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Curious Little Things

Oh, you're already gone.

By Casey CastroPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Nick is the purple haired bloke. He's seven feet tall. I didn't draw this.

Nick was looking for Rex while out of camp, searching for his brother as he was simply nothing without him. Soon, he came across a couple interesting individuals much to his curiosity. As he walks along, he accidentally bumps into one of them, gently knocking them off kilter as he was a lumbering mass of pure unadulterated muscle. The other's instantly leap to their friends aid, screaming bloody murder, causing quite the dramatic scene. Nick didn't care, it mattered not to him what pitiful mortals thought of his movements, let alone the fact that they driveled away with energy that deeply disturbed him. He liked most people, he would've loved Isabelle, though, inadvertently, he would accidentally avenge her as he continued on his way. One of them, the one called Zipper, ran up behind him and tried to stab him. Of course, Nick wasn't a normal being, he was a child of Chaos. Blessed with uncanny strength and durability, the blade breaks off his flesh and flings into the ground beside Betty, who then goes on wailing about how Nick just tried to kill her and how she would tell Connor on him. He didn't know this.. Connor. He merely wanted to find his brother. Soon, it escalated, Red pulling a bow from nowhere and firing off three flaming arrows, each snapping as they touched Nick's skin. This finally caught Nick's attention, he didn't much like the feeling of needles. He turned around and lumbered over to them, their faces aptly shrouded in fear as he stepped over. He spoke at a reasonable level, even straightened out and kept eye contact, his mother had always taught him that such was customary. "Please refrain from attacking me, I meant you no harm." He said, his voice awfully soothing if he did say so himself. Of course, the useless individuals that were known for beating our poor Isabelle until she couldn't stand, spitting on her body and calling her expletives would not take such a claim with anything more than a grain of salt. He stood there, bewildered as they tried to trip him up, Zipper and Red both hurting themselves with kicks to his legs. Soon, Four, the one that fell over due to his lumbering gargantuan size, would join in. Four's punches were actually felt, though, it was a minimalistic feeling for Nick. Then, Four caught Nick in the nose. Now, with any living being, on any realm of existence, the nose being hit would hurt like hell. If the force was correct, the nose would cause excruciating, eye watering pain with such an impact. Nick never liked pain. As soon as the punch connected, Nick's face grew horrid with ire, his purple and pink eyes glowed in the sunlight. Once he gathered himself, a dome of disgusting pinkish energy formed around him, around the group. Four, Betty, Zipper and Red, all realized that they had just made a monumental mistake. The dome grew eyes of sickly purple, dark and disgusting beams of light shining in on Nick to create a spotlight for our boy. Soon, he raised his arm, albeit quite slowly, to grab Four by the throat. Four was terrified, it was obvious because as soon as Nick started moving, Four froze. Soon, Four was six feet off the ground, screaming bloody murder as Nick slowly but surely squeezed Four's throat. Nick did not know restraint. The flesh of Four's throat was screaming under Nick's pressure, his massive hand wrapping perfectly around Four's throat while he did his deed. Four's eyes rolled into their head as their air disappeared from their lungs and body, tears rolling down their cheeks as his fist squeezed. Their mouths foamed and soon, that was it for Four. Their flesh burst with the muscles that once maintained their breathing, their teeth stained with red as they had been spitting up blood the entire time. Nick then took Four in their cold, lifeless splendor, the vertebrae that had been turned to dust slowly falling from their mouth, into his arms, consuming Four completely. His eyes widened with pleasure, his muscular unkempt form bulged with energy, and he was not done yet. He grabbed Betty, who he hated the most, by her hair, placing his free hand on her shoulders before tearing her scalp from her head with all of her hair. He then ate the flesh and hair while the dome filled with screams of bloody murder and heresy. Then, he grabbed poor Betty by the head, his massive hand wrapping around her head like it's a golf ball, squeezing until the screaming stopped. Until Betty's head no longer hindered his consumption. Then Betty was gone. Zipper and Red stood in horror the entire time, Zipper sat there, staring as if he were ready to make a decision, staring as if he had a chance. Red banged at the dome, screaming as loudly as she could, hoping to the Gods, to Chronos, to whatever higher power that she could escape this. Of course, this meant nothing to any Gods, this was inescapable. Nick was always a gentle giant, though his temper sometimes could get the better of him. He waited for Zipper to make a move, praying to Chaos that Zipper would surrender, that Zipper would be smart. Nick left that dome alone. Zipper ran for Nick, dashing around like the flash while he tried desperately to make some type of damage appear. It was all for naught as Nick simply stuck his hand out, catching Zipper by the face and watching as the g-forces of Zipper's movements made Zipper vomit up whatever tasteless food he consumed earlier, the vomit seeping from Nick's hand and completely drenching Nick's dress shoes, much to his dismay. Nick offered Zipper far more mercy than the others, knocking him out. Nick then lay Zipper on the ground flat, Red trying her hardest to avoid contact with the mired and psychotic being before her, flattening herself out against the dome. As he did this, four spikes made of the pure chaos energy he had control of spawned and floated. Sickening for Zipper to know that he would be pinned to the ground with Four's remains. The spikes flew into Zipper's hands and feet as they were positioned, splaying him out on the ground to look like a starfish. His screams were drowned out as Nick took a torturous approach, sticking Four's mouth to his like duct tape, only for Four to speak to him. "We-we shouldn't have hurt her. We shouldn't have hurt her." Their lips repeated a hundred times over, slowly getting more distorted and gruesome with every word. Zipper knew that this was the real Four, that Nick revived the sentience of the being he killed just to torture. Nick then grew a claw of pure energy, dragging it as lightly as he could across Zippers torso, only for the flesh to flower open like a spring time rose. Zipper couldn't scream, only stare, as he listened to the tormented and feverish screams of Four from his own face, his eyes slowly closing as his heart stopped. Did he deserve this? Yes. At least, Nick thought so. He did the same to Zipper as he did to the rest, the lifeless white-eyed corpse of Zipper disappearing into Nick's flesh, making his body bulge with muscle. That's when he turned to Red, mascara and red hair dye flowing down her face. Nick walked over to her, his trench coat dressed in viscera and muscular sinew from the debacle, telling her to stand with a voice that mimicked Zipper's and Fours. She did as told, looking up at Nick and pleading, begging, hoping that if there was a god, it would help her. There was. He didn't go to kill her though, he went in for a hug. He hugged her tight, hugged her close. He rubbed her back and calmed her down. He kneeled to meet her eye level and even kept eye contact, smiling. She smiled back, his big lumbering form meaning a lot more than she thought it would and then, she gave him another hug. He chuckled, told her everything would be alright, told her that her friends are okay, that she'd escape this. Every single word sounded genuine. Was he genuine? "Did he mean it? Would they come back? Could I hold them again? Could I kiss their cheeks and laugh on the way out of our favorite restaurant? Could I.. Could I kiss him again when he came back?" Red's thoughts spiraled in her mind like a tornado, filling her with euphoria as she remembered her old endeavors with her favorite people. Her old endeavors before Nick. He smiled at her and nodded, as if he could read her thoughts, her giving him one more big hug. A hug that was so warm and forthcoming with true unbridled love that it was hard to believe it ended. First, she couldn't feel her foot as she stepped away. her foot was sputtering blood onto the ground. "How did his hand get there without me feeling it?" That thought was drowned out by her screaming, pointing at her foot in disbelief as Nick leaned closer, stopping the blood by dragging his finger up to her knee, consuming every last bit of it. That was when Red realized that this was the end, that her friends weren't coming back, that Zipper couldn't treat her like he treated Betty. Her eyes plead with Nick's as he went, his deadpan and cold. As if he didn't even enjoy it. He stared her in the eyes while shushing her with one massive finger, her voice hitching as thread spawned in her lips, sewing them together. He truly had grown tired of all the screaming. He had consumed everything below the neck before her eyes went white. Just a lifeless, brown haired mess of a head lying on the ground, jaw hanging ajar. He took her by the teeth and dropped her into his mouth, those wide and milky eyes being the last the world would ever see of her. The dome disappeared, he whipped the blood from his trench coat, and all was normal again. Walking off, he sees his brother Rex, a truly unkempt bloke, very short temper on him. Nick waves, a smile on his face, how long has it been since he's seen Rex?


About the Creator

Casey Castro

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    CCWritten by Casey Castro

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