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A look at some of the most haunted locations in America

The details surrounding three of the most spooky locations in the US.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
A look at some of the most haunted locations in America
Photo by Rythik on Unsplash

People differ on how to handle the supernatural

I grew up in a home and community where everyone went to the same Baptist Church. We were taught the power in the Name of Jesus and to tell evil spirits to go in His Name and not tolerate them. Others have differnt views on the supernatural and some embrace it and even search for it. I had a pastor once who said that he would not co-exist in a house with evil and would tell it to leave.

He sid if he encountered demons or evil spirits on someone else's property he did not have the authority to send the spirits packing but would be "prayed up" so they would recognize the power in him and not try anything as long as he was around.

This is why I look at allegedly haunted locations and wonder why no one who had the authority had not cast out the spirits. Some people embrace them but I take the same stand as my former pastor. I do, however, enjoy sharing the stories of the supernatural and history and respect that everyone does not share my views or do it my way. This is why I am sharing the tales of what are considered the most haunted places in America.

Larue Mansion

The LaLaurie Mansion, in New Orleans, Louisiana

Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie was a Louisiana socialite. She was well known for hosting ritzy soirees in her lavish French Quarter mansion in N during the early 19th century. Guests binged on fine food and champagne, and were unaware of the grisly scenes that was taking place two stories above. They wined adined ed and stuffed themselves oblivious to the horro that was unfolding.

In 1834 local police responded to a kitchen fire at the Larue Mansion where they discovered the bodies of several horribly mutilated enslaved people in the attic. When the public learned of LaLaurie’s grotesque secret, a mob stormed the house, prompting her to flee to France. Soon after LaLaurie disappeared from New Orleans, people claimed to hear the phantom screams of her victims spilling from the house in the dead of night.

Shanghai tunnel

The Shanghai Tunnels, in Portland, Oregon

Portland, one of the most dangerous ports in the U.S. during the early 19th century, was the epicenter of an illicit maritime practice known as shanghaiing, a form of human trafficking.

According to local folklore, swindlers preyed upon unsuspecting men in local saloons, which many times had been outfitted with trapdoors that dropped the victims directly into a devious network of underground tunnels. The Underground Railroad was set up to free enslaved African Americans but these tunnels were created to keep prisoners captive. The men were allegedly drugged, and eventually transported to the waterfront.

This is where they were sold to ships as unpaid laborers. Some of them worked for several years before finally making their way back home. The tunnels are now said to be haunted by the angry spirits of the captives who died in the dark recesses beneath Portland.

Teh Queen Mary

Queen Mary, in Long Beach, California

The Queen Mary is a retired ocean liner who sailed the Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967. The Queen Mary carried dignitaries and Hollywood celebrities, from 1936-1938. These included Elizabeth Taylor, General Dwight Eisenhower, and Audrey Hepburn. In 1939 the luxury liner was stripped of its amenities and was turned into a World War II troopship nicknamed the “Grey Ghost” When teh war ended the ship was restored to its former glory and traveled the Atlantic for nearly two more decades.

On Halloween 1967, the Queen Mary departed on its last cruise, eventually docking in Long Beach, California, its final resting place. The ship is reportedly haunted by the spirits of those who died aboard, including the young sailor crushed to death by a door in the engine room and a crew member murdered in cabin B340.

Although I cannot tell spirits on the property of another to leave I believe they will not manifest in my presence if I am aware of the situation and spiritually prepared. Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this story consider leaving a struggling widow a tip.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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  • Mika Oka8 months ago

    Although I cannot tell spirits on the property of another to leave I believe they will not manifest in my presence if I am aware of the situation and spiritually prepared- How do you spiritually prepare yourself for this?

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