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A Bus Stop Horror Story

a little bit story about bus station at the middle of night...

By A JolPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

This happened to me when I was 17...

I went to the gym three to four times per week and took the bus home.

It was a Sunday, and I'd just missed my bus, so I'd have to wait even longer for another.

I would have called my parents, but they were out of the house for the evening -

and cabs were more expensive...

So I chose to wait for the bus in the bus shelter.

It was a frigid night, and snow had just started to fall.

My bus was taking longer than usual, so I pulled out my phone and listened to music.

It had been almost an hour...

It was chilly outside, and I hadn't seen anyone.That was until I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye...

It was a frightening man clothed in thick layers of clothing, cautiously approaching me.

I knew that gazing at him would attract additional attention, so I concentrated on my phone.

He sat at the far end of the shelter and simply stared at me.

Something seemed strange about him...

He appeared to be either drunk or high.

"When is the bus due?" he inquired.

"I think it's delayed because of the snow," I remarked, pulling out my earbuds.

He glanced at me for a moment before grumbling to himself.

I pretended to be on my phone since he was starting to weird me out.

I took another look after a few minutes...

He'd gotten closer...

I averted my gaze for a few second before hearing the sound of him sliding closer.

"You okay there?" I asked, turning to face him.

He raised his arm and leaned towards me, his eyes gleaming.

As he collapsed to the ground, I grabbed my stuff and went.

I ran along the road, trying not to glance back.

I kept walking till I arrived at the next bus station.

I looked around to see if he was still there... he wasn't, so I went to sit down.

I laid my head against the back of the glass, relieved, and waited for the bus.

*knock knock knock knock* I was startled to find the same guy peering at me through the glass.

"What the hell is wrong with you"?

He then began strolling around the shelter towards me.

"I'm going to warn you! "Remain. Back."

As I was backing up, I yelled in panic...

I wanted to leave, but I had left my bag at the shelter and couldn't leave without it.

The man suddenly leapt at me, and I fled out of the way.

He landed on his face first.

I halted in amazement as I spotted blood streaming from his face.

I attempted to elicit a response from him, but nothing worked.

I summoned the police and paramedics, who arrived shortly thereafter.

When I told them what had happened, they told me the man was on prescription medicine...

In his wallet, he spotted a photograph of himself and his son.

We assumed that because the child resembled me, he mistook me for him.

I subsequently discovered that he had gone nuts after losing custody of his son in a legal battle.

I never saw him again after he was taken away for treatment.

I quickly obtained my driver's license and have never ridden a bus since.

Moral of the story

**1. Trust Your Instincts:** When faced with unsettling situations, trust your instincts and prioritize your safety. The story underscores the importance of listening to your gut feelings and avoiding potentially dangerous circumstances.

**2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings:** The horror story reminds us to stay vigilant and aware of our surroundings, especially in unfamiliar or isolated locations. Being observant can help us recognize potential dangers and make informed decisions.

**3. Help Others in Need:** The characters in the story might face perilous situations alone, emphasizing the significance of offering assistance to those who are in trouble. Kindness and empathy can go a long way in times of distress.

**4. Don't Disregard Warnings:** The story serves as a cautionary tale about ignoring warnings or signs that something might be wrong. This is a reminder to take potential threats seriously and not dismiss them as mere coincidences.

**5. Communicate and Share Information:** Effective communication can be a lifeline in dire situations. The characters' struggles highlight the importance of sharing information and seeking help from others, especially in times of crisis.

**6. Face Your Fears:** The horror story encourages confronting fears rather than running from them. By facing their fears, characters often find the strength to overcome terrifying circumstances, teaching us to stand up to our own anxieties.

**7. Question Authority:** In the face of danger, it's important to question authority figures or information that might not be trustworthy. The story reminds us to think critically and not blindly follow directives in alarming situations.

**8. Unity in Adversity:** The characters' shared experiences create a bond among them, showing the power of unity in overcoming challenges. This reflects how solidarity can help individuals navigate even the most terrifying situations.

**9. Survival Instincts:** When pushed to their limits, characters tap into their survival instincts, showcasing the innate human drive to protect oneself and persevere through even the most horrifying scenarios.

**10. Learn from Mistakes:** Characters in the story might make choices that lead to dire consequences. This serves as a reminder to learn from mistakes and to consider the potential outcomes of our decisions.

**11. Value the Ordinary:** The ordinary, everyday moments often taken for granted gain a new significance in the context of a horror story. This encourages us to appreciate the simple joys and normalcy of our lives.

**12. Be Prepared for the Unexpected:** Life can take unexpected turns, as seen in the characters' experiences. The story highlights the importance of adaptability and preparedness for unforeseen circumstances.

**13. Consequences of Curiosity:** Curiosity can lead to both discovery and danger. The horror story cautions against blindly pursuing curiosity without considering the potential risks and consequences.

**14. Face Darkness with Light:** In moments of darkness, a glimmer of hope or a small act of kindness can make a significant difference. The characters' struggles show the power of light in dispelling fear and despair.

**15. Trust Is Earned:** Trust should be earned rather than given freely. The story illustrates how characters' trust is tested and how valuable it is to establish trustworthiness in any relationship.

**16. Resourcefulness Matters:** The characters' resourcefulness plays a crucial role in their survival. This highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and utilizing available resources effectively.

**17. Overcoming Isolation:** The horror story emphasizes the emotional toll of isolation and the need for connection with others, even in the most terrifying situations.

**18. Limits of Control:** Despite their efforts, characters might realize they have limited control over their circumstances. This teaches us to acknowledge our limitations and focus on what we can influence.

**19. The Unknown's Allure:** The unknown can be both intriguing and frightening. The story suggests that venturing into the unknown can have unforeseen consequences, prompting us to consider the risks before diving in.

**20. Resilience and Endurance:** The characters' resilience in the face of horror showcases the human capacity to endure and overcome even the most nightmarish situations.

Through its chilling narrative, "A Bus Stop Horror Story" conveys these morals, urging readers to reflect on their own instincts, decisions, and preparedness in challenging situations.


About the Creator

A Jol

"I want to share my experience and create the best story to entertain all of you."

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