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A Horror Story ... !!!

The Antique Doll

By Hasanthi HemachandraPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

It was the morning of Lucy's birthday when her mother woke her with a surprise. A package had arrived in the mail, addressed to her.

Excitement filled her as she eagerly unwrapped the gift, but her joy turned to shock when she beheld the strange contents: a decrepit antique doll. The doll was completely bald, its skin cracked and encrusted with dirt. Most unsettling were its teeth, long and pointed, resembling the fangs of a fearsome creature.

Lucy shuddered and impulsively tossed the doll into a neglected corner.

Her mother scolded her, emphasizing that someone had gone to great lengths to send her this antique doll. Lucy's protests fell on deaf ears, and she was compelled to keep the doll. In an attempt to ease her discomfort, she reluctantly stashed it away in a small cupboard beneath the stairs, concealed behind a mound of shoes, where it wouldn't be in her sight.

Days passed, and Lucy's unease lingered. It wasn't until a few nights later, while nestled in her bed, that she heard an unsettling noise. A shuffling, dragging sound filled the silence, followed by hurried, scuttling footsteps. Fear coursed through Lucy as she lay motionless. Then, a faint, raspy voice whispered from below. Lucy, who always kept her bedroom door ajar with the landing light on, strained to make out the words. She heard, "Lucy, I'm on the fourth step," followed by more scrambling noises.

That night was a sleepless ordeal for Lucy, filled with mounting dread. When her mother roused her for school, Lucy, exhausted, tried to recount the night's events. Her mother dismissed it as a mere dream, leaving Lucy to question her own sanity.

The antique doll remained hidden in the cupboard under the stairs, just as Lucy had left it.

But as another night approached, Lucy's fear grew. She was determined to stay awake, but eventually, sleep overcame her.

Once again, the haunting voice roused her from slumber, declaring its presence on the fourth step.

This time, the voice was clearer, sending chills down Lucy's spine. A mysterious click echoed in the darkness, and Lucy trembled.

She thought she saw her bedroom door slowly creaking open.

Morning came, but Lucy did not. Her parents discovered her lifeless body at the foot of the stairs.

They assumed she had been on her way to the bathroom during the night and had met a tragic accident, breaking her neck in the fall.

Beside her lay the antique doll, which was interred with Lucy.

People mourned the young girl's untimely demise, and her mother remarked, "She loved that doll; now they can be together forever."


While she was receiving a strange parcel from the unknown, parents have to be concerned more than that. If so Lucy may alive longer than this date. The parents and all the children must have good communication and the communication gap should be least. Lucy had no person to share her ideas, feelings and emotions when she got afraid. Accordingly she had to face the fatal accident.

When she was trying to recount the night’s events to her mother, she neglected them easily. In my point of view mother should care even about a simple incident and she had to listen her children more patiently. She should allocate some time to hear the children. This is not a simple incident. There should be something behind that scenario. But the parents did not concern it.

I think this story will help not only the parents, all the human the way to control the children very carefully and children need much love, attention and person to share feelings and emotions with each other.

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    HHWritten by Hasanthi Hemachandra

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