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by J Q L N

By J Q L NPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

This headache doesn’t feel like a hangover. I know the pain of a hangover. This is an odd sensation deep inside my brain. I don’t recognize this room either, where am I? Oh God! this is a hotel room! Did I blackout last night? Why can’t I remember what I did last night? Was I so drunk I tripped and bumped my head? Or did I come to a stranger’s hotel room and had sex? “Hello? Is anyone there?” I’m alone in the room, and I’m relieved to see I’m fully clothed, and my underwear is still in place. I look around the room for clues on where am I, or anything about where I have been, I notice the room has decorated in very odd furnishings. Looking at myself in the mirror, I examine myself for signs of an attack, but nothing. Well if this is what they call Rock Bottom, I just hit it.

Where’s my purse? Where the hell is my purse! That’s it. I was mugged, and the thief knocked my head to get away. But why place me in a hotel? Shit, I’m losing it, and I can’t call my family because we are not on speaking terms (THAT I do remember) and I don’t know how to use that foreign-looking telephone. Am I in a foreign country? I need to get out of here before something worse happens. And without my purse or any money, I probably have to sneak out a back door.

I close the door behind me and head for the elevator. Maybe I should go to the police station and report my theft. Or maybe I should go to a hospital? or both? Stepping into the elevator I’m relieved it’s vacant because I can’t look another person in the eye. And I hit the lobby button by mistake! Shit. Now I just have to make a run for it out the front door.

In the lobby, as I make a straight line for the door I hear everyone is speaking English but I definitely do not recognize this location or remember how I got here. “Enjoy your day miss” is all I heard from the doorman. I tried to smile back but I’m pretty sure my smile looked crazy.

So where to now? I have NO IDEA where I am. Maybe I should have stayed in bed and waited until I woke up from this nightmare. “Pardon me, do you have the time?” I ask the first man walking by. He takes an extra moment to stare back and pulls out a very unattractive timepiece from his pocket. “Half-past 10” and continues on his destination. I would have asked where is the nearest police station but he walked away so quickly I couldn’t even thank him for the time.

This can’t be my city, I don’t recognize the streets or foreign cars and the clothes everyone is wearing are bizarre. I wandered for a few more blocks and notice a park across the street. I should rest and plan my next move. The area is bustling with lots of people eating lunch and some of them are wearing clothes even my bizarre than I noticed earlier. The bench under the shade is perfect because I love to have a cigarette outside. I remembered something! I love to smoke! What else can I remember about myself? Think, think, think. “Do you mind?” I didn’t notice a stranger approach my bench. “Please go right ahead” I nod back. “You look very pensive,” he says smiling. Is he flirting? Not now please I’m having a crisis! “I was just thinking about last night,” I say stoically. “Bad date?” This guy is not giving up easily. “No, I mean, yes. I don’t know. I think I was robbed and knocked out”. “Are you serious? What happened? Are you alone? Where do you live?” His smile is gone and his tone of voice is changing. “I don’t remember anything. I woke up in a hotel room this morning with a pain in my head and I can’t remember a single thing about last night or much at all. I don’t remember where I live so I’m lost I guess”. I can feel myself tearing up while listening to my own scary story. “Do you need to go to the hospital? Were you hurt? I mean besides the bump on your head?” “I don’t have a bump it’s just a constant pain in my head, and they stole my purse. Otherwise, I think I’m alright”. “Holy shit. That sucks. Can I get you to a hospital or a police station?” I’m in trouble and I have not a dime or any clue what to do. “Okay. What’s your name? I’m Jacqueline”. “I’m Kris. Jacqueline, that’s not a name you hear very often”, his flirty tone is back. “Are we in the United States?” I want to know where I am so I can plan how to go home. Wherever that is. “Damn you are really sick. Do you think you were roofied?”. Oh no not more questions I don’t understand. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” “Okay I don’t want to scare you but some men will drug a woman to have sex with her while she is unconscious”. I feel my face flush with embarrassment. I can’t believe he just said something so inappropriate. I can’t even respond so I just look away while we continue walking. “Why are so many people dressed so strangely?” I ask trying to change the subject. “Today is Halloween. You’re not into Halloween? I know it’s considered a kids thing but some people like to dress up and go to work in a costume.” “Yes! I remember Halloween! I can remember dressing up as a child joining my schoolmates to go out trick or treating. That explains the funny clothes everyone is wearing. I enjoyed wearing a costume to school but I don’t know how old was when I stopped dressing up”. I feel a lift from being able to recall something about myself. Maybe I will be eligible to recover my entire memory. “ Well, just so you know I’m gay. So you’re safe with me. And tonight I’m dressing up as Marilyn Monroe wearing my beard and all”. “Marilyn Monroe! I remember Marilyn Monroe! I think my memory is coming back!” Now it’s my voice that begins to rise with hope. “Are we going to the police station?” I’m thinking if I explain my situation to the police they could help me recover more information. “Yes, let me check my GPS” He too has a strange-looking watch. And I don’t understand what a GPS is but I’m more interested in getting back my memory. “We’re about 8 blocks, taking the subway is our best bet”. Is this New York? I remember taking the subway in New York! “Kris, are we in New York?” “Yeah, I thought you knew that. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the ER?” “I think I’m beginning to get some of my memory back but I don’t recognize this part of the city”. “Sounds good. Let’s get you to the police. Do you want to use my cell and call your family or husband?’’ “I don’t remember their number” I lied. On top of my crisis, I can’t tell a stranger I’m not speaking to my family. “Wait a minute. Are you hungry or thirsty? I can buy you something to eat before I drop you.” What I need is a martini and a cigarette but I’m also very hungry. “I can’t remember the last time I a meal. Just a little humor to lighten the mood”. “That’s good, you’re feeling better! There’s a place right around the corner I like. It’s a bit kitschy but I like their chicken pot pie”. Chicken pot pie sounds delicious right about now.

Jack’s NY Diner since 1942 is the name on the window of the restaurant. Wait a minute this diner seems familiar. Maybe I’ve been here before? “How do you know about this place, did your parents eat here?” “OMG back in the 90s I was a club kid and when the party was over we all ended dancing the night away here. Usually around dawn. It was quite the after-hours scene back in the day. I guess it was the Ecstasy we were on that made us fall in love with all of the retro look and feel. I can still see the early morning sun through the windows”. Half the time I have no idea what Kris is talking about but I’m in no position to turn down his kindness. We’re seated at a booth and something about the look and feel even the smells are familiar. “I will be right back, I’m going to wash up in the powder room”. “The bathroom is in the back to the left”. I don’t know how I knew that already. That’s why I didn’t ask the waitress. But she smiled at me and says, “Cute Halloween costume” while waving her finger up and down my person. This is the strangest thing I’ve heard all day. In the powder room, there are many photographs of patrons framed on the walls. They look smartly dressed, well-heeled and everyone has a drink in their hand. A young woman enters and says, “I love to look at these old pictures too. I come here often and I still look at them because I was born in the wrong era. Is that why you dressed like that for Halloween because you love retro?” “I don’t understand. These are my everyday clothes.” And before I could ask her to explain she quickly says, “You look great” and leaves the room.

Back at the table, I ask Kris, “Do you think it’s peculiar that two people assumed I was wearing a Halloween costume. Just now the waitress and a woman in the powder room”. “Honestly I thought you are embracing a certain ‘look’. It really works for you”. “But these are my clothing….” I’m interrupted by, “Jacqueline? Is that you?” A very elderly man looking at me with a look of bewilderment in his eyes is standing at our table. “How did you know my name? Who are you?” His voice starts to crack, “It’s your voice and you’re wearing your favorite perfume, I bought you that dress on our trip to San Francisco.” What is happening? “Kris I don’t know this man.” “What makes you think she’s who you think she is and my friend here is kinda having a bad day so your little joke isn’t funny.” “It’s her! I can’t believe it! Holy Jesus, it’s you I could never forget you!” “I think we better go to the police now, please?” Kris looks annoyed and gets up from the table. While making our way through the diner for the door I begin to feel light-headed and the pain I had earlier is gone. The man gets hysterical and shouts across the room, “It’s you, Jacqueline, I know it’s you! They said they would send you back to me! I’ve been waiting for you for 50 years! I never forgot the day they took you from me!” Kris looks back at the poor deranged man in pity. “Look I can prove it! Please don’t leave, I can prove it!” I feel so faint I stopped to catch my breath. The old man follows us, “Please don’t go. I can prove I know you.” He removes a photo from his wallet, “that’s us on our wedding day in 1967. Don’t you remember me I’m Henry your husband?” In a flash, I felt every cell in my body vibrate and I do remember! Then everything went black....



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    J Q L NWritten by J Q L N

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