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Discover the spine-chilling reality of Ohio's top 10 cryptids that are proven to exist

The actual existence of the top 10 terrifying cryptids from Ohio is confirmed

By Bob OliverPublished about a year ago 5 min read

It appears that Ohio is a hub of strange and mystical creatures, even more so than the world of Narnia. Creating a list of these bizarre cryptids was not difficult. Although the host, James, has not witnessed any of these creatures himself, he is eager to hear about any sightings from Ohio residents in the comments section. The top 10 terrifying cryptids from Ohio that actually exist are presented, starting with the Werewolf of Defiance. In the summer of 1972, Ted Davis and his co-worker Tom Jones encountered a large wolf-like creature while working on the Norfolk and Western Railway. The creature had a wooden board in its paws and hit Ted with it before running away. Similar sightings of this werewolf increased, causing panic among the locals. Next on the list is the Loveland Frog, a bipedal frog-like creature measuring up to four feet tall, with leathery skin, webbed fingers and toes, and large glowing eyes. The first sighting of this creature was reported in 1955, when a man saw three of them holding a wand-like device under a bridge. Ohio seems like a fantastical place, where one can encounter magical creatures like these frogs practicing magic under a bridge.

It seems like Ohio has more mysterious creatures than Narnia. Our host, James, presents the top 10 terrifying cryptids from Ohio that actually exist. First on the list is the Werewolf of Defiance, which was reportedly sighted by railroad workers in 1972. The Loveland Frog, a bipedal frog-like creature with leathery skin and webbed fingers, is also included. It has been sighted multiple times since its first report in 1955, including by police officers. The Melon Heads, small creatures with bulbous heads and distorted facial features, are said to have resulted from unethical experiments on orphans or a rare genetic disorder. The Lake Erie monster, or Bessie, is a large serpentine-like creature with a long neck and humpback, similar to the Loch Ness monster. The first reported sighting of Bessie was in 1973 by a duck hunter, and there have been numerous sightings since then.

Over the years, some eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen creatures swimming close to their boats or on the shore, while others have reported hearing strange sounds coming from the water. Despite many attempts to capture or study the creature, there is no concrete evidence of its existence. However, the legend of Bessie persists, and many people believe that there is something mysterious lurking beneath the surface of Lake Erie. When it comes to creatures that reside in the water, it seems plausible that many could be lurking in those murky depths.

The Mothman of Galia Count is a well-known cryptid with large, winged, and glowing red eyes. It was first reported in West Virginia in 1966, but one of the most famous sightings of this large flying insect was over the Silver Bridge that connected Point Pleasant, West Virginia, to the Village of Gallipolis, Ohio. This sighting happened just a year after the first reported Mothman sighting, and right around the time when the creature was spotted on the Silver Bridge, it collapsed. Some still believe that this mysterious cryptid was the one responsible. There have also been reported Mothman sightings before other big disasters, which has led some to speculate as to whether Mothman is a bad omen or if it appears as a warning of impending doom.

The Sasquatch-type creature known as "Orange Eyes" is famous for its glowing orange eyes. There have been reports of strange creatures with orange eyes lurking in Ohio, said to reside in the Riverside Cemetery before moving to the Woods by Mill Lake. Witnesses describe the creature as resembling a large bipedal humanoid with a muscular build and a hunched posture. Its eyes once again seem to emit an otherworldly glow. The creature is reportedly very fast and agile and has been known to vanish into thin air when pursued. Some locals believe that Orange Eyes is a Bigfoot-type creature, while others theorize that it may be a kind of supernatural being or extraterrestrial entity.

The Dogman is a bipedal wolf-like creature that stands between six and seven feet tall with a muscular build and a snarling dog-like face. Most Dogman reports come out of Michigan, but there have been sightings in Ohio as well. Witnesses have reported seeing the creature hunting in the woods, stalking prey, and even running across highways at high speeds. Some skeptics believe that the sightings may be misidentifications of known animals like bears or wolves, while others believe that the Dogman is a real undiscovered species that is yet to be officially documented by science.

The Crosswick Monster is a famous piece of Ohio Cryptid folklore. There is only one report of this cryptid, but it is quite the entertaining tale. The story goes that in 1882, two boys named Ed and Joe Lynch began hearing strange sounds coming from the tall grass of a bush behind them while they were fishing. Before they had time to think, a large four-legged lizard creature popped out from the bushes and began making its way towards them. The boys tried to make their escape, but it caught the 13-year-old Ed in its mouth and began dragging him towards a large hollowed-out tree. Three men heard the boys screaming and managed to make it to Ed's aid before he was pulled into the tree. Although he was badly injured, a group of around 60 men were formed with axes and clubs to try and slay the beast. The creature managed to escape, actually standing on its hind legs at one point, which was pretty horrifying.

A group pursued a creature that withdrew into a hole beneath a large hill of rocks. The creature was never seen again, but it was described as being black and white in color and around 12 feet in length.

The Minerva monster is one of the most well-known Sasquatch sightings in Ohio. In August 1978, the Caton family reported the first sighting of the creature in the village of Minerva. They saw a large, hairy creature in the Gravel Pit outside their property, weighing approximately 300 pounds. It soon became known as the Minerva monster, and the family encountered it on multiple occasions. They described seeing it peer through their kitchen window and even throw rocks at their home. The police saw large footprints around their property and a terrible smell in the air. Other locals also reported seeing a similar creature in and around the Minerva area at the same time.

The Ohio grassman, also known as Bigfoot, is Ohio's nickname for this large, hairy bipedal creature. Witnesses have reported hearing eerie vocalizations and howls from the woods and seeing large footprints that they believe belong to the creature. Described as standing between seven and nine feet tall with a muscular build and a human-like face, it gained widespread attention in the 1970s when multiple sightings were reported. Despite some skeptics dismissing the sightings as misidentifications of known animals or hoaxes, others believe that the grassman is a real, undiscovered species.


About the Creator

Bob Oliver

Bob is a versatile writer & communicator passionate about exploring diverse topics & perspectives. I have written for various media outlets. And I believes in using words to inspire positive change. #writing #communication #passion

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