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Chapter 3 The Haunting of Carver Asylum - Shadows of the Past and Whispers of the Unseen

Shadows of the Past and Whispers of the Unseen

By Dr. Jason BenskinPublished 5 days ago 4 min read
Chapter 3 The Haunting of Carver Asylum - Shadows of the Past and Whispers of the Unseen
Photo by Alekon pictures on Unsplash

With the spirits freed and the asylum seemingly at peace, Detective Mark Halloway and Dr. Evelyn Carter could finally exhale. However, the mystery of Riley’s disappearance lingered in their minds, unresolved and unsettling.

Back at the police station, Mark sifted through the files and reports, searching for any overlooked clues. Evelyn, meanwhile, revisited Riley’s footage, analyzing every frame for hidden messages. As she paused on a particularly distorted segment, something caught her eye — a fleeting image of Riley, her face contorted in terror, followed by an obscure symbol etched into the wall behind her.

“Evelyn, I think I found something,” Mark said, entering the room with a thick folder. “Leland’s notes mention a hidden journal. It’s supposed to contain his final experiment and could provide more insight into what really happened to Riley.”

Evelyn’s eyes widened. “If we can find that journal, it might lead us to her.”

Determined, they returned to the asylum, this time heading to the director’s office, which had been untouched in their previous search. The room was filled with dust-covered relics of a bygone era — ancient furniture, faded photographs, and a massive, ornately carved desk that dominated the space.

Evelyn began to search the desk meticulously, opening each drawer and examining its contents. She finally found a false bottom in one of the drawers, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside lay an old, leather-bound journal, its pages yellowed with age.

“This must be it,” she whispered, carefully opening the journal.

The entries detailed Leland’s descent into madness, his obsession with crossing the boundaries between life and death consuming him entirely. The final pages described a ritual to summon an entity he believed could grant him ultimate knowledge and power. But it also spoke of a terrible price — the entity demanded a living soul as a conduit.

“Riley,” Mark said, his voice grim. “She must have unwittingly become part of his final experiment.”

Suddenly, the room’s temperature dropped, and an oppressive silence fell over them. The shadows seemed to deepen, and the whispers returned, more insistent than ever.

“You should not have come back,” a voice hissed, filled with malice.

Mark and Evelyn turned to see a figure materializing before them — a grotesque amalgamation of tortured souls, with Leland’s face twisted in a rictus of malevolent glee.

“Leland,” Evelyn gasped, clutching the journal tighter.

“You cannot stop me,” the apparition snarled. “The ritual is incomplete. The girl is mine.”

Mark stepped forward, his resolve hardening. “We’re not leaving without Riley.”

Drawing on their previous experience, Evelyn began to chant a protective incantation, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her. The symbols on the walls glowed once more, pushing back the darkness.

Leland’s apparition recoiled, its form flickering as if struggling to maintain its presence. “You are too late,” it hissed. “She is beyond your reach.”

Mark and Evelyn refused to relent, their combined voices rising in defiance. The glow intensified, and with a final, anguished scream, Leland’s form disintegrated, leaving behind an echo of his torment.

The oppressive atmosphere lifted, replaced by a serene stillness. Mark and Evelyn took a moment to catch their breath, the journal still clutched in Evelyn’s hands.

“We have to find her,” Mark said, breaking the silence.

Evelyn nodded, flipping through the journal again. “There might be something in here that can guide us.”

They scoured the remaining pages, finding cryptic references to an “anchor” — a focal point that connected Riley to the realm of the entity. “It’s got to be somewhere in the asylum,” Evelyn mused.

Returning to the asylum’s labyrinthine corridors, they followed the clues pieced together from the journal. It led them to the basement, a place even darker and more foreboding than the rest of the asylum. The air was thick with the scent of mildew and decay, the faint sound of dripping water echoing through the halls.

At the end of a long corridor, they found a door covered in more of the strange symbols. Evelyn took a deep breath, pushing it open to reveal a chamber illuminated by a dull, otherworldly light. In the center, Riley lay unconscious, surrounded by a circle of arcane symbols.

Mark rushed to her side, checking her pulse. “She’s alive,” he said, relief flooding his voice.

Evelyn began to erase the symbols, breaking the ritual’s hold. As the last symbol was wiped away, Riley stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

“Where am I?” she murmured, disoriented.

“You’re safe now,” Mark reassured her, helping her to her feet.

As they made their way out of the asylum, the oppressive weight that had lingered over the place seemed to lift. The spirits had found peace, and with Riley rescued, the sinister chapter of Leland’s experiments was finally closed.

Mark and Evelyn knew that while the asylum’s mysteries had been laid to rest, their own journey was far from over. They had faced darkness and emerged victorious, but the world was vast and filled with unknown terrors. Together, they were ready to face whatever came next.


About the Creator

Dr. Jason Benskin

I am a dedicated writer whose work delves into the depths of human emotion and experience with a unique voice and an eye for detail.

My goal is to craft writing that resonate with readers on a profound level.

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Comments (1)

  • shanmuga priya5 days ago

    That's great Mark and Evelyn rescued Riley.... It's really interesting that I read chapter 1,2 before starting to read 3..... it's a chilling tale.....😊😊😊

Dr. Jason BenskinWritten by Dr. Jason Benskin

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