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From Baltimore to Richmond: Tracing the Supernatural Sites of Edgar Allan Poe

A phantom quill pens tales of grief. The spectral presence of Edgar Allan Poe haunting his cottage.

By Gareth PopovicPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Edgar Allan Poe - Credit poemhunter

Born in Boston in 1809, Edgar Allan Poe faced a challenging childhood, abandoned by his alcoholic father and losing his mother to tuberculosis before he turned two. Raised by a foster family in Virginia, Poe moved frequently between cities, leaving a lasting imprint on each place.

Poe’s life was marked by his struggles with alcohol and gambling, strained relations with his foster father, and a brief stint at the University of Virginia that ended due to financial troubles. Despite his hardships, he briefly found happiness with a childhood sweetheart but tragically fell ill just before their wedding, dying in a Baltimore hospital under mysterious circumstances.

Poe’s death remains a subject of intrigue, and his ghost is said to linger in the locations he once frequented. Despite his turbulent life, he left an enduring literary legacy through his dark and enigmatic tales of mystery and death.


The Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is where Edgar Allan Poe lived briefly with his Aunt and his beloved wife, Virginia, has been transformed into a museum showcasing numerous artifacts related to the renowned writer. However, it is not just his literary legacy that haunts this place; visitors have reported encountering unexplained paranormal phenomena within its walls.

One prevalent spirit believed to linger in the house is thought to be Elizabeth Poe, Edgar’s grandmother, who passed away during their stay there. Witnesses have described encounters with an older, portly woman throughout the home. This apparition is generally not considered malevolent but rather a presence connected to the history of the house.

EDGAR ALLAN POE Cottage— Credit Wiki

In addition to Elizabeth’s ghost, there have been reports of more unsettling activity. Visitors have experienced inexplicable occurrences, including mysterious tapping on shoulders, faint muttering voices, lights moving from room to room when no one is present, and windows and doors slamming shut seemingly of their own accord. One particularly chilling incident involved a window suddenly popping out of its frame and crashing to the floor while a woman was changing her clothes in one of the rooms.

Moreover, some individuals claim to have seen the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe himself. Witnesses have described sightings of Poe’s apparition at a saloon he frequented during his time in Baltimore. His ghost is often seen walking toward The Horse You Came In On Saloon, where he may be seeking a drink or simply revisiting the places that hold significance in the narrative of his life and death. The Baltimore home turned museum remains a place where history, literature, and the supernatural converge, inviting those who visit to contemplate the mysteries of the past.


The specter of Edgar Allan Poe himself is said to make occasional appearances in the very places that marked significant moments in his life and untimely demise. Witnesses have reported eerie sightings of Poe’s ghost at The Horse You Came In On Saloon in Baltimore, a favored haunt of the writer during his time there. It’s as if Poe’s spirit, forever tied to the memory of this establishment, continues to walk through its doors, perhaps seeking solace in the ambiance that once provided him with comfort and inspiration. His ethereal presence, dressed in the attire of his era, has been described as both melancholic and contemplative, as if he were trapped in a perpetual state of introspection.

Edgar Allan Poe — Credit J. Makali Bruton

Furthermore, tales of Poe’s ghostly visitations extend beyond Baltimore. In the places where he lived, wrote, and suffered, his apparition is believed to drift, forever tethered to the memories and emotions of his tumultuous life. Whether it’s the whisper of his ghostly voice echoing in the chambers of his former residences or the fleeting glimpse of his shadowy figure in dimly lit corners, the haunting by Edgar Allan Poe himself adds an eerie layer to the enduring mystique surrounding the enigmatic author and his timeless tales of mystery and death.

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