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Horror House Story


By KisnujanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

As the sun set on the small town, a looming presence cast its shadow over the community. It was an old, abandoned house at the end of the street that had been unoccupied for years. The locals whispered of the strange occurrences that happened within the walls of the house and the eerie feeling that permeated the air. Nobody dared to venture near the house after dark, except for a group of teenagers who were curious about the legends that surrounded the property.

The teenagers, comprising of three boys and two girls, made their way towards the old house with a mixture of excitement and fear. They had heard about the strange happenings that occurred within the house and wanted to see for themselves if the legends were true. As they approached the house, the wind started to pick up, and the sky turned a menacing shade of grey. Lightning flashed in the distance, and thunder rumbled through the air.

The group hesitated for a moment but decided to continue towards the house, driven by their curiosity. The front door of the house was slightly ajar, and they cautiously pushed it open, revealing a dark interior. The group stepped inside, and the door closed behind them with a loud bang, making them jump.

The interior of the house was musty and cold, and the walls were covered in peeling wallpaper. The floorboards creaked underfoot, and the wind whistled through the cracks in the windows. The group explored the first floor, finding nothing out of the ordinary until they reached the living room. In the center of the room, there was an old, rusted piano. One of the boys, intrigued by the instrument, sat down and began to play a tune.

As he played, the atmosphere in the room changed. The air grew thick, and the temperature dropped significantly. The other members of the group started to feel uneasy and urged him to stop playing, but he continued, oblivious to the change in the environment. Suddenly, the piano keys started to move on their own, producing discordant notes. The boy tried to get up, but he was frozen in place, unable to move.

The rest of the group started to panic, and they tried to pull him away from the piano, but it was as if he was glued to the seat. The temperature in the room dropped even further, and a thick fog started to form around them. In the midst of the chaos, they heard a low, menacing laugh coming from the shadows.

The group tried to run, but the door was locked, and they were trapped inside. They searched for another exit but found none. The laughter grew louder, and the fog became thicker, obscuring their vision. Suddenly, the piano stopped playing, and the boy was released from its grip. The group bolted towards the door, which had somehow been unlocked, and ran outside into the stormy night.

As they stood outside, catching their breath, they realized that they were not alone. The laughter continued, and they saw a figure standing in the doorway, illuminated by a bolt of lightning. The figure was cloaked in darkness

, and its eyes glowed with an eerie, red light. The group froze in terror, unable to move as the figure approached them.

As it drew closer, the figure revealed itself to be a woman, dressed in a long, flowing gown. Her hair was wild and unkempt, and her skin was pale as snow. She beckoned the group to follow her, and they hesitated for a moment before reluctantly complying.

The woman led them through the woods, and they stumbled over rocks and fallen branches in the dark. They arrived at a small clearing, where a circle of stones had been arranged in a ritualistic pattern. The woman started to chant in an ancient language, and the stones glowed with an otherworldly light.

The group watched in horror as the woman's eyes turned black, and she spoke in a voice that was not her own. She revealed that the house was cursed and that anyone who entered it would never leave. The group had unknowingly released an evil entity that had been trapped inside the house for centuries, and it would now seek to claim their souls.

The woman urged them to leave town and never return, warning them that the entity would follow them wherever they went. She disappeared into the night, and the group was left alone in the clearing, shaken to their core.

They fled town the next day, never looking back. However, the entity did not forget them. It haunted their dreams, whispering dark thoughts into their minds and tormenting them with visions of the cursed house.

One by one, the group members disappeared, consumed by the entity's insatiable hunger. They were never seen again, and the town became known as a place of darkness and death.

Years later, a group of adventurers came to the town, seeking the source of the curse. They entered the abandoned house, determined to vanquish the evil within. However, they never returned, and the house remained as it was, an empty shell of darkness and despair.

To this day, the legends of the cursed house continue to be told, and the locals avoid the area at all costs. No one knows what truly happened to the group of adventurers or what horrors still lurk within the cursed walls of the house. But one thing is certain, the entity that resides within is hungry for more souls, and it will not rest until it is satisfied.


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