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Egyptian black magic story

Egyptian black

By mozin khanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Egypt, there lived a young and talented magician named Amun. Amun came from a long line of magical practitioners who were known for their powerful spells and enchantments. However, Amun was not satisfied with the usual magic that was practiced in Egypt. He yearned for something deeper, something darker – the forbidden art of black magic.

Amun had always been intrigued by the stories he heard about the ancient black magic spells that were rumored to exist. It was said that these spells could grant unimaginable power and control over the forces of nature. But, in order to acquire such power, one had to pay a heavy price. The consequences of dabbling in black magic were dire, and only those who were truly brave or truly foolish dared to explore its depths.

Unable to resist the allure any longer, Amun delved into the forbidden texts that contained the secrets of black magic. He spent hours, days, and nights studying the ancient incantations and rituals. Slowly, but surely, he began to understand the essence of this forbidden art.

One fateful night, under the cover of darkness, Amun decided to test his newfound knowledge. He ventured into a secluded cave, known to be a place where supernatural forces lingered. Carrying a black candle, a voodoo doll, and a vial of blood, Amun began to chant the dark incantation.

With each word he uttered, a chill ran down his spine. The air around him grew heavy with an eerie silence, as if the world itself had stopped breathing. Suddenly, a shadowy figure materialized before Amun, a figure with glowing red eyes and a wicked grin.

"You have summoned me, young magician," the figure hissed, his voice dripping with malice.

Amun's heart raced with both excitement and fear. He had succeeded in calling forth a powerful entity, but he had also opened the door to a dangerous realm. Steeling himself, Amun explained his desires to the entity.

"I seek ultimate power, the ability to control the very fabric of existence," Amun declared boldly.

The figure chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Amun's spine. "Very well, young magician," he replied. "But understand that power comes with a price. Are you willing to pay it?"

Amun hesitated only for a moment before nodding resolutely. He knew the risks involved, but his thirst for power was too great to ignore. The entity, satisfied with his response, unleashed a powerful surge of black energy that washed over Amun, engulfing him completely.

In that moment, Amun felt an indescribable surge of power course through his veins. His magical abilities skyrocketed, and spells that were once difficult became effortless. He could control the elements, bend reality to his will, and even command the spirits that roamed the earthly plane.

However, as the days turned into weeks, Amun began to realize the true cost of his black magic. The power he had acquired came at a heavy price – his soul. The entity that had granted him this otherworldly magic started to demand favors. Each request grew darker and more sinister than the last. It wanted souls, innocent lives to be sacrificed in return for Amun's continued power.

Tormented by his own choices, Amun found himself torn between the insatiable desire for power and the torment of his conscience. He had become a puppet of the entity, a slave to his own greed and ambition.

Realizing that he had gone too far, Amun sought the help of an ancient order of magical beings known as the Guardians of Light. With their guidance, he managed to break free from the entity's grip and cleanse himself of the dark magic that had consumed his soul.

But the scars of his past choices would never truly fade. Amun spent the rest of his days repenting for his sins. He used his remaining magical abilities to bring light and happiness to the people of Egypt, hoping to make amends for the darkness he once embraced.

Thus, the tale serves as a reminder to all who seek power – sometimes, the price we pay is too high, and the darkness within us can be far more terrifying than any spell we cast.


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    MKWritten by mozin khan

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