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Black magic haram in Islam

Haram black magic

By mozin khanPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Black magic, also known as sorcery or witchcraft, has always been considered haram (forbidden) in Islam. The teachings of Islam strictly prohibit practicing black magic and associating oneself with it. This story revolves around a young man named Ahmed, who found himself entangled in the dark world of black magic and its consequences.

Ahmed was a well-educated and religious man from a small village. He prayed regularly and had a deep understanding of Islamic teachings. However, he was always curious about the realms beyond the ordinary. One day, when he stumbled upon an ancient book hidden in his grandfather's study, his curiosity got the better of him.

The book contained information about black magic, its rituals, and the power it bestowed upon its practitioners. Ahmed was intrigued by the idea of mastering supernatural abilities and controlling the fate of others. As he delved deeper into the book, he began experimenting with small spells out of sheer curiosity.

Initially, Ahmed’s attempts seemed harmless. He would occasionally enchant objects or recite spells out of curiosity, believing it to be nothing serious. But as he continued, his newly acquired powers began to consume him. The whispers of the demonic forces, the feeling of superiority, all started to take a dark toll on his mental and physical well-being.

Soon, Ahmed's actions caught the attention of the local religious scholars. They realized that he was involved in something forbidden and decided to confront him. A group of them visited Ahmed's house and managed to find evidence of his involvement in black magic.

Overwhelmed by guilt, Ahmed confessed his actions to the scholars. He expressed remorse for allowing curiosity to guide him down an immoral path. The scholars advised him to immediately stop practicing black magic and seek repentance from Allah. They warned him about the severe consequences of his actions and how it could ultimately destroy his life and those around him.

Ahmed took their advice seriously and decided to put an end to his involvement with black magic. He destroyed all the books and objects associated with dark rituals and sought forgiveness from Allah. He spent countless nights in prayer, seeking guidance, and pleading for mercy.

Over time, Ahmed's life began to change. He started distancing himself from the forbidden arts and focused on purifying his soul. He dedicated himself to learning more about Islam, seeking knowledge, and spreading goodness within the community. The locals admired his transformation and began to trust him once again.

However, the consequences of Ahmed's actions weren't so easily resolved. The people affected by his black magic spells, knowingly or unknowingly, suffered greatly. Families were torn apart, lives were ruined, and relationships were shattered due to the dark forces unleashed by Ahmed's experiments.

Witnessing the devastation caused by his actions, Ahmed became determined to make amends. He visited the families affected by his spells and sincerely apologized for the pain he had caused. He offered his help and support to mend the broken relationships and heal the wounds caused by his involvement in black magic.

Gradually, Ahmed's acts of compassion and sincere repentance earned him forgiveness from the affected families and the local community. People saw the depth of his remorse and were willing to give him a second chance. Ahmed became an advocate against black magic, warning others about its dangers and advising them to stay away from its temptations.

This story reminds us of the significance of adhering to Islamic teachings and refraining from engaging in forbidden acts. It teaches us that curiosity, if not grounded in the principles of Islam, can lead us astray. Ahmed's journey serves as a cautionary tale, warning of the inevitable consequences one may face when dabbling in black magic. Ultimately, through sincere repentance and striving for goodness, Ahmed managed to redeem himself and find his way back to the path of righteousness.


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    MKWritten by mozin khan

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