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Fractured Illusions: Unveiling the Hidden Truths Behind a Broken Mirror"

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance through the Broken Pieces"

By Manjit@6400..Published about a year ago 7 min read
Broken mirror

The haunted mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own, and I knew something was wrong. It was a beautiful antique mirror that had been in my family for generations, but there was always something strange about it. I would catch glimpses of movement in the reflection, even when I was standing perfectly still. I tried to ignore it, but it was impossible to shake the feeling that something was watching me.

One evening, as I was getting ready for bed, I looked into the mirror and saw a woman standing behind me. She was wearing a long white dress and had long, flowing hair. I turned around quickly, but there was no one there. When I looked back at the mirror, the woman was still there, staring at me with cold, empty eyes. I screamed and ran out of the room, convinced that I was losing my mind.

The next day, I decided to do some research on the mirror. I discovered that it was made in the 1800s and had belonged to a wealthy family who had lived in a grand mansion on the outskirts of town. The family had a daughter named Isabella, who was known for her beauty and charm. However, Isabella had been involved in a scandalous affair with a servant in the household, and when her father found out, he banished her from the family.

Isabella was heartbroken and became increasingly unstable. She would wander the streets at night, muttering to herself and staring into the windows of the houses she passed. One night, she came across a mirror in a shop window and became fixated on her reflection. She bought the mirror and took it back to her small apartment, where she spent hours staring at herself.

As time went on, Isabella became more and more obsessed with the mirror. She would spend entire days gazing into it, neglecting her health and appearance. Her friends and family became concerned and tried to intervene, but she refused to listen. Eventually, Isabella died alone in her apartment, still fixated on the mirror.

I was convinced that Isabella's spirit was trapped in the mirror and was haunting me. I tried to ignore it and went about my daily life, but the mirror was always in the back of my mind. I couldn't bear to look at it, but I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it either. It was a family heirloom, after all, and I didn't want to disrespect my ancestors.

One night, I was awakened by a strange sound coming from the living room. I got out of bed and cautiously made my way down the hallway. As I entered the living room, I saw the mirror glowing faintly in the moonlight. I froze in terror as I saw Isabella's reflection staring back at me. Her eyes were filled with a mix of anger and sadness, and I could feel her presence in the room with me.

Suddenly, the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces, and Isabella's reflection disappeared. I stood there in shock, surrounded by broken glass. I knew then that I had to get rid of the mirror. I gathered up the pieces and took them outside to the trash.

In the weeks that followed, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The strange occurrences in my apartment stopped, and I was able to move on. However, I still couldn't shake the feeling that Isabella's spirit was still out there somewhere, trapped in that broken mirror. I hoped that she had found peace and could finally rest in peace.

As time passed, I began to wonder if getting rid of the mirror had really solved the problem. I couldn't shake the feeling that Isabella's spirit was still with me, even though the mirror was gone. I started to have vivid dreams about her, and I would wake up feeling like I had been in her presence.

One day, I decided to visit the mansion where Isabella had lived. It had been abandoned for years, but I had heard that it was still standing. As I approached the property, I felt a chill run down my spine. The mansion was dark and foreboding, with vines growing up the walls and broken windows.

I made my way inside, and the air was thick with dust and decay. As I walked through the empty rooms, I felt like I was being watched. It was then that I came across a small room in the back of the house. The room was bare except for a small table and chair, and on the table sat a mirror.

I immediately recognized it as the same mirror that had haunted me for so long. It was still intact, but it was covered in dust and cobwebs. I approached it cautiously, half-expecting to see Isabella's reflection staring back at me.

But the mirror was still, and the room was silent. I reached out to touch it, and as my fingers brushed against the surface, I felt a sudden jolt of energy. It was like a shockwave had passed through me, and I stumbled backwards, gasping for air.

As I regained my composure, I realized that the mirror was calling out to me. It was like Isabella's spirit was trapped inside, pleading for me to free her. I knew then that I had to do something, but I didn't know what.

Over the next few weeks, I researched everything I could about the mirror and Isabella's family. I discovered that the family had been cursed, and that Isabella's spirit was not the only one trapped in the mansion. The curse had been placed on them by a vengeful witch, who had been wronged by the family in the past.

I knew that I had to break the curse if I ever wanted to be free of Isabella's spirit. I started to gather materials and prepare for a ritual that would banish the curse and free the spirits. It was a risky move, but I was determined to see it through.

On the night of the ritual, I made my way back to the mansion. I had everything I needed - candles, incense, herbs, and a special crystal that would help to channel the energy. As I entered the room where the mirror was, I could feel the energy in the air shifting. It was like the spirits were gathering around me, waiting for me to set them free.

I lit the candles and incense, and began to chant the words of the ritual. The air grew thick with smoke, and the room was filled with a pulsing energy. I could feel Isabella's spirit beside me, guiding me through the process.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and I felt a rush of energy pass through me. The curse had been lifted, and the spirits were free. I opened my eyes to see the mirror glowing with a soft light. Isabella's reflection was no longer there - instead, I saw a beautiful woman with flowing hair and a gentle smile.

I knew then that Isabella's spirit had been released, and that she was finally at peace. As I left the mansion, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The curse had been broken, and I had been the one to free the spirits.

As I walked back to my apartment, I felt like a new person. The haunting was finally over, and I could move on with my life. But as I settled back into my routine, I couldn't help but think about the events that had transpired. I knew that I had been chosen for a reason - that Isabella's spirit had somehow led me to the mirror and the mansion.

As time passed, I started to experience strange phenomena in my own home. Objects would move on their own, and I would hear whispers in the night. It was like the spirits had followed me home, and they were still trying to communicate with me.

I realized then that my journey was not yet over. The spirits were still trying to tell me something, and I needed to listen. I started to meditate and practice other spiritual practices, trying to open myself up to their messages.

One night, as I sat in meditation, I felt a sudden surge of energy. It was like a beam of light had descended from the heavens, and I was engulfed in its warmth. I heard a voice whisper in my ear - a voice that I recognized as Isabella's.

She told me that I had been chosen to carry on her legacy - to help others who were haunted by the spirits of the past. She said that I had a gift, and that I needed to use it to help others find peace.

From that moment on, I knew that my life's purpose had been revealed to me. I started to study spiritual practices and psychic abilities, trying to develop my gift. And slowly but surely, I began to help others who were haunted by the spirits of the past.

I started to work with people who were struggling with hauntings, using my gift to communicate with the spirits and help them find peace. And with each success, I felt a sense of fulfillment that I had never felt before.

Years went by, and I became known as a spiritual healer and psychic medium. I helped countless people find peace, and I knew that I was fulfilling my destiny. And as I looked back on my journey - from the haunted mirror to the mansion to my own spiritual awakening - I knew that everything had happened for a reason.

Isabella's spirit had chosen me for a purpose - to help others find the same peace and fulfillment that I had found. And I knew that as long as I remained true to my calling, I would continue to help people find the light in the darkness.


About the Creator


Directed by a profound appreciation for narrating stories, poems etc...and making a vivid encounter.

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