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Ghost of The Station


By Hassan kibriaPublished 6 months ago 6 min read
Ghost of The Station
Photo by Lerone Pieters on Unsplash

It was a night train, when I got down from the car at New Jalpaiguri station, it was one night. After dropping the passengers at the station, the train started moving again. Most of my fellow travelers left with relatives. I didn't call to surprise uncle. I went to the station master's room with the bag on one shoulder and the other in my hand.

When I entered, I saw a man sitting there. He may be the station master. I asked him how far Jalpaiguri is from here? He replied Jalpaiguri 40 km road from here. I tell him, now a car is available or not? He said that a car left for Jalpaiguri sometime ago, no other car will be available to go to Jalpaiguri this night. So spend the night here with difficulty. I finished talking to him and left the room.

When I came out, I saw how empty there were no people around. I went to the next waiting room and sat on a chair. I thought I would call my uncles and let them come to pick me up. But what's the problem, the battery of the mobile is also exhausted. Seeing no other option, I thought that somehow I will spend the night here and leave for Jalpaiguri tomorrow morning. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and saw that it was half past midnight. And spend only 3-4 hours somehow. A little sleep in the eyes. So I sat with my eyes closed. Suddenly a man came. came and said-

- Sir, where will you go?

- I will go to Jalpaiguri.

- But who are you?

-My name is Naresh, I drive in this area.

- Is that so? Well, will you go to Jalpaiguri?

- Yes, sir, I will go, let's go.

I thought to myself that it is better to go to the destination than spend the night at the station. So take the bag and say let's go Naresh. I thought to myself, let it be good. I walked in front of Naresh's car. I went there and saw a man already sitting on the seat. The man covered his whole body with a sheet. Even his face could not be seen well. I went and sat next to the man without saying anything.

After that Naresh started driving. After about 20 minutes we reached a pitch road. There were extensive paddy fields on both sides of that road. I think this place is called Belacoba. As far as the eye can see, only yellow ripe rice, and the light of the moon looks beautiful. Oh what a lovely sight. I haven't come here for a long time.

Sometimes light trees are seen on both sides of the road. And a canal is dug on one side for cultivation during the dry season. Even after the light moonlight in the sky, the surroundings are quite clear. There are no settlements around, so nothing can be heard except the sound of chirping. Sometimes, the call of a howling fox can be heard from a distance. At the end of the month of Kartik, it is mildly cold. Sometimes the cold wind makes the body shiver. So I took the jacket from the bag and put it on.

After a while Naresh asks “Sir who lives in Jalpaiguri?” I said “My uncle's house is in Jalpaiguri. After a few days, I am going to my younger uncle's wedding. "-"Ok" Naresh said after coming halfway "Sir, sit down, I will empty it a bit." I realized that he was under high pressure. Naresh went a little further back and went down the road. He is no longer seen.

My back hurts from sitting for a long time. So I got down from the car and started walking in the street. It's been almost 45 minutes but Naresh is still not coming back. I then called his name but did not get an answer. What kind of tension is working in me. But the man sitting next to me has no response, sitting quietly.

I took the flashlight from the bag and slowly went to the bottom of the al, but I could not see anything there. I slowly went a little further. Suddenly I noticed that the color of the water in the canal looked a little reddish. Going a little further, I thought someone's body was lying next to Al. I went closer and saw that it was Naresh's body. Oh god, who killed him by slitting his throat. And his blood mixed with the water of the canal and it turned red. At that time, I noticed the sound of something coming from the middle of the paddy field. At some point the intensity of the sound increased. I realized that something was coming here through the paddy field. I ran in front of the car in fear.

But when I came here, I saw that the man wearing the sheet was not there. I looked around but could not see the man anywhere. Suddenly I noticed how many dogs were running here making noise from a distance. Seeing the dogs, I quickly got on the car. The dogs came in front of the car and started barking. It seems the dogs are scared of something. So I looked at that direction. At that time, I noticed that someone came up from under Al in that direction. I held the flashlight in my hand towards it. I saw a middle-aged man standing on the road.

Blood stains on face and clothes. The eyes are shining and looking at this with a glance. Now it's my turn, all the wisdom in the head seems to have fallen to the knees. This man may have killed Naresh. Seeing the man, the dogs ran forward in fear. I could not understand what to do then. Meanwhile, seeing this terrible scene, my heart rate increased very much.

I thought I would run ahead with the bag, whatever fate has left, because this bag contains a special diamond jewelery for the new mummy. So I took the bag and ran. After coming some distance, I noticed a man walking in front of me. I quickly went to him. I went closer and saw that it was the man who put the sheet on the car. Seeing him gave me some courage. I said to the man, "Dada, you walked towards that direction as if Naresh had killed the driver."

The man answered in a serious voice - "Is that so?" This was the first time I heard the man's voice. But the voice seemed very familiar to me. It feels like a khatak in the mind. So I said to the man, "Dada, why are you covering your face with a sheet like this?" Will you show me your face." After I finished the man started laughing at Ravana, said "Mukha vi, tui mukha vi? Look here.” Saying this, he removed the sheet from his face. I was devastated by the look.

How is that possible! Naresh the driver, who died a while ago, is walking around with a shaved head on his hand. All my limbs were getting weak. No more words came out of my mouth. At one point I felt like I was going to pass out. After that I don't remember anything. After regaining consciousness, I saw that I was on my uncle's bed, everyone in my uncle's house was sitting around me. And who is pouring water on my head.

After reading, I found out that what happened to me last night was actually the murder of an unsatisfied soul. About ten years ago, a driver named Naresh was going to Jalpaiguri with a passenger. He stopped the car at that very spot to empty his stomach and never came back. In the fall, his throat-slit body was found in the water of a paddy field canal. After his death, those passengers were not found again. The car of this Naresh driver was kept in the broken down car go down of the station. As he had no relatives, no one performed his last rites. As a result of which his spirit still relives the scene of that terrible night with the late night commuters. That soul, perhaps, seeks liberation.

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About the Creator

Hassan kibria

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