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Elizabeth Leblanc

By Elizabeth LeblancPublished 4 years ago 41 min read


The proud and prosperous kingdom Elpída was a light with excitement as the great gates opened and a dozen silver armored knights rode out into the nearby dark thick woods.

For as long as anyone could remember a shadow had been seen within the kingdom, and though it never did any harm, it scared those who had seen it.

There had been many attempts to catch it, but it always had prevailed. Tonight, just before the light of dawn, the mighty knights chased after it, encouraging their horses to continue despite the shadowy darkness of the forest.

“This way,” cried out one knight catching a glimpse of the black cloak that the shadow wore.

“There is a revine, Qyán,” called another.

But Qyán did not hear, he was hot on the chase, he earged his horse to speed up, as branches scratched at his armor.

Up ahead the figure paused looking left and right. It looked behind itself, “Stay,” Qyán commanded, slowing his horse.

Of course it didn't listen, and disappeared into the ravine.

Qyán wasn't easily discouraged, he jumped in too, leaving his horse behind above. He pulled out his blade, as he looked for the shadow.

“I don't want to hurt you,” he called out. It was fogging down in the ravine. He could just barely see the tip of his blade.

“Then why the blade, young knight?” came a female voice through the fog.

“Incase you didn't have the same intentions,” Qyán said. He was surprised it spoke, no one had heard it speak.

“Have I caused anyone harm in the past?”

“Then why hide in the shadows?” Qyán asked, putting away his blade.

The fog seemed to clear, a woman stood before him, she wore a black cloak, her head hidden by a hood. “Would you believe me if I told you that my world and your world merge when it is night time in your world?”

She lowered her hood, revealing a short haired blonde woman with piercing blue eyes.

Qyán pulled off his helmet to reveal the young handsome man he was. His copper hair was short and spiky, his hazel eyes studied her with wonder. “What does that mean?”

“It means I protect you and other kingdoms from the demons from my world. For some reason, you can not see them,” she said as looked away, “Dusk draws near, my time is short, come with me,”

Qyán blinked in disbelief, “What?”

She held out her hand, “Perhaps, if I bring you into my world, you may see. Then you can tell the others so I do not have to run from you any longer,”

Qyán shook his head, unable to believe her words. All of a sudden, she became more like fog, slowly disappearing. Qyán quickly jumped and took her hand.

He was immediately pulled into a darkness, he choked as he tried to breathe, his heart raced and then a hard surface hit his back and he gasped.

The beautiful woman sat above him, smiling. “Forgive me, I forgot what the first time was like,”

Qyán sat up, trying to catch his breath. They were on a mountain side. A fallen kingdom lay off in the desistan, a dead wild forest lay between them and it. The land was dark and gray, he thought he saw bodies hanging in the trees.

“What happened here?”Qyán asked.

“The darkness,” The woman answered as she stood. “The people tried to fight it, many great warriors fell and died, and darkness slowly consumed this world,”

Qyán shook his head, unable to think of Elpída suffering the same faith. “There must be others...or you the only one?”

“There are few...many have bowed down to the darkness. Others like myself and Ánemos are the only ones who tried to keep them from entering your world,”

The woman pulled up her hood and turned to the rocky mountain side, searching for something.

“I'm Qyán,” he offered, watching her as she frowned. It was odd watching her search the flat mountain side.

She paused and looked at him, “Zein,” she said. “Come on,”

Qyán had to blink to accept that she stepped into the solid rock. “Zein?”

Then a hand appeared where she had disappeared, “There's a door,” she sighed beckoning him to come.

He took her hand and she pulled him in. He tripped and ended up laying on her in a cave.

“Who's your friend?” Came a chuckle.

Qyán got up quickly to see an old man in gray robes sitting against a wall, a chipped cup in his hand.

“Qyán, this is Ánemos,” Zein said standing. She took off a weapons belt, hanging it on the wall. Then her cloak. Her body in a black suit that hugged her body.

“A pleasure, let me see, a knight from Elpída?” Ánemos asked.

“Umm yes,” Qyán answered.

This old man was different than any he'd had ever seen. He looked young, his hair was long, blowing around his face though there was no wind. His eyes were a strange light gray, a fog seemed to be clouding them.

“Tea?” Ánemos asked, raising his cup.

“Yes, thank you,” Qyán said. He was now studying space.

It looked as if they had made the cave a home, they were now in a kind of sitting room. There wasn't any furniture, Ánemos was leaning on a pillar, enjoying his tea.

“We don't get long,” Zein said to Ánemos as she passed him and went into another part of the cavern.

“Did you have trouble finding me today?” Ánemos asked, glancing to where she had gone.

“Just the doorway,” she shrugged, reentering with a cup of tea and a black cloak draped over her arm. “Drink up,” she said.

“Thank you,” Qyán said, wanting to ask a million questions but not sure where to start.

“I'll tell you what I can but time is short,” she answered his unasked questions. She held up the cloak, “This should hide you,”

“He's not tied to it,” Ánemos frowned. “It won't hid him well,”

“Unless you want to…,” Zein snapped looking at him expectantly.

Anemos cut her off with a small gesture of his index finger to his lips, “You know I can't, I’m just warning you to be careful,”

“Noted,” she nodded and went to a wall, a secret cabinet opened with different weapons, ones that seemed to be made differently than he was used to. They were beautiful, in a strange way. “Choose one,” Zein told him.

Qyán looked at the blades, “These are for the creatures,” he asked.

“Aye, they are neither dead nor alive. They are demons, Ánemos had to create hundreds to figure out the right mix to make these,” Zien nodded. “I like my twins,” she said. Patting two small blades that were idental. She took the heilt and swung them skillfully and smiled charmingly at him.

“They suit you,” Qyán said, fascinated with this woman. Everything about her, to the small sparkle in her blue eyes, the way her short hair framed her face. She was young, but had seen hard times. He felt for her in many ways.

“I like my staff,” Ánemos said, cutting between them. He took a white staff, in his hands and looked at Qyán expectantly.

Qyán thankful for his distraction, he took a blade and tested it, “Alright, ready,”

“Let's hope so,” Zien nodded. She put on her weapon belt, putting her twins on either side of her hips and put on a pair of goblets on her wrist before putting back her cloak, pulling up her hood.

Qyán followed her lead, doing the same as they exited out. They were on a different side of the mountain, maybe on a different mountain. “Didn't we…?”

“The cave moves, Ánemos is a bit of a...wizard I believe you would call him,” Zien answered him. “We have to keep moving otherwise they'll find us.” She said as she navigated down the mountain side, almost blending into the rock with her cloak, it was the whipping wind that was the only thing keeping her viable.

Qyán did his best, but his boots were not meant to climb down a crumbling mountainside. Once or twice he almost slipped. He was thankful when they reached the foot.

The landscape was so deslicess, for as far as the eye could see, there were burn or dead trees and bushes. Not one sign of life other than them.

“Is your whole world like this,” Qyán asked.

“Yes,” Zien sighed.”I don’t remember it looking any different,”

“There is still life you said,” Qyán asked.

“What there is, serves the darkness. Come, I’ll show you,” she said, gesturing towards the castle that lay ruin ahead.

Qyán saw bodies who hung in the trees, “Those who fought?”

“Aye, they challenged the darkness...they weren’t strong enough. They didn’t have the right weapons,” Zien nodded.

“Then how can you hope to defeat the darkness with the two of you, it's hopeless,” Qyán asked.

Zein turned, a dark look in her otherwise pretty blue eyes. “This will happen to your world, is that what you want?”

“No...it's just hard to believe that just the two of you are holding them back,” Qyán admitted.

“Me and Ánemos aren’t exactly like you…,” she said turning away.

“Your blood is mixed with magic,” Qyán said as if he knew. He figured that's what they had meant that the cloak wasn’t tied to him. There was magic in their blood.

“Ánemos is the spirit of the wind, only in the form of a man,” she said shortly. “I’m...well the darkness made me,”

She stopped at the wall, and touched the cuffs of the metal goblets she wore, spikes came out to climb the wall. Qyán couldn’t help but look at Zien in wonder, she had been made by the darkness, fighting to keep them at bay at least to protect a world that wasn’t even hers. He followed suit deciding to let her be on this matter, it was clear she was uncomfortable admitting her own origins.

It was a bit of work, climbing up the wall, clinging as best they could as they scaled. They hoped the wall onto the guard walk way, Qyán had spent many a days on one of theses, just staring off into the distance, always looking away from the castle grounds. But today he gazed in.

What he saw, took his breath away, the people who were down below, their skin had black marks, they wore ragged clothes and looked half starved. Two fought over a loaf of bread as a black shapeless form passed by not even giving them attention.

“Those are the monsters, they feed off people’s fears. Anger and other negative energy give them strength. They use these people as their fuel, keeping them barely alive. The people stay only because there is no other food than what they are providing,”

Qyán nodded, his eyes found a small girl crying alone as she hugged her legs. A woman close by ate greedily on a raw chicken leg. It was sickening to watch. “There's no trying to save them,” he asked knowing the answer.

“I tried once…,” Zein said. She pulled up the sleeve of her right arm, to show him she had the same black marks. It wasn’t as bad as those below. “Ánemos gives me something to keep it at bay,” she said, fixing her sleeve.

Qyán nodded, he gazed over again, trying to get a better look at the shadowy shapeless things, they had a man's form, as if they were wearing a cloak of shadows but it was a difference between them and Zien.

"Qyán, look…,” Zien started to warn.

Qyán hadn’t noticed how close to the edge he had gotten, the rocky wall crumbled below him, causing him to fall into the village below. The people turned and looked at him as if he was something they had never seen before. The shadows who had been floating aimlessly changed and started to shoot arrows at him.

“Don’t let them hit you,” Zien called as she jumped by his side. She sprung forward, disappearing from his sight but he saw a shadow crumple down.

“Zien,” one called out. “Get her,”

Qyán, glad for his armor, struck a shadow down, and found somewhere to hide from the arrow fire.

Zien appeared beside him. “You see the gates?” she asked pointing.

“Yes,” he breathed.

“I’m gonna open them, when you hear the gate creak, make your way over, don’t stop. If one of those arrows hit you...there’s no turning back,” she said and with that disappeared.

Qyán leaned his head against the wall, “Ugg, ugg,” called someone. He looked up to see a woman ratting him out. Her yellow eyes bulged as she wordlessly cried out, “Ugg!”

Qyán ducked as arrow fire came his way, he slashed at one and heard the creak of the gates. He quickly made his way. He heard a noise behind him, he turned his head enough to see a black ball, like a fire ball coming towards him in mid air. Qyán tried to move faster but he could only run so fast in his armor.

He hit the ground as it struck him, he cried out as pain erupted throughout his body. It was as if he was on fire but the blackness that seemed to eat him eagerly wasn’t any fire he knew. Consumed by pain, he blacked out.


Qyán slowly opened his eyes, a cave ceiling over him, “Zien,” he said sitting up and regretting it. The room spun and he threw up, thankful, Ánemos was quick and offered him a bucket and patted his bear back.

“She’s the one who got you here and just in time,” Ánemos told him.

“Am I…?” Qyán started but didn’t even know how to word it. He looked at his bare chest, he had the black marks on his skin, they seemed to pulse where they lay.

“As long as they don’t reach your heart, you’ll be okay,” Ánemos said patting his shoulder as he helped Qyán lay back.

“So...am I...like Zien and you?” Qyán asked.

“You rejected all elements but fire, it was quite interesting, you know of Zien?”

“She told me the monsters created her,” Qyán nodded.

“She came from your world, it was the darkness’s attempt to connect the two worlds. They kidnapped her as a child. She was a princess of a kingdom I believe. When she first started out, she was more like them, I kidnaped her, found the resistance to their poison and brought her up as my student,” Ánemos told him softly.

“A princess?” Qyán asked, looking at Ánemos. “Elpída lost a princess when I was a boy...I remember it. There were search parties for her and everything. Eventually the king and queen gave her a funeral and a year after announced a new heir was on the way. Prince Gregory is preparing to take the throne,”

“All she could remember was her name,” Ánemos nodded. “But now, like her, you are between worlds, a shadow to those of your world, will you help protect them,”

“Of course I will,” Qyán nodded.

“Ohh he’s awake,” Zein's soft voice came. She was in just in her black suit, her short blond hair cupped her face just perfectly as always.

“Thanks to you,” Qyán nodded appreacheative.

“You weren’t easy to get out of there,” Zien said, entering carrying a cup of tea. “Your medicine, your is very dangerously close…,”

Qyán noticed as her eyes scanned his chest, was she only looking at the darkness that threatened to take his heart or his muscular build. Qyán took the tea and sipped it, choking slightly on the taste, “Ugg,”

Zien laughed lightly, “Unfortunately you’ll get use to it,”

“Did you take your?” Ánemos asked her.

“Of course, I’m fine,” Zien assured him. “The cloak protected me from most of their arrows,”

Ánemos nodded. He patted Qyán's hand, “Drink up,” he said and left.

Qyán sipped the tea again and gazed back at Zien, yes she looked very much like her mother. He could see that now, and he was in her debt. He could have died or worse, became a servant of the darkness.

“Dusk is approaching. Stay and rest,” Zien sighed after a moment. “I'll check on you when I return,” she said, turning.

“Shouldn't I help?”

“No, you're not trained. You can fight good but not good enough. Beside you're still recuperating,” Zien said, smiling softly. “I've done this a million times,”

With that, Zien walked out, “You can't protect him forever,” Ánemos said leaning against the wall as he worked a needle skillfully on a red cloth.

“I'm not,” Zien frowned. “What happened to training first?”

“He needs no sword training,” Ánemos smiled.

“It's his powers that I'm concerned about. Fire...it had to be fire,” Zien sighed shaking her head. She put on her cloak and her weapons. “I'll be back at dawn,”

Ánemos nodded, continuing his work as she left. A smile played across his thin lips.

He glanced up to see Qyán up and about. “I'm hot,” he complained.

“It's the fire within you. Come, I must show you how to control it,” Ánemos told him. He hung the unfinished cloak and led Qyán through the caves. “I was born with the gift of wind. But I'm sure I can help you,”

“This is all so strange,” Qyán said examining his hands, looking at the black mark that pulsed.

“In time,” Ánemos nodded. They entered a big opening that looked as if it had been used for training once before. “Haven't used this since Zien was a girl,”

Qyán nodded looking at the half destroyed targets that sat within the space.

“Of course you don't need sword training but maybe a new technique. Learn to fight without your armor. The clothes you're wearing is special,”

Qyán looked down at the black pants he wore, he felt them, they felt like silk. “Ahhh,” was all he could respond to.

“Once you learn to control your fire, you should be able to control your temperature,” Ánemos told him. He took his staff and swung it expertly. The cave became cooler as a breeze generated from him. His eyes seemed to glow gray. “Let's start,”


It seemed like hours, Ánemos put Qyán through different obstacles where he learned to control the fire with him, he was able to call it out and set things on fire.

Ánemos was very patient but also strict as they trained. He challenged Qyán to his max. “Is that all you got?” He challenged as Qyán took a breather. “What if Zien is under attack?”

Qyán looked up at him and called forth the fire within him. A ball emanated from him and burst out scorching the cave.

A clap came from afar, Zien walked in clapping, she wasn't in her cape only in her black suit. “You are a miracle worker Ánemos,”

“I try, now I got a cloak to finish,” Ánemos said. He spun his staff and walked out. Zien smiled at him as he passed and shook her head. “Medicine time,” she said, lifting up a tea kettle and raising two cups.

“I need a break anyways,” Qyán nodded. He took the cups so she could pour them and he studied her young face silently.

“What?” She asked, catching him.

Qyán blushed, “Ohh...nothing,” he said as she took her cup.

Zien looked up at him, “You need to take this more often, I'll show you how to make it,” she told him.

“It's hard to tell time, how do you do it?” He asked.

Zien shrugged, “I guess I learned how to,” she said. “How are you feeling?”

“It still hurts,” he mumbled looking down at the pulsating black blobs on his skin. “But I don't feel tired or hungry,”

“You're not going to,” Zien nodded. “Your part of them now. If you let it spread you'll first be like those villagers you saw, eventually it will consume you and you'll be one of them,” Zien said. She then took a sip of her medicine.

Qyán quietly sipped his tea, “Maybe with three of us…,”

“There isn't anything we can do. Those you saw, their hearts have been consumed. They will be like the shadows soon. All we can do is stop them from taking more souls from your world,” Zien told him sternly.

“Alright, show me what I need to do,” Qyán nodded.

“The shadows, they fear one thing, fire,” Zien told him. She handed him a blade, it was like the other custom blades he had seen, but it was light in his hands. It had a diamond design in the blade with ancient writing. “I found this, just before I went out into your world, the night I took you here,”

Qyán gripped the handle, he tested it in his hand, feeling the way it moved with him. He pulled at the fire he now knew how to control and calling it forth. It took to the blade and became engulfed. Qyán smiled as it worked as he had wanted.

“I think I'm ready,”

Zein looked at him questionly, then pulled her own blades, “Let us see,”

Qyán didn’t like facing her but didn’t want to insult her. He spun the blade calling back the fire. He moved forward to attack. She blocked pushing him back. She was strong and skilled.

“Don’t hold back,” she commanded.

Qyán attacked again, and stepped back as she went to attack, they spared for a bit, getting used to the other, challenging each one. Finally, “Come,” Zein said, giving him a black shirt similar to his pants. It hugged him tight, the fabric seemed to be helping him keep cool. They exited the cave where he had been training, and she handed him a red cloak.

Qyán studied it, there was a golden stitching throughout that looked like an ancient language.

“Ánemos, tied it to you. It's the forgotten language of fire in all forms,” Zien told him. Qyán put it on, it fit him quite well. “Lets go try it out,”

He followed her excitedly into the dark gray world, the wind felt more inviting, he felt more powerful and more confident then he had. His new boots allowed him to easily follow Zien and he was able to keep up with her better.

“Put that tree a fire,” Zien called. He called forth the fire, the tree was instantly set aflame. “Jump through it,” she smiled.

Qyán hesitated for a moment but he did as she asked. The fire felt more like ice as he passed through. “Wow,” he whispered glancing back at the fire he just passed through.

“The cloak works,” Zien nodded. She drew her blades, “Now take me down,”

Qyán looked at her, “Isn't fire deadly to you?”

“Almost as deadly as a shadow could be to you,” Zien nodded. “It's just practice,”

Qyán nodded and pulled out his new blade, he attacked with Zien blocking easily. They started moving, making it more like a dance. Qyán at one point, triped Zien. “Ha,” he laughed pointing his blade at her neck.

“Watch your footing,” she said softly. Qyán found himself on the ground, she was on top of him, a blade to his throat. “Remember they can be crafty,” Zien told him.

Qyán nodded wordlessly. His new outfit didn't hide his hardness on as well as his armor had the last time they were like this. Zien gazed up at him, her soft blue eyes hungry. “Zien…,” he asked, brushing her cheek.

“We should...go…,” she told him.

Qyán nodded reluctantly and got up and helped her. “So, now what?”

Zien looked out through the landscape, her face hidden in her hood. Qyán wondered what she was thinking, he felt ashamed for having the feeling he did for her, but it was hard not to with her. “Follow me,” she said and with that sprang forward.

Qyán sprung forward too, doing his best to keep an eye on her. Her cloak gave her invisibility, but she shimmered in and out as she ran towards a cluster of dead trees that had been a forest. In the forest, Qyán saw Zien slid and disappear out of view. He looked where she had slid, there was an unseen den.

Qyán slipped into it and found Zien laying on the dead leaves in the den, “We were too vulnerable out there,” she said, taking off her cape.

“Zien...I,” Qyán struggled to speak. “I shouldn’t have…,”

Zien looked up at him crossly. “So you don’t have feelings for me,” she asked. “Is there someone you left behind?”

Qyán shook his head and lowered his head, “It's not that, it's you...you're the lost princess of my kingdom,”

Zien blinked, “Really? Qyán, do you think my rank in a court matters out here,” she said gesturing. “I’m a young woman who has been very lonely for a long time. And I finally have someone to share myself with…,” she said.

Qyán took off his cape and laid it on the leaves next to her, he cupped her face gently, playing with her cheek with his thumb, “There's nothing more I’d love to do, then shear myself with you,” he whispered and leaned in and kissed her.

They linked instantly as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, Zien drew her body closer to him, her hand tracing his body, Qyán traced her body too, feeling the shape of her, getting more turned on by this intemenacy.

“Zien,” he whispered her name lustfully as he searched for a way to take her suit off. He wanted to feel her skin.

Zien pulled away slightly, “We probably...shouldn’t right now,” she sighed and kissed him again. “You need your medicine again,”

Qyán nodded reluctantly, temptation to say screw the medicine, that she was the only thing he needed but that would of been stupid. He helped her on her cloak back on and she cupped his face. “Soon,” she promised.

“Soon,” he echoed and kissed her softly.

“We shouldn’t do that around Ánemos,” She said climbing out.

Qyán put on his cloak and followed her out, “He’d be happy for us,” he frowned.

Zien shook her head, “He’d never leave us alone, come on, let’s go back and I’ll show you how to make your medicine,” she said.

Qyán didn’t argue, only followed her back to the mountains, Zien showed him how to find home, and the secret of the entrance. She showed him the room they used to make the medicine, there were different things scattered across the table as well as vials with a small embering fire that they used to warm the ingreates together.

Zien was very patient as she taught him which each ingredient was, giving him some pointers on a few herbs that helped with minor pains, and another that helped if you had a small cut. Then she showed him the applications to making the medicine.

“Couldn’t I make some to travel with, just in case,” Qyán asked.

“It doesn't hold very well. It has to be made fresh,” Zien told him.

“Planning any long journeys,”Ánemos asked entering the room.

“No, I was just curious,” Qyán told him as Zien poured them each a cup.

“What you kids go off too,” Ánemos asked casually.

“We tested your cloak. You out did yourself once more,” Zien said just as casual. Taking her cup and blowing on it.

“Good, I’m glad,” Ánemos nodded. “Dusk is approaching,”

“Mmm,” Zien nodded as she took a sip of her meds. “Ready?” she asked Qyán.

Qyán nodded drinking his as well, “I’m ready,”

“Be careful,”Ánemos warned.

“Always,” Zien nodded. They took a few daggers and Zien grabbed a bow and quiver. Then they went outside far from the entrance, “Ready,” she asked, offering her hand.

Qyán took her hand and felt the pull of being brought into another world, the world which they both originated from. It looked different as they looked out of the six kingdoms. There seemed to be a grayish look to them.

“What happened?” Qyán asked.

Zien looked at him questioningly for a moment then nodded, “Ohh yes, I forgot. Your view of this world is different now. It helps us track the darkness better,” she pointed before them where a shimmer of silver waved ahead, “See,”

Qyán nodded seeing the dark figure looming close to Pólemos, a great big kingdom like Elpída. It was very war proud, the most stagic of the six kingdoms. “Lets go, remember your but a shadow,”

Qyán nodded and followed her across the landscape toward Pólemos. The night guard moved about bordaly, unable to see the darkness that creeped in. “Zien, if the darkness takes people, how come we never noticed,” Qyán asked as they approached the walls of Pólemos.

“They take the poor, do you think your king really knows every single peasant,” she asked.

Qyán considered this, more than likely she was right. If a noble disappeared, they would know for sure but the poor farmers and merchants, well probably not. They climbed the wall, slipping by a guard who was looking the other way.

“You go that way, I’ll go this way, look for that silvery shimmer, and keep to the shadows as best you can,” Zien told him.

Qyán nodded and headed in the direction she pointed as she disappeared. The only thing was her specialty was the shadows, his was fire. His power was going to be more visible so he would have to use it only in an emergency..

He moved carefully through the village, keeping vigilant, knowing at any time a figure of darkness could appare. He had his blade ready at a moment's notice. He saw the shimmer, and started following it. It led down a dark alley of Pólemos.

He came upon a group of very poor, half starved people who seemed to be enchanted by whatever the shadow was doing. Qyán drew his blade and cut down the shadow, and hid before the effects wore off the people. They rubbed their heads confused and curled back into a corner, trying to keep the other warm.

Qyán felt bad for them, he took the few coins he happened to have, he put them in a pile like they washed down from the drainage pipe before heading back to the main village, he kept a look out for more shimmers, taking out three more.

Finally he ran into Zien, “How did you do?” she asked.

“Took out four, you?”

“Six, I could take one more quick survey around before we leave,” Zien offered.

“I’m new at this, remember,” Qyán reminded her.

Zien smiled, “Right, I want to make sure we’re clear. Your getting due for your medicine,”

“We gotta find either something stronger or something I can carry with me,” Qyán sighed.

“Agreed, I’ll bring it up to Ánemos,” Zien nodded and with that disappeared. Because she was quicker than him, he sat back overlooking the wall toward the other parts of the kingdoms. They all seemed so peaceful.

A shriek pulled Qyán's attention back to the village. “Zien,” he breathed and hurried toward where he thought he heard the voice.

Zien was fighting, struggling against a dozen dark soldiers, Qyán pulled his blade, and attempted to help her. Why so many in one place? No matter how many he cut down, more seemed to come and now they were drawing the attention of the guards above.

Zien cried out again and Qyán turned to see Zien disappear into the earth. Qyán panicked, NO! This couldn’t be.

Qyán quickly took out the few who remained and desperately dug where Zien had disappeared. A sharp pain hit his chest, the darkness was near his heart. He had to get back.

“The shadow,” someone cried above. Qyán looked up and hurried out of Pólemos. He made his way to where that had appeared at. He circled desperately, trying to concentrate to transport back. He saw the portal and went through, returning to the dark world.

Qyán quickly made his way to the cave that they called home, he desperately looked for the entrance, “Ánemos!’ he called barging in.

Ánemos showed up beside him, handing him a cup, “Drink, Qyán. It’s okay,”

Qyán shook his head as he took a deep drink, “No it’s Zein,” he said after his drink. “They took her,”

Ánemos blinked and stood, “No,” he whispered. He started to pace.

Qyán watched him where he sat, holding his cup. “Where would they take her,”

Ánemos thought darkly, “Páli Kólasis,” he whispered. The way he said it, sent chills down Qyán's spine.


Deep in the depth of Páli Kólasis, Zein opened her eyes to see she lay in a small cage, she was in some cold little room, only her black suit on her small body, her hands were bound by small silver cuffs. A dark guard floated aimlessly nearby. Zien closed her eyes again as the pain burned within her.

“Zein,” came a soft seductive voice.

Zien opened her eyes again and saw a dark skinned figure enter looking quite trumphent with his dark red eyes on her. He wore black mostly, but had a silvery gray vest with little black diamonds. He wore a black fur cape with silver fur on the edge, and a silver chain around his neck. He was very handsome, with curly silvery hair on his head, a black hat with a white feather in the brim, “Skotádi,” she whispered his name with as much detest as she could muster.

He was her creator, the one who summoned the darkness to this land. Skotádi smiled at her, “You thought bringing in another would help you defeat us,” he tisked. “Ohh silly young Zien,”

Zein closed her eyes as another painful ping hit her heart, she heard the cage door opened and knew Skotádi had entered. He wouldn’t dear if she wasn’t being slowly entrapped. “Qyán is gonna burn you all,” she retorted.

Skotádi gave a bone chilling laugh, “Ohh Zien, how much you've grown in the time Ánemos has had you, but you see it was all a devilish plan from the beginning. Nothing has happened by chance, every free decision you thought you made, I knew you picked,” he said and lifted her to stand, pinning her body to the cell bars. “And know your going to let me take you as my queen,”

Skotádi took her chin and kissed her deeply, Zein couldn’t fight as her body was overwhelmed by lust. She wrapped her arms around his head as she took his tongue into her mouth. The two slipped into each other in a passionate embrace.


After Skotádi had his fill of Zien, they laid together on the prison floor, Skotádi with a victorious smile across his face, “You will do all I ask of you, won't you love,” he asked, playing with her blond crop of hair.

“Of course,” she smiled.

“Even kill your friends,” Skotádi whispered.

Zien kissed him seductively, “Consider it done,” she smiled.

Skotádi nodded approvingly and got up to dress, and Zien did the same. The king made sure she was given her weapons and cloak back, “Return to me so we can rule over two worlds, together,”

“With pleasure,” Zien nodded, kissing him. She was fully under his power now. There was no stopping the darkness now.


Qyán and Ánemos traveled through the dead lands, toward the black mountains where Páli Kólasis sat. Both men felt a shiver draw down their backs as they looked upon it. They sat off, hidden by the rock outcrops that littered the land close by the montainis castle.

“We can’t just go full force into the walls, Qyán,” Ánemos said shaking his head.

“We didn’t come all this way to just sit out here to camp,” Qyán frowned.

“No, you came to die,” came a soft voice. Both looked up to see the dark figure of Zien, an army of shadows behind her.

Ánemos stood holding his staff at the ready, “Zien, open your eyes, see he has poisoned you,”

Zein took down her hood, her skin almost entirely had the darkness imprinted on her skin, a smile across her face, “I have been awoken old man, now bow or die,”

Ánemos turned his head to Qyán. On the way, Ánemos had asked Qyán if he would be prepared to kill Zien if it came to it. Qyán hadn’t been able to answer.

But now, Qyán did stand, his blade ready, if nothing else, he would take as many shadow warriors as he could. Zein, spun her blades and nodded, the shadows came forth and attacked. The men fought, as Zien watched, her black eyes sparkled as she did. Qyán did all he could to take down the shadows, but they seemed to be more resistant to their attack.

Zein moved to Ánemos who was busy attacking two shadows at once, she took him by the throat and cut it deep. Ánemos crumpled down, his gray eyes wide with shock, Zein smiled as she stepped over his limp body, “Bow, Qyán,” She said, walking towards him.

Qyán closed his eyes, igniting a fire at her, he saw her no more but then, Zien all of a sudden appeared before him, she tripped him and stepped on his chest, “Fool, don’t you see there is no hope? Especially in your heart, you can’t kill me,” she smiled. She closed her fist and Qyán felt the pain within his heart.

“I bow,” Qyán whispered as the pain enibated through him.

“Get on your knees and beg,” Zien smiled. Qyán did as she asked, lowering his head to her, “Now to Skotádi,” she chuckled.

Qyán stood slowly as she turned, her guard of shadows formed around her. Two poked at him to follow, as Qyán passed Ánemos, he gazed over his dead body, wishing he had more heart to kill Zein.

Páli Kólasis, was like a dark shadow in an already dark place, the great doors opened soundlessly, the hall was that of a crypt then a ruling kingdom. The throne room was even bleaker, as a dark skinned man sat superioris in rich clothes on human bones as his chair.

“Bow to King Skotádi, your king, ” Zein commanded, holding her blade as a threat.

Qyán kneel down and bowed his head, “My king,” he whispered.

“You were wise to join me freely,” Skotádi smiled broadly. He held out his hand, and Zein went by his side and he took her hand and kissed in. “With you serving both of us, your world is as good as mine,”

Qyán could only shiver at his words, he saw within his mind as his beloved kingdom that he grew up in, crumpled. “When you own the two worlds, what will happen then?”

“Then we will open a gate to another world, until the whole universe is mine, everyone sees death and destruction as a bad thing but once you get used to it, you’ll see my grand plan,” Skotádi told him.

Qyán looked at Zein who sat upon the king's lap, smiling as she played with his silvery curly hair. She was completely lost to the poison, and it would only be too soon, he too would be poisoned.

Skotádi snapped his fingers and a shadow glided to Qyán, “Show our guest his quarters, and make sure he’s comfortable. Me and the queen have things to discuss,” he said kissing Zein’s neck hungrily.

Zein chuckled as she closed her eyes at him. Arching her back, tossing her head back. As he started to touch her. Qyán quickly followed the shadow, not wanting to watch their display.

The room that was supposed to be Qyán, was like the rest of the castle, dark and dreary. “Are you staying to keep watch…?” he started to ask the shadow but stopped as a woman stood in its place. A black cloak at her feet.

She was completely nude, her body was that of the poisoned showdoness, only it was wrapped around her whole body. She would have been beautiful, if she didn’t look so possessed. Her dark hair was short, her eyes blank.“I am yours,” she said approaching him. Her hand rested on his heart.

Qyán felt pain erupt in his heart, he closed his eyes as his body experienced both pain and pleasure. “I can’t…,”

“Don’t fight it,” she whispered.

Their lips locked and Qyán took her into his arms, kissing her fiercely. Her hands worked expertly freeing him of his clothes. He got her onto the bed, her body wrapped around him as she slipped onto him


A soft knock awoken Qyán, and he sat up, his eyes scanned for the noise, it was from the window. Careful not to wake the woman sleeping beside him, he left the bed, he put on his pants before opening the window.

A soft wind played against his cheek, “Remember who you are, Qyán,” it whispered.

Qyán gazed out into the endless void of the dead land, he frowned as the wind breezed through his hair, “Ánemos?” he asked as it came to him, who the voice was. “But your dead,”

“Only my body, I am the wind, my boy, a mear spirit that had taken a solid form,” Ánemos answered. “Even Zien knew, a part of her is fighting just as a part of you is fighting,”

Qyán only nodded, not sure how to answer, his words made sense, but things still felt hopeless.

“Skotádi may have won this round, but there is still hope, Zein is carrying his child. The child may be our hope to defeat Skotádi,” Ánemos told him.

“Ánemos, what do you propose, to take the child?”

“Yes, the mountains are the one safe place, you have the skills, and with my magic it can defeat Skotádi,” Ánemos told him.

Qyán shook his head, it would not be simple. “What of the poison, the darkness in my heart,”

“Qyán, you can fight it, as you are now. Your fire keeps your heart protected, look,” Ánemos said.

Qyán looked down his bare chest and saw his skin was marked with the darkness poison but where his heart sat, it didn’t touch.

“Zein’s child will grow, she will bear it sooner than most would,” Ánemos told him. “When she dose, you must do all in your power to take it and get it to the mountains, I’ll do what I can to assist until I make a new solid form,”

Qyán closed his eyes, if there was hope, he was willing to do what he could, “I will do my best,” he nodded.

With that, Qyán went back to bed, his mind reeling over all Ánemos had told him. The woman he had bedded, lay sleepy beside him, a servant of Skotádi. It was the first time he truly studied her, her short black hair cupped her young face, her skin fully covered by the darkness.

Cautiously, he put his hand on her chest, he felt the warmth of his hand as he touched her icy skin, the darkness on her skin seemed to edge away from his touch.

Encouraged, Qyán went to where her heart was and touched it, watching as the darkness edged away from his hand. The woman opened her eyes and blinked in confusion, her green eyes wide and she sat up and looked at him.

“Who are you? Where am I?”

Qyán sighed, “You’ve been under the hold of Skotádi, for how long, I don’t know. I think I’ve freeded you, it was my first time trying,” he said. “I’m Qyán,”

The woman frowned for a moment, hugging a blanket to her body, “Skotádi? I know that name…,” she said. She closed her eyes as if trying to recall.

Qyán patted her hand, “It doesn't matter. He rules this world and hopes to take another,” he explained to her.

The woman nodded and looked at him for a moment, “Are we…?” she started to ask.

“It was my first time with you, with anyone...I too was under Skotádi power. I let it consume me but I think I know how to fight it,” Qyán explained as best he could.

“I can't remember much, not even my own name. I guess I’ve been a slave for a long time,” she sighed bowing her head.

“May I give you a name?” Qyán asked, cupping her face gently. She blushed at his touch, “I have an honorable name, a name you can be proud to bear, Madalyn,” he said.

She nodded, “I like it,” she said.

For the remaining night, Qyán filled Madalyn of all he knew and they grew a strong bond together, making love at one point. This time more gentle and loving. When dawn came, Madelyn put on her cloak.

“Till tonight?” she asked.

“Till tonight, my Lyn,” he nodded and gave her one last kiss before helping her with her hood.

With Madalyn off to pretend to be another mindless servant, Qyán ventured out to see where Skotádi or Zien was.


In the days that passed, Qyán watched as the armies of the darkness grew, Zein’s stomach grew at a quick rate, one day he found Zein in the throne room, she stood with her back to him, her eyes looking out the window. Her hand resting on her stomach.

“My queen,” Qyán bowed.

Zein turned and he saw that she looked already nine months in, the baby would be born soon. Too soon. “Morning Qyán,” she smiled. “Skotádi is getting the army ready, look,”

Qyán reluctantly joined her at the window, it seemed like a huge shadow had engulfed the land but upon further inspection, he could see the forms, all of them in armor, carrying weapons.

“It will be soon,” Zein smiled, rubbing her swollen belly.

Tempted to try to free her of her bound to Skotádi, Qyán only nodded. He knew he couldn’t let this play out, his world was depending on him, even if they didn’t know it. “Perhaps you should sit,”

Zein smiled, “I am strong, and I can feel the time grow nearer,” she said.

Qyán only nodded again, watching her cautiously, as long as Skotádi wasn’t around for the birth, Qyán had a chance to do as Ánemos had asked.

Zein closed her eyes, her body stiffened, “It’s here,”

Qyán quickly laid her down, and saw her fluids flow out of her, the baby was coming, Zien clenched her fist, and let out a little cry of pain, “I’m here,” Qyán told her quietly.

A head poked out and a baby's cry filled the quiet hall, Qyán took the babe as its shoulders edged out. And it slipped out with ease. Qyán used his cape as he cradled the child that was a mix of Zein and Skotádi.

“I hope you can forgive me one day Zien,” Qyán said standing. He hurried out of the throne room, “Madalyn,” he called as he made his way out of the castle. Since their first night together, he had spent any time he could with Madalyn. Just before the entrance, Madalyn joined him. “We need a horse,” he whispered breathlessly.

“This way,” Madelyn said as they hurried out the great doors.

Qyán saw as the sky darkened as the baby cried, “Take Hope,” he said handing Madalyn the babe.

“It’s a girl?” Madalyn asked as she held the child trying to comfort it as Qyán expertly got two horses ready.

“Yes,” he said, giving her the rains of one of the horses. “Can you ride?” he asked, helping her on.

“We’ll find out,” Madalyn said.

Qyán joined her on the horse and they rode out of the stables, of course they way out would not be an easy one. “No matter what, ride till you get to the mountains, let the wind guide you,” he said drawing his blade ready to protect the child.

Qyán cut down as many shadowy figures as he could, they seemed to be coming from everywhere.

“Give me the child,” cried out Skotádi.

“Go,” Qyán said, getting the front gate open. Madalyn rode through and Qyán closed the gate, holding his fire sword, keeping the shadow army at bay.

Skotádi stepped threw the army looking angry, “You will pay,”

“As long as Hope is free, there is nothing you can do to me,” Qyán said and burned a fire so bright and hot.


Madalyn didn’t stop her horse till she reached the foot of the mountain, she looked back to see Páli Kólasis a flame, “Qyán,” she whispered, fear in her heart.

“He’s gone, protecting the babe with his life,” said a voice. Madalyn turned to see an old man before her, stroking her horse gently. “I knew Qyán, I am Ánemos, I have sanctuary for you and the babe,” he said.

“I’m Madalyn, and this is Hope,” she said looking down at the child that was a mixture of shadows and darkness, her skin was dark, the small puff of hair was black, her wide eyes had a hint of gold mixed with brown.

Ánemos chuckled and nodded taking the horses reins, “A fitting name for our savior,”

With that he led them into the cavons, not to emerge till Hope was strong enough to destroy the Darkness.



About the Creator

Elizabeth Leblanc

Just a girl who loves a good fantasy

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