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Hotel of Horror;

A terrifying tale of an abandoned hotel and a man who dared to uncover its secrets.

By Abbas AliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Hotel of Horror;
Photo by runnyrem on Unsplash

There was once an old abandoned hotel, nestled in the heart of the forest. The hotel had been closed for many years, and it was said that it was haunted by the spirits of the guests who had died there.

The hotel was known as the "Forest of Nightmares," and it was a place that people avoided at all costs. But there was one man, a curious and adventurous man, who was determined to uncover the secrets of the hotel.

The man, named James, had heard the stories of the hotel and was fascinated by its dark history. He had read about the mysterious disappearances of guests, the strange noises that echoed through the halls, and the ghostly apparitions that were said to roam the rooms.

Despite the warnings of the locals, James decided to spend the night in the hotel. He checked into one of the dusty and dilapidated rooms, and as he settled in for the night, he could feel an eerie presence in the room.

He heard strange noises coming from the darkness, and he felt like he was being watched. He tried to brush it off as his imagination, but as the night went on, the strange occurrences became more and more frequent.

He heard scratching on the walls, whispering voices in the darkness, and he saw ghostly figures standing at the end of the bed. He tried to leave the room, but the doors were locked, and he was trapped.

James soon realized that the hotel was not just abandoned, it was cursed. The spirits of the guests who had died in the hotel were trapped there, and they wanted to claim another victim.

The night was long and terrifying, and as dawn broke, James finally managed to escape the hotel. He was forever haunted by the memories of the Forest of Nightmares, and he knew that he would never be the same again.

From that night on, James was consumed by his experiences in the hotel. He couldn't shake the memories of the ghostly figures and the terrifying noises that had echoed through the halls. He became obsessed with uncovering the truth behind the hotel's dark history.

He began to investigate and found out that many years ago, the hotel was built on a sacred burial ground of a Native American tribe. The tribe had placed a curse on the hotel, and anyone who dared to build on the land would face the wrath of the spirits of the ancestors. The hotel owners, however, had ignored the warning, and the spirits had taken their revenge by haunting the hotel.

James knew that he had to put an end to the curse, but he also knew that it would not be easy. The spirits were powerful and angry, and they would not give up their home easily. James began to research ancient rituals and ceremonies to banish the spirits. He spent months studying, and finally, he was ready to perform the ritual.

He returned to the hotel, this time with a group of brave individuals ready to assist him. They performed the ritual, and it was a success, the spirits were finally at peace, and the hotel was no longer haunted. But with the spirits gone, the hotel was no longer safe for human occupancy. The group decided to burn the hotel down to the ground, and it was the end of the Forest of Nightmares.

After that night, James felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, and he felt at peace with the world. He knew that he had done the right thing, and the spirits were finally at rest. He moved on, but the memory of the hotel, and the terrifying experience stayed with him.


About the Creator

Abbas Ali

Here to write life-changing articles.

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    Abbas AliWritten by Abbas Ali

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