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Jellico Tennessee- Urban Legends

Do you believe?

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 11 min read

Every town has it's stories, some handed down through many generations. Some of them are spooky and some of them are genuinely interesting. Jellico is not exempt from these urban legends and stories. Over the years I have heard many, many stories told from people who live in Jellico and I decided to write this article to explore some of them.

The Varmit

As the story goes, deep in the mountains surrounding the town of Jellico there lives a creature referred to as "The Varmit." It all began in Kensee Hollow back in the early 1980's while a logging company was clearcutting in the area. A cave was uncovered and what was found inside of that cave has been the center of many stories since.

A creature unlike anything they had ever seen. It stood 6-7' feet tall and had a torso covered in thick hair and large horns on top of it's head. It's legs was horse like with large hooves. Its front arms was long and swift moving with large claws like a panther. It moved quickly, sometimes running on it's hind legs and when it screamed, it sounded like a horrified woman.

Supposedly the loggers was so frightened by what they had uncovered, they fled the mountains leaving all of their work equipment behind. A fact to this story is that abandoned logging equipment could be seen sitting in the mountains for many, many years and may even still be there.

Since then many stories and claims have came about concerning The Varmit. A man living in the Black Oak community has claimed that he has seen the creature several times. It has came down from the mountains and took his livestock. He even claimed that it reached through his window one night and tried to grab his feet as he laid in the bed.

Some hunters claimed that they too seen The Varmit while hunting in the surrounding mountains. An accident occurred in which one man had accidentally shot himself in the leg. His friend ran from the mountain to get help but upon returning his friend (who was disabled from the gun shot wound) had been moved. They was able to locate him by following a bloody trail on the ground which looked as if he had been dragged. Later the man explained how the creature had took him by the feet and dragged him further into the mountains.

More people also claimed to have encountered The Varmit in the Black Oak area. Sitting in their car one night, the battery died so they decided to sleep in the car and walk out the next morning. They was awoken in the night when the creature leaped onto the hood of their car and began kicking the windshield with it's hooves. After honking the horn, the creature ran away into the darkness. No matter what really happened that night they had a smashed windshield and a dented hood as proof of what had unfolded.

Campers inside of the local park has also claimed that they seen the creature fishing in ponds at night and had also heard it scream into the darkness with a blood curdling woman's voice.

A woman claimed to have laid eyes on the mysterious creature while visiting a cemetery in the area. While cleaning off a grave she noticed a large animal like creature watching her from the tree line. She described it has standing inhumanly tall on horse like legs and having large horns. She claims that she could hear it breathing heavily and when it ran away the trees was cracking and breaking. Later her husband searched the area only finding freshly broken tree limbs and brush as if something large had been moving quickly through them.

The Mulberry Black Thing

The Mulberry Black Thing has also been spotted amongst the Jellico mountains. I've heard about it all my life. I've heard lots of old timers tell their account of an encounter with it. Lots of times, they just tell about seeing yellow eyes in the dark and having some giant black thing get after them. Some say that it might be a panther while others have a much more paranormal description. Stories suggest that the creature takes on many forms, anything from a black snake to a black bear or just an anonymous black figure. It is said that when crossing it's path that it can glare deep into your soul.

A lady living on the Kentucky side of Jellico once claimed that the Mulberry Black thing would peer through her windows at night. Others have claimed to have been chased from the mountains by some unknown black creature.

Railroad Mary

A local ghost story suggests that the railroad passing through Jellico may be haunted by the spirit of a young girl named Mary. People have claimed to have seen her walking the track at night with long, tangled black hair and wearing an old, out-dated dress possibly burlap. If she looks directly at you her eyes are black and void. Some people say that if you take her a gift and lay it near the tracks and then turn away for a moment, the gift will mysteriously disappear. But if you see her and don't have a gift to offer, something bad will happen to you.

The Swamp Creature

A story surrounding the local park suggests that there is a mysterious creature living in the swampy ponds. People have reported seeing ducks be pulled beneath the water with only bloody feathers floating back up to the top.

Someone once said that while walking along the trail a large creature came up out of the pond. It's shadow was large and low to the ground and it had glowing green eyes. When it dove back into the water a huge splash went high into the air.

Others have claimed that while walking past the swampy area, they heard a sinister growling sound and was overcame with a freighting and dreadful feeling. A ex-employee of the park also told his story of how he came across the creature while closing the park one night. He claims that the creature leaped out of the pond and made a terrifying sound. When it landed back in the water it sounded as if something the size of a car had made impact in the pond. Is it a very large fish? Or maybe something else?

Little People

Now this story is one that I absolutely hope is true and would enjoy experiencing for myself. Several local folks have made claims of seeing small people about 6 inches tall living among the tress and bushes. They mostly come out at night and are seemingly harmless.

I know one lady who leaves fruits and other items outside for them to collect in the night hours. It is also said that if you leave fabrics laying around outdoors that the little people will take it to make clothes. As unlikely as this story may sound, many older people in town truly believe it, although many wont openly admit to it.

While having breakfast at Hardees one morning a well known gentleman told us men of how his dog had captured and killed one of the little people. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't of seen it with my own eyes." he explained. He said that since that day his wife had been leaving nuts and other small items outside for them and that they had even witnesses the little people come out of the trees and collect them.

Another person said that they found their grandchildren outside talking to the little people one evening. They don't speak English, it's an odd, possibly very old language. "We seen them too!" they told. "They looked like tiny little dolls but they were very much alive."

I have also heard that these tiny people will rob your gardens at night.

The Bird Man

I recall as a young child, I was playing outside one evening. A large shadow fell over the ground and the adults all came running toward me and my little brother. My grandmother quickly swept up indoors and forbade us to go outside again. The looks on their faces was indescribable and fearful as they all peered up into the sky.

From then on I heard stories of the bird man and how he flew over Jellico. I heard adults talk about how he landed in the mountains and was so large that he could be seen sitting there from miles away. Some say that he swooped down and carried away dogs and other animals.

Since then I have heard many people talk about the bird man and how he still makes his occasional trips over our town. Although it's been a few years since I have heard anyone mention it, the last sighting was supposedly in 2010 when he was seen flying over and landed on top of a nearby mountain.

The Indian Spirit

Almost everyone in Jellico is aware of the dripping rock just outside of town. There is also the Indian Head Rock just down the road as well as The Living Rock. Legends say that the Narrows (given name to the curving road) is haunted by the spirit of an Indian man who once lived in the mountains.

Some say that at night a large blue orb has followed beside of their car while driving along the road. People fishing in the river below have told stories of hearing chanting coming from the mountains.

Some folks have even reported seeing an Indian man standing along the road side in the dark hours.

Legends claim that the dripping rock, did not always drip. It only began to offer a splash of water to anything that passed beneath it after the Indian man found his family murdered. The rock began to drip as his tears fell.

The Indian Head Rock is said to be cursed and is the image of the Indian whose family was murdered. It is a reminder to all who passes that his spirit is still there.

Down in the river is another odd phenomenon referred to as the Living Rock. A tree grows from the rock and it is said that this is also a sign from the Indian man that life is eternal.

Haunted Post Office

You can find claims all over the internet about the Jellico Post Office being haunted. Just ask anyone who lives in town and they'll tell you the story.

A ghostly figure can be seen at night walking the staircase inside.

A ghostly face has been seen peering from the windows inside when nobody is there.

Furniture moves upstairs in the offices by itself and footsteps can be heard as well as faint talking.

Mail and other items seems to misplace itself and some workers refuse to be there after dark.

The basement is said to be haunted by the spirits of soldiers whose bodies was taken there after a horrific train crash just outside of Jellico. Some of the men died there before being transported to hospitals.

Anytime day or night, when you walk into the post office, you will feel an odd, almost unexplainable feeling that makes the hair on your body want to stand on end.

Haunted Kentucky Side

The Jenkins Hotel fire is still named one of the most tragic events to ever happen in Jellico. Although the death toll was only 7, the scene of burning bodies jumping from windows and screams filling the air is that of a horror movie. The area is said to be haunted by the spirits of those victims.

In the late hours of night sometimes panicked voices can be heard through the dark. An ex-officer of Jellico once said that while patrolling one night he seen the image of someone running behind the buildings. Upon inspection he found nothing yet could smell a slight burning odor although there was no smoke or fire.

In the location where the motel once stood, at night some people claim to see a man standing on the sidewalk with a horrified look on his face, pointing toward something that can't be seen. People who have lived and worked in the nearby area have reported smelling smoke for no apparent reason and even seeing unexplained shadows.

One man told a story of his encounter from the gas station located across the street from where the motel once stood. He claimed that while fueling up his vehicle late one night he noticed the smell of smoke. Looking around he couldn't see any smoke but also heard the crackling sound of wood burning. He walked out into the road to take a better look around but found nothing to account for the smell and the sounds. Before leaving the area he also said that he heard a woman's voice say "help me" and then heard the gut wrenching sound of a body hitting the ground, like it has fell from a high distance. He refused to ever go back to that particular gas station at night.

Similar stories have been told about how the Kentucky side of Jellico just may be haunted by those spirits left behind from the Jenkins Motel Fire.

urban legend

About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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