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Is Cheyenne Jackson The Key To 'American Horror Story: Roanoke'?

Theories suggest a sneaky cameo from Cheyenne Jackson could be about to shake up the Roanoke timelines — so did you spot him?

By Tom ChapmanPublished 7 years ago 2 min read
Image: FX

Another week, another mystery, as American Horror Story: Roanoke's "Chapter 3" leaves us scratching our heads more than usual. We delved deeper into the past with Kathy Bates, and her backstory as The Butcherer, whilst we were simultaneously thrown another curveball in the present with the mockumentary-style shooting. With people still screaming "Where is Evan Peters?" at their television screens, did we accidentally miss another returning alumni this week? Theories suggest a sneaky cameo from Cheyenne Jackson could be about to shake up the Roanoke timelines — so did you spot him?

Hearing Voices

Image: FX

Eagle-eared viewers and Redditors claim to have heard the handsome actor's voice during one scene of Roanoke's "Chapter 3." The whole dramatic reenactment/actors' storylines have run parallel for a while now, with the Lily Rabe/André Holland 'real-life' segment arguably missing out on most of the action. This week that all changed, with Adina Porter's Lee visibly spooked in the T.V. studio. A voice off camera pushed Lee for an answer on what happened to her daughter Emily, and the cameras panned out to reveal the production crew:

All participants on the show are subject to background checks. Death certificates are a matter of public record.

The voice certainly sounded like that of Jackson. Meanwhile, it isn't a wild guess to assume that Emily is going to feature prominently somewhere in the near future.

The Man Behind the Curtain.

Image via Instagram

Previously playing millionaire Will Drake in last season's Hotel, we have known that Jackson has been coming back for a while — but as with all the cast members, his role has been kept under wraps. A tease from Jackson's Instagram shows that he has been filming with Kathy Bates, so does this little snippet mean that The Butcherer could be coming for our 'real-life' counterparts? If Jackson is anything like Game of Throne's Lena Headey, then he is definitely using his social media to tease what is to come. One popular theory is that the re-enactors are on set in the Roanoke house, and things will start to go wrong around episode 6. As well as promising the return of the Mott family (and possibly Frances Conroy), Ryan Murphy has called "Chapter 6" a game changer, telling Entertainment Weekly:

You’ll see starting in episode 6, the show has a huge turn and the thing that you think you’re watching is not what you’re watching.

Having us interview the Roanoke house survivors would seemingly mean they are safe from the events we are watching, but who is to say they are still alive now? Not me, that's for sure!

Deja View

Just the other week we had already guessed that there would be some behind-the-scenes action with the 'real-life' Millers, and tried to imagine Bates being haunted by the actual Croatoan Butcherer. It looks like this week's twist just may have revealed that bombshell earlier than we thought. Some guessed that the man behind the camera was Evan Peters, but we think that is just wishful thinking. Around the 25 minute mark, it certainly sounds like Jackson, and his name was listed in the credits...however, so was Peters'. Whether or not Jackson is the man behind the show, we know that he — and yes, even Evan Peters — will make an appearance at some point. We are imagining that Jackson will meet an equally grisly end to the one he did on Hotel - although how you can beat being eaten alive by a vampiric Angela Bassett is beyond me. Hold onto your hats kids, it looks we are only just getting started!

tv review

About the Creator

Tom Chapman

Tom is a Manchester-based writer with square eyes and the love of a good pun. Raised on a diet of Jurassic Park, this ’90s boy has VHS flowing in his blood. No topic is too big for this freelancer by day, crime-fighting vigilante by night.

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