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Ghost in mansion


By Nathan KPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The sun had set hours ago, and the moon was high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the old, abandoned mansion. The dilapidated building had been standing for centuries, and tales of its haunted halls had been passed down from generation to generation. Most people avoided the place, but there were always a few brave souls who dared to venture inside.

One such person was a young man named John. He had always been fascinated by the paranormal and had heard many stories about the mansion from his friends. He decided to explore the place on his own and see if the tales were true.

John arrived at the mansion just after midnight, armed with a flashlight and a camera. The front door was locked, but he managed to find an open window and climbed inside. The musty smell of old furniture and decay filled his nostrils, and he shivered involuntarily.

He made his way through the dark, dusty rooms, his footsteps echoing loudly in the silence. As he explored, he began to feel a strange presence around him. It was as if someone, or something, was watching him from the shadows.

Suddenly, he heard a faint whispering sound coming from one of the rooms. He cautiously made his way over and peered inside. The room was empty, but he could feel a cold breeze coming from somewhere.

He took out his camera and began snapping pictures, hoping to capture something supernatural on film. As he did so, he heard a faint giggling sound, and his blood ran cold. He turned around quickly, but there was no one there.

John decided to leave the room and continue his exploration. But as he walked down the hallway, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around, but no one was there. He could feel a chill creeping up his spine, and his heart was pounding in his chest.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned around again, but there was still no one there. Suddenly, he felt something tug at his shirt from behind, and he screamed in terror. He bolted down the hallway, his heart racing, and his flashlight bouncing wildly around the walls.

As he ran, he heard a strange, ethereal voice whispering his name. He stopped in his tracks, frozen with fear. The voice grew louder, and he felt something cold and clammy brush against his cheek. He screamed again and ran as fast as he could.

He burst out of the mansion and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. He looked back at the mansion, and he could see a faint light flickering in one of the upstairs windows. He knew he had to leave, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was following him.

As he stumbled down the overgrown path, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned around, and to his horror, he saw a figure standing in the darkness. It was a woman dressed in an old-fashioned gown, her hair wild and unkempt.

John tried to run, but he felt as though his feet were rooted to the ground. The woman moved closer, and he could see that her eyes were empty sockets. He screamed again, and the woman let out a blood-curdling howl.

He woke up the next morning in his bed, covered in sweat. He realized that it had all been a nightmare, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something had followed him home. He tried to forget about the experience, but every time he closed his eyes, he could see the empty eyes of the woman in the mansion.

Several weeks later, John returned to the mansion, determined to uncover the truth behind the hauntings. He explored every room, taking pictures and recording any strange occurrences. As he made his way to the upstairs bedrooms, he heard a faint singing coming from one of the rooms. He cautiously approached the door and pushed it open, his camera at the ready.

The room was empty, but he could see a figure sitting on the bed, her back to him. She was singing a haunting melody that sent chills down his spine. He took a step forward, and the figure turned around slowly.

It was the woman from his nightmare, her empty eyes staring straight at him. He could feel her gaze piercing through his soul, and he could hear her whispering his name.

John stumbled backward, dropping his camera in the process. He could feel his heart racing in his chest, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. He tried to leave the room, but it was as if an invisible force was holding him back.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and he turned around quickly. The woman was standing right in front of him, her cold hand reaching out to touch his face. He screamed and bolted out of the room, running down the hallway as fast as he could.

As he reached the bottom of the staircase, he tripped and fell, tumbling down the steps. He landed at the bottom, his body bruised and battered. He looked up and saw the woman standing at the top of the staircase, her haunting gaze fixed on him.

He tried to crawl away, but his body wouldn't respond. He could feel her cold breath on his neck, and he could hear her whispering in his ear. He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his bed, covered in sweat. He realized that he had been dreaming again, but this time the nightmare felt all too real.

He decided to never return to the mansion again, knowing that the ghosts that haunted its halls were too powerful for him to handle. He had learned his lesson, and he knew that he would never forget the terrifying experiences he had encountered.

The mansion remained abandoned for many years, and its legend only grew stronger. People would occasionally report seeing strange lights flickering in the windows or hearing eerie whispers coming from the empty halls. But no one dared to venture inside again, knowing that the ghosts of the past were still lurking in the shadows.

In the end, the mansion became nothing more than a distant memory, a place where the dead refused to rest and the living feared to tread. And John, the young man who had dared to explore its haunted halls, was left with nothing but a series of terrifying nightmares that would haunt him for the rest of his life.


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    NKWritten by Nathan K

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