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horror story

By Thanayos BunlirsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The moon loomed large over the small town of Ravenwood as the night fell on Halloween. The air was thick with the smell of burnt pumpkins and fear. The townspeople had locked themselves indoors, knowing the horrors that lurked outside.

But there was one person who dared to venture out into the darkness. Her name was Emily, a young journalist who had come to Ravenwood to investigate the strange occurrences that had been happening there. Little did she know, she was about to witness something that would change her life forever.

As Emily walked through the deserted streets, she heard a faint chanting in the distance. It grew louder and louder, until she could make out the words. "Hail the All-Seeing Eye, come forth and feast on our sacrifices!" The voices were coming from the old abandoned church on the edge of town.

Emily knew she had to investigate. She cautiously approached the church, which was adorned with eerie symbols and sigils. The door creaked open as she pushed it, revealing a dimly lit hallway leading to the main chamber.

There, she saw a scene straight out of a nightmare. A group of hooded figures stood around a pentagram, chanting and sacrificing a young woman to some unknown entity. Emily watched in horror as the woman's blood was spilled onto the ground, and the figures began to convulse and writhe in ecstasy.

But before Emily could react, she was discovered. The cultists turned towards her, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Emily tried to run, but she was quickly surrounded. The cultists began to chant her name, drawing upon her life force to summon the beast that lay dormant beneath Ravenwood.

Emily could feel her strength fading, her mind succumbing to the will of the All-Seeing Eye. But then, a voice whispered in her ear. It was a woman's voice, gentle and soothing. "You must resist, Emily. Fight back against the darkness."

With newfound resolve, Emily summoned all of her willpower. She concentrated on the voice and pushed back against the cultists' energy. Suddenly, their hold on her broke, and she was free.

But the nightmare was far from over. As Emily watched, the ground beneath the cultists began to crack and split apart. A massive tentacle burst forth from the earth, followed by another, and another. A chorus of unearthly howls filled the air as the beast emerged from its slumber.

It was unlike anything Emily had ever seen. A writhing mass of flesh and tentacles, the All-Seeing Eye towered over her, staring down with its many eyes. Emily's mind was flooded with visions of unspeakable horrors, and she knew that she was no match for this creature.

But then, another voice spoke to her. It was a man's voice, strong and resonant. "You are not alone, Emily. We are with you." Emily looked around and saw that she was surrounded by a group of ghostly figures, all of them glowing with a bright light.

Together, they charged at the beast, striking at it with all their might. Emily felt her own energy coursing through her veins, bolstered by the strength of her companions. The battle was fierce and brutal, but in the end, they emerged victorious.

The All-Seeing Eye was banished back to its dimension, and the cultists were arrested by the authorities. Emily returned to her normal life, but she knew that she would never forget the horrors of that Halloween night. She had faced her fears, and emerged stronger because of it.

And as she looked up at the moon, now shining brightly in the sky, she knew that she would always remember the brave souls who had fought alongside her. For on that night, they had triumphed over the darkness, and saved Ravenwood from certain destruction.


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Comments (1)

  • Judey Kalchik about a year ago

    Hello- It is a Vocal requirement that stories/content created with AI includes that disclaimer at the beginning of the story. Since this was created with AI you are not in compliance with this policy. https://vocal.media/resources/an-update-from-vocal-on-ai-generated-content

TBWritten by Thanayos Bunlirs

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