to admit he was surprised Brock enjoyed cooking. He didn't seem like the kind of person who'd enjoy cooking. He did though, and as cold as those pancakes were one bite made rick consider leaving the sow and running off with Brock instead. That was a joke of course. Brock wasn't his type, his type was Beverly, maybe... and Chas.

Rick's brain was wracked with guilt. He never thought he had a chance with either of them. He liked Beverly, as a friend. in his mind, he found himself more drawn to a relationship with Chas. that being said a part of Rick was scared of what would happen if he admitted that to Beverly. In all honesty, there was a lot about her he didn't know and a lot he did know, that scared him.

After a couple of hours, Jackson joined the rest of the group. he did his best to smile but his eyes were red from crying. Rick had no idea what they talked about but clearly, it was emotional enough to make Jackson, of all people upset. The reast of the evening went per usual as each contestant had a turn to talk to Beverly. Brock talked about his friends and his life back home, Gordon spent hours fawning over Beverly's dress pointing out every historical detail, Chas did his best to make small talk as he tried to ignore Beverly's passive-aggressive tones.

It only took 10 seconds before Beverly had finished their conversation. Chas made it back to the group tired from today's chaos. Sitting in the chair next to Rick drifting off to sleep. Even asleep he somehow managed to be eloquently majestic. Rick felt like sleeping to he'd been ignoring the urge though as his nightmare from today chilled him to his bones. Noah walked into the room with a cheerful smile on his face. As though today wasn't an utter disaster.

"Alright gentlemen, time to make your way to our elimination area." That's right, Rick completely forgot, one of them was going to get sent home. What a rough day to have to leave." Rick did his best to carry a still sleeping Chas to the cart driving them back to the house. Gordon chuckled as he peered from his book. Gordon looked between Chas and Rick his demeaning look changed to a slight look of sympathy. Rick felt the weight of Chas' body leave him as Gordon helped drag the deep sleeper to the cart.

"Thanks" Rick muttered somewhat baffled he'd gotten so used to Gordon latching on to Mitch and Beverly he forgot he had a mind of his own. Gordon nodded politely peering at Jackson who was trailing behind the others.

"He's been acting off today hasn't he?" Gordon said Rick looked back at Jackson who looked Seemed even more drained than Chas.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed it. He pulled me aside an-" Gordon nodded

"He did the same to me too, after you went to talk to Beverly. Kept asking me about Mitch." Rick shrugged honestly, it would be more surprising if Jackson hadn't brought it up after what happened today. Gordon looked at Rick.

"say, Rick, do you know anyone named Shelly?" Rick shook his head.

"Jackson asked me the same thing." Gordon sighed as he loaded Chas' body into the cart's back seat.

"I figured, he kept muttering to himself about it, sounds like he was expecting you to know something about her. your sure she wasn't like a show contestant or..." Rick shook his head again pausing as a new thought came to him. He thought for a moment.

"Well, the name sound familiar, but more in the sense of hearing the name Shelly before, mainly on tv." Gordon looked at Rick shocked.

"Wait, so there was someone on the show named Shelly?" Gordon provided

"well, she technically wasn't on the show. She was the host of Night Lovin, it's a talk show that plays in the middle of each week. The eliminated contestants go on and talk about the drama they get involved in. It's mainly ment to air out the dirty laundry the contestants and the crew may have kicked up, holding people accountable, and talking about hot-topic issues.

For instance there was an episode where a woman went ballistic and they brought her on to apologize to the other contestants who were in the crossfire." Gordon looked at Rick confused.

" Crossfire?" Rick nodded

"Yeah, they used to have an archery challenge on the show, they got rid of it after the incident. I'm pretty sure that was just last season."

"We're probably going to end up on it too huh."

"Actually they canceled it after that season. The host went missing, her face was tied to the show, so it had to shut down." Rick responded Gordon paused looking back at Jackson.

"Rick, do you remember what her last name is?" Rick shook his head.

"They never said it on the show."

"what about her life? was she married, did she a kid?" Gordon asked hurriedly Rick shrugged getting into the cart.

"If she did she probably wouldn't say. Stalkers would probably try to take advantage of it. anyways, it's the only Shelly I can think of. Jackson must be asking about a different one." Gordon leaned over the cart window.

"I don't know Rick, look, there's something off about this whole thing. not just off, I don't know what it is but I have a bad feeling about this whole show. Personally I want to know what's going on. I think I'm gonna do some investigateing of my own. you wanna help?" Rick looked at Gordon stunned, Gordon wanted HIS help? Come to think of it, most of the mean things he did were when he was with Mitch. maybe he'd gotten Gordon completely wrong an oddly earnest look shone in Gordon's eyes as he waited for Rick to respond.

"Sure, I guess? we should talk to Jackson though." Gordon nodded

"yeah, he knows something" The Driver taped Rick on the shoulder Motioning him to get back to the other cart. Rick opened the car door making his way to where Brock was sitting cold pancakes in hand. the ride back was relativly quiet as the three looked between each other. Rick Pondered as he looked at Jackson. could Jackson have anything to do With Marcus' death? Did he think HE had something to do with Marcus' death? Jackson looked at Rick nervously. the cars pulled to a stop as the group got out of the vehicles.

Each one of them taking their seat. Beverly came to the front of the group her beautiful eyes glistening in the moonlight as the ceremony began again.

"Rick," Rick took his flower from Beverly

"Brock," Brock took a bow before grabbing his flower.

"Gordon," Gordon took the flower barely able to look up from his book.

"...Jackson" Chas looked around, there was no one left. Beverly sighed as she walked up to Chas handing him another flower. the group looked around confused. Beverly laughed at the group's confusion.

"After everything that happened today, we decided not to send someone home tonight," Noah explained smiling warmly. A sigh of relief echoed through the room as Noah continued.

"Instead we brought in our award-winning chef to make you all some of his finest dishes." Brock's eye lit up, his pent-up anxiety about today finally pouring out of his eyes in the form of tears.

"Is there..." Noah nodded, Smiling at the sobbing mess that was Brock.

"Yes Brock, we have your choclete cake and garlic bread, along with all of the other dishes you wrote down on you're auditions forms." the group cheered excitedly, Jackson sighed as the group made their way to the kitchen to chow down. After a long day, the smell and sight of the dishes were a godsent. Jackson made his way up the stairs to his room. Gordon nudged Rick's forcing Rick to leave his professionally made pizza behind as they made it to Jackson's room. Gordon banged on the door.

"Hang on give me a moment!" Jackson screamed hurriedly. Gordon banged on the door again.

"We need to talk."

"can we talk later I'm... in the middle of something." Rick sighed more than ready to return to the group of hungry people and food. Gordon fiddled the doorknob somehow managing to open the door. That's when they saw it, sprawled out across a table. Marcus' body. Jackson stood over it a bloody knife in hand. Rick blurred the image from his mind an acton that was for the best as the terror of what he and Gordon were looking at set in. Jackson sped walked towards the two.

"I can explain!" Rick didn't want the explanation, he wanted to run, but something stopped him. was it fear, or did he really want to understand what was in front of him? he didn't quite know. All he really knew was that he couldn't move so he might as well try to get the full picture before Jackson cruelly cut him into ribbons. still, the terror at that moment ate him alive as he thought through every awful thing that could happen in that moment.

Mitch was facing a similar feeling as he sat under the mansion chained to the floor of what he could only describe as his human enclosure. a monotone voice echoing through the room.

"stay collected, stay calm, stay collected, stay calm, stay collected, stay calm, stay collected, stay calm"

DAMN THAT VOICE! Mitch hated that voice. He plugged his ears attempting to drown out the noise, it didn't work the voice stuck in his brain stabbing into him from the inside out.

"I'm sorry," Mitch muttered, Praying someone could hear

"I won't do it again... please don't break my legs again, I didn't mean to, I'll be good this time, I mean it, I promise... just don't leave me here! Let me out. I won't tell on you, we can keep it between us." The voice didn't respond. It only continued its emotionless drawl. Mitch screamed chucking a chair at the speaker. the chair broke against the wall destroying the one piece of furniture he had left. his screams shifted to terrified bawling as he crouched down on the cold concrete ground.

The door finally opened as the second cloaked figure entered the room. Mitch backed away from the figure as his heart rate quickened. he hated this dammed man, just as much as he hated that dammed voice. The man's dammed smile had burned itself into his dammed brain.

"Please, I-I 'll be nice, I won't ask to go home, I'll stay here, I'll stay as long as you want. just please not here I don't want to be here. I'll be nice, I swear." The figure pushed a plate of bacon towards Mitch. Mitch shook his head, he learned the first time. he knew EXACTLY what it was.

"I don't want it, I-I'm not hungry, please, don't make me eat it..." The figure's smile began to disappear Mitch took the cue holding back his gag reflex as he bit into one of the pieces of meat. He cried as he looked at the plate his brain trying to ignore the sad story of the creature it used to be, one that was loved, and cared for that trusted people, that may have had a family until it grew old and useless and was sent to its demise.

yes, that was life but did he really have to, eat it? He didn't want to. The second figure took a step towards Mitch. Mitch quickly downed the pieces of bacon. he covered his mouth as the need to throw up overtook him. The first figure entered the room carrying a can of sprite, she handed it to Mitch. He poured as much of the beverage in his mouth as he could washing down his guilt. Mitch looked at his savor thankfully tears welling in his eyes as he looked into hers.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again... please I promise." The leader reached out to Mitch a pitying look in her eyes. The second figure smacked her hand forcing her to withdraw it. It's his fault, if it weren't for him he wouldn't be in this mess.

"not until you finish eating." Mitch's body shook, he knew it, there was more. of course, there was when was there ever not more. the figures left Mitch's wailing of disgust in the distance as they closed the door. the first figure looked around sadly as she counted the six other figures, it felt odd being a number short. It had to be done though, he said too much, even the mention of one name could ruin everything.

The leader made her way upstairs she looked at Chas as he finally woke up from his nap. she pretended to squish him between her fingers as one thought echoed through her mind. why in god's name, couldn't it be him. No, it was like he said, she had to be nice.


About the Creator

Qwill R. Brennan

I write stories, not much to say. I enjoy playing with reality. Writing more weird stories like twilight zone-type stuff. I’ve recently been diving into horror as of late.

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