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Entities - something that exists as itself

Do they exist?

By KobraPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The concept of an entity is a common thread in many different mythologies and belief systems. It refers to a being or creature that exists outside of the normal boundaries of our reality, possessing abilities and powers that are beyond human comprehension. In the realm of the paranormal and the supernatural, the entity is a term often used to describe a powerful and malevolent force that can influence and control our world.

The concept of an entity has also found its way into popular culture, with many movies, TV shows, and books featuring these beings as central characters. From the Demogorgon in Stranger Things to the Cenobites in Hellraiser, the entity has become a staple of horror and science fiction storytelling.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the entity is its ability to shape-shift and take on different forms. Some entities are said to be able to mimic the appearance of humans or animals, while others can take on more abstract forms, such as shadows or mist. This ability to change shape adds to the fear and uncertainty that entities inspire, as their true form is often unknown and unpredictable.

In some cases, entities are said to be able to possess or influence human beings, taking control of their thoughts and actions. This concept is often used in horror movies, with characters becoming possessed by demonic entities and going on killing sprees. While possession is a common trope in horror fiction, it is also a real phenomenon that has been documented by researchers and investigators of the paranormal.

One of the most famous cases of alleged possession is the story of Anneliese Michel, a young woman from Germany who believed she was possessed by demons. Despite receiving medical treatment, her condition continued to deteriorate until she died in 1976. The case has been the subject of numerous books and movies, and it continues to be debated among paranormal researchers and skeptics.

While the concept of an entity may seem far-fetched and fantastical, there are many people who claim to have had encounters with these beings. From eyewitness reports of UFO sightings to stories of demonic possession, the existence of entities continues to be a topic of fascination and debate.

One theory about the origin of entities is that they are interdimensional beings that exist in a realm outside of our own. This theory suggests that entities may be able to move between dimensions, appearing in our world for brief periods of time before disappearing again. While there is no scientific evidence to support this theory, it has become a popular explanation for the strange and inexplicable sightings that have been reported over the years.

Another theory about entities is that they are a manifestation of our collective consciousness. This theory suggests that entities are created by our own thoughts and beliefs, and that they exist in a sort of shared dream world. This idea has been explored in works of fiction such as the movie Inception, where characters are able to enter and manipulate dream worlds.

Whether or not entities actually exist is a matter of debate, and there is no concrete evidence to prove their existence. However, the concept of entities continues to be a source of fascination and fear for many people, and it has become a popular subject in the realm of paranormal investigation and research.

For those who believe in the existence of entities, there are many different approaches to dealing with them. Some people believe in the power of prayer or religious ritual to ward off evil entities, while others rely on scientific methods such as electromagnetic field detectors or infrared cameras to detect their presence.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the concept of entities continues to be a source of fascination and fear for many people. Whether they are interdimensional beings or manifestations of our own consciousness, the idea of powerful and malevolent forces beyond our understanding is a potent one, and it is likely to continue to captivate our imaginations for years to come.


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    KobraWritten by Kobra

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