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A list of the 10 most frightening demons summoned by teenagers.

The Dark Side of Teenage Curiosity: Unleashing the Most Terrifying Demons Through Summoning Rituals

By Bob OliverPublished about a year ago 7 min read

In my opinion, there are two types of people in the world: those who would never summon a demon even in a life-or-death situation, like myself, and those who summon demons just because. Today's list is composed of the latter type of people. So, without further ado, I recommend subscribing to this channel and Top 10 Hindi Videos because they offer great content, in another language with subtitles, and with me. What's not to like?

Now, let's get to the main topic: Top 10 Teens Who Summoned a Scary Demon. We'll begin with Ronald Doe, which is not his real name, but his story is likely familiar to many due to its portrayal in The Exorcist book and movie. Ronald was an only child who grew up in the 1940s and was very close to his spiritualist aunt, who taught him how to use a ouija board.

After his aunt's death, Ronald attempted to contact her through the ouija board but instead reached a malevolent demon. Strange events started occurring, such as water dripping from the walls, scratching sounds, and levitating potted plants. Ronald underwent multiple exorcisms, and during one, he even used a bedspring to slice a priest's arm.

Other priests witnessed Ronald speaking in tongues, his bed shaking, and his inability to tolerate sacred objects

At number 9, we have Elizabeth Knapp, a 16-year-old servant living in the strict Christian Puritan society of the 1670s. Knapp confessed later on that she made a deal with the devil for three years as an act of rebellion, but it ended up badly for her. She began to show signs of possession such as body pains, feeling strangled, hysterical laughter, and hallucinations. She would talk in a deep voice and make animal noises, and even saw a man floating around her bed and two people walking around her. Her fits became more violent whenever the Reverend was present, and she tried to throw herself into the fire. During one episode, she had to be held down by four people. She claimed that the devil wanted her to kill herself and the family she worked for, but she couldn't do it. At one point, she had a fit that lasted for two straight days and went into a catatonic state afterwards. According to the Reverend's journal, he witnessed everything that was happening to her, which is surprising because one would expect him to fire her instead of keeping her around him and his family.

Number 8 on our list is about Zelda, but it has nothing to do with the popular video game, so don't get too excited. This story is from a Reddit user named "pipe bomb dreams" who used a Ouija board to communicate with a demon or spirit. They ended up contacting a being named Zelda, who didn't say much other than repeatedly spelling her name. However, after summoning her, strange things began to happen around their home. The radio would randomly switch to static, they heard knocking on the walls and footsteps on the stairs. They even found a contact on their phone with the name "Zzzzz" but it had their own phone number saved as the contact. When they clicked on the contact, they found a pending drafted message that simply had the letter A, and the autocorrect suggested "Zelda" for A. It wasn't a malevolent demon, but it never allowed the person to summon anyone else. The user stopped using the Ouija board, and the strange occurrences stopped as well. It's probably one of the most harmless demons or spirits ever encountered.

At number 7, we have the story of Clara Germana Cele, a baptized orphan of South African descent, who allegedly made a pact with Satan at the age of 16, and began exhibiting strange powers, such as speaking foreign languages, becoming clairvoyant, and displaying superhuman strength, which she used to throw nuns around the convent. Her presence caused extreme discomfort in the nuns, and her screams were described as animalistic and terrifying. The story of Ithaca College, which takes our number 6 spot, was shared by a Reddit user who recounted a friend's experience with a mysterious corkboard in a building on campus. Staring at the board caused the friend to feel cold and unable to breathe, and his friends were also affected, with one friend being described as "ice-cold." The building's location and the presence of numerous student obituaries and missing student flyers on the corkboard, along with rumors of demonic activity on campus, suggest a possible connection to demonic forces.

Now, at number 6, is Ithaca College. This story was shared by Reddit user hypertrophic masseter, and he recalls a story his friend told him. During his friend's college years, at about 18 or 19 years old, he and three other friends were in a part of the campus that had a lot of old gothic-looking architecture. They entered one building and found one wall to be covered with a 40-foot-long corkboard, and it happened to be a lot darker than the rest of the building. He stared at the board and felt colder than he ever had in his life and then became unable to breathe. Thinking he was about to die, he mustered up some strength from deep within and managed to snap out of it and hit his friend who seemed to be in the same trance-like state he was in. But his friend was ice cold. When they ran off to find their other friends, they said the boys had been staring at the wall for 20 minutes, not the 1 minute they thought had passed.

At number 5, we have the Charlie Charlie Challenge, a game that gained popularity on social media in 2015. It is a remake of the Spanish game "Juego de la Capicera" where two pencils are placed on top of each other to form a cross, and "no" and "yes" are written in the four quadrants. The game is played by asking questions, similar to a Ouija board, without the involvement of spirits. However, when kids started playing and addressing a supposed spirit or demon named Charlie, things took a turn for the worse. By May of that year, four high school students in Columbia were hospitalized because they started babbling and screaming after playing the game. Schools in different countries across the Caribbean reported similar symptoms, such as fainting, trance states, and confusion after students played the game. In June, several students were apparently possessed by the devil at the Juan Pablo Duarte Primary School in the Dominican Republic.

At number 4, we have the story of Billy and Clare, shared by Reddit user "strangethrowaway1023". The user summoned a demon, or at least prayed to one, in exchange for revenge on someone named Billy. The user prayed and tried to summon a demon every night for a few weeks, hoping it would grant them a favor. The favor was for Billy to fall into a hole and break his leg. The user claimed that they offered the demon a favor of any kind that was within their capability, which the demon could cash in at any time. About a month later, Billy fell into a hole and broke his leg. The user then sought revenge on someone else named Clare, which was also granted about a month later. The user claims that the demon has not cashed in either of the favors, but they are hoping that God will help them get out of the situation. It is important to note that the names used by the user are not the real names of the people involved, and the punishments mentioned are not the exact punishments that the user asked for.

At number 3, we have Anna Ecklund, or Emma Schmidt, as her real name. This case is considered the most extensive and longest possession case in history. Born in 1882, Emma displayed signs of possession during her early teenage years, believed to be due to her aunt Mina, who was a witch. Mina reportedly placed summoning spells on herbs in Emma's food. Emma became averse to holy objects and could no longer enter a church. She underwent her first exorcism in 1912, which was quite painless. However, her second exorcism in 1928 lasted from August to December and was more severe. She hissed, threw fits, levitated, and even howled when she was given food sprinkled with holy water. During the exorcism, she stopped eating and started vomiting tobacco leaves and other herbs. She also spoke in multiple languages, and her head swelled up. They concluded that she was possessed by several entities, including Judas Iscariot, Emma's aunt Mina, and her father Jacob, who cursed her with Mina after she refused his sexual advances as a child.

At number 2, we have Estefania Lazaro, whose story inspired the Netflix movie Veronica. While in school, Estefania developed an interest in the occult, and after her friend's boyfriend died in a car crash, she staged a seance with her friends to try and contact him. However, the ritual was interrupted by a teacher, and everyone saw smoke come out of Estefania's nose and mouth. Afterward, she started having hallucinations and seizures for the next six months, going into a rage and seeing evil shadows walking past her room or barking at her brothers. Doctors found nothing wrong with her, but she was later found dead in her bedroom with no explanation. Her parents suspected that the ouija board incident had something to do with her death, as strange things started happening around the house afterward, such as whispers, appliances turning on and off, and doors slamming.

At number one on our list is the Ammons family. In 2011, Latoya Ammons moved into a new house with her mother and three children. A few days after moving in, an unusual amount of flies started swarming their porch and wouldn't leave. This event led some to believe that her children, ages 12, 9, and 7, may have summoned a demon while playing around online. Strange events followed, such as doors creaking and opening, footsteps in the basement, and even seeing a man pacing in the living room. One of her daughter's friends claimed to have witnessed her levitating during a sleepover. Her youngest son began saying threatening phrases while his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and her middle son was even thrown across the room. The Department of Child Services even witnessed her youngest son walking up a wall backwards. The demon, believed to be Beelzebub, was exorcized from the family after three attempts.

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About the Creator

Bob Oliver

Bob is a versatile writer & communicator passionate about exploring diverse topics & perspectives. I have written for various media outlets. And I believes in using words to inspire positive change. #writing #communication #passion

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    Bob OliverWritten by Bob Oliver

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