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Alone on the Ocean

Last Alive

By L. A. McCulloughPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Alone on the Ocean
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Entry One 14/06/1719

A castaway, I have been adrift, no oars, no navigation, just some rations and the endless ocean for two days. My ship sank and my fellow crewmen are presumably dead. When we fell under attack, I had readied a lifeboat and what rations I could. As everyone was preparing to abandon ship, a cannonball struck our mast which toppled and forced the lifeboat I was in to fall. When my small boat struck the water, the oars flew out and became lost to me. While the pirates murdered my crewmen, raided and sunk our ship, I drifted away...silently.

Now, my fate seems to be no better than that of my comrades as I will likely die of dehydration if I am to drift for much longer. The nights are bitterly cold and the days are scorching. I have a canvas that I attempt to use as shelter, but if there is a mild wind, my small vessel is likely to capsize. Nevertheless, I hold out hope that a friendly ship will come across me and I will be saved. If a pirated ship comes across me, then I may as well have died with my crew.

Entry Two 15/06/1719

I do not know if it was my mind playing tricks on me but I am sure I saw the light of a ship's lantern last night far off on the horizon. It was well in the distance; I called as loud as my breath would allow, but it was to no avail. I had hoped it was headed towards me but it must’ve drifted passed me as I dozed, far enough away from them to go unnoticed.

Entry Three 16/06/1719

I must be going mad. Again, I awoke to see the light of a ship’s lantern but it appeared brighter as if it were closer to me. It could not have been the same ship as it is not possible I could gain on a ship while adrift. It must be my mind willing an orange star to be a ship lantern, as at best, I have only a few days of food left.

Entry Four 17/06/1719

Surely I am mad or damned. Not only could I make out the light from a lantern but in the moonlight I saw the shape of a ship as well. There was no mistake as to whether I was simply seeing orange starlight. Once again, I called until my voice would no longer carry, but there was no sign I was heard.

Entry Five 18/06/1719

Last night I woke to a foul stench in the air. Again I could see the lantern of a ship, again I could make out the shape of a ship, but I dared not call. The stench smelled of death; surely this ship would not have saved me even if I were seen. This ship would have guaranteed my demise.

Entry Six 19/06/1719

I feel the devil is taunting me. Last night I barely slept; the stench of death crept in as the sun set and lingered until morning light rose. There was a ship...it crept closer to me as the night went on, but now I am certain. That ship is what is damned and it is coming for me as my end nears.

I have run out of food as I expected and am near the end of my water too. I am hoping I am saved or dead before the ship of the damned reaches me. At this moment, I fear what may be on it more than I fear my death. If I am saved or if anyone sees these words after I am gone, know that I am now sure I am not imagining these visions and smells.

Entry Seven 20/06/1719

I was glad to have an empty stomach, as the wretched stench was far stronger tonight, and any contents in it would have been lost. I am now being taunted and I am hearing my name being called. Not clearly, but raspily and wet, as if it is being drowned and choked. I did not look to see if there was or wasn’t a ship. I hid; I hid under a canvas and prayed that I would not meet the Hell that is on that ship. Tomorrow I am likely to run out of water and then I am simply waiting to die or become mad enough to drink from the ocean. I have contemplated jumping in the ocean in hopes to end this now, but I still hold a small hope I will be saved.

Entry Eight 21/06/1719

They were near me...calling my name. I could hear the waves against the side of their ship. Again I hid, unwilling to look my nightmare in the eye. I am so thirsty. This damned sun has given me no reprieve. In truth, this would have been blessed sailing weather with no cloud in sight since I have been on my own. That also means if there had been a real ship in existence, during the day it would have seen me without a doubt. I am bound to not last much longer now that I have run out of all supplies.

Entry Nine 22/06/1719

If, by a miracle, this boat does not capsize and this journal is found, know that I am dead and my body will likely never be found. Last night, the ship was beside mine. Not just one gnarled, drowning voice was calling for me, but many. Finally I could not take it any longer, so I emerged from my hiding under the canvas and shouted in rage for these creatures to either kill me or leave me alone.

As I was yelling, the moonlight caught the faces of the ship’s occupants and I immediately heaved. Peering down at me were the disfigured bodies… rotted, sun scorched flesh of what had been my fellow crewmates. Some of them had dismembered limbs, others were disemboweled but my captain stared down with a dislocated jaw and a slit throat. They continued to stare and I began to weep. After a few moments I composed myself and asked what they wanted; why was I being haunted? My captain, with gurgled words made out “We *gurgle* are waiting *gurgle* for you *gasp* to join us…”

I know I am doomed and am throwing myself into the ocean where I belong. To join my crew mates and end this nightmare.


About the Creator

L. A. McCullough

I work in the human services and have always enjoyed creative writing but never shared any of my previous work with people. I have a hobby making soy wax candles, I enjoy being physically active and love nature and hiking in the mountains.

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