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Clue of the Forgotten stair case. Part 3.

more parts are coming.

By kelseyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Rena fell down all of the stairs. She got up and looked, and she saw nobody. Everything got silent, all you could hear is Rena breathing harder and harder, but then it started to slow down. Rena couldn't get up, she stayed their, silent, she didn't make a sound. All she could do is stare at the stairs in front of her.

10 minutes passed by. Rena got up, and ran out the house, and got on her bike and drove it to her best friend house to see if she was home from lunch with her rich mom. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Is anybody here?, its Rena". it was silent, she didn't think anybody was there, so she tried again. *KNOCK KNOCK, "HELLO??, IS ANYBODY HERE". Still silent, so Rena called her on the phone. She called her over 5 times, but every time she tried to call her, it went straight to voice mail. Rena called Chloe mom, straight to voice mail as well. "That is so weird, how come she isn't answering me, maybe they turned their phones off" Rena said to her self. So after that Rena went back to the school to see if Chloe mom had came and pick her up, and if she did then where.

*Gets back to the school*. Rena went to the front office. "How may i help you young lady", Mrs,berry said. "Hey um.. i was wondering if Chloe had went home before lunch, and if her mom had pick her up from here", Rena said. "Well ok, let me look into it Rena, you can sit over there and i will get back with you in 5 minutes", Mrs, Berry said. "Alright, thank you". Rena went back over to the seat and sat down until the lady called for her again. "Rena? Can you come over here?", Mrs, Berry said. Rena got up out her seat and went to Mrs, Berry while walking slowly. "So i was looking into it and it seems that Chloe did not leave with her mom for lunch, she did not get picked up after school either, neither did she ride the bus, so I don't know where she is, but i can try and call her, and her mom if you want", Mrs. Berry said. "Well you can try, that't very strange though, because Chloe told me that she had to go to lunch with her mom, and after she would call me, she would never lie to me, and if she didn't ride the bus, or if he mom never picked her up, then where would she go" Rena said. "

"I have no idea honey, I will give her and her mom a call, you can wait over there", Mrs, Berry said. Rena went back over to the seat and she sat there again in fear. Then it hit her , "Could she have gone to the old house" Rena said to her self, "But why would she do that if she did, i don't know, but i will go back there after i am done up here". Rena said to her self. "Rena? i tried to call them and both of there phones went straight to voice mail", Mrs. Berry said. "Ok, i am going to try and go to our favorite place to see if she is there", Rena said while looking worried. "Ok honey, let me know if you find her", Mrs, Berry said. "I will". Rena open the door and picked up her bike and went back to the old house, her heart was beating way to fast.

10 minutes later. "OK, i will just go over there on he step and open up the door and call out her name, then if i do not hear a word, then i will go back up the stairs again, and look through every room.", Rena said to her self. Rena walked on the steps and tried to open the door, but she couldn't, it wouldn't open. But it had open before so why would it not open now? Rena tried again, she gave up then went over to the old nasty window to look through it. She looked through it and she did not see anything, everything was black. "That't weird, when i came here it had some light in the house", Rena said out loud.

"HELP ME, PLEASE SOMEBODY" Chloe said while in the house."Chloe? is that you". "HELP ME RENA" Chloe said again. Rena ran to the front door step and tried to open up the door once again but she couldn't. The door still wouldn't open, no matter how hard she tried. So she went over by the window and she tried to find something hard to throw at the window,but she couldn't find anything, so she used her fist. "CHLOE CAN YOU HEAR ME", Rena said. Everything was silent. To silent. Very silent. So silent you could hear the birds in the sky. Rena felt something breathing on her neck behind her. She turned around and it was the little girl holding an ax and a bucket beside her with a dress on.

Rena screamed as loud as she could and ran to the back of the house. The little girl ran behind her while screaming at Rena , asking her is she wanted to play . Rena was in the back of old house and she looked down at the ground and it was a handle to an under ground hide out. Rena open it and went under and closed the door her way in. Rena turned on a light and looked around, she saw bodies, there were bodies everywhere. It was bloody in there. The mouths on everybody was gone, it looked like they been cut off, and they had no eyes. Rena couldn't say a word.

All she could do is cry. Then she turned around and there she saw her mom. "WHAT IN THE WORLD" "AHHHHHHH" "NO MOM" Rena screamed. Her mom body looked like it been cut open. Rena fell to her knees and cried, she tried to open the door, but she couldn't get out. The door was locked shut. "HELPPPPP" Rena screamed, but nobody came. Everything was silent, till she heard kids playing, and singing "ring around the rosie". Rena slid back and put her hand over he mouth, and cried.


little girl.

About the Creator


hello, my name is Kelsey, and i am trying something new. I always had a taste in book, but i never really thought that i would try to make my own book, so lets try.

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