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A Broken mirror

Broken mirror

By Hira butt Published about a year ago 3 min read
A Broken mirror
Photo by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. At first, I thought it was a trick of the light or perhaps a smudge on the glass, but as I leaned in closer, I realized that the figure staring back at me was not me at all. It was a twisted, distorted version of myself, with elongated limbs and sunken, hollow eyes.

I stumbled back in shock, but as I did, I noticed something strange happening around me. The room, which had been perfectly still and quiet just moments before, was now alive with movement. Shadows danced along the walls, and the air felt thick and heavy, as though something was pressing down on me from all sides.

I tried to shake off the feeling of unease and turned back to the mirror, hoping to see my own reflection staring back at me. But instead, the figure in the glass grew more and more pronounced, until it seemed to take on a life of its own, moving and writhing in ways that were impossible for any human body to replicate.

I reached out to touch the mirror, half-expecting my hand to pass through the glass and into the strange world that lay beyond. But my fingertips met solid resistance, and as I pulled back, I felt a jolt of electricity course through my body.

It was then that I realized the truth of what I was seeing. The mirror was not just a simple piece of glass, but a portal to another realm, one that was slowly bleeding into our own.

Over the next few days, the strange occurrences around me only grew worse. Objects would move on their own, and whispers could be heard coming from empty corners of the room. At night, I would wake to find the twisted reflection of myself staring back at me from the mirror, its eyes glowing in the darkness like twin orbs of fire.

I tried to ignore the strange happenings, telling myself that it was all just my imagination getting the best of me. But deep down, I knew that something was wrong. The world beyond the mirror was bleeding into our own, and soon there would be no way to stop it.

As the days went on, I found myself drawn more and more to the mirror, unable to resist its pull. I would spend hours staring into the glass, watching as the twisted world beyond slowly seeped into our own.

And then, one day, I found myself unable to turn away. The reflection in the mirror had grown so strong, so real, that I felt as though I was being sucked into it, pulled inexorably toward a world of darkness and pain.

I tried to scream, to claw my way back to reality, but it was too late. The world beyond the mirror had claimed me, and I was lost to its twisted embrace forever.

Now, as I stand on the other side of the glass, I can feel the darkness within me growing stronger with each passing moment. I am no longer human, no longer bound by the laws of this world. I am a creature of the mirror, and I will do whatever it takes to claim more souls for my twisted realm.

So beware, dear reader, for if you ever find a mirror that shows a reflection that isn't your own, know that you are in grave danger. The world beyond the glass is hungry, and it will stop at nothing to claim you for its own so keep your self away from these types of danger


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