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A house no one lives in.

A creepy story of a house.

By Janita KhalidPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once a grand and imposing mansion, the old house at the end of the street had been left to rot for years, shrouded in a thick veil of mystery and rumors of strange occurrences. Some said that the house was haunted by the spirits of its former occupants, who had met a gruesome end. Others claimed that the house was cursed, and that anyone who entered its walls would never come out.

One day, a group of curious teenagers decided to explore the abandoned house, eager to uncover its secrets and prove their bravery to each other. They broke through the old, rusted gate and made their way into the decaying mansion, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

At first, everything seemed normal. The air was musty and stale, and the furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs. But as they ventured deeper into the house, strange things began to happen.

The doors slammed shut by themselves, trapping them in the rooms. Shadows moved on the walls, taking on eerie shapes that seemed to be alive. Cold drafts blew through the corridors, carrying the sound of whispering voices.

And then, the ghosts appeared. Pale, translucent figures, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light, they floated towards the terrified teenagers, their moans echoing through the silent house.

The teenagers tried to run, but the house seemed to be alive, twisting and changing around them, its corridors shifting and leading them into dead ends. They were trapped, alone with the ghosts of the past, who wanted revenge for the wrongs done to them.

The night wore on, and the teenagers screamed in terror, their minds slowly giving way to the horror that surrounded them. They had entered the abandoned house seeking thrills, but they would never leave it alive. The house had claimed them, its walls and spirits feeding on their fear and terror, their bodies never to be found.

Days passed, and the townspeople grew worried about the missing teenagers. They searched high and low, but the abandoned house remained untouched, its secrets locked away behind its decaying walls.

But then, one night, a group of locals heard strange noises coming from the old mansion. Cautiously, they approached the house, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. And there, in the middle of the hallway, they saw them: the ghosts of the missing teenagers, still trapped in the house, still screaming in terror.

The locals ran from the abandoned house, never to return. And the mansion remained, a cursed and haunted place, a warning to those who dared to enter its walls.Once a grand and imposing mansion, the old house at the end of the street had been left to rot for years, shrouded in a thick veil of mystery and rumors of strange occurrences. Some said that the house was haunted by the spirits of its former occupants, who had met a gruesome end. Others claimed that the house was cursed, and that anyone who entered its walls would never come out.

One day, a group of curious teenagers decided to explore the abandoned house, eager to uncover its secrets and prove their bravery to each other. They broke through the old, rusted gate and made their way into the decaying mansion, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

At first, everything seemed normal. The air was musty and stale, and the furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs. But as they ventured deeper into the house, strange things began to happen.

The doors slammed shut by themselves, trapping them in the rooms. Shadows moved on the walls, taking on eerie shapes that seemed to be alive. Cold drafts blew through the corridors, carrying the sound of whispering voices.

And then, the ghosts appeared. Pale, translucent figures, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light, they floated towards the terrified teenagers, their moans echoing through the silent house.

The teenagers tried to run, but the house seemed to be alive, twisting and changing around them, its corridors shifting and leading them into dead ends. They were trapped, alone with the ghosts of the past, who wanted revenge for the wrongs done to them.

The night wore on, and the teenagers screamed in terror, their minds slowly giving way to the horror that surrounded them. They had entered the abandoned house seeking thrills, but they would never leave it alive. The house had claimed them, its walls and spirits feeding on their fear and terror, their bodies never to be found.


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    JKWritten by Janita Khalid

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