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I'll Always Be There

Proof that even in death, some can keep their word.

By Meila BartonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I personally would not call this a "cursed image" but, perhaps a blessed one.

Behind the lens-

K of P Cemetery. Ironton, MO.

July 18th, 2019.

A day that will haunt me forever.

The day one of my best friends was put in the ground for the rest of eternity.

See, losing those we love is something that just happens in this wild ride we call life.

Unfortunately, it's almost always too soon for our liking.

This instance was very much too soon.

Earlier that day, we had the visitation.

We took one last look at our dearly departed, and said our final farewells.

I felt an odd energy in the room. (I'm one of those weirdos.)

I felt an even stronger energy at the funeral.

This funeral wasn't any different than others, I just personally felt so much heartache.

I've been blessed in my short life and only lost a few of my loved ones.

This hit me so hard and was the first REAL loss in my adult life.

He had always joked about how he'd 'haunt me and always be with me-and I laughed it off every time.

Little did I know, he wasn't joking.

Unless I'm just crazy, which is very possible, you can see a weird lighting to the left of his casket. To me, it looks like a figure.

Of course it could just be a glitch in lighting, but the feeling that accompanies this photo tells me otherwise.

I've had weird dreams about him since he left.

In EVERY. SINGLE. DREAM. He reiterates that he's always around. Always there.

This photo allows me to believe that.

I've always struggled with my beliefs, but I am from Missouri-the Show Me state.

After SEEING this, I have no other choice than to believe it.

I normally refrain from sharing my experiences with people.

Experiences typically lead to emotions, and that's not something I do well.

If I start from the beginning, the morning of July 14th, 2019-I woke up with a strange feeling.

I don't normally open Facebook as soon as I open my eyes, but I did that morning.

The very post that came up was from an old friend of mine asking if it was true about Ty.

My heart sank, and I instantly got sick to my stomach. I knew it before even reading the full post.

I knew it as soon as I saw his name.

You see, this guy had been there through it all.

Both of my children, helping me get away from my abusive ex, the whole nine yards.

He was there.

Losing him was like losing a piece of myself and who I was.

I don't know how all of you are when it comes to the paranormal side of things, but I'm extremely sensitive to it.

I WISH a camera could catch some of the things I feel.

Maybe people wouldn't think I was so crazy.

I feel like he presented his spirit in this picture for a reason.

He was always a believer, and always tried to help others see the other side of things.

We had spent many late nights riding around back roads, just talking about life and what was to come after.

I've always stood on the fence with my opinions.

Part of me wants to believe there's a life after, but then the other part is terrified that a life after this one is merely one being stuck and in a state of unease.

I've always been intrigued with the paranormal and I'm always interested in delving deep into research to figure out more.

I could likely find plenty more spooky and ghastly images, but this one means the most to me and has affected me far more than any random shadow figure or orb ever could.


About the Creator

Meila Barton

I'm a 23 year old single momma with an interesting history. I enjoy writing to escape the reality of life around me.

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