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It all built up

To live alone

By Fiona MyersPublished 8 months ago 2 min read

In the dimly lit room, I had been confined to the sofa all day, drowning in the eerie glow of the television. The flickering screen cast strange shadows that seemed to dance with the corners of my mind. The cough had become relentless, a maddening itch in the back of my throat that refused to be soothed. It felt as if a malevolent force had taken residence within me, a tiny creature with malicious intent, each of its movements triggering a violent cough that echoed through the room.

Desperation had led me to feebly call in sick, hoping that my father would rescue me with his usual concoction of remedies. But this time, fate had cruelly turned its back on me. The day had passed in a haze, and as evening descended, so did a gnawing hunger. With the last vestiges of strength, I devoured the remnants of a cold, stale pizza, barely noticing the taste. The ominous cough lurked, ready to pounce, so I dragged myself to the store, the chilling wind seeping through my thin jacket as if nature itself conspired against me.

The shop's harsh fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting unsettling shadows on the shelves. My shaky hands grabbed cough medicine, an energy drink, and paracetamol, as if these items held the key to salvation. Returning home, exhaustion overcame me, and I slipped into a restless sleep, my dreams plagued by distorted visions of horror. The cough persisted, a malevolent undertone to my slumber.

Awakening, the room seemed to have taken on an eerie aura, as if it had absorbed the horrors from the movie I had foolishly watched earlier. The story of killer clowns now felt like a haunting prophecy. Seeking solace, I turned to "Gilmore Girls," but even the comforting banter of the show couldn't shake the unease that had taken root.

As evening descended once more, a grim realization dawned: sustenance was dwindling, a cruel reminder of my impending holiday. I faced the kitchen, preparing a meager meal of fish fingers and chips, the sizzling sounds echoing like distant screams. But fate was far from done with its cruel tricks. Mid-bite, a violent fit of coughing seized me, and I retched, a vile tide of vomit surging into my mouth. Panic sent me racing to the bathroom, the acidic stench burning my nostrils.

The repulsive contents spilled into the basin, mingling with the water in a macabre dance. The horror escalated as chunks, once part of my meal, started to emerge from the mess. They wedged themselves in my throat, mocking my feeble attempts to dislodge them. Desperation turned to terror as the more I struggled, the more my body revolted. Each heave brought forth more choking, until my vision blurred and darkness began to encroach.

Struggling for air, I grappled with the cruel irony of my demise. Alone on the bathroom floor, I faced the horrifying truth that my life might end in this bleak, isolated place. Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering how long it would take for someone to realize my absence, if anyone would come to my rescue. The finality of my situation was punctuated by the chilling thought that there were no animals left to devour my remains, leaving me to confront the inevitability of a lonely, gruesome end.


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